
libcamera is an open source camera stack for many platforms with a core user space library, and support from the Linux kernel APIs and drivers already in place. It aims to control the complexity of embedded camera hardware by providing an intuitive API and method of separating untrusted vendor code from the open source core.libcamera aims to encourage the development of new embedded camera applications by limiting the complexity that developers have to deal with. The interface is designed around the way that modern embedded camera hardware works.

This page dedicated to validating raw video captured using libcamerasrc using gst-launch-1.0 in RPI-3 B+ board using imx219 camera.

libcamera camera stack

The camera stack comprises four software layers. From bottom to top:

libcamera usage

Connecting camera to Raspberry pi board

Refer below link to connect camera to pi board

connecting camera to Raspberry pi board

Build and Flash Procedure

Refer below link to build camera image

RDK-C rdk-next Yocto 3.1 dunfell build for Raspberrypi


1.Stop rms-launcher and mst-launcher using below command(this are temporary procedure to validate raw video content.)
 #systemctl disable rms-launcher
 #systemctl disable mst-launcher
2.Add below lines to /boot/config.txt
3.Save the file and reboot the target.

libcamera video validation procedure


Execute below command inside target.

#gst-launch-1.0 libcamerasrc ! video/x-raw, colorimetry=bt709,format=NV12,interlace-mode=progressive,width=1280,height=720,framerate=15/1 ! videoconvert ! v4l2h264enc ! filesink location=libcamerasrc.h264


copy the libcamerasrc.h264 file to computer(DESKTOP)


play video using vlc player

Demo Video

Known issues(currently worked on)

The libcamera captured video is coming as cropped(zoom) compare to v4l2src
There is crash observed intermediately when camera is  moved