we are writing an application that would require a list of devices connected to the RDKB router and if they are currently Online / Offline.
we found that we can achieve this by using dmcli command with arguments: Device.Hosts.Host.<1>.Active like below:

however, we find that, after a device goes offline (say disconnects from the RDKB Wifi), then the status returned from Device.Hosts.Host.<1>.Active is still 'True' and doesn't reflect the actual status of the device.
we observed that, the status remains 'True' for almost 1min-3min and then gets updated to 'False'.

we are working on Raspberry pi reference platform on rdkb-next branch.

the observation is same in case of re-connection as well. the status doesn't change immediately, but takes some time.
is this a known issue?

does RDKB monitor the status of connected devices continously? or is there a way to reduce the time of update by configuring some parameter?