Abbreviation/Acronym | Description |
A2DP | Advanced Audio Distribution Profile |
AAAA | Quad A DNS resource records to hold IPv6 addresses |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding |
AAMP | Advanced Adaptive Media Player - AAMP is an application which uses gstreamer to present IP Video Streams |
ABR | Adaptive Bit Rate |
ABR/ABS | Adaptive bitrate streaming or ABR streaming, sometimes shortened to ABS, is a technique for dynamically adjusting the compression level and video quality of a stream to match bandwidth availability. Older video streaming approaches relied on distributing a fixed bitrate video stream. Both HLS and DASH are ABR based |
Abstraction (Architecture concept) | Well-defined, idealized interface, intended to reduce complexity of layered software systems |
AC3 | Audio Coding 3 |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACR | Alternate Content Router |
ACS | Auto-Configuration Server |
ADM | Ad Decision Manager/Advertising Manager |
ADS | Application Discovery Service |
ADSG | Advanced DOCSIS Settop Gateway |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AKE | Authentication and Key Exchange |
ALG | Application Layer Gateway |
AMR | Asynchronous Message Router |
AMS | Ad Management Service |
ANQP | Access Network Query Protocol |
AP | Access point |
APDU | Application Protocol Data Unit |
API | Application Programming Interface |
App Store (concept within RDK) | A pre-integrated platform of apps available for Operators using the RDK-V platform |
ARFCN | Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ASP | Advanced Support Program |
ATK | Accessibility Toolkit |
ATSC | Advanced Television Systems Committee standards. A set of standards developed by the Advanced Television Systems Committee for digital television transmission over terrestrial, cable, and satellite networks. |
AVE | Adobe Video Engine |
AVRCP | Audio/Video Remote Control Profile |
AVS | Amazon Voice Server |
AWG | Advanced Wireless Gateway |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
Badger | aka $badger, a JavaScript UX library built by OTTX |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy |
BOWS | Business Object Web Service, provisions XSCT to authorize playback |
Brctl | bridge Control |
BSP | Board Support Package |
BSS | Business Support Systems |
BSSID | Basic Service Set Identifier |
CAM | Cable Access Module/Content Access Manager |
CANH | Conditional Access Network Handler for OCAP |
CAS | Conditional Access Server (or System) |
CAT | Conditional Access Table |
CATV | Community Access TV |
CBR | Commercial Business Router |
CCAP | Converged Cable Access Platform - combined CMTS and edge QAM requirements driven partially by space and power efficiency but this also assists with a gradual migration to all IP delivery |
CCI | Copy Control Information |
CCSP | Common Component Software Platform |
CCTV | Closed Caption Television |
CDAI | Client side DAI (Dynamic Ad Insertion) |
CDC | Connected Device Configuration |
CDM | Content Decryption Module. The term comes from the Encrypted Media Extensions Specification (EME). This is a clientside component that provides content protection services to an application, such as generating license requests and performing decryption. |
CDN | Content Delivery Network (also known as Infinity Phase 2 and CCDN) |
cDVR | Cloud DVR. The system that allows customers to view DVR-recorded programs from any IP device such as a computer, phone, or tablet. Digital video recording service via the cloud. Video Compression reduces the data used to encode digital video content. This reduction in data translates to benefits such as smaller storage requirements and lower transmission bandwidth requirements, for a clip of video content |
CE | Customer Edge |
CEA-608 | Standard for Closed Captioning for NTSC TV Broadcast |
CEA-708 | Standard for Closed Captioning for ATSC digital television stream |
CEDIA | Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association |
CEDM | Content Encryption Decryption Module |
Cellular based (4G/LTE, 5G) | Wireless transport method of delivering data (including OTT video) via existing cellular infrastructure for fixed residential use |
CEP | Cable Entry Point |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CHILA | The CableCARD Host Interface Licensing Agreement (CHILA) restricts the technologies that CE companies may use for distributing video from host devices. |
CID | Content Identifier |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format (CIF) is a DASH-like manifest format used to describe the elements, attributes, and values of a transport stream. |
CIFS | Common Internet File System |
CIM | Component Interface Module |
CLD | Color layout descriptor – frame fingerprint. Used in ACR |
CLI | Command Line Interface |
CM | Cable Modem |
CMF | Code Management Facility |
CMTS | Cable Modem Termination Systems |
CNR | Carrier to Noise Ratio |
COAM | Customer owned and maintained |
Cobalt | The codename for the native YouTube app |
COM | Component Object Model |
Compositor | Window and input manager |
COSA | Cisco Open Source Architecture |
CPC | Client Platform Components |
CPE | Customer premise equipment CPE |
CR | Component Registrar |
CRLs | Certificate Revocation Lists |
CRUD | Create, Read, Update, and Delete |
CSP | Communications Service Providers |
CSR | Customer Service Representative |
CWMP | CPE WAN Management Protocol |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog converter / Digital Addressable Controller |
DAI | Dynamic Ad Insertion |
DASH | Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP |
DBS | Direct Broadcast Satellite. Primarily a video delivery method directly to end users via Satellite, but data can be sent as well. |
DCA | Data Collection and Analysis |
DCM | Device Configuration Manager |
DCS | Dynamic Channel Selection |
DDNS | Dynamic Domain Name System |
Demuxer | De-multiplexer |
DES | Data Encryption Standard |
DFS | Dynamic Frequency Selection |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DIAL | Discovery and Launch |
DLNA | Digital Living Network Alliance |
DLNA CVP-1 | DLNA Commercial Video Player |
DMCLI | Database Manager Command Line Interface |
DML | Data Model Management Layer |
DMP | Digital Media Player. This is a DLNA-compliant client device. |
DMS | Digital Media Server. This is a DLNA-compliant server device. |
DNCS | Digital Network Control System - The Cisco Head End main component used by MSOs to provide network services to their customers. |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DOCSIS | Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications |
Dolby MS11 | Dolby Multi Stream Decoder |
DPoE | Docsis Provisioning of EPON |
DPP | Device Provisioning Protocol |
DRM | Digital Rights Management |
DRM | Digital Rights Management - A system for ensuring that content owners' rights are protected for media that is streamed or delivered to clients. |
DS | Device Settings |
DSCP | Differentiated Services Field Codepoints |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSLAM | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexers |
DS-Lite | Dual Stack Lite |
DTCP | Digital Transmission Content Protection |
DTCP-IP | Digital Transmission Content Protection over IP. It provides authentication keys, encryption, copy and usage information to help protect digital assets as they are transmitted over IP networks. |
DTS | Digital Theater Sound |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcast(ing) |
DVS | Descriptive Video Services |
E2E | End To End |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol |
EAS | Emergency/Electronic Alert System. A system designed to inform subscribers that a national emergency is taking place. Also used for local weather alerts. |
EasyMesh | Effort with the goal of a standardization spec intended to allow broadband devices to interoperate within a single mesh network from different manufacturers |
ECB | Ethernet to Coax Bridge |
ECM | Entitlement Control Message |
EDID | Extended Display Identification Data |
E-EMI | Extended Encryption Mode Indicator |
eEP | embedded End Point |
EGL | Native Platform Graphics Interface |
EIT | Event Information Table |
ELAN | Ethernet private LAN |
EME | EME Stands for "Encrypted Media Extensions Specification" and it is specified in the context of web browser. |
eMG | embedded Media Gateway |
EMI | Encryption Mode Indicator |
EMM | Entitlement Management Message. A message sent from the CASMR to a DTA to tell the DTA that a service is authorized or unauthorized. |
Emulator | x86 based implementation of the RDK software stack.attempts to simplify the process of working with the RDK software stack without the need for a reference hardware platform. |
Entitlement service | Provides three primary functions to determine a customer’s rights to receive a service or asset: Entitlement topic data Definition and implementation of business rules related to the entitlement decisions Processing and determination of entitled events. |
EOS | End Of Stream |
EPG | Electronic Program Guide |
EPON | Ethernet Passive Optical Network |
EPS | Evolved Packet System |
eRT | embedded Router |
eSAFE | embeddedService/ApplicationFunctional Entities |
Essos | Abstraction that allows for easy implementation of a compositor |
ETV | Enhanced TV |
E-UTRAN | Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access network |
EWAN | Ethernet WAN |
FA | Fallback Authentication |
FEC | Forward Error Correction - most commonly used in connection with DOCSIS where variable outside plan conditions make robust error detection and correction essential. |
FKPS | Field Key Provisioning System, source of truth for device identity |
FLAPI | Flex API, middleware that sits between Flex & various TPX APIs |
FlashAccess™ | A technology for delivering secure, authorized and content-protected media across a network to a large number of devices. FlashAccess that can be licensed from Adobe Systems |
Flex UI | Shorthand for the Flex Content Discovery UI, which is the main user interaction point, aside from watching video in an app |
Fog | Local IP buffer for time shifting IP Linear content. |
FOG | Module for buffering linear streaming. |
FPD | Front Panel Display |
FPS | Frames Per Second |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTUE/OOBEGstreamer | First-time user experience / Out-of-box Experience, i.e. Initial set up UX |
FWA | Fixed Wireless Access |
GAP | Global application platform |
GAS | Generic Advertisement Service |
Gateway | A device that provides services between two networks. Typical RDK gateways are located in the customer premises, providing services to the devices within the home. |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
git | The git source code repository - see SVN |
GLIB | An open source cross-platform library developed and maintain by the GNOME project that provides APIs for data structures, threaded programming primitives, and IO functions |
GLIBC | A GNU Implementation of the standard C Library |
GOP | Group of Picture used in MPEG2/4 Video data |
GPIO | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPON | Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
Gstreamer | Audio & video pipeline framework used to decode video for playback |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GwProv | Gateway Provisioning |
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer |
Hammer | OTTX JavaScript experience library (subsumes $badger) |
HAT | Hardware Attached on Top |
HDCP | High Definition Content Protection |
HDKb | HTTP Dynamic Streaming Broadcast SDK |
HDMI | High Definition Multimedia Interface |
HDR | High Dynamic Range - In regards to consumer displays, 4K generally equates to a 3840x2160-resolution panel. This means the typical 4K screen will offer 3,840 horizontal pixels and 2,160 vertical pixels. When you multiply these numbers together, you get a panel with more than 8 million pixels. This is four times the pixel density of a traditional 1080p HD panel. |
HDS | HTTP Dynamic Streaming |
HDTV | A digital television standard with four to six times the picture resolution of analog TVs. HDTV, standardized by the Advanced Television Systems Committee in 1996, doubled both vertical and horizontal resolution of analog TV displays, and added CD-quality, digital sound. |
Headless Gateway | A gateway device that does not provide local a UI. |
HEVC | High Efficiency Video Coding |
HID | Human Interface Device |
HLD | High Level Design |
HLS | HTTP Live Streaming |
HMAC | Hash-based message authentication code |
HNAP | Home Network Administration Protocol |
HRV | Host Reset Vector |
HS | Home Security |
HSS | Home Subscriber Server |
HSD | High Speed Data |
HTML5 | Web-based technology allowing for the playback of video/audio/apps without specific development for the platform usedAbstraction (Architecture concept) |
HTTP | Hypertext Trasmission Protocol - the protocol used by Web servers and Browsers on the Internet |
HTTPS | HTTP over SSL - Secure transmission of HTTP that uses th Secure Sockets Layer. |
IARM | Inter-Application Resource Manager. This is the main system bus for Events and Messages in the RDK platform. It implements a Publish-and-Subscribe metaphor. |
ICC | Interface Controller Card |
ICCID | Integrated Circuit Card Identifier |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
IDL | Interface Definition Language |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System |
IGD | Internet Gateway Device Protocol |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identity |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
IoT | Catch-all term for every day devices that can now be internet-connected |
IPC | Interprocess Communication |
IPP | Internet printing protocol. |
IPPV | Impulse Pay-Per-View |
IPsec | Internet Protocol Security |
IPTV | Internet Protocol television. Generally, IPTV is a system that uses Internet protocols to render audio and video. The finer details can change depending on who's using the term. Web nerds who refer to IPTV are usually talking about Web video. In that case, IPTV is a synonym for broadband, streaming, and wireless video. (All About IPTV ). |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
IUCC | IMSI(International Mobile Subscriber Identity) Unauthenticated Ciphering key |
Java | A portable, object-oriented programming language originally developed by Sun MicroSystems. Java programs are executed inside a JVM. |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
JSPP | JavaScript Player Platform |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine. A software container for running Java programs. |
L2TP | Layer Two Tunneling Protocol |
L2VPN | Layer 2 Virtual Private Network |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LED | Light Emitting Diode |
LIBMM | Library for Mobile Modems |
Lightning | JavaScript visualization framework, aka lng |
Lightning SDK | Set of components built in Lightning |
LLDASH | Low Latency DASH. Initiative/Product feature to improve the stream playback as close to the live (~5sec) |
LLID | Logical Link Identifier |
LM | LAN Manager |
LPA | Local Profile Assistant |
lng | Lightning framework |
LSA | Linear Segment Advertising |
LSB | Linux Standard Base |
LTE | Long Term Evolution |
LTSID | Local Transport Stream IDentifier |
LXC | Linux Containers |
MAF | Media Analytics Framework |
MAF | media analytics framework |
MBIM | Mobile Broadband Interface Model |
MBSFN | Multicast-Broadcast Single Frequency Network |
MCC | Mobile Country Code |
MCS | Modulation and Coding Scheme |
MD5 | Message Digest 5 |
MDC | Multicast Data Client |
MDD | MAC Domain Descriptor |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MIMO | MDD IP Mode Override |
MLD | Multicast Listener Discovery |
MM | Mobility Management |
MME | Mobility Management Entity |
MNC | Mobile Network Code |
MNO | Mobile Network Operator |
MoCA | Multimedia over Coax Alliance, MoCA is a standards organization that supports a technology to provide the backbone for home digital entertainment networks. |
Modem– portmanteau of “Modulator/Demodulator” | Device located at the customer premise to connect local LAN to RF modulated access network. Provides the actual connection to the outside internet. |
MP1 | MPEG-1 AudioLayer I, commonly abbreviated to MP1 |
MPEG2TS | MPEG2 Transport Stream |
MPEG-TS | Motion Pictures Expert Group Transport Stream |
MPTS | Multi Program Transport Stream |
MSE | Media Source Extension |
MSE/EME | EME is based on the HTML5 Media Source Extensions (MSE) specification, which enables adaptive bitrate streaming in HTML5 using e.g. MPEG-DASH with MPEG-CENC protected content. |
MSISDN | Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number |
MSO | Multi system operator-Industry term indicating a cable provider that owns and operators more than one system or group of systems. |
MSM | Mobile Station Modem |
MTA | Media Terminal Adapter |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
MVPD | Multichannel video providers |
NAS | Network Attached Storage / Non-Access Stratum |
NAT | Network address translation |
Native Application | Typically an application which is written for the operating system of a receiver (set-top-box) rather than the middleware standard that may also be running on the receiver. ETV User Agents are implemented as native applications. (Source: Unisoft) . What is a Native App? |
NB | Northbound |
NC | Network Coordinator |
NCS | Network Call Signalling |
nDVR | Network-Based Digital Video Recording |
NIT | Network Information Table. The Table ID extension is used to identify the available transmission networks together with a directory listing of transport streams and their originating network operator with descriptors listing the modulation and source of those streams. |
NMS | Network Management System |
NP | Network Processor |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NTS | Near Term Storage |
NTT | Network Text Table |
NVM | Non-Volatile Memory |
NVOD | Near Video On Demand |
NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random Access Memory |
OAM | Operations, Administration and Maintenance |
OAM&P | Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning |
OCAP | Open Cable Application Platform for delivering applications and services on an RF network. |
OCAP-RI | OpenCable Application Platform Reference Implementation |
OCDM | Open Content Decryption Module |
OCF | Open Connectivity Forum |
OCI | Operations Chronic Issue |
ODID | On Demand (session) Identification |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer. An OEM manufactures devices that may be sold in the market under a variety of brand names. |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OIC | Open Interconnect Consortium |
OID | Object Identifier |
OLT | Optical Line Terminal |
ONT | Optical Network Termination |
ONU | Optical Network Unit |
ONUID | Unique physical ONU identification number |
OOB | Out-Of-Band |
OOBE | Out of box experience, see FTUE |
OP | Operating Procedure (Management System) |
Open GL | Open Graphics Library - A low-level graphics toolkit that allows lines, shapes, text and other basic graphics elements to be rendered on screen. |
Open GL/ES | OpenGL for Embedded Systems- a subset of OpenGL designed for embedded systems. |
OpenCDM | Open Content Decryption Module |
OpenCDN | A multi-site CDN implementation utilizing cache servers in strategic locations |
OpenSync | Carrier-grade open-source software acting as the connection between in-home hardware devices and the cloud managing them. |
OpEx | Operations Expenditure |
ORC | Orchestration |
OSD | On Screen Display/Diagnostic |
OSMF | Open Source Media Framework |
OSP | Online Services Platform |
OSS | Open-Source Software |
OSS | Operational support systems |
OSU | Online Sign up |
OTA | Over the Air |
Other user-apps | Smarthome, Network apps, Account management apps |
OTT | Over The Top |
OUI | Organizationally Unique Identifier |
OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project |
P2P | Peer-to-Peer |
PA | Protocol Agent as in Snmp PA and TR069 PA |
PAN | Personal Area Network as specified in IEEE 802.15.4 |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PandM | Provisioning And Management |
PAR | Performance, Availability, Reliability |
PAT | Program Association Table |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation |
PCP | Protected Content Packet |
PCR | Program Clock Reference |
PDN | Packet Data Network |
PDU | Power Distribution Unit |
PE | Provider Edge |
PES | Packetized Elementary Stream per [ISO/IEC 13818-1] |
PGM | Pragmatic General Multicast / Pretty Good Multicast |
PGW | Packet Data Network Gateway |
PHY | Physical Layer |
PID | Program (or Packet) Identifier per [ISO/IEC 13818-1] |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information (e.g. email address). This is information for which some form of security proceedures or cautions should probably be taken. This information can occasionally be encrypted at rest. |
PING | Packet InterNet Groper |
PKCS | Public-Key Cryptography Standard |
PlayReady™ | A DRM technology framework that can be licensed from Microsoft for streaming media using Digital Rights Management. |
PLMN | Public Land Mobile Network |
PMT | Program Map Table |
POD | Password Of the Day |
PoE | Power over Ethernet |
PON | Passive Optical Network |
PPPoE | Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet |
PPTP | Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol |
PPV | Pay-Per-View |
PR | Package Release (Yocto) |
Premium apps | RDK-V implemented user-apps that allow for the playback of content from said subscription and free services |
PSC | Packaging Scripts |
PSI | Program Specific Information |
PSM | Persistent Storage Manager |
PSN | Processor Serial Number |
PTS | Presentation Time Stamp |
PVID | Port VLAN identifier |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation - a QAM is used to convert a digital singal into an analog RF (radio Frequency) signal for transmission on a cable network. |
QEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
QMUX | QMI Multiplexing |
QOS | Quality of Service |
QPSK | Quadature Phase-Shift Keying - A digital modulation technique which changes the phase of the reference signal or carrier wave using four phases. US cable headends often use QPSK modulation for the out-of-band channel. |
Qt ("Cute") | An open source, widely used windowing famework used by the RDK |
RADD | Remote Addressable DANIS (Digital Addressable Network Interface Server) DLS (Download Server) |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service |
RAT | Radio Access Technology |
RBI | Receiver Based Insertion |
RCDL | RDK Code Download |
RCS | Regional Control System |
RDK | Reference Design Kit |
RDK Central | The publicly available website for RDK |
RDK Shell | Window manager |
RDK Wiki | A wiki for RDK developers to access RDK related information, support, forums and content. |
RDM | Remotely downloadable module |
Resident App | The "main" app that RDK runs on launch. Handles initialization flows, acts as an app manager, and provides system-wide UIs such as settings, etc. |
REST | Representational State Transfer |
RF4CE | Radio Frequency for Consumer Electronics |
RFC | Remote Feature Control |
RG-FWA | Residential Gateway-Fixed Wireless Access |
Rialto | video player |
