Code Contribution Process

Step 1 : Developer  to create  RDKDEV/RDKBDEV tickets

Step 2 : Developer clones component

Developer clones component repository from Gerrit server into local work space

git clone

Step 3 : Developer works on the change

• The Developer creates a topic branch in the local work area, makes the necessary changes and then squashes the commits prior to pushing for review.

git checkout -b <Branch Name>

Step 4 : Gerrit for review

Developer pushes the new change to Gerrit for review, i.e. to refs/for/master

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

• When interfacing with Gerrit you push to a virtual branch, /refs/for/<branch>, representing "code review before submission to branch".
• Gerrit will subsequently assign a unique URL for the change, to facilitate access and review via the web UI.

Step 5,6,7 :

Review notifications and addition of new reviewers.

Post Checkin process

 Uses TDK for component validation 

Run BlackDuck, copyright scanning and build on code submission.

• If applicable, BlackDuck, copyright scanning and build jobs will be triggered from Jenkins.
• The output of these jobs is integrated into the Gerrit voting process via custom labels and will reflect any 'red flag' in a file that has new code changes, whether introduced in the new Change/Patch Set or      not.

Code review and scoring process

Reviewers can comment on and score a given change.
• The default set of rules for enabling a code change for submission requires a Code Review score of +2 and a +1 score on any mandatory Gerrit labels configured for the project.
• The result of the scoring process and validation rules is to enable the Submit action on the Gerrit Web UI and subsequent merge capability to the target branch.
   +2 Value approval
   ‐2 Do not submit.
  +1 Enables a submit
  ‐1 Block a submit

Step 8,9,10 : Changeset trigger and Verification

Changeset needs to be reworked

git fetch refs/changes/02/2/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD

where the numbering scheme for fetching the changes is as  follows:
refs/changes/<last two digits of change number> <change number> <patch set number>

git commit --amend
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

A new patch set is now appended to the Gerrit review item, and  this will go through the same review process as before.

Gerrit conflict resolution

git checkout -b topic_branch
git fetch refs/changes/58/58/2 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
git rebase origin/master

[Edit the conflicting file, cleaning up the <<<<, ==== >>> markers surrounding the conflicting lines]

git add <file>
git commit --amend
git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

After this change a new patch set is created for the change.

Step 11 : JIRA ticket status update

Step 12 : CMF build & test

Submit change

Abandon change.

Submitted, Merge Pending

Once the changes got merged in CMF, ticket will gets automatically updated with those information.

Code Contribution Process for Components hosted in RDKCentral Github

TODO> Provides the steps and snapshot  of some of the pages

Step 1 : Fork the component from github

to github with your own credentials.

Search for the project.

Fork the project from github. Forking will create a copy(i.e, your own WORKSPACE) of an original project to work.

Step 2 : Clone the project

Click on the "Clone or download" button to get the clone url from github. Ensure your github username present in the url to start work with your own workspace.