Released Automatics Protocol Agent Related Test Cases -107
Test Case Type | Total Count |
1 DOT0 | 104 |
3 DOT0 | 3 |
Features Covered
SI NO | Automation ID | Steps | Summary | Release | Contributor | Test Case Type |
1 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1005 | 7 | Verifying the TR-181 Parameter Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10101.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
2 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1006 | 7 | Verifying the TR-181 Parameter Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10102.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
3 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1007 | 7 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10103.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
4 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1008 | 7 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
5 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1009 | 7 | Verifying the TR-181 Parameter Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10002.Security.ModeEnabled | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
6 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1010 | 7 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10003.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
7 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1003 | 1 | Verify the retrieval of webpa version from tr181 parameter | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
8 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1002 | 1 | Test to Verify the Manufacturer serial number using DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB:: docsDevSerialNumber( SNMP MIB. | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
9 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1003 | 1 | Verify the WAN MAC Address using IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1 (. | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
10 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1004 | 1 | Test to Verify the Cable Modem MAC Address using IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.2 (. SNMP MIB. | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
11 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1005 | 1 | Verify the Current software version using DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB::docsDevSwCurrentVers( | Release 1 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
12 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1001 | 10 | Verify system description, Modem Configuration Filename, EMTA Address, Cable Interface MAC Address, Serial Number via SNMP and cross validate with WEBPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
13 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6013 | 1 | Validation of Wi-Fi bridge mode or LAN mode | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
14 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6001 | 1 | Validating SSID of private 5 GHz network is advertised | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
15 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6022 | 1 | Validating SSID of public 2.4 GHz SSID is advertised | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
16 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6024 | 1 | Validating SSID of public 5 GHz SSID is advertised | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
17 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1000 | 2 | Calculating End to End WebPA request Processing Time and Box Processing Time for WebPA Get Operation with Single Param | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
18 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1001 | 2 | Calculate the Average Response Time for five Get parameters Requests in WEBPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
19 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1002 | 2 | Calculate the Average Response Time for ten Get parameter Requests in WEBPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
20 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1003 | 2 | Calculating average End to End WebPA request Processing Time and Box Processing Time for WebPA Set Operation with Single Param | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
21 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1004 | 2 | Calculate the Average Response Time for five Set parameter Request in WEBPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
22 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1005 | 2 | Calculate the Average Response Time for ten Set parameter Request in WEBPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
23 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-5001 | 4 | Verify the Software file name, Server transport protocol, Server address type and Admin status can be retrieved from SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
24 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1006 | 1 | Verification of device Up Time | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
25 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1011 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter - Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.SSID using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
26 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1013 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.SSID using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
27 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1014 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
28 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1016 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10003.SSID using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
29 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1017 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.MACAddress using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
30 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1019 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.MACAddress using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
31 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1020 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.MACAddress using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
32 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1022 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10003.MACAddress using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
33 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1023 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter - Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.Enable using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
34 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1025 | 2 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.Enable using WebPA | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
35 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1030 | 4 | Verification of 2.4Ghz Private wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
36 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1031 | 4 | Verification of 5Ghz Private wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10101.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
37 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1034 | 4 | Verification of 2.4Ghz Public wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10003.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
38 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1035 | 4 | Verification of 5Ghz Public wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10103.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
39 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1026 | 6 | Verify Ethernet Related SNMP | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
40 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1009 | 2 | Verify DOCSIS Signal Quality Extended RxMER Samples Table MIB values and its READ-ONLY attribute | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
41 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1008 | 2 | Verify DOCSIS Signal Quality Extended RxMER Table MIB values and its READ-ONLY attribute | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
42 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1025 | 3 | Validate that the Delegated IPv6 prefix can be retrieved using rdkbRgDeviceConfigStaticIpv6 (. | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
43 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-SIGTONOISE-1021 | 2 | Verify the alues of DOCS-IF-MIB::docsIfSigQSignalNoise in the given MIB range | Release 2 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
44 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1007 | 6 | Verification of DOCSIS Mib functionality | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
45 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-5050 | 32 | Verify Access Points security mode via SNMP parameter | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
46 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1012 | 6 | Verify enabling/disabling bridge mode through SNMP v3 is successful | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
47 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1027 | 12 | Verify the cable modem SNMPv3 parameters from RDK using RFC/XConf (Broadcom RDKB platforms) | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
48 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1013 | 10 | Verify Webpa requests (GET/SET/PUT/POST/DELETE) are working fine and Webpa notifications should be sent successfully to server | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
49 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1021 | 5 | Test to verify removal of telnet daemon | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
50 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1022 | 2 | Validate that the device does not give valid SNMP response for invalid MTA community String | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
51 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1010 | 8 | Verify Configuring the AAA server Primary/Secondary IP address for 2.4 and 5GHz | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
