Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Format your newly created partition with ext3 file system
$ mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1

  • Create a folder for mounting your new partition at /ext_hdd
  • Mount your newly created hard disk partition to /ext_hdd

$ mkdir /ext_hdd

$ mount /dev/hdb1 /ext_hdd

STEP 5: Copy a video file to your file system to be used for emulator video playback.

  • Pre-requisite to the step is assumed that /ext_hdd is already mounted with the external hard disk partition on your emulator VM
  • Copy your video file from your host machine to /ext_hdd folder on the emulator VM 
  • Note: The following command is performed from your Host Machine
$ scp <file_name> root@<your_emulator_vm_ip>:/ext_hdd

Usage Instructions

Logging into your VM

As described in the previous section, you can log in to your emulator VM from your Host Machine using the ssh command.

$ ssh root@x.x.x.x

Testing animation using westeros compositor test application

RDK emulator supports westeros compositor and renderer module as westeros-renderer-gl. Do the following to check westeros animation using westeros_test command line utility.

  • After logging in to the Emulator via ssh, kill the already running compositor application via below command and comment the last line in so that compositor is not started automatically on bootup
Code Block
$ killall westeros

Comment the last line in /usr/bin/ so that compositor is not started automatically on bootup
#westeros --renderer /usr/lib/ --display WPE
  • Restart the Emulator VM
  • Run following commands in terminal for manual starting the westeros compositor application
Code Block
$ mkdir -p /run/user/0
$ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/0/
$ export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/
$ westeros --renderer /usr/lib/ --display WPE
  • Run westeros_test application in another window as given below
Code Block
$ westeros_test

Testing video playback using Gstreamer command line utility

  • Start the westeros compositor application as mentioned before if its not already running.
  • Copy video files to the VM at /hdd path
  • Execute below command(s) to play video
Code Block
$ gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=file:///hdd/<filename>

Testing video streaming using aamp-cli utility

  • Start the westeros compositor application as mentioned before if its not already running.
  • Execute the below command to play clear-stream videos
Code Block
$ aamp-cli <url>
$ aamp-cli