RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world. More...
#include <priv_aamp.h>
Data Structures | |
class | PositionCache |
A standard way of storing positions with associated data for validation purposes. More... | |
class | PositionInfo |
A readonly, validatable position value. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
ProfilerBucketType | GetProfilerBucketForMedia (MediaType mediaType, bool isInitializationSegment) |
Get profiler bucket type. More... | |
void | Tune (const char *url, bool autoPlay, const char *contentType=NULL, bool bFirstAttempt=true, bool bFinalAttempt=false, const char *sessionUUID=NULL, bool audioDecoderStreamSync=true) |
Tune API. More... | |
void | ReloadTSB () |
API Used to reload TSB with new session. More... | |
void | TuneHelper (TuneType tuneType, bool seekWhilePaused=false) |
The helper function which perform tuning Common tune operations used on Tune, Seek, SetRate etc. More... | |
void | TeardownStream (bool newTune) |
Terminate the stream. More... | |
void | SendMessageOverPipe (const char *str, int nToWrite) |
Send messages to Receiver over PIPE. More... | |
LangCodePreference | GetLangCodePreference () |
Get Language preference from aamp.cfg. More... | |
bool | SetupPipeSession () |
Establish PIPE session with Receiver. More... | |
void | ClosePipeSession () |
Close PIPE session with Receiver. More... | |
void | SendMessage2Receiver (AAMP2ReceiverMsgType type, const char *data) |
Send message to reciever over PIPE. More... | |
bool | PausePipeline (bool pause, bool forceStopGstreamerPreBuffering) |
To change the the gstreamer pipeline to pause/play. More... | |
ProfilerBucketType | mediaType2Bucket (MediaType fileType) |
Convert media file type to profiler bucket type. More... | |
void | SetTuneEventConfig (TunedEventConfig tuneEventType) |
to set the vod-tune-event according to the player More... | |
TunedEventConfig | GetTuneEventConfig (bool isLive) |
void | UpdatePreferredAudioList () |
to update the preferredaudio codec, rendition and languages list More... | |
unsigned char * | ReplaceKeyIDPsshData (const unsigned char *InputData, const size_t InputDataLength, size_t &OutputDataLength) |
Replace KeyID from PsshData. More... | |
bool | hasId3Header (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) |
Check if segment starts with an ID3 section. More... | |
void | ProcessID3Metadata (char *segment, size_t size, MediaType type, uint64_t timestampOffset=0) |
Process the ID3 metadata from segment. More... | |
void | ReportID3Metadata (MediaType mediaType, const uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t len, const char *schemeIdURI=NULL, const char *id3Value=NULL, uint64_t presTime=0, uint32_t id3ID=0, uint32_t eventDur=0, uint32_t tScale=0, uint64_t tStampOffset=0) |
Report ID3 metadata events. More... | |
void | FlushLastId3Data (MediaType mediaType) |
Flush last saved ID3 metadata. More... | |
void | CurlInit (AampCurlInstance startIdx, unsigned int instanceCount=1, std::string proxyName="") |
Curl initialization function. More... | |
void | SetTunedManifestUrl (bool isrecordedUrl=false) |
Sets Recorded URL from Manifest received form XRE. More... | |
const char * | GetTunedManifestUrl () |
Gets Recorded URL from Manifest received form XRE. More... | |
void | SetCurlTimeout (long timeout, AampCurlInstance instance) |
Set curl timeout(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT) More... | |
void | SetManifestCurlTimeout (long timeout) |
Set manifest curl timeout. More... | |
void | StoreLanguageList (const std::set< std::string > &langlist) |
Storing audio language list. More... | |
bool | IsAudioLanguageSupported (const char *checkLanguage) |
Checking whether audio language supported. More... | |
void | CurlTerm (AampCurlInstance startIdx, unsigned int instanceCount=1) |
Terminate curl contexts. More... | |
AampCurlInstance | GetPlaylistCurlInstance (MediaType type, bool IsInitDnld=true) |
GetPlaylistCurlInstance - Function to return the curl instance for playlist download Considers parallel download to decide the curl instance. More... | |
bool | GetNetworkTime (enum UtcTiming timingtype, const std::string &remoteUrl, long *http_error, CurlRequest request) |
Download a file from the server. More... | |
bool | GetFile (std::string remoteUrl, struct GrowableBuffer *buffer, std::string &effectiveUrl, long *http_error=NULL, double *downloadTime=NULL, const char *range=NULL, unsigned int curlInstance=0, bool resetBuffer=true, MediaType fileType=eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT, long *bitrate=NULL, int *fogError=NULL, double fragmentDurationSec=0, class CMCDHeaders *pCMCDMetrics=NULL) |
Download a file from the CDN. More... | |
const std::string & | getUUID () const |
char * | GetOnVideoEndSessionStatData () |
Download VideoEnd Session statistics from fog. More... | |
bool | ProcessCustomCurlRequest (std::string &remoteUrl, struct GrowableBuffer *buffer, long *http_error, CurlRequest request=eCURL_GET, std::string pData="") |
Perform custom curl request. More... | |
const char * | MediaTypeString (MediaType fileType) |
get Media Type in string More... | |
char * | LoadFragment (ProfilerBucketType bucketType, std::string fragmentUrl, std::string &effectiveUrl, size_t *len, unsigned int curlInstance=0, const char *range=NULL, long *http_code=NULL, double *downloadTime=NULL, MediaType fileType=eMEDIATYPE_MANIFEST, int *fogError=NULL) |
Fetch a file from CDN and update profiler. | |
bool | LoadFragment (class CMCDHeaders *pCMCDMetrics, ProfilerBucketType bucketType, std::string fragmentUrl, std::string &effectiveUrl, struct GrowableBuffer *buffer, unsigned int curlInstance=0, const char *range=NULL, MediaType fileType=eMEDIATYPE_MANIFEST, long *http_code=NULL, double *downloadTime=NULL, long *bitrate=NULL, int *fogError=NULL, double fragmentDurationSec=0) |
Fetch a file from CDN and update profiler. | |
void | PushFragment (MediaType mediaType, char *ptr, size_t len, double fragmentTime, double fragmentDuration) |
Push fragment to the gstreamer. | |
void | PushFragment (MediaType mediaType, GrowableBuffer *buffer, double fragmentTime, double fragmentDuration) |
Push fragment to the gstreamer. | |
void | EndOfStreamReached (MediaType mediaType) |
End of stream reached. More... | |
void | EndTimeReached (MediaType mediaType) |
Clip ended. More... | |
void | InsertAd (const char *url, double positionSeconds) |
Insert ad content. More... | |
void | AddEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener) |
Add listener to aamp events. More... | |
void | RemoveEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener) |
Deregister event lister, Remove listener to aamp events. More... | |
bool | IsEventListenerAvailable (AAMPEventType eventType) |
IsEventListenerAvailable Check if Event is registered. More... | |
void | SendErrorEvent (AAMPTuneFailure tuneFailure, const char *description=NULL, bool isRetryEnabled=true, int32_t secManagerClassCode=-1, int32_t secManagerReasonCode=-1, int32_t secClientBusinessStatus=-1) |
Handles errors and sends events to application if required. For download failures, use SendDownloadErrorEvent instead. More... | |
void | SendDRMMetaData (DrmMetaDataEventPtr e) |
Send DRM metadata event. More... | |
void | SendDrmErrorEvent (DrmMetaDataEventPtr event, bool isRetryEnabled) |
Handles DRM errors and sends events to application if required. More... | |
void | SendDownloadErrorEvent (AAMPTuneFailure tuneFailure, long error_code) |
Handles download errors and sends events to application if required. More... | |
void | SendAnomalyEvent (AAMPAnomalyMessageType type, const char *format,...) |
Sends Anomaly Error/warning messages. More... | |
void | SendBufferChangeEvent (bool bufferingStopped=false) |
Sends UnderFlow Event messages. More... | |
bool | GetBufUnderFlowStatus () |
void | SetBufUnderFlowStatus (bool statusFlag) |
void | ResetBufUnderFlowStatus () |
void | SendEvent (AAMPEventPtr eventData, AAMPEventMode eventMode=AAMP_EVENT_DEFAULT_MODE) |
Send event to listeners. More... | |
void | NotifySpeedChanged (float rate, bool changeState=true) |
Notify speed change event to listeners. More... | |
void | NotifyBitRateChangeEvent (int bitrate, BitrateChangeReason reason, int width, int height, double framerate, double position, bool GetBWIndex=false, VideoScanType scantype=eVIDEOSCAN_UNKNOWN, int aspectRatioWidth=0, int aspectRatioHeight=0) |
Notify bit rate change event to listeners. More... | |
void | NotifyEOSReached () |
Process EOS from Sink and notify listeners if required. More... | |
void | NotifyOnEnteringLive () |
Notify when entering live point to listeners. More... | |
int | GetPersistedProfileIndex () |
Get persisted profile index. More... | |
void | SetPersistedProfileIndex (int profile) |
Set persisted profile index. More... | |
void | SetPersistedBandwidth (long bandwidth) |
Set persisted bandwidth. More... | |
long | GetPersistedBandwidth () |
Get persisted bandwidth. More... | |
void | UpdateDuration (double seconds) |
Update playlist duration. More... | |
