Before you follow the steps below, make sure you have the Lightning-CLI installed globally on your system

$ npm install -g @lightningjs/cli

Lightning refapp build (dev build) instruction:

  1. pull code from source repo using command $git clone
  2. install the NPM dependencies by running command $npm install
  3. $./
  4. run command $lng dev for testing in browser.
  5. run command $lng dist to make build.

Hosting lighting refapp application:

  1. copy the lighting build app from dist folder.
  2. host build folder into any http server.
  3. test the hosted application in browser with help of url.

Lighting refapp application integration into rdk-generic-hybrid-image-raspberrypi:

  1. login to raspberrypi : $ssh root@<<IP address>>
  2. cd /lib/rdk/
  3. add lighting refapp url into config file.
  4. reboot the box .
  5. lighting application will launch instead of switcher app.

Note: Currently video playback has been verified using mp4 stream