This section is intended to help SoC/ OEM vendors to integrate RDK's Yocto framework to their platform.

A basic description about SoC and OEM layers can be found here: Yocto layers

SoC layer design guidelines

OEM layer design guidelines

Guideline to create OEM specific images

All the work needs be done only in the meta-rdk-oem layer

Write a recipe <oem> under recipes-tools to copy all the tools, binaries and scripts needed to create custom oem image to the staging binary directory

Adding a new SoC/OEM to RDK

Adding a new machine to the Yocto Project is a straightforward process which involves following steps:

Creating the new SoC/OEM Layer

Use the yocto-layer create sub-command to create a new general layer.

There shall be separate device (machine)  configuration file (.conf) for each device for the particular chip family for which the layer is intended for

The device (machine) configuration file shall include corresponding include (.inc) file to get machine configuration details.

Adding the Machine Configuration File

To add a machine configuration, you need to add a .conf file with details of the device being added to the conf/machine/ file.
The most important variables to set in this file are as follows:

You might also need these variables:

The default configuration are defined in meta-rdk/conf/distro/rdk.conf and it should be overwritten by the machine specific conf file.
For example, meta-rdk-oem-<>/meta-<>/conf/machine/include/<>.inc

Adding a Kernel for the Machine

The OpenEmbedded build system needs to be able to build a kernel for the machine. We need to either create a new kernel recipe for this machine, or extend an existing recipe. There are several kernel examples in the Source Directory at meta/recipes-kernel/linux that can be used as references.
If you are creating a new recipe, following steps need to be done:

If you are extending an existing kernel, it is usually a matter of adding a suitable defconfig file. The file needs to be added into a location similar to defconfig files used for other machines in a given kernel.
A possible way to do this is by listing the file in the SRC_URI and adding the machine to the expression in COMPATIBLE_MACHINE:

Adding recipes for SoC/OEM

The following kind of recipes can be added to SoC/OEM layer. The recipes shall be grouped as described in slide “BSP Reference Layer”

Creating packages for building images

Bitbake work-flow