52 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PARALLEL-1006 | 1 | Verify multiple WEBPA requests in parallel | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
53 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1008 | 17 | Verify all reports for Harvester and LMLite are enabled and Verify CcspWebpaadapter responds to WEBPA GET, SET requests. | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
54 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1006 | 6 | Calculate the Average Response Time for two, three and four Get parameter Requests in WEBPA | Release 3 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
55 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1001 | 8 | Verify SNMP get operation for warehouse DOCSIS OIDs and cross-verify the same with its corresponding TR-181 param using WebPA | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
56 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1020 | 11 | Verify firmware download event notifications for invalid build with Manageable notification feature enabled | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
57 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1002 | 9 | verify snmp set for warehouse OID | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
58 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1024 | 3 | Validate that the static IPv4 address can be retrieved using rdkbRgDeviceConfigStaticIp (. | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
59 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1007 | 5 | Verify XDNS Ccspxdns not crashing on overriding default values | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
60 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1014 | 6 | Verify resetting the device through SNMP v3 is successful | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
61 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1012 | 18 | Verify reboot reason notifications sent for different types of reboot | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
62 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1000 | 1 | Verification of Device Serial Number using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
63 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1001 | 1 | Verification of Device Model Name using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
64 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1002 | 1 | Verification of Device Software Version using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
65 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1019 | 15 | Verify firmware download event notifications with Manageable notification feature disabled | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
66 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1018 | 11 | Verify Implementation of new WifiClient data model for harvester under Device.WiFi | Release 4 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
67 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1023 | 9 | Test to verify that the SNMP set/get can be performed successfully using valid MTA community string | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
68 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1005 | 17 | Verify ECM Firmware Upgrade and Factory Reset OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
69 | TC-RDKB-SNMPV3-1001 | 19 | Test to verify snmpv3 migration | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
70 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1006 | 16 | Verify ECM Docs DevSw Admin Status OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
71 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3003 | 12 | Verify the ability to change mode from a/n/ac to ac only, a/n/ac to n only, a-n-ac to n-ac only radio on the 5 GHz radio | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
72 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1007 | 24 | This method verifies whether WiFi objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
73 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1010 | 5 | This method verifies Advanced Management server parameters | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
74 | TC-RDKB-TR69-2001 | 5 | Verify ACS related TR-69 functionality | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
75 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1009 | 10 | Verifies whether WiFi objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
76 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3002 | 6 | Test case is created to check the ability to change mode from g-n to n-only mode on the 2.4 GHz radio | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
77 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1011 | 20 | Verify firmware download event notifications with Manageable notification feature enabled | Release 5 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
78 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1008 | 24 | Verifies whether Wi-Fi SSID objects can be enabled disabled via TR69 | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
79 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1020 | 12 | Test to validate device IP objects against TR69 specifications | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
80 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1021 | 66 | Test to validate Device interface objects as per TR69 specifications | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
81 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1014 | 16 | Test to validate TR69 Wi-Fi radio stats objects as per TR69 specifications | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
82 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1012 | 46 | Validate TR69 Radio objects(General) | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
83 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1018 | 34 | Test to validate the TR69 Wi-Fi SSID objects against TR69 specifications | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
84 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1013 | 60 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
85 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1019 | 32 | Validate TR69 WIFI Access Point objects | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
86 | TC-RDKB-TR69-RBT-1002 | 7 | RDK B Reboot Validation tests using TR69/ACS | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
87 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1016 | 34 | Send WebPA Sync Notification when selected data model parameters are changed | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
88 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1023 | 34 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
89 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1005 | 18 | This method verifies the expected TR69 functionality with default values, changed values and after reboot values of Device Management Server Passwords | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
90 | TC-RDKB-TR69-ETHNT-INTFC-1001 | 15 | Validate ethernet interface entries using Tr69 | Release 6 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
91 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1017 | 48 | Verify the write access of the WiFi AccessPoint objects | Release 7 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
92 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1015 | 12 | Verify the write access of the WiFi radio objects | Release 7 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
93 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1016 | 42 | Verify the write access of the WiFi SSID objects | Release 7 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
94 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1018 | 6 | Test to verify 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz SSID of Private Wi-Fi, Public Wi-Fi and Passphrase of Private Wi-Fi can be retrieved successfully through SNMP v2 Queries | Release 8 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
95 | TC-RDKB-WiFi-SNMP-1031 | 30 | Verify SNMP configuration of Wifi | Release 8 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
96 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1011 | 10 | Validates Naming convention for TR69 parameters | Release 8 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
97 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1017 | 29 | Verify ManagementServer - Basic Parameters | Release 8 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
98 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1009 | 14 | Verify implementation of broadband functionalities for parodus client and Verify implemention of wrp-c library so that WebPA requests can be encoded and decoded | Release 13 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
99 | 3DOT0-TC-RDKB-TR069REMOVAL-1001 | 7 | To check tr069 support is removed for TXB8 | Release 14 | RDKM | 3 DOT0 |
100 | 3DOT0-TC-RDKB-WEBPA_SIZE_CCSP_BUS-1011 | 18 | Verify string size limit increased with CCSP bus enable | Release 16 | RDKM | 3 DOT0 |
101 | TC-RDKB-ST-AUT-5002 | 6 | Test to verify the speed test feature of Broadband device for ipv6 interface | Release 20 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
102 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1004 | 29 | Verify Syndication single Build Local UI and Wifi Personalisation | Release 22 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
103 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATION-LOCAL-WIFI-UI-1006 | 13 | Verify Syndication single Build Local UI and Wifi Personalisation Phase One | Release 22 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
104 | 3DOT0-TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1015 | 5 | Verify weppa set/get | Release 27 | RDKM | 13DOT0 |
105 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_RADIO-1001 | 4 | verify the Ability to disable WiFi Radio through WebGUI | Release 29 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
106 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1006 | 60 | To Verify single Build for Syndication default bootstrap configurations with invalid partner id | Release 29 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |
107 | TC-RDKB-PROCESS_COMPONENT_WEBPA-1000 | 2 | Verify whether WEBPA process is initialized properly | Release 30 | RDKM | 1 DOT0 |