Design considerations:

GW <-> POD1(2VAP {bhaul} + 1 sta) <-> POD2


Ideally, 2 Radio are required.

In Turris Omnia, each radio has capability to support 8 VAPs(for hostapd) + 1 STA(for wpa-supplicant)

Following combinations are tried in RPI target (currently)

With Netgear Wi-Fi dongle, we need to have following arrangement.
wlan0 (in-built) - Not going to be used with OpenSync
wlan1 (1st netgear dongle for 2.4GHz radio) - VAPs: wifi0, wifi2, STA: 1
wlan2 (2nd netgear dongle for 5GHz radio) - VAPs: wifi1, wifi3, STA: 1

Need to have logic in to dynamically configure above VAP interfaces

Need to run hostapd daemon in global mode (with -g), so that wifi interfaces can be attached dynamically.