Benefits of Kirkstone:

      Reference :- 

Kirkstone build instructions for RPI4-32 

 The following commands fetches the source code of Rpi4-32 using repo tool

repo init -u -b feature-kirkstone -m rdkb-extsrc.xml
repo sync --no-tag
MACHINE=raspberrypi4-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
bitbake core-image-minimal

Kirkstone build instructions for RPI4-64

 The following commands fetches the source code of Rpi4-64 using repo tool

repo init -u -b feature-kirkstone -m rdkb-extsrc.xml
repo sync --no-tag
MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
bitbake rdkb-generic-broadband-image

Kirkstone (Yocto 4.0) - User Stories :

RDK-B RPI4 64 bit:

US Numbertitle


Migrate RPI4 64 bit to Yocto 4.0

Manifest changes to support kirkstone

Build Yocto 4 core-image-minimal for RPI 64bit target

Build Yocto 4 rdk-generic-broadband-image for RPI 64bit target

RDK-B RPI4 32 bit:

US Numbertitle

Migrate RPI4 32 bit to Yocto 4.0

Migration Efforts:

Kirkstone (Yocto 4.0) can be built using Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 or 22.04 VMs. All these variants need additional packages to be installed over the vanilla version.

To tackle the build issues from moving one version to another, we have decided to split the problem into different subtasks. So instead of building a complete image at one go, we have planned for the generation of the following images:

These images need to be tested in cmf, to ensure that nothing has broken the existing system.

In order to provide a smooth transition without disturbing the existing branch, we have created a branch called `feature-kirkstone` for non-OE layers and another branch called `rdk/kirkstone` for OE layers and  bitbake.

The Kirkstone specific OE layers:

The machine configuration shall have a distro defined “Kirkstone”

Note: A detailed migration steps will be update before March 02,2023 

Kirkstone migration steps

Additional information for building a project:

   Will be update before March 02,2023.Docker file will also be provided