
WebUI is a graphical user interface that is available to the connected devices. It acts as an application running on the RDK-B stack and performs the functions of a device management interface similar to TR69 & SNMP. A user can monitor and modify RDK-B feature settings/rules using WebUI. It is a client–server application, client runs in a web browser (as part of devices connected over LAN) and Lighttpd on the RDK-B stack acts as server. The functions in WebUI are defined in C and are called from PHP using ZEND_API. PHP and the Zend Engine manage [exchange] variables internally over the D-Bus.


This is the architecture of WebUI component.

WebUI component uses HTML and JavaScript on Client side [ browser ] and PHP on Server side [ Lighttpd ]. Zend Engine (ZE) analyses the input code, translates it, and executes it. PHP is functionality of the language (its functions, classes, etc.) and interface is the part that talks to the Web server. "cosa.so" [ ZEND library ] is loaded at runtime using the extension tag in php.ini. In case of Dual core architecture, separate Lighttpd instances run on each core and one will act as a proxy.

Core functions that interact with RDK-B’s components are:

Flow diagram for getStr(Obj):

Flow diagram for setStr(Obj, Value, Flag):