RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)


RDK Firebolt SDK (previously called RNE) is intended to provide a development environment for applications targeted to run on RDK. Firebolt SDK can be used by application developers to develop HTML5, Spark & Native applications for RDK. The SDK comes with an RDK image which can be loaded on the target platform on which applications can be developed and executed.


 Graphics-lifecycle sample app extends the rne-triangle sample app to support rt and suspend/resume. The following key features are demonstrated:
 Player Sample MSE Player Sample
 The MSE (Media Source Extensions) player sample app demos how to put everything together for a more real world example. The app will show how to build a gstreamer pipeline that can be fed raw H264 and AAC frames asynchronously. The sample content contains three separate fragments of the same video to show how to simulate a seek by flushing the video pipeline and providing new samples at different period in time. The app also uses the essos library which simplifies setting up wayland for graphics and keyboard/remote input. The following key features are demonstrated:
 Sample Graphics Sample
 rne-triangle sample app demonstrates a simple graphics app that uses opengl es and wayland to render a spinning triangle to the screen * The following key features are demostrated:
 Sample Player Sample
 rne-player sample app shows how to build and use a simple gstreamer pipeline that uses westerosink. It will load a movie from a URL, buffer it, and play it back. The following key features are demonstrated: