RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
65 #define EDID_DATA_SIZE 256
66 #define EDID_MAX_DATA_SIZE 512
dsError_t dsGetVersion(uint32_t *versionNumber)
Get DS HAL API Version.
dsError_t dsGetCPUTemperature(float *cpuTemperature)
This function gets the CPU temperature in centrigade.
enum _dsSleepMode_t dsSleepMode_t
Device Settings HAL types.
dsError_t dsHostTerm()
Terminate the Host sub-system.
dsError_t dsHostInit()
Initialize the Host sub-system.
Device Settings HAL error codes.
dsError_t dsGetHostPowerMode(int *currPower)
Get the current power mode.
dsError_t dsSetVersion(uint32_t versionNumber)
Allows the application to set the runtime version of the dsHAL.
dsError_t dsGetPreferredSleepMode(dsSleepMode_t *pMode)
This function returns the preferred sleep mode which is persisted.
dsError_t dsSetPreferredSleepMode(dsSleepMode_t mode)
This function sets the preferred sleep mode which needs to be persisted.
dsError_t dsGetSocIDFromSDK(char *socID)
This function returns SOC ID.
Device Settings API Error return codes.
dsError_t dsGetHostEDID(unsigned char *edid, int *length)
This function is used to get the host EDID and length.
dsError_t dsSetHostPowerMode(int newPower)
Set the power mode.