Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


  • Flashing the image

       Image is flashed to SD card before inserting to RPI board.   

    sd-card size requisite

    It is must to have minimal size of 8GB SD-Card for Firmware upgrade Voice plugin support

    Command to flash the image

        Generated image has to be flashed to an SD card using this command in local PC:

    $ sudo dd if=<path to ImageName.rpi-sdimg> of=<path to SD card space> bs=4M


  •  Once remote is connected , we can assign the remote to the device. Click on Assign  button to assign the remote.

RPi - Board :

  • Flash the image supported with voice plugin feature in the RPI board.
  •  Verify whether remote is paired or not using curl command. If paired confirm whether its assigned or not using curl commands. 


curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234567890, "method": "BluetoothRemoteControl.1.address" }' -H 'content-type:text/plain;'

 curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1234567890, "method": "BluetoothControl.1.device@04:EE:03:78:39:DB" }' -H 'content-type:text/plain;'

{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1234567890,"result":{"name":"Notus S1","type":"LowEnergy","connected":true,"paired":true}}root@raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder:~#



Executing System

<Provide detailed information and describe the procedures necessary to access the system. If applicable, include how to get a user ID and log on to the system, as well as the actions a user must take to change and/or reset a password.>

  • System Work Flow

<Describe how system flow is happening mentioning checkpoints which can be verified during flow to ensure system is working as expected>

  • Exiting the System

<Mention the validation artifacts that are essential to ensure the functionality is working as expected. Also any limitation while closing the validation process>

Executing System

Describe the specific system function or feature in detail and depict graphically by including screen prints and descriptive narrative as appropriate. Ensure each screen print is captioned and has an associated tag providing appropriate alternative text

   Press and hold voice button in Tech 4 Home remote and give audio command, like launch CNN. 

   Release the button once audio command is completed.

   Observe the TV monitor to confirm whether CNN is launched as per request.Follow the above for sub feature / use cases


  • If the device is paired with RPI, folder with MAC address of device will be created under Devices directory in BluetoothControl folder. 

root@raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder:~# ls BluetoothControl/Devices/

  • Special Considerations

  • Limitation

Currently voice plugin is working with a specific version  of controller UI.<If applicable, describe any special circumstances, actions, exceptions, etc., that should be considered for troubleshooting.>







<Contact Name>



