Host Setup

Initilaizing the Build Environment

Note: Cloning the code before login once to, user would get the Authentication error, even though the account is in good standing and has all the required access. Please login to before attempting to clone.

Build Instruction

Follow below build instructions

mkdir <workspace dir>
cd <workspace dir>
repo init -u -m turris-tags/Turris_rdkb_extender_3Aug21.xml -b master

repo sync -j4 --no-clone-bundle
MACHINE=turris-extender source meta-turris/setup-environment build-turris-ext
bitbake rdk-generic-extender-image

The kernel Image and root filesystem will be placed under <workspace dir>/build-turris-ext/tmp/deploy/images/turris-extender

Recent Fixes

Supported Features


Feature Name

1Wi-Fi Extender Use case

Flashing Procedure