RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Reserve Tuner Message

The client uses this message to request, update or renew a reservation. When renewing a reservation, the tunerReservation contains an existing reservationToken and matching values of {device, activity}.
Message format for reserveTuner
"reserveTuner" : {
"requestId" : [String] requestId,
"device" : [String] device,
"tunerReservation" : <TunerReservation>

Fields are defined as follows:
  • requestId : a GUID used to match requests with responses. For every request, the client supplies a requestId corresponding to the response.
  • device : the remote device making the request.
  • reservationToken : If present and valid in <tunerReservation>, the existing reservation will be updated.
  • tunerReservation : details of the requested, renewed or updated reservation. If the tunerReservation contains reservationToken entity, the request is to renew or update an existing reservation identified by the token. Only certain values of tokenReservation can be updated. The field should not be present in the initial ReserveTuner message. The value can only be created by TRM.
  • resurrect : If resurrect flag is on, then the TRM will accept.
Reserve Tuner Response Message

The tuner reservations included in the response are granted reservations. The requesting component (e.g Guide-App or Recorder) must comply with the granted reservations, or update the granted reservations with the actual tuner usage.
Message format:
"reserveTunerResponse" =:
"requestId" : [String] requestId,
"status" : [String] status,
"statusMessage" (optional) : [String] statusMessage
"tunerReservation" : <TunerReservation>
"conflicts" : [ [<TunerReservation>, ...], ...]

Attribute details:
  • requestId : a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) used to match requests with responses. For every request, the client supplies a requestId that it can use to match the corresponding response. For every notification, the sender supplies a requestId.
  • status : is an enumeration of strings indicating the status of the request
  • statusMessage : is a string containing additional information about the status.
  • tunerReservation : the returned/granted reservation. This may or may not exist in the response message depending on the conflict resolution rules used by TRM. If present, its values may be different (in serviceLocator, or in startTime and such) from what are requested. When this field is present and there is no conflicts in the response, the owner of the token must comply with the activity in the response message. When this field is present and there is conflicts in the response, the granted tunerReservation is compatible to those listed in conflicts. The owner of the granted token must either accept the granted resolution as is or resolve the conflict without acting on the granted reservation. After conflict is resolved, and the resolution results in different from the granted reservation, the owner must update the granted token with the new values. When this field is not present, the owner of the token must initiate resolution and then try reservation again.
  • conflicts : an array of existing tuner reservations that is in conflict with the requested reservation.