RIB | Routing Information Base |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RMF | RDK Media Framework |
RMF Media Streamer | Component of RMF |
RMNET | Remote Network Driver Interface Specification |
RMS | Reboot Management System |
RNE | RDK Native Environment SDK (RNE) is intended to provide a development environment for applications targeted to run in RDK environment |
Router | Routes data between the modem’s outside connection (WAN), within the home (LAN) |
RPC | Remote Procedure call |
RPD | Routing protocol process |
rpi | Raspberry Pi. Commercial off the shelf - Open-source, Linux-based single board micro-computer with a low price point |
RR | Radio Resource |
RSRP | Reference Signal Received Power |
RSRQ | Reference Signal Received Quality |
RSSI | Relative Signal Strength Indicator |
RTCP | Real Time Control Protocol |
RTE | Real Time Encoding |
RTP | The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) defines a standardized packet format for delivering audio and video over the Internet. RTP is used extensively in communication and entertainment systems that involve streaming media, such as telephony, video teleconference applications and web-based push to talk features. For these it carries media streams controlled by H.323, MGCP, Megaco, SCCP, or Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signaling protocols, making it one of the technical foundations of the Voice over IP industry.RTP is usually used in conjunction with the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). While RTP carries the media streams (e.g., audio and video) or out-of-band signaling (DTMF), RTCP is used to monitor transmission statistics and quality of service (QoS) information. When both protocols are used in conjunction, RTP is usually originated and received on even port numbers, whereas RTCP uses the next higher odd port number. |
RTSP | Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network control protocol for use in entertainment and communications systems to control streaming media servers. The protocol is used to establish and control media sessions between end points. Clients of media servers issue VCR-like commands, such as play and pause, to facilitate real-time control of playback of media files from the server. |
RUI | Remote User Interface |
SAM | Service Activation Model |
SAP | Secondary Audio Programming |
SAS | Service Activation System |
SAT | Site Acceptance Test |
SAX | Simple API for XML |
SB | Southbound |
SCM | Set-top Configuration Manager |
SCTE | Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers |
SCTE 35 | ad replacement standard for linear and ABR formats |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDS | Software Design Specification |
SDTV | Standard Definition Television |
SDV | Switched Digital Video |
SEM | SmartStream Encryptor Modulator |
SFP | Stream Flight Planner |
SG | Service Group |
SGW | Serving Gateway |
Shaka | popular web based media player – used for A-B tests with AAMP |
SHO | Super Hub Office |
SI | System Information |
SIK | Self Install Kit |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol |
SLA | Service Level Agreements |
SLE | Single live event. Streaming of a live event like football game, which can later become VOD |
SM | Service Manager |
SMA | SubMiniature version A |
SMB | Small To Medium-Sized Businesses |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol is an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks. |
SNR | Signal Noise Ratio |
SOA | Start Of Authority - a type of record in a DNS |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
SoC | System On Chip - Embedded Hardware providing the basis for OEMs to build devices – RDK-V, B and C |
SPP | Serial Port Profile |
SPTS | Single Program Transport Stream |
SRM | Session and Resource Manager |
SSH | Secure Shell - a UNIX-like command shell that uses SSL to encrypt all the network traffic for secure access to a command line on a remote server. |
SSID | Service Set Identifier |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer - A common technology used to encrypt network traffic for tramsission over TCP/IP networks. |
SSP | Synchronous Serial Port |
Stable Release | As RDK develops, quarterly releases will branch. Each release branch will be designated into release candidates. |
STB | Set-Top Box |
STC | System Time Clock |
Storm | Automated testing framework for WPE devices |
STP | Spanning Tree Protocol |
STT | System Time Table |
STUN | Session Traversal Utilities through Network Address Translators (NATs) |
Subtec | subtitles rendering app |
SVC | Sub-Band Coding |
S-VCT | Short-form Virtual Channel Table |
SVN | The Subversion (Source Code Repository) - see git |