void | UpdateCullingState (double culledSeconds) |
Update playlist culling. More... | |
void | UpdateRefreshPlaylistInterval (float maxIntervalSecs) |
Update playlist refresh interval. More... | |
long long | GetVideoPTS (bool bAddVideoBasePTS) |
Report progress event. More... | |
void | ReportProgress (bool sync=true, bool beginningOfStream=false) |
Report progress event to listeners. More... | |
void | ReportAdProgress (bool sync=true) |
Report Ad progress event to listeners Sending Ad progress percentage to JSPP. More... | |
long long | GetDurationMs (void) |
Get asset duration in milliseconds. More... | |
long long | DurationFromStartOfPlaybackMs (void) |
Get asset duration in milliseconds For VIDEO TAG Based playback, mainly when aamp is used as plugin. More... | |
long long | GetPositionMs (void) |
Get current stream position. More... | |
bool | LockGetPositionMilliseconds () |
Lock GetPositionMilliseconds() returns true if successfull. | |
void | UnlockGetPositionMilliseconds () |
Unlock GetPositionMilliseconds() | |
long long | GetPositionMilliseconds (void) |
Get current stream playback position in milliseconds. More... | |
double | GetPositionSeconds (void) |
void | SendStreamCopy (MediaType mediaType, const void *ptr, size_t len, double fpts, double fdts, double fDuration) |
API to send audio/video stream into the sink. More... | |
void | SendStreamTransfer (MediaType mediaType, GrowableBuffer *buffer, double fpts, double fdts, double fDuration, bool initFragment=0) |
API to send audio/video stream into the sink. More... | |
void | SetStreamSink (StreamSink *streamSink) |
Setting the stream sink. More... | |
bool | IsLive (void) |
Checking if the stream is live or not. More... | |
bool | IsAudioPlayContextCreationSkipped (void) |
Check if audio playcontext creation skipped for Demuxed HLS file. More... | |
bool | IsLiveStream (void) |
Check if stream is live. More... | |
void | Stop (void) |
Stop playback and release resources. More... | |
bool | IsTSBSupported () |
Checking whether TSB enabled or not. More... | |
bool | IsInProgressCDVR () |
Checking whether CDVR in progress. More... | |
bool | IsUninterruptedTSB () |
Checking whether fog is giving uninterrupted TSB. More... | |
bool | IsCDVRContent () |
Checking whether CDVR Stream or not. More... | |
bool | IsOTAContent () |
Checking whether OTA content or not. More... | |
bool | IsEASContent () |
Checking whether EAS content or not. More... | |
void | ReportTimedMetadata (bool init=false) |
Report timed metadata Function to send timedMetadata. | |
void | ReportTimedMetadata (long long timeMS, const char *szName, const char *szContent, int nb, bool bSyncCall=false, const char *id="", double durationMS=-1) |
Report timed metadata Function to send timedMetadata events. | |
void | SaveNewTimedMetadata (long long timeMS, const char *szName, const char *szContent, int nb, const char *id="", double durationMS=-1) |
SaveNewTimedMetadata Function to store Metadata and reporting event one by one after DRM Initialization. More... | |
void | SaveTimedMetadata (long long timeMS, const char *szName, const char *szContent, int nb, const char *id="", double durationMS=-1) |
SaveTimedMetadata Function to store Metadata for bulk reporting during Initialization. More... | |
void | ReportBulkTimedMetadata () |
Report bulk timedMetadata Function to send bulk timedMetadata in json format. More... | |
void | ReportContentGap (long long timeMS, std::string id, double durationMS=-1) |
Report content gap events. More... | |
void | InterruptableMsSleep (int timeInMs) |
Sleep until timeout is reached or interrupted. More... | |
bool | DownloadsAreEnabled (void) |
Check if downloads are enabled. More... | |
void | StopDownloads () |
Stop downloads of all tracks. Used by aamp internally to manage states. More... | |
void | ResumeDownloads () |
Resume downloads of all tracks. Used by aamp internally to manage states. More... | |
void | StopTrackDownloads (MediaType type) |
Stop downloads for a track. Called from StreamSink to control flow. More... | |
void | ResumeTrackDownloads (MediaType type) |
Resume downloads for a track. Called from StreamSink to control flow. More... | |
void | BlockUntilGstreamerWantsData (void(*cb)(void), int periodMs, int track) |
Block the injector thread until the gstreanmer needs buffer/more data. More... | |
void | LogTuneComplete (void) |
Notify tune end for profiling/logging. More... | |
void | AdditionalTuneFailLogEntries () |
Additional log entries to assist with tune failure diagnostics. More... | |
void | TuneFail (bool fail) |
Profiler for failure tune. More... | |
void | LogFirstFrame (void) |
Notifies profiler that first frame is presented. More... | |
void | LogPlayerPreBuffered (void) |
Profile Player changed from background to foreground i.e prebuffred. More... | |
void | LogDrmInitComplete (void) |
Notifies profiler that drm initialization is complete. More... | |
void | LogDrmDecryptBegin (ProfilerBucketType bucketType) |
Notifies profiler that decryption has started. More... | |
void | LogDrmDecryptEnd (ProfilerBucketType bucketType) |
Notifies profiler that decryption has ended. More... | |
std::string & | GetManifestUrl (void) |
Get manifest URL. More... | |
std::string & | GetDrmInitData (void) |
Get DRM init data obtained from manifest URL (if present) More... | |
void | SetManifestUrl (const char *url) |
Set manifest URL. More... | |
void | NotifyFirstFrameReceived (void) |
Notify first frame is displayed. Sends CC handle event to listeners. More... | |
void | InitializeCC (void) |
Initialize CC after first frame received Sends CC handle event to listeners when first frame receives or video_dec handle rests. More... | |
void | SyncBegin (void) |
GStreamer operation start. More... | |
void | SyncEnd (void) |
GStreamer operation end. More... | |
double | GetSeekBase (void) |
Get seek base position. More... | |
void | ResetCurrentlyAvailableBandwidth (long bitsPerSecond, bool trickPlay, int profile=0) |
Reset bandwidth value Artificially resetting the bandwidth. Low for quicker tune times. More... | |
long | GetCurrentlyAvailableBandwidth (void) |
Get the current network bandwidth using most recently recorded 3 samples. More... | |
void | DisableDownloads (void) |
abort ongoing downloads and returns error on future downloads called while stopping fragment collector thread More... | |
void | EnableDownloads (void) |
Enable downloads after aamp_DisableDownloads. Called after stopping fragment collector thread. More... | |
void | RegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener) |
Register event listener. More... | |
void | UnRegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener) |
UnRegister event listener. More... | |
void | ScheduleRetune (PlaybackErrorType errorType, MediaType trackType) |
Schedules retune or discontinuity processing based on state. More... | |
PrivateInstanceAAMP (AampConfig *config=NULL) | |
PrivateInstanceAAMP Constructor. | |
~PrivateInstanceAAMP () | |
PrivateInstanceAAMP Destructor. | |
PrivateInstanceAAMP (const PrivateInstanceAAMP &)=delete | |
Copy constructor disabled. More... | |
PrivateInstanceAAMP & | operator= (const PrivateInstanceAAMP &)=delete |
assignment operator disabled More... | |
void | UpdateVideoRectangle (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
Set video rectangle. More... | |
void | SetVideoRectangle (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
Set video rectangle. More... | |
bool | Discontinuity (MediaType track, bool setDiscontinuityFlag=false) |
Signal discontinuity of track. Called from StreamAbstractionAAMP to signal discontinuity. More... | |
void | SetTrackDiscontinuityIgnoredStatus (MediaType track) |
Set discontinuity ignored flag for given track. More... | |
bool | IsDiscontinuityIgnoredForOtherTrack (MediaType track) |
Check whether the given track discontinuity ignored earlier. More... | |
void | ResetTrackDiscontinuityIgnoredStatus (void) |
Reset discontinuity ignored flag for audio and video tracks. More... | |
void | SetVideoZoom (VideoZoomMode zoom) |
Set video zoom. More... | |
void | SetVideoMute (bool muted) |
Enable/ Disable Video. More... | |
void | SetSubtitleMute (bool muted) |
Set subtitle mute state. More... | |
void | SetAudioVolume (int volume) |
Set audio volume. More... | |
void | SetState (PrivAAMPState state) |
Set player state. More... | |
void | GetState (PrivAAMPState &state) |
Get player state. More... | |
bool | IsSinkCacheEmpty (MediaType mediaType) |
Check sink cache empty. More... | |
void | ResetEOSSignalledFlag () |
Reset EOS SignalledFlag. | |
void | NotifyFragmentCachingComplete () |
Notify fragment caching complete. More... | |
bool | SendTunedEvent (bool isSynchronous=true) |
Send tuned event to listeners if required. More... | |
bool | SendVideoEndEvent () |
Send VideoEndEvent. More... | |
bool | IsFragmentCachingRequired () |
Check if fragment caching is required. More... | |
void | GetPlayerVideoSize (int &w, int &h) |
Get player video size. More... | |
