
Data Collection and Analysis (DCA) is responsible for collecting the data from various log files and send to server. The script dca_utility.sh is in place on the set-top box. Based on the DCM response it will create a cron job in the settop box.

*/20 * * * * nice -n 20 sh /lib/rdk/dca_utility.sh 1

This cron job will send out the JSON message with the level one parameter values to the splunk server.

There are 3 level of loggins message and upload to the server. Using S3 as the log back end for second and third level logging.

Architectural diagram

Message Format from Settop  Box

{"searchResult":[{"Total Space available":"30"},{"Heartbeat":"61"},{"Success tune":"280"},{"Failure tune":"0"},{"mac":"14:D4:FE:65:A9:81"},{"Version":"PX001AN_VBN_master_HYB_021622172015_PBTsd_RTT"}]}

9 * *
2 * *

STB Script Design

Script will create temporary files split from the logs based on the seek value(Which keeps track of the point till we have looked in the logs). Once the strings are looked in the temporary file the script deletes the temporary file from the settop box. All the string/SNMP queries that settop box has to monitor is derived from the DCM response. 

API Documentation 

 To know more about SoC/Application level APIs details use in RDK, refer the link  DCA API Documentation