I have been putting my hands on the emulator (RDK 2.0) and the browser is not printing the Javascript messages, including console.log() or Javascript error messages. Currently, I am trying to find the messages on the stdout of the browser execution.

So  I would like to know if it is being printed in another place? If yes, where?


Additional info:

The source file of the rdkbrowser at this location (https://svn3.teamccp.com/svn/rdk/rdk/releases/generic/components/comcast/rdkbrowser/trunk/rdkbrowser.cpp) explicitly addresses this question with the class JSLoggingWebPage. However, the patch introduced in the rdkemulator for the rdkbrowser (https://svn3.teamccp.com/svn/rdk/rdk/releases/devices/intel-x86-pc/comcast/rdkbrowser/trunk/rdkbrowser.patch) deletes this code.


Thank you for your attention