void | SetCallbackAsPending (guint id) |
Set an idle callback as event pending state. More... | |
void | SetCallbackAsDispatched (guint id) |
Set an idle callback as event dispatched state. More... | |
void | CollectCMCDCustomHeaders (MediaType fileType, class CMCDHeaders *pCMCDMetrics) |
Collect and send all key-value pairs for CMCD headers. More... | |
void | AddCustomHTTPHeader (std::string headerName, std::vector< std::string > headerValue, bool isLicenseHeader) |
Add/Remove a custom HTTP header and value. More... | |
void | SetLicenseServerURL (const char *url, DRMSystems drmType=eDRM_MAX_DRMSystems) |
Set license server URL. More... | |
void | SetPreferredDRM (DRMSystems drmType) |
Set Preferred DRM. More... | |
DRMSystems | GetPreferredDRM () |
Get Preferred DRM. More... | |
void | SetStereoOnlyPlayback (bool bValue) |
Set Stereo Only Playback. More... | |
void | SetBulkTimedMetaReport (bool bValue) |
Set Bulk TimedMetadata Reporting flag. More... | |
void | SetRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity (bool bValue) |
Set unpaired discontinuity retune flag. More... | |
void | SetRetuneForGSTInternalError (bool bValue) |
Set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error. More... | |
void | FoundEventBreak (const std::string &adBreakId, uint64_t startMS, EventBreakInfo brInfo) |
Notification from the stream abstraction that a new SCTE35 event is found. More... | |
void | SetAlternateContents (const std::string &adBreakId, const std::string &adId, const std::string &url) |
Setting the alternate contents' (Ads/blackouts) URL. More... | |
void | SendAdResolvedEvent (const std::string &adId, bool status, uint64_t startMS=0, uint64_t durationMs=0) |
Send status of Ad manifest downloading & parsing. More... | |
void | SendAdReservationEvent (AAMPEventType type, const std::string &adBreakId, uint64_t position, bool immediate=false) |
Send Ad reservation event. More... | |
void | SendAdPlacementEvent (AAMPEventType type, const std::string &adId, uint32_t position, uint32_t adOffset, uint32_t adDuration, bool immediate=false, long error_code=0) |
Send Ad placement event. More... | |
void | SetAnonymousRequest (bool isAnonymous) |
Set anonymous request true or false. More... | |
void | SetAvgBWForABR (bool useAvgBW) |
Indicates average BW to be used for ABR Profiling. More... | |
void | SetPreCacheTimeWindow (int nTimeWindow) |
SetPreCacheTimeWindow Function to Set PreCache Time. More... | |
void | SetVODTrickplayFPS (int vodTrickplayFPS) |
Set frames per second for VOD trickplay. More... | |
void | SetLinearTrickplayFPS (int linearTrickplayFPS) |
Set frames per second for linear trickplay. More... | |
void | SetStallErrorCode (int errorCode) |
Set stall error code. More... | |
void | SetStallTimeout (int timeoutMS) |
Set stall timeout. More... | |
void | SetInitFragTimeoutRetryCount (int count) |
To set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures. More... | |
void | SendStalledErrorEvent () |
Send stalled events to listeners. More... | |
bool | IsDiscontinuityProcessPending () |
Check if discontinuity processing is pending. More... | |
bool | ProcessPendingDiscontinuity () |
Process pending discontinuity and continue playback of stream after discontinuity. More... | |
void | NotifyFirstBufferProcessed () |
Notify if first buffer processed by gstreamer. More... | |
void | UpdateSubtitleTimestamp () |
Sets up the timestamp sync for subtitle renderer. | |
void | PauseSubtitleParser (bool pause) |
pause/un-pause subtitles More... | |
void | ResetTrickStartUTCTime () |
Reset trick start position. More... | |
int | getStreamType () |
Get stream type. More... | |
MediaFormat | GetMediaFormatTypeEnum () const |
Get Mediaformat type. More... | |
std::string | getStreamTypeString () |
Get stream type as printable format. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< AampDrmHelper > | GetCurrentDRM () |
Get current drm. More... | |
std::string | GetPreferredAudioProperties () |
get the current audio preference set by user More... | |
std::string | GetPreferredTextProperties () |
get the current text preference set by user More... | |
void | setCurrentDrm (std::shared_ptr< AampDrmHelper > drm) |
Set DRM type. More... | |
void | NotifyFirstFragmentDecrypted () |
Notify the decryption completion of the fist fragment. More... | |
double | GetFirstPTS () |
Get PTS of first sample. More... | |
bool | IsLiveAdjustRequired () |
Check if Live Adjust is required for current content. ( For "vod/ivod/ip-dvr/cdvr/eas", Live Adjust is not required ). More... | |
void | SendHTTPHeaderResponse () |
Generate http header response event. | |
void | SendMediaMetadataEvent (void) |
Generate media metadata event based on parsed attribute values. More... | |
void | SendSupportedSpeedsChangedEvent (bool isIframeTrackPresent) |
Generate supported speeds changed event based on arg passed. More... | |
void | SendBlockedEvent (const std::string &reason) |
Generate Blocked event based on args passed. More... | |
void | SendWatermarkSessionUpdateEvent (uint32_t sessionHandle, uint32_t status, const std::string &system) |
Generate WatermarkSessionUpdate event based on args passed. More... | |
void | SetInitialBitrate (long bitrate) |
To set the initial bitrate value. More... | |
void | SetInitialBitrate4K (long bitrate4K) |
To set the initial bitrate value for 4K assets. More... | |
void | SetNetworkTimeout (double timeout) |
To set the network download timeout value. More... | |
void | ConfigureNetworkTimeout () |
To set the network timeout as per priority. More... | |
void | ConfigureManifestTimeout () |
To set the manifest timeout as per priority. More... | |
void | ConfigurePlaylistTimeout () |
To set the manifest timeout as per priority. More... | |
void | ConfigureDashParallelFragmentDownload () |
To set DASH Parallel Download configuration for fragments. More... | |
void | ConfigureParallelFetch () |
To set the parallel playlist fetch configuration. More... | |
void | ConfigureBulkTimedMetadata () |
To set bulk timedMetadata reporting. More... | |
void | ConfigureRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity () |
To set unpaired discontinuity retune configuration. More... | |
void | ConfigureRetuneForGSTInternalError () |
To set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error. More... | |
void | ConfigurePreCachePlaylist () |
Function to configure PreCachePlaylist. More... | |
void | ConfigureInitFragTimeoutRetryCount () |
Function to set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures. More... | |
void | ConfigureWesterosSink () |
To set westeros sink configuration. More... | |
void | ConfigureLicenseCaching () |
To set license caching config. More... | |
void | ConfigureOutputResolutionCheck () |
void | SetManifestTimeout (double timeout) |
To set the manifest download timeout value. More... | |
void | SetPlaylistTimeout (double timeout) |
To set the playlist download timeout value. More... | |
void | SetDownloadBufferSize (int bufferSize) |
To set the download buffer size value. More... | |
bool | IsTuneCompleted () |
Check if tune completed or not. More... | |
bool | CheckABREnabled (void) |
Check if ABR enabled for this playback session. More... | |
void | SetVideoBitrate (long bitrate) |
Set a preferred bitrate for video. More... | |
std::string | GetThumbnails (double start, double end) |
Get the Thumbnail Tile data. More... | |
std::string | GetThumbnailTracks () |
Get available thumbnail tracks. More... | |
long | GetVideoBitrate () |
Get preferred bitrate for video. More... | |
void | SetNetworkProxy (const char *proxy) |
To set the network proxy. More... | |
std::string | GetNetworkProxy () |
To get the network proxy. More... | |
void | SetLicenseReqProxy (const char *licenseProxy) |
To set the proxy for license request. More... | |
std::string | GetLicenseReqProxy () |
To get the proxy for license request. More... | |
void | SetIsLive (bool isLive) |
Set is Live flag. More... | |
void | SetAudioPlayContextCreationSkipped (bool isAudioContextSkipped) |
Set is Audio play context is skipped, due to Audio HLS file is ES Format type. More... | |
void | SetIsLiveStream (bool isLiveStream) |
Set isLiveStream flag. More... | |
void | SignalTrickModeDiscontinuity () |
Signal trick mode discontinuity to stream sink. More... | |
std::string | GetServiceZone () const |
pass service zone, extracted from locator &sz URI parameter More... | |
std::string | GetVssVirtualStreamID () const |
pass virtual stream ID More... | |
void | SetVssVirtualStreamID (std::string streamID) |
set virtual stream ID, extracted from manifest | |
TuneType | GetTuneType () |
getTuneType Function to check what is the tuneType More... | |
bool | IsNewTune () |
IsNewTune Function to check if tune is New tune or retune. More... | |
bool | IsFirstRequestToFog () |
IsFirstRequestToFog Function to check first reqruest to fog. More... | |
bool | IsMuxedStream () |
Check if current stream is muxed. More... | |
void | SetDownloadStallTimeout (long stallTimeout) |
To set the curl stall timeout value. More... | |
