
RDK SI Cache Converter is a tool to convert the the given SI Cache file from binary to XML format or vice versa based on the specified mode. This tool helps to enhance the existing channel map to support the development activities at locations where Comcast head-end connectivity is not available. This tool uses Libxml2 XML toolkit ( for all XML related operations.

Operation modes:


Command to generate binary SI cache from given XML file:
./generate_si_cache -mode xtob -input si.xml -output SICache

Command to generate both binary SI cache and binary SNS cache from given XML file"
./generate_si_cache -mode xtob -input si.xml -sioutput SICache -snsoutput SNSCache 

Command to generate XML file from binary SI cache
./generate_si_cache -mode btox -input SICache -output si.xml

Command to dump channel map from binary SI cache to console
./generate_si_cache -mode dump -input SICache 


A utility for enabling and disabling HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection). 

tenableHDCP application will read HDCP keys via the MfrLib and calls Device Settings to enable HDCP.