SVP | Secure Video Path |
TAD | Test And Diagnostic |
TCP/UDP | Transmission Control Protocol/ User Datagram Protocol |
TCs | Test Cases |
TDK | One Test Engine to test all flavors of RDK. Component testing and Interface testing of RDK Modules, Integration testing of generic RDK scenarios. |
TDM | Test And Diagnostic Manager/Time Division Multiplexing |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
Thor | Comprehensive Flex JS experience layer, includes Lightning, Hammer, and other APIs |
Thunder | Native C application framework from WPE, with a native plugin model for customization |
Thunder Plugins | A collection of bundled plugins that come with WPE |
Thunder.js | JavaScript API façade to the native Thunder APIs |
Title VI | Title Six calls for Closed Captioning of Public Service announcements. This is typically a transcription of the audio portion of a program. |
TKIP | Temporal Key Integrity Protocol |
TLS | Transport Layer Security |
TLV | Type Length Value |
TOS | Type of Service |
TR-069 | Defines an application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices (or) A protocol messaging system for communication between cloud server and client devices. Please click here. |
TR-181 | Device data model used by protocols such as TR-069 and WebPA to communicate telemetry. Please click here. |
Trick Play | Trick Play or Trick Mode refers to standard user playback actions coming from a viewer's remote control. Fast-forward (FF), REwind (RW), Pause, etc. |
Tru2Way | Interactive digital cable services delivered over the cable video network. Tru2way is sometimes called OCAP. |
TSB | time shift buffer |
TTL | Time-to-live |
TTML | Timed Text Markup Language |
TTS | Text to Speech |
TTS | TransportStream Time Stamp |
UART | Universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter |
UICC | Universal Integrated Circuit Card |
UIM | Universal Integrated Circuit Card [UICC] Interface Module |
UIM | User Identity Module |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
UNI | User Network Interface |
UPnP | Universal Plug and Play. This is a network protocol for broadcasting and discovering services on the network. It allows devices to find services or ro announce that they are providing services. |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier - a compact string of characters for identifying an abstract or physical resource. |
USG | UniFi Security Gateway |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time, Unified Transaction Completion |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
UVE | Unified Video Engine |
UX | User Experience |
VBN | Virtual Beta Network |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate |
VCN | Virtual Channel Number |
vCPE | Virtual CPE |
VEip | Virtual Ethernet interface point |
VHO | Video Hub Office |
Video Accelerator | Platform(s) to rapidly develop, test and Delivery with RDK |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
VOD | Video on demand. (VOD content) (IVOD) Instant video on demand |
Voice-search and navigation | Voice-based interface for interacting with compatible STBs |
VoIP | Voice Over Internet Protocol |
VoLTE | Voice over LTE(Long Term Evolution) |
VPC | Video Path Control |
VPOP | View Primary Output Port |
VQM | Video Quality Monitoring |
VSS | Video System Services |
w3c | W3C Consortium - An organization formed to develop common protocols to ensure interoperability and promote the World Wide Web. (Source: Unisoft) |
Wayland | Specification protocol used by the compositor |
WDS | Wireless Distribution System |
WebDAV | Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning |
WebPA | Web-based Protocol Agent |
WebRTC | Web Real-Time Communication |
WebVTT | Web Video Text Tracks Format |
WECB | Wireless Ethernet Coax Bridge |
WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy |
Westeros | Compositor based on Wayland |
Westeros/Essos/Wayland | Graphics UI framework used in RDK |
Weston | Compositor based on Wayland |
WHiX | Wifi Happiness Index |
Widevine | Widevine, as an opensource DRM solution, provides cost savings over Adobe DRM. Used with DASH. |
WLAN | Wireless LAN |
WMM | Wi-Fi Multimedia |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access |
WPE | Web Platform for Embedded: Lightning, Thunder, WebKit Browser, Gstreamer, and Thunder Plugins |
WPS | WiFi Protected Setup |
WRP | Web Routing Protocol |
WSS | Web Socket secure |
WWAN | Wireless Wide Area Network |
X11 | X Windowing System |
XConf | X1 Configuration Manager |
XMPP | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol |
YAJI | Yet Another JSON Iterator - an Open Source JSON parser used in the RDK Stack. |