RDK is software stack with  set of components licensed as either open source or under the RDK license. This section details on  RDK component level documentation including interface specifications and high level designs. The document is generated using opensource tool Doxygen.

Opensourced Components

Opensourced components are  generic components distributed through industry standard open source licenses - Apache 2.0.

To see the API documentation of all opensourced component, please click on the link below.
<a href="https://rdkwiki.com/doxygen/rdkv-opensourced/" target="_blank"><b>OpenSource Component Documentation</b></a>

Licensed Components

While most of the RDK components are under Apache 2.0 licenses, a handful of components are distributed under the free RDK License Agreement comes under Licensed Components.

To see the API Documentation of Closed Caption, DVR, RDK Media Streamer, Recorder, SNMP, Servicemanager, please click link below.
<a href="https://rdkwiki.com/doxygen/rdkv-licensed/" target="_blank"><b>Licensed Component Documentation</b></a>