We are developing an application that must be launched on startup immediately after the DHCP server has been initialised successfully. We explored the Utopia subcomponent of RDK-B and found that the DHCP server is run through the service_dhcp_server.sh script and not systemd. We were also successful in registering and launching a dummy service (/etc/utopia/registration.d/30_test_service + /etc/utopia/service.d/test_service.sh). 


  1. How do we register a service to run as soon as the DHCP server is initialized successfully? Is it possible to do so without Utopia?
  2. How do we ensure that our service is autostarted? Does the number prefixing the name of the registration executable (e.g., 15_dhcp_server) have any impact? If yes, is there a standard that defines the number to be chosen?