void | SetDownloadStartTimeout (long startTimeout) |
To set the curl download start timeout value. More... | |
void | StopTrackInjection (MediaType type) |
Stop injection for a track. Called from StopInjection. More... | |
void | ResumeTrackInjection (MediaType type) |
Resume injection for a track. Called from StartInjection. More... | |
void | NotifyFirstVideoPTS (unsigned long long pts, unsigned long timeScale=90000) |
Receives first video PTS of the current playback. More... | |
void | SendVTTCueDataAsEvent (VTTCue *cue) |
To send webvtt cue as an event. More... | |
bool | IsSubtitleEnabled (void) |
To check if subtitles are enabled. More... | |
bool | WebVTTCueListenersRegistered (void) |
To check if JavaScript cue listeners are registered. More... | |
void | UpdateVideoEndMetrics (MediaType mediaType, long bitrate, int curlOrHTTPCode, std::string &strUrl, double curlDownloadTime, ManifestData *manifestData=NULL) |
updates download metrics to VideoStat object, this is used for VideoFragment as it takes duration for calcuation purpose. | |
void | UpdateVideoEndProfileResolution (MediaType mediaType, long bitrate, int width, int height) |
updates profile Resolution to VideoStat object More... | |
void | UpdateVideoEndTsbStatus (bool btsbAvailable) |
updates time shift buffer status More... | |
void | UpdateProfileCappedStatus (void) |
updates profile capped status More... | |
void | UpdateVideoEndMetrics (MediaType mediaType, long bitrate, int curlOrHTTPCode, std::string &strUrl, double duration, double curlDownloadTime, bool keyChanged, bool isEncrypted, ManifestData *manifestData=NULL) |
updates download metrics to VideoStat object, this is used for VideoFragment as it takes duration for calcuation purpose. | |
void | UpdateVideoEndMetrics (MediaType mediaType, long bitrate, int curlOrHTTPCode, std::string &strUrl, double duration, double curlDownloadTime) |
updates download metrics to VideoStat object, this is used for VideoFragment as it takes duration for calcuation purpose. | |
void | UpdateVideoEndMetrics (AAMPAbrInfo &info) |
updates abr metrics to VideoStat object, | |
bool | IsDashAsset (void) |
To check if current asset is DASH or not. More... | |
void | CheckForDiscontinuityStall (MediaType mediaType) |
Check if AAMP is in stalled state after it pushed EOS to notify discontinuity. More... | |
void | NotifyVideoBasePTS (unsigned long long basepts, unsigned long timeScale=90000) |
Notifies base PTS of the HLS video playback. More... | |
void | GetCustomLicenseHeaders (std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string >> &customHeaders) |
To get any custom license HTTP headers that was set by application. More... | |
void | SetParallelPlaylistDL (bool bValue) |
Set parallel playlist download config value. More... | |
void | SetEventPriorityAsyncTune (bool bValue) |
Set async tune configuration for EventPriority. More... | |
bool | GetAsyncTuneConfig () |
Get async tune configuration. More... | |
void | SetParallelPlaylistRefresh (bool bValue) |
Set parallel playlist download config value for linear. More... | |
void | SetWesterosSinkConfig (bool bValue) |
Set Westeros sink Configuration. More... | |
void | SetLicenseCaching (bool bValue) |
Set license caching. More... | |
void | SetMatchingBaseUrlConfig (bool bValue) |
Set Matching BaseUrl Config Configuration. More... | |
void | SetPropagateUriParameters (bool bValue) |
Configure URI parameters. More... | |
void | SetSslVerifyPeerConfig (bool bValue) |
to configure disable ssl verify peer parameter More... | |
void | SetNewABRConfig (bool bValue) |
Configure New ABR Enable/Disable. More... | |
void | SetNewAdBreakerConfig (bool bValue) |
Configure New AdBreaker Enable/Disable. More... | |
void | FlushStreamSink (double position, double rate) |
Sending a flushing seek to stream sink with given position. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableVideoTracks () |
Get available video tracks. More... | |
void | SetVideoTracks (std::vector< long > bitrateList) |
set birate for video tracks selection More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableAudioTracks (bool allTrack=false) |
Get available audio tracks. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableTextTracks (bool alltrack=false) |
Get available text tracks. More... | |
void | SetPreferredTextLanguages (const char *param) |
Set Preferred Text Language. More... | |
std::string | GetVideoRectangle () |
void | SetPreCacheDownloadList (PreCacheUrlList &dnldListInput) |
SetPreCacheDownloadList - Function to assign the PreCaching file list. More... | |
void | PreCachePlaylistDownloadTask () |
PreCachePlaylistDownloadTask Thread function for PreCaching Playlist. More... | |
void | SetAppName (std::string name) |
Set the application name which has created PlayerInstanceAAMP, for logging purposes. More... | |
std::string | GetAppName () |
Get the application name. More... | |
void | SendId3MetadataEvent (Id3CallbackData *id3Metadata) |
Sends an ID3 metadata event. More... | |
bool | TrackDownloadsAreEnabled (MediaType type) |
Check to media track downloads are enabled. More... | |
void | StopBuffering (bool forceStop) |
Stop buffering in AAMP and un-pause pipeline. More... | |
bool | IsPlayEnabled () |
Check if autoplay enabled for current stream. More... | |
void | detach () |
Soft stop the player instance. More... | |
bool | GetEnableAccessAtrributesFlag () const |
AampCacheHandler * | getAampCacheHandler () |
Get AampCacheHandler instance. More... | |
void | SetRampDownLimit (int limit) |
void | SetInitRampdownLimit (int limit) |
Set Initila profile ramp down limit. More... | |
void | SetMinimumBitrate (long bitrate) |
Set minimum bitrate value. More... | |
void | SetMaximumBitrate (long bitrate) |
Set maximum bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetMaximumBitrate () |
Get maximum bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetMinimumBitrate () |
Get minimum bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetDefaultBitrate () |
Get default bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetDefaultBitrate4K () |
Get Default bitrate for 4K. More... | |
long | GetIframeBitrate () |
Get Default Iframe bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetIframeBitrate4K () |
Get Default Iframe bitrate 4K value. More... | |
void | SetInitialBufferDuration (int durationSec) |
Set initial buffer duration in seconds. More... | |
int | GetInitialBufferDuration () |
Get current initial buffer duration in seconds. More... | |
void | individualization (const std::string &payload) |
DRM individualization callback. More... | |
void | SetContentType (const char *contentType) |
Set Content Type. More... | |
ContentType | GetContentType () const |
Get Content Type. More... | |
MediaFormat | GetMediaFormatType (const char *url) |
Assign the correct mediaFormat by parsing the url. More... | |
std::string | GetLicenseServerUrlForDrm (DRMSystems type) |
Get license server url for a drm type. More... | |
bool | SetStateBufferingIfRequired () |
Set eSTATE_BUFFERING if required. More... | |
bool | IsFirstVideoFrameDisplayedRequired () |
Check if First Video Frame Displayed Notification is required. More... | |
void | NotifyFirstVideoFrameDisplayed () |
Notify First Video Frame was displayed. More... | |
void | SetAudioTrack (int trackId) |
Set audio track. More... | |
int | GetAudioTrack () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
std::string | GetAudioTrackInfo () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
void | SetTextTrack (int trackId, char *data=NULL) |
Set text track. More... | |
int | GetTextTrack () |
Get current text track index. More... | |
std::string | GetTextTrackInfo () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
void | SetCCStatus (bool enabled) |
Set CC visibility on/off. More... | |
bool | GetCCStatus (void) |
Get CC visibility on/off. More... | |
void | RefreshSubtitles () |
Switch the subtitle track following a change to the preferredTextTrack. More... | |
void | NotifyAudioTracksChanged () |
Function to notify available audio tracks changed. More... | |
void | NotifyTextTracksChanged () |
Function to notify available text tracks changed. More... | |
void | SetPreferredTextTrack (const TextTrackInfo track) |
Set preferred text track Required to persist across trickplay or other operations. More... | |
const TextTrackInfo & | GetPreferredTextTrack () |
Get preferred audio track. More... | |
void | SetTextStyle (const std::string &options) |
Set style options for text track rendering. More... | |
std::string | GetTextStyle () |
Get style options for text track rendering. More... | |
unsigned long long | GetBasePTS () |
Return BasePTS - for non-HLS/TS streams this will be zero. More... | |
void | SetSessionToken (std::string &sessionToken) |
Set the session Token for player. More... | |
void | SetStreamFormat (StreamOutputFormat videoFormat, StreamOutputFormat audioFormat, StreamOutputFormat auxFormat) |
Set stream format for audio/video tracks. More... | |
bool | IsAudioOrVideoOnly (StreamOutputFormat videoFormat, StreamOutputFormat audioFormat, StreamOutputFormat auxFormat) |
To check for audio/video only Playback. More... | |
void | SetMaxPlaylistCacheSize (int cacheSize) |
Set Maximum Cache Size for storing playlist. More... | |
void | EnableVideoRectangle (bool rectProperty) |
Set video rectangle property. More... | |
void | EnableSeekableRange (bool enabled) |
Enable seekable range values in progress event. More... | |
void | SetReportVideoPTS (bool enabled) |
Enable video PTS reporting in progress event. More... | |
void | DisableContentRestrictions (long grace=0, long time=-1, bool eventChange=false) |
Disable Content Restrictions - unlock. More... | |
void | EnableContentRestrictions () |
Enable Content Restrictions - lock. More... | |
void | PersistBitRateOverSeek (bool value) |
Enable/disable configuration to persist ABR profile over Seek/SAP. More... | |
bool | IsBitRatePersistedOverSeek () |
Get config for ABR profile persitenace over Seek/Audio Chg. More... | |
void | SetPreferredLanguages (const char *languageList, const char *preferredRendition, const char *preferredType, const char *codecList, const char *labelList) |
set preferred Audio Language properties like language, rendition, type and codec More... | |
void | SetScheduler (AampScheduler *instance) |
Set the scheduler instance to schedule tasks. More... | |
int | ScheduleAsyncTask (IdleTask task, void *arg, std::string taskName="") |
Add async task to scheduler. More... | |
bool | RemoveAsyncTask (int taskId) |
Remove async task scheduled earlier. More... | |
void | AcquireStreamLock () |
acquire streamsink lock More... | |
bool | TryStreamLock () |
try to acquire streamsink lock More... | |
void | ReleaseStreamLock () |
release streamsink lock More... | |
void | UpdateLiveOffset () |
UpdateLiveOffset live offset [Sec]. | |
bool | IsAuxiliaryAudioEnabled (void) |
To check if auxiliary audio is enabled. More... | |
void | SetAuxiliaryLanguage (const std::string &language) |
Set auxiliary language. More... | |
std::string | GetAuxiliaryAudioLanguage () |
Get auxiliary language. More... | |
bool | GetPauseOnFirstVideoFrameDisp (void) |
GetPauseOnFirstVideoFrameDisplay. More... | |
void | SetLLDashServiceData (AampLLDashServiceData &stAampLLDashServiceData) |
Sets Low Latency Service Data. More... | |
AampLLDashServiceData * | GetLLDashServiceData (void) |
Gets Low Latency Service Data. More... | |
void | SetVidTimeScale (uint32_t vidTimeScale) |
Sets Low Video TimeScale. More... | |
uint32_t | GetVidTimeScale (void) |
Gets Video TimeScale. More... | |
void | SetAudTimeScale (uint32_t audTimeScale) |
Sets Low Audio TimeScale. More... | |
uint32_t | GetAudTimeScale (void) |
Gets Audio TimeScale. More... | |
void | SetLLDashSpeedCache (struct SpeedCache &speedCache) |
Sets Speed Cache. More... | |
struct SpeedCache * | GetLLDashSpeedCache () |
Gets Speed Cache. More... | |
void | SetLLDashCurrentPlayBackRate (double rate) |
Sets Low latency play rate. More... | |
double | GetLLDashCurrentPlayBackRate (void) |
Gets Low Latency current play back rate. More... | |
void | SetLLDashAdjustSpeed (bool state) |
Turn off/on the player speed correction for Low latency Dash. More... | |
bool | GetLLDashAdjustSpeed (void) |
Gets the state of the player speed correction for Low latency Dash. More... | |
bool | GetLiveOffsetAppRequest () |
void | SetLiveOffsetAppRequest (bool LiveOffsetAppRequest) |
set LiveOffset Request flag Status More... | |
bool | GetLowLatencyServiceConfigured () |
Get Low Latency Service Configuration Status. More... | |
void | SetLowLatencyServiceConfigured (bool bConfig) |
Set Low Latency Service Configuration Status. More... | |
time_t | GetUtcTime () |
Get Utc Time. More... | |
void | SetUtcTime (time_t time) |
Set Utc Time. More... | |
long | GetCurrentLatency () |
Get Current Latency. More... | |
void | SetCurrentLatency (long currentLatency) |
Set Current Latency. More... | |
class MediaStreamContext * | GetMediaStreamContext (MediaType type) |
Get Media Stream Context. More... | |
void | RunPausePositionMonitoring (void) |
the PositionMonitoring thread used for PauseAt functionality | |
void | StartPausePositionMonitoring (long long pausePositionMilliseconds) |
start the PausePositionMonitoring thread used for PauseAt functionality | |
void | StopPausePositionMonitoring (std::string reason) |
stop the PausePositionMonitoring thread used for PauseAt functionality | |
void | WaitForDiscontinuityProcessToComplete (void) |
wait for Discontinuity handling complete | |
void | UnblockWaitForDiscontinuityProcessToComplete (void) |
unblock wait for Discontinuity handling complete | |
std::string | GetLicenseCustomData () |
Get License Custom Data. More... | |
double | GetPeriodDurationTimeValue (void) |
GetPeriodDurationTimeValue. More... | |
double | GetPeriodStartTimeValue (void) |
GetPeriodStartTimeValue. More... | |
double | GetPeriodScaledPtoStartTime (void) |
GetPeriodScaledPtoStartTime. More... | |
long | LoadFogConfig (void) |
LoadFogConfig - Load needed player Config to Fog. More... | |
void | LoadAampAbrConfig (void) |
-To Load needed config from player to aampabr More... | |
void | IncrementGaps () |
To increment gaps between periods for dash return none. | |
std::string | GetPlaybackStats () |
Get playback stats for the session so far. More... | |
int | GetCurrentAudioTrackId (void) |
Get the Current Audio Track Id Currently it is implimented for AC4 track selection only. More... | |
size_t | HandleSSLWriteCallback (char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata) |
HandleSSLWriteCallback - Handle write callback from CURL. More... | |
int | HandleSSLProgressCallback (void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow) |
HandleSSLProgressCallback - Process progress callback from CURL. More... | |
size_t | HandleSSLHeaderCallback (const char *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata) |
HandleSSLHeaderCallback - Hanlde header callback from SSL. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static gint | AddHighIdleTask (IdleTask task, void *arg, DestroyTask dtask=NULL) |
Add high priority idle task to the gstreamer. More... | |
static bool | IsActiveInstancePresent () |
Check if any active PrivateInstanceAAMP available. More... | |
Data Fields | |
std::vector< std::pair< long long, long > > | mAbrBitrateData |
pthread_mutex_t | mLock |
pthread_mutexattr_t | mMutexAttr |
pthread_mutex_t | mParallelPlaylistFetchLock |
class StreamAbstractionAAMP * | mpStreamAbstractionAAMP |
class CDAIObject * | mCdaiObject |
std::queue< AAMPEventPtr > | mAdEventsQ |
std::mutex | mAdEventQMtx |
bool | mInitSuccess |
StreamOutputFormat | mVideoFormat |
StreamOutputFormat | mAudioFormat |
StreamOutputFormat | mPreviousAudioType |
StreamOutputFormat | mAuxFormat |
StreamOutputFormat | mSubtitleFormat {FORMAT_UNKNOWN} |
pthread_cond_t | mDownloadsDisabled |
bool | mDownloadsEnabled |
StreamSink * | mStreamSink |
HybridABRManager | mhAbrManager |
ProfileEventAAMP | profiler |
bool | licenceFromManifest |
AudioType | previousAudioType |
eCurlHostMapStruct * | curlhost [eCURLINSTANCE_MAX] |
CURLSH * | mCurlShared |
httpRespHeaderData | httpRespHeaders [eCURLINSTANCE_MAX] |
std::string | mManifestUrl |
std::string | mTunedManifestUrl |
std::string | mTsbSessionRequestUrl |
std::string | mSchemeIdUriDai |
AampURLInfoStruct | mOrigManifestUrl |
bool | isPreferredDRMConfigured |
bool | mIsWVKIDWorkaround |
int | mPreCacheDnldTimeWindow |
bool | mbDownloadsBlocked |
bool | streamerIsActive |
bool | mTSBEnabled |
bool | mIscDVR |
double | mLiveOffset |
long | mNetworkTimeoutMs |
std::string | mCMCDNextObjectRequest |
long | mCMCDBandwidth |
long | mManifestTimeoutMs |
long | mPlaylistTimeoutMs |
bool | mAsyncTuneEnabled |
PositionCache< long long > | mPrevPositionMilliseconds |
std::mutex | mGetPositionMillisecondsMutexHard |
std::mutex | mGetPositionMillisecondsMutexSoft |
volatile std::atomic< long long > | mPausePositionMilliseconds |
MediaFormat | mMediaFormat |
double | seek_pos_seconds |
float | rate |
float | playerrate |
bool | mSetPlayerRateAfterFirstframe |
bool | pipeline_paused |
bool | mbNewSegmentEvtSent [4] |
char | mLanguageList [16][42] |
int | mCurrentLanguageIndex |
int | mMaxLanguageCount |
std::string | preferredLanguagesString |
std::vector< std::string > | preferredLanguagesList |
std::string | preferredRenditionString |
std::vector< std::string > | preferredRenditionList |
std::string | preferredLabelsString |
std::vector< std::string > | preferredLabelList |
std::string | preferredTypeString |
std::string | preferredCodecString |
std::vector< std::string > | preferredCodecList |
std::string | preferredTextLanguagesString |
std::vector< std::string > | preferredTextLanguagesList |
std::string | preferredTextRenditionString |
std::string | preferredTextTypeString |
std::string | preferredTextLabelString |
std::vector< struct DynamicDrmInfo > | vDynamicDrmData |
Accessibility | preferredTextAccessibilityNode |
Accessibility | preferredAudioAccessibilityNode |
