
RDK-V IP Client is a IP based Client Set-Top-Box (STB) with RDK 4.0 features which connnects directly with Network Gateways. Targets on Accelerator platforms and utilizes only open-sourced RDK components.

Unused components from MediaClient :

IP STB build is based from medicalient image with out the licensed components and other components which are not required for IP streaming. Some of the components which are removed as of now are,

Host Setup

Refer to the below link for Host Machine Setup

How to Build#SettinguptheHostEnvironment

Yocto Build Setup

All RPi based RDK images with the latest features are from the rdk-next branch

Initializing the Build Environment

To build RDK images from ipstb_bringup branch, follow the below build procedure

mkdir workspace
cd workspace

# initialize the manifest with repo tool 
repo init -u -b dunfell -m rdkv-extsrc.xml
repo sync  -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags

Image build

MACHINE=raspberrypi-rdk-ipmc source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment

bitbake rdk-generic-ipclient-image

Flashing Procedure

The micro SD card should not have any partition while flashing the image. The complete memory of the card should be free.

# Insert the micro SD card to the host system and mention the card's device file name
#The output file (of) is the card's device file name
bzcat <image name> | sudo dd of=/dev/<sd file> bs=4M iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync

System View

JIRA Tracker

Compilation Errors(Now all are resolved)

S.NoComponentRecipeDependent onRemarks
1sysintNo bb fileIt is not yet opensourcedIf added in meta-rdk it is fixed
2sysint-confNo bb fileRemoving from package oss fileBuild is proceeding further
7tr69hostif-devmeta-rdk-video/recipes-thirdparty/tr69hostif/tr69hostif_git.bbBluetooth-mgr -> audiocapture -> iarmargs
8Netsrvmgr-pni-controller, netsrvmgr-pni-settings-loader, netsrvmgr-devmeta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/networkmgr/netsrvmgr_git.bbiarmmgrs
14bluetooth-mgr-devmeta-rdk/recipes-connectivity/bluetooth/bluetooth-mgr_git.bbAudiocapturemgr -> iarmargs
15aampmeta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/aamp/, meta-rdk-ext/recipes-extended/webkitbrowser-plugin/, meta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/injectedbundle/injectedbundle.bbiarmmgrs

17Wpe-webkit-dev, wpe-webkit-web-inspector-plugin, wpe-webkitmeta-rdk-ext/recipes-extended/wpe-webkit/

18audiocapturemgr, audiocapturemgr-devvirtual/media-utils iarmbus iarmmgrsiarmmgrsvirtual/mfrlib
19ttsmeta-cmf-video/recipes-graphics/tts/tts.bbappendwpeframework-clientlibrariessecurity agent library is added to LD flag to fix the issue

removed mediautils

Testing Procedure



root@raspberrypi-rdk-ipmc:~# cat /version.txt 






BUILD_TIME="2021-09-02 10:19:30"

Generated on Thu Sep 02  10:19:30 UTC 2021



  eg :- gst-launch-1.0 playbin uri=aamp:// video-sink=westerossink


Known Issues

S. NoIssuesStatusRemarks
1Unable to pair bluetooth remote via resident appopenBT via controller UI is working as expected
2Wifi connections are unsuccessful via resident appOpenWifi via controller Ui is working as expected
3Playback using aamp-cli is not working as expectedopenplayback is successful, but screen is visible only if we disable residentapp service.
4Board reboot every 30 minutesopen

As work around, comment out On failure from dsmgr.service.

Path : /lib/systemd/system/dsmgr.service

Comment out " OnFailure=reboot-notifier@%i.service"

Jira Ticket:

5CNN application taking to more time to load the application.Sometimes device rebooted when we try to play any content.OpenSimilar behavior is observed in dunfell branch
6Vimeo application taking to more time to load the application.Sometimes device rebooted when we try to play any content. OpenSimilar behavior is observed in dunfell branch

Trouble Shooting