
This document (and attached documents) are intended to capture high level requirements, features, and architecture for AAMP IP Video Engine.

AAMP App Integration: Universal Video Engine (UVE) APIs

AAMP Compatibility & Roadmap

AAMP Configuration Options

AAMP Simulator Build (Linux) Instructions

RDKV Build Instructions (WIP)

AAMP Error Codes (General)

AAMP & FOG Retry / Failover / Timeouts

AAMP Adaptive Bitrate Behavior

AAMP Buffering

AAMP HLS Architecture Overview

AAMP DASH Architecture Overview

AAMP Session Token Flow

AAMP VCR-Style Trickplay using i-frame Track

AAMP Discontinuity and Multi-Period Handling

OTTX Glossary (various security acronyms untangled)

AAMP Gstreamer Integration Overview

AAMP Audio Output Settings

AAMP CDAI Player Switching Overview

AAMP Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)

JavaScript Player Platform

AAMP Coding Guidelines

AAMP MPEG-DASH VSS Deferred Licensing                 

Captions/Subtitles: AAMP (IP Video) & ATSC Text Track Support

Underflow Handling & Stall Detection

AAMP usage of Sec Client / DRM Agnostic Content Metadata

XRE Protocol Specification

IPTV Triage Guidelines

JavaScript Player Platform



IPTV Squads

Verdi Test Content