AudioTrackTuple | mAudioTuple |
VideoZoomMode | zoom_mode |
bool | video_muted |
bool | subtitles_muted |
int | audio_volume |
std::vector< std::string > | subscribedTags |
std::vector< TimedMetadata > | timedMetadata |
std::vector< TimedMetadata > | timedMetadataNew |
std::vector< ContentGapInfo > | contentGaps |
std::vector< std::string > | responseHeaders |
std::vector< long > | bitrateList |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | httpHeaderResponses |
bool | mIsIframeTrackPresent |
bool | IsTuneTypeNew |
bool | mLogTimetoTopProfile |
pthread_cond_t | waitforplaystart |
pthread_mutex_t | mMutexPlaystart |
long long | trickStartUTCMS |
double | durationSeconds |
double | culledSeconds |
double | culledOffset |
double | mProgramDateTime |
std::vector< struct PeriodInfo > | mMPDPeriodsInfo |
float | maxRefreshPlaylistIntervalSecs |
EventListener * | mEventListener |
PositionCache< double > | mNewSeekInfo |
long long | mAdPrevProgressTime |
uint32_t | mAdCurOffset |
uint32_t | mAdDuration |
std::string | mAdProgressId |
bool | discardEnteringLiveEvt |
bool | mIsRetuneInProgress |
pthread_cond_t | mCondDiscontinuity |
guint | mDiscontinuityTuneOperationId |
bool | mIsVSS |
long | curlDLTimeout [eCURLINSTANCE_MAX] |
std::string | mSubLanguage |
bool | mPlayerPreBuffered |
int | mPlayerId |
int | mDrmDecryptFailCount |
int | mCurrentAudioTrackId |
int | mCurrentVideoTrackId |
bool | mIsTrackIdMismatch |
bool | mIsDefaultOffset |
bool | mEncryptedPeriodFound |
bool | mPipelineIsClear |
pthread_t | mPreCachePlaylistThreadId |
bool | mPreCachePlaylistThreadFlag |
bool | mbPlayEnabled |
long | mPlaylistFetchFailError |
bool | mAudioDecoderStreamSync |
std::string | mSessionToken |
bool | midFragmentSeekCache |
bool | mAutoResumeTaskPending |
std::string | mTsbRecordingId |
int | mthumbIndexValue |
PausedBehavior | mPausedBehavior |
bool | mJumpToLiveFromPause |
bool | mSeekFromPausedState |
int | mDisplayWidth |
int | mDisplayHeight |
bool | mProfileCappedStatus |
double | mProgressReportOffset |
double | mAbsoluteEndPosition |
AampConfig * | mConfig |
bool | mbUsingExternalPlayer |
int32_t | lastId3DataLen [eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT] |
uint8_t * | lastId3Data [eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT] |
bool | mbDetached |
bool | mbSeeked |
double | mNextPeriodDuration |
double | mNextPeriodStartTime |
double | mNextPeriodScaledPtoStartTime |
pthread_mutex_t | mDiscoCompleteLock |
pthread_cond_t | mWaitForDiscoToComplete |
bool | mIsPeriodChangeMarked |
bool | mIsFakeTune |
double | mOffsetFromTunetimeForSAPWorkaround |
bool | mLanguageChangeInProgress |
long | mSupportedTLSVersion |
std::string | mFailureReason |
long long | mTimedMetadataStartTime |
long long | mTimedMetadataDuration |
bool | playerStartedWithTrickPlay |
bool | userProfileStatus |
bool | mApplyCachedVideoMute |
std::vector< uint8_t > | mcurrent_keyIdArray |
DynamicDrmInfo | mDynamicDrmDefaultconfig |
std::vector< std::string > | mDynamicDrmCache |
pthread_mutex_t | mDynamicDrmUpdateLock |
pthread_cond_t | mWaitForDynamicDRMToUpdate |
bool | mAudioComponentCount |
bool | mVideoComponentCount |
bool | mAudioOnlyPb |
bool | mVideoOnlyPb |
int | mCurrentAudioTrackIndex |
int | mCurrentTextTrackIndex |
double | mLLActualOffset |
bool | mIsStream4K |
std::string | seiTimecode |
bool | mBufUnderFlowStatus |
Private Types | |
enum | AAMP2ReceiverMsgType |
Private Member Functions | |
struct | __attribute__ ((__packed__)) _AAMP2ReceiverMsg |
bool | IsWideVineKIDWorkaround (const std::string url) |
get the SkyDE Store workaround More... | |
void | LazilyLoadConfigIfNeeded (void) |
Load the configuration lazily. More... | |
void | ExtractServiceZone (std::string url) |
updates mServiceZone (service zone) member with string extracted from locator &sz URI parameter More... | |
void | ScheduleEvent (struct AsyncEventDescriptor *e) |
Schedule Event. More... | |
void | DeliverAdEvents (bool immediate=false) |
Deliver all pending Ad events to JSPP. More... | |
std::string | GetContentTypString () |
Set Content Type. More... | |
void | NotifySinkBufferFull (MediaType type) |
Notify about sink buffer full. More... | |
const std::tuple< std::string, std::string > | ExtractDrmInitData (const char *url) |
Extract DRM init data from the provided URL If present, the init data will be removed from the returned URL and provided as a separate string. More... | |
void | ConfigureWithLocalOptions () |
Set local configurations to variables. More... | |
bool | DiscontinuitySeenInAllTracks () |
Check if discontinuity processed in all tracks. More... | |
bool | DiscontinuitySeenInAnyTracks () |
Check if discontinuity processed in any track. More... | |
void | ResetDiscontinuityInTracks () |
Reset discontinuity flag for all tracks. More... | |
bool | HasSidecarData () |
check if sidecar data available More... | |
Private Attributes | |
AAMP2ReceiverMsg | |
double | mReportProgressPosn |
std::mutex | mPausePositionMonitorMutex |
std::condition_variable | mPausePositionMonitorCV |
pthread_t | mPausePositionMonitoringThreadID |
bool | mPausePositionMonitoringThreadStarted |
TuneType | mTuneType |
int | m_fd |
bool | mIsLive |
bool | mIsLiveStream |
bool | mIsAudioContextSkipped |
bool | mLogTune |
bool | mFirstProgress |
bool | mTuneCompleted |
bool | mFirstTune |
int | mfirstTuneFmt |
int | mTuneAttempts |
long long | mPlayerLoadTime |
std::atomic< PrivAAMPState > | mState |
long long | lastUnderFlowTimeMs [4] |
bool | mbTrackDownloadsBlocked [4] |
std::shared_ptr< AampDrmHelper > | mCurrentDrm |
int | mPersistedProfileIndex |
long | mAvailableBandwidth |
bool | mProcessingDiscontinuity [4] |
bool | mIsDiscontinuityIgnored [4] |
bool | mDiscontinuityTuneOperationInProgress |
ContentType | mContentType |
bool | mTunedEventPending |
bool | mSeekOperationInProgress |
bool | mTrickplayInProgress |
std::map< guint, bool > | mPendingAsyncEvents |
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > | mCustomHeaders |
bool | mIsFirstRequestToFOG |
std::string | mServiceZone |
std::string | mVssVirtualStreamId |
std::string | mPlaybackMode |
bool | mTrackInjectionBlocked [4] |
CVideoStat * | mVideoEnd |
std::string | mTraceUUID |
double | mTimeToTopProfile |
double | mTimeAtTopProfile |
unsigned long long | mVideoBasePTS |
double | mPlaybackDuration |
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > | mCustomLicenseHeaders |
std::string | mAppName |
PreCacheUrlList | mPreCacheDnldList |
bool | mProgressReportFromProcessDiscontinuity |
AampEventManager * | mEventManager |
AampCacheHandler * | mAampCacheHandler |
int | mMinInitialCacheSeconds |
std::string | mDrmInitData |
bool | mFragmentCachingRequired |
pthread_mutex_t | mFragmentCachingLock |
bool | mPauseOnFirstVideoFrameDisp |
TextTrackInfo | mPreferredTextTrack |
bool | mFirstVideoFrameDisplayedEnabled |
unsigned int | mManifestRefreshCount |
guint | mAutoResumeTaskId |
AampScheduler * | mScheduler |
pthread_mutex_t | mEventLock |
int | mEventPriority |
pthread_mutex_t | mStreamLock |
int | mHarvestCountLimit |
int | mHarvestConfig |
std::string | mAuxAudioLanguage |
int | mCCId |
AampLLDashServiceData | mAampLLDashServiceData |
bool | bLowLatencyServiceConfigured |
bool | bLLDashAdjustPlayerSpeed |
double | mLLDashCurrentPlayRate |
uint32_t | vidTimeScale |
uint32_t | audTimeScale |
struct SpeedCache | speedCache |
bool | bLowLatencyStartABR |
bool | mLiveOffsetAppRequest |
time_t | mTime |
long | mCurrentLatency |
AampLogManager * | mLogObj |
bool | mApplyVideoRect |
videoRect | mVideoRect |
char * | mData |
bool | mIsInbandCC |
std::string | mTextStyle |
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world.
Definition at line 640 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Enumerator | |
E_AAMP2Receiver_TUNETIME | Tune time Message |
E_AAMP2Receiver_EVENTS | Aamp Events to receiver |
E_AAMP2Receiver_MsgMAX | Max message to receiver |
Definition at line 643 of file priv_aamp.h.
delete |
Copy constructor disabled.
inline |
Get profiler bucket type.
[in] | mediaType | - Media type. eg: Video, Audio, etc |
[in] | isInitializationSegment | - Initialization segment or not |
Definition at line 670 of file priv_aamp.h.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::Tune | ( | const char * | url, |
bool | autoPlay, | ||
const char * | contentType = NULL , |
bool | bFirstAttempt = true , |
bool | bFinalAttempt = false , |
const char * | sessionUUID = NULL , |
bool | audioDecoderStreamSync = true |
) |
Tune API.
[in] | url | - Asset URL |
[in] | autoPlay | - Start playback immediately or not |
[in] | contentType | - Content Type |
[in] | bFirstAttempt | - External initiated tune |
[in] | bFinalAttempt | - Final retry/attempt. |
[in] | audioDecoderStreamSync | - Enable or disable audio decoder stream sync, set to 'false' if audio fragments come with additional padding at the end (BCOM-4203) |
Definition at line 5349 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReloadTSB | ( | ) |
API Used to reload TSB with new session.
