• We are trying to run valgrind to check memory leaks on Ccsp components. All other Ccsp components provide debug information except CcspWiFiSsp (ccsp-wifi-agent.bb)
  • Any suggestions on recipe modifications for CcspWiFiSsp to enable valgrind logging and printf.fprintf, stderr logs to console?

  • No labels


  1. Z- Aravind Venugopal,

    Can you please provide us the steps to run valgrind for ccsp components ?

  2. Z-chandra sekhar N

    Depending on the platform you run, you may either enable the valgrind in the Yocto build or use a prebuild valgrind tar ball for your platform( which you can untar to get the valgrind executable and associated libraries and run your required component

  3. Can you mention the steps to integrate valgrind with a new test component ?

    1. Hi Z-Yesha,

      Usually, the steps are

      1. Port valgrind to the platform(if not already available )
      2. Compile the component with debug symbols enabled( ie avoid stripping the component executable/library. alternatively, you may replace the stripped binary with unstripped binary if it is not a read-only image )
      3. Stop the service and start the binary as part of valgrind( just like we load any normal binary using valgrind )
      4. Once you have enough data collected( or observed the issue you were trying to debug ), you may stop it and examine the xml file for details

