
The CMF Team maintain an RDK-M Jenkins instance where members of the RDK-M Team can

  • Access utilities and tools for
    • Creating Image Download Links
    • Getting list of changes between
      • Branches
      • Builds
    • Reserve a CMF Build Slave for performing builds
    • Perform platform builds (access controlled)
    • Perform manual verification builds
    • https://jenkinsrdkm.cmf.code.rdkcentral.com/view/utils/ 
      Utility Job Description
      Reserve a CMF build slaveutils-reserve-slaveThis job reserves a manual build slave, see 

      RDK CMF Build Slave Access

      List Branch Changesutils-list-branch-changesGenerate a list of changes between any two branches
      List Build Changesutils-build-compareGenerate a list of changes between any two builds
      Generate a download link for a community jenkins buildutils-download-url-generatorCreate a download link for a build from community jenkins, you need the build name and number. Multiple email recipients can be added.

      Generate a download link for Amlogic jenkins build

      utils-aml-download-url-generatorCreate a download link for a Amlogic build, you need the build name and number. Multiple email recipients can be added. Restricted to collab_amlogic_users LDAP Group
      Generate a download link for a Realtek jenkins buildutils-rtk-download-url-generatorCreate a download link for Realtek build, you need the build name and number. Multiple email recipients can be added. Restricted to collab_realtek_users LDAP Group
      Generate a download link for a Broadcom jenkins buildutils-bcm-download-url-generatorCreate a download link for a Broadcom, you need the build name and number. Multiple email recipients can be added. Restricted to Broadcom_Video_RDKM LDAP Group

Platform Builds (RDK-V)

The following jobs can be used to perform platform builds on any branch, you can also select whether to sanity test the build, create a download link for your build and who to sent the build to.

These builds jobs are available from the utils view.

Note you will only see the build if you are in the correct LDAP group and have permissions to view and run it.


Build JobLDAP GroupPlatform
community-platform-build-rdkv-amlogic-ah212-ipstb-flowcollab_amlogic_users Amlogic AH212
community-platform-build-rdkv-amlogic-at301-ipstb-flowcollab_amlogic_users Amlogic AT301
community-platform-build-rdkv-amlogic-skyworth-va-ipstb-flowcollab_amlogic_users Skyworth VA (Amlogic)
community-platform-build-rdkv-realtek-va-ipstb-flowcollab_realtek_usersRealtek Reference
community-platform-build-rdkv-realtek-sercom-va-ipstb-flowcollab_realtek_usersSercomm VA (Realtek)
community-platform-build-rdkv-bcmref-va-126-ipstb-flowBroadcom_Video_RDKM BCM 72126 Reference

RDKM Jenkins Access

RDK-M team members have automatic access provided they are members of the RDKM_Team LDAP group and are on the Comcast Full VPN

Login is your rdkcentral account

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