Reload TSB for same URL .
Definition at line 5321 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::TuneHelper | ( | TuneType | tuneType, |
bool | seekWhilePaused = false |
) |
The helper function which perform tuning Common tune operations used on Tune, Seek, SetRate etc.
[in] | tuneType | - Type of tuning. eg: Normal, trick, seek to live, etc |
[in] | seekWhilePaused | - Set true if want to keep in Paused state after seek for tuneType = eTUNETYPE_SEEK or eTUNETYPE_SEEKTOLIVE |
Definition at line 4874 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::TeardownStream | ( | bool | newTune | ) |
Terminate the stream.
[in] | newTune | - true if operation is a new tune |
Definition at line 4641 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendMessageOverPipe | ( | const char * | str, |
int | nToWrite | ||
) |
Send messages to Receiver over PIPE.
[in] | str | - Pointer to the message |
[in] | nToWrite | - Number of bytes in the message |
Definition at line 4828 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLangCodePreference | ( | ) |
Get Language preference from aamp.cfg.
Definition at line 5796 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetupPipeSession | ( | ) |
Establish PIPE session with Receiver.
Definition at line 4763 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ClosePipeSession | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendMessage2Receiver | ( | AAMP2ReceiverMsgType | type, |
const char * | data | ||
) |
Send message to reciever over PIPE.
[in] | type | - Message type |
[in] | data | - Message data |
Definition at line 4851 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::PausePipeline | ( | bool | pause, |
bool | forceStopGstreamerPreBuffering | ||
) |
To change the the gstreamer pipeline to pause/play.
[in] | pause | - true for pause and false for play |
[in] | forceStopGstreamerPreBuffering | - true for disabling bufferinprogress |
Definition at line 2440 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::mediaType2Bucket | ( | MediaType | fileType | ) |
Convert media file type to profiler bucket type.
[in] | fileType | - Media filetype |
Definition at line 9001 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetTuneEventConfig | ( | TunedEventConfig | tuneEventType | ) |
to set the vod-tune-event according to the player
[in] | tuneEventType |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdatePreferredAudioList | ( | ) |
to update the preferredaudio codec, rendition and languages list
Definition at line 6569 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReplaceKeyIDPsshData | ( | const unsigned char * | InputData, |
const size_t | InputDataLength, | ||
size_t & | OutputDataLength | ||
) |
Replace KeyID from PsshData.
initialization | data input | |
initialization | data input size | |
[out] | output | data size |
Output | data pointer |
Definition at line 11422 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::hasId3Header | ( | const uint8_t * | data, |
uint32_t | length | ||
) |
Check if segment starts with an ID3 section.
[in] | data | pointer to segment buffer |
[in] | length | length of segment buffer |
true | if segment has an ID3 section |
Definition at line 11485 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ProcessID3Metadata | ( | char * | segment, |
size_t | size, | ||
MediaType | type, | ||
uint64_t | timestampOffset = 0 |
) |
Process the ID3 metadata from segment.
[in] | segment | - fragment |
[in] | size | - fragment size |
[in] | type | - MediaType |
Definition at line 11501 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReportID3Metadata | ( | MediaType | mediaType, |
const uint8_t * | ptr, | ||
uint32_t | len, | ||
const char * | schemeIdURI = NULL , |
const char * | id3Value = NULL , |
uint64_t | presTime = 0 , |
uint32_t | id3ID = 0 , |
uint32_t | eventDur = 0 , |
uint32_t | tScale = 0 , |
uint64_t | tStampOffset = 0 |
) |
Report ID3 metadata events.
[in] | ptr | - ID3 metadata pointer |
[in] | len | - Metadata length |
[in] | schemeIdURI | - schemeID URI |
[in] | id3Value | - value from id3 metadata |
[in] | presTime | - presentationTime |
[in] | id3ID | - id from id3 metadata |
[in] | eventDur | - event duration |
[in] | tScale | - timeScale |
[in] | tStampOffset | - timestampOffset |
Definition at line 11540 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::FlushLastId3Data | ( | MediaType | mediaType | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::CurlInit | ( | AampCurlInstance | startIdx, |
unsigned int | instanceCount = 1 , |
std::string | proxyName = "" |
) |
Curl initialization function.
[in] | startIdx | - Start index of the curl instance |
[in] | instanceCount | - Instance count |
[in] | proxyName | - proxy to be applied for curl connection |
Definition at line 3252 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetTunedManifestUrl | ( | bool | isrecordedUrl = false | ) |
Sets Recorded URL from Manifest received form XRE.
[in] | isrecordedUrl | - flag to check for recordedurl in Manifest |
Definition at line 9055 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetTunedManifestUrl | ( | ) |
Gets Recorded URL from Manifest received form XRE.
[out] | manifestUrl | - for VOD and recordedUrl for FOG enabled |
Definition at line 9070 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetCurlTimeout | ( | long | timeout, |
AampCurlInstance | instance | ||
) |
Set curl timeout(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT)
[in] | timeout | - maximum time in seconds curl request is allowed to take |
[in] | instance | - index of curl instance to which timeout to be set |
Definition at line 3315 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetManifestCurlTimeout | ( | long | timeout | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::StoreLanguageList | ( | const std::set< std::string > & | langlist | ) |
Storing audio language list.
[in] | langlist | - Vector of languages |
Definition at line 3265 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsAudioLanguageSupported | ( | const char * | checkLanguage | ) |
Checking whether audio language supported.
[in] | checkLanguage | - Language to be checked |
Definition at line 3289 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::CurlTerm | ( | AampCurlInstance | startIdx, |
unsigned int | instanceCount = 1 |
) |
Terminate curl contexts.
[in] | startIdx | - First index |
[in] | instanceCount | - Instance count |
Definition at line 3333 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPlaylistCurlInstance | ( | MediaType | type, |
bool | isInitialDownload = true |
) |
GetPlaylistCurlInstance - Function to return the curl instance for playlist download Considers parallel download to decide the curl instance.
Considers parallel download to decide the curl instance
[in] | MediaType | - type of playlist |
[in] | IsInitDnld | - Init or Refresh download |
Definition at line 3360 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetNetworkTime | ( | enum UtcTiming | timingtype, |
const std::string & | remoteUrl, | ||
long * | http_error, | ||
CurlRequest | request | ||
) |
Download a file from the server.
[in] | UtcTiming | - Timing Type |
[in] | remoteUrl | - File URL |
[in] | http_error | - HTTP error code |
[in] | CurlRequest | - request type |
[out] | buffer | - Pointer to the output buffer |
Definition at line 3496 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetFile | ( | std::string | remoteUrl, |
struct GrowableBuffer * | buffer, | ||
std::string & | effectiveUrl, | ||
long * | http_error = NULL , |
double * | downloadTime = NULL , |
const char * | range = NULL , |
unsigned int | curlInstance = 0 , |
bool | resetBuffer = true , |
MediaType | fileType = eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT , |
long * | bitrate = NULL , |
int * | fogError = NULL , |
double | fragmentDurationSec = 0 , |
class CMCDHeaders * | pCMCDMetrics = NULL |
) |
Download a file from the CDN.
[in] | remoteUrl | - File URL |
[out] | buffer | - Pointer to the output buffer |
[out] | effectiveUrl | - Final URL after HTTP redirection |
[out] | http_error | - HTTP error code |
[in] | range | - Byte range |
[in] | curlInstance | - Curl instance to be used |
[in] | resetBuffer | - Flag to reset the out buffer |
[in] | fileType | - File type |
[in] | CMCDMetrics | - pointer to CMCDNetwork metrics |
Definition at line 3585 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
[out] | string | - TraceUUID |
Definition at line 1256 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetOnVideoEndSessionStatData | ( | ) |
Download VideoEnd Session statistics from fog.
[out] | buffer | - Pointer to the output buffer |
Definition at line 4509 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ProcessCustomCurlRequest | ( | std::string & | remoteUrl, |
struct GrowableBuffer * | buffer, | ||
long * | http_error, | ||
CurlRequest | request = eCURL_GET , |
std::string | pData = "" |
) |
Perform custom curl request.
[in] | remoteUrl | - File URL |
[out] | buffer | - Pointer to the output buffer |
[out] | http_error | - HTTP error code |
[in] | request | - curl request type |
[in] | pData | - string contains post data |
Definition at line 4559 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::MediaTypeString | ( | MediaType | fileType | ) |
get Media Type in string
[in] | fileType | - Type of Media |
[out] | pointer | to Media Type string |
Definition at line 3458 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::EndOfStreamReached | ( | MediaType | mediaType | ) |
End of stream reached.
[in] | mediaType | - Media type |
Definition at line 6416 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::EndTimeReached | ( | MediaType | mediaType | ) |
Clip ended.
[in] | mediaType | - Media type |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::InsertAd | ( | const char * | url, |
double | positionSeconds | ||
) |
Insert ad content.
[in] | url | - Ad url |
[in] | positionSeconds | - Ad start position in seconds |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::AddEventListener | ( | AAMPEventType | eventType, |
EventListener * | eventListener | ||
) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::RemoveEventListener | ( | AAMPEventType | eventType, |
EventListener * | eventListener | ||
) |
Deregister event lister, Remove listener to aamp events.
Definition at line 2253 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsEventListenerAvailable | ( | AAMPEventType | eventType | ) |
IsEventListenerAvailable Check if Event is registered.
[in] | eventType | - Event type |
Definition at line 2261 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendErrorEvent | ( | AAMPTuneFailure | tuneFailure, |
const char * | description = NULL , |
bool | isRetryEnabled = true , |
int32_t | secManagerClassCode = -1 , |
int32_t | secManagerReasonCode = -1 , |
int32_t | secClientBusinessStatus = -1 |
) |
Handles errors and sends events to application if required. For download failures, use SendDownloadErrorEvent instead.
[in] | tuneFailure | - Reason of error |
[in] | description | - Optional description of error |
Definition at line 2454 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendDRMMetaData | ( | DrmMetaDataEventPtr | e | ) |
Send DRM metadata event.
e | DRM metadata event |
Definition at line 2656 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendDrmErrorEvent | ( | DrmMetaDataEventPtr | event, |
bool | isRetryEnabled | ||
) |
Handles DRM errors and sends events to application if required.
[in] | event | aamp event struck which holds the error details and error code(http, curl or secclient). |
[in] | isRetryEnabled | drm retry enabled |
Definition at line 2269 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendDownloadErrorEvent | ( | AAMPTuneFailure | tuneFailure, |
long | error_code | ||
) |
Handles download errors and sends events to application if required.
[in] | tuneFailure | - Reason of error |
[in] | error_code | - HTTP error code/ CURLcode |
Definition at line 2330 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendAnomalyEvent | ( | AAMPAnomalyMessageType | type, |
const char * | format, | ||
... | |||
) |
Sends Anomaly Error/warning messages.
[in] | type | - severity of message |
[in] | format | - format string args [in] - multiple arguments based on format |
Definition at line 2391 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendBufferChangeEvent | ( | bool | bufferingStopped = false | ) |
Sends UnderFlow Event messages.
[in] | bufferingStopped- | Flag to indicate buffering stopped.Underflow = True |
Definition at line 2424 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendEvent | ( | AAMPEventPtr | eventData, |
) |
Send event to listeners.
[in] | eventData | - Event data |
[in] | eventMode | - Sync/Async/Default mode(decided based on AsyncTuneEnabled/SourceId |
Definition at line 2530 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifySpeedChanged | ( | float | rate, |
bool | changeState = true |
) |
Notify speed change event to listeners.
[in] | rate | - New speed |
[in] | changeState | - true if state change to be done, false otherwise (default = true) |
Definition at line 2582 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyBitRateChangeEvent | ( | int | bitrate, |
BitrateChangeReason | reason, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height, | ||
double | framerate, | ||
double | position, | ||
bool | GetBWIndex = false , |
VideoScanType | scantype = eVIDEOSCAN_UNKNOWN , |
int | aspectRatioWidth = 0 , |
int | aspectRatioHeight = 0 |
) |
Notify bit rate change event to listeners.
[in] | bitrate | - New bitrate |
[in] | reason | - Bitrate change reason |
[in] | width | - Video width |
[in] | height | - Video height |
[in] | framerate | - FRAME-RATE from manifest |
[in] | GetBWIndex | - Flag to get the bandwidth index |
Definition at line 2538 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyEOSReached | ( | ) |
Process EOS from Sink and notify listeners if required.
Definition at line 2831 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyOnEnteringLive | ( | ) |
Notify when entering live point to listeners.
Definition at line 2910 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
inline |
Set persisted profile index.
[in] | profile | - Profile index |
Definition at line 1502 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Set persisted bandwidth.
[in] | bandwidth | - Bandwidth in bps |
Definition at line 1510 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateDuration | ( | double | seconds | ) |
Update playlist duration.
[in] | seconds | - Duration in seconds |
Definition at line 2095 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateCullingState | ( | double | culledSeconds | ) |
Update playlist culling.
[in] | culledSeconds | - Seconds to be culled |
Definition at line 2104 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateRefreshPlaylistInterval | ( | float | maxIntervalSecs | ) |
Update playlist refresh interval.
[in] | maxIntervalSecs | - Interval in seconds |
Definition at line 2415 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetVideoPTS | ( | bool | bAddVideoBasePTS | ) |
Report progress event.
[in] | bAddVideoBasePTS | - Flag to include base PTS |
Definition at line 1910 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReportProgress | ( | bool | sync = true , |
bool | beginningOfStream = false |
) |
Report progress event to listeners.
[in] | sync | - Flag to indicate that event should be synchronous |
[in] | beginningOfStream | - Flag to indicate if the progress reporting is for the Beginning Of Stream |
Definition at line 1928 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReportAdProgress | ( | bool | sync = true | ) |
Report Ad progress event to listeners Sending Ad progress percentage to JSPP.
[in] | sync | - Flag to indicate that event should be synchronous |
Definition at line 2067 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
long long PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetDurationMs | ( | void | ) |
Get asset duration in milliseconds.
Definition at line 6798 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::DurationFromStartOfPlaybackMs | ( | void | ) |
Get asset duration in milliseconds For VIDEO TAG Based playback, mainly when aamp is used as plugin.
Definition at line 6817 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPositionMs | ( | void | ) |
long long PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPositionMilliseconds | ( | void | ) |
Get current stream playback position in milliseconds.
Definition at line 6888 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 1607 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendStreamCopy | ( | MediaType | mediaType, |
const void * | ptr, | ||
size_t | len, | ||
double | fpts, | ||
double | fdts, | ||
double | fDuration | ||
) |
API to send audio/video stream into the sink.
[in] | mediaType | - Type of the media. |
[in] | ptr | - Pointer to the buffer. |
[in] | len | - Buffer length. |
[in] | fpts | - Presentation Time Stamp. |
[in] | fdts | - Decode Time Stamp |
[in] | fDuration | - Buffer duration. |
Definition at line 7010 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendStreamTransfer | ( | MediaType | mediaType, |
GrowableBuffer * | buffer, | ||
double | fpts, | ||
double | fdts, | ||
double | fDuration, | ||
bool | initFragment = 0 |
) |
API to send audio/video stream into the sink.
[in] | mediaType | - Type of the media. |
[in] | buffer | - Pointer to the GrowableBuffer. |
[in] | fpts | - Presentation Time Stamp. |
[in] | fdts | - Decode Time Stamp |
[in] | fDuration | - Buffer duration. |
[in] | initFragment | - flag for buffer type (init, data) |
Definition at line 7018 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStreamSink | ( | StreamSink * | streamSink | ) |
Setting the stream sink.
[in] | streamSink | - Pointer to the stream sink |
Definition at line 7034 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsLive | ( | void | ) |
Checking if the stream is live or not.
Definition at line 7042 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsAudioPlayContextCreationSkipped | ( | void | ) |
Check if audio playcontext creation skipped for Demuxed HLS file.
true | if playcontext creation skipped, false if not. |
Definition at line 7051 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsLiveStream | ( | void | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::Stop | ( | void | ) |
inline |
Checking whether TSB enabled or not.
Definition at line 1679 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Checking whether CDVR in progress.
Definition at line 1686 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Checking whether fog is giving uninterrupted TSB.
Definition at line 1693 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Checking whether CDVR Stream or not.
Definition at line 1700 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Checking whether OTA content or not.
Definition at line 1706 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Checking whether EAS content or not.
Definition at line 1712 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SaveNewTimedMetadata | ( | long long | timeMS, |
const char * | szName, | ||
const char * | szContent, | ||
int | nb, | ||
const char * | id = "" , |
double | durationMS = -1 |
) |
SaveNewTimedMetadata Function to store Metadata and reporting event one by one after DRM Initialization.
[in] | timeMS | - Time in milliseconds |
[in] | szName | - Metadata name |
[in] | szContent | - Metadata content |
[in] | nb | - ContentSize |
[in] | id | - Identifier of the TimedMetadata |
[in] | durationMS | - Duration in milliseconds |
Definition at line 7226 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SaveTimedMetadata | ( | long long | timeMS, |
const char * | szName, | ||
const char * | szContent, | ||
int | nb, | ||
const char * | id = "" , |
double | durationMS = -1 |
) |
SaveTimedMetadata Function to store Metadata for bulk reporting during Initialization.
[in] | timeMS | - Time in milliseconds |
[in] | szName | - Metadata name |
[in] | szContent | - Metadata content |
[in] | nb | - ContentSize |
[in] | id | - Identifier of the TimedMetadata |
[in] | durationMS | - Duration in milliseconds |
Definition at line 7217 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReportBulkTimedMetadata | ( | ) |
Report bulk timedMetadata Function to send bulk timedMetadata in json format.
Definition at line 7258 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReportContentGap | ( | long long | timeMS, |
std::string | id, | ||
double | durationMS = -1 |
) |
Report content gap events.
[in] | timeMS | - Time in milliseconds |
[in] | id | - Identifier of the TimedMetadata |
[in] | durationMS | - Duration in milliseconds |
Definition at line 7383 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::InterruptableMsSleep | ( | int | timeInMs | ) |
Sleep until timeout is reached or interrupted.
[in] | timeInMs | timeout in milliseconds |
Definition at line 6771 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::DownloadsAreEnabled | ( | void | ) |
Check if downloads are enabled.
Check if track can inject data into GStreamer.
Definition at line 6752 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::StopDownloads | ( | ) |
Stop downloads of all tracks. Used by aamp internally to manage states.
Definition at line 3148 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResumeDownloads | ( | ) