Introduction to WebUI

WebUI is a graphical user interface that is available to the connected devices. It acts as an application running on the RDK-B stack and performs the functions of a device management interface similar to TR69 & SNMP. A user can monitor and modify RDK-B feature settings/rules using WebUI. It is a client–server application, client runs in a web browser (as part of devices connected over LAN) and Lighttpd on the RDK-B stack acts as server.

The functions in WebUI are defined in C and are called from PHP using ZEND_API. PHP and the Zend Engine manage [exchange] variables internally over the D-Bus.

As part of TinyRDK initiative, WebUI is developed in Java script using duktape as JavaScript engine with a focus on portability and compact footprint. All php pages will be in Java script. User interface remains the same.

What is duktape and why it is required?

Focus on migration                    

How jst changes are handled in code?

File : meta-rdk/conf/distro/include/
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " webui_jst"

jst file path - /usr/www2
css, img, js, syndication partner logo - /usr/www2/cmn/
set actions are handled in /usr/www2/actionHandler
javascript implementation for php api - /usr/www2/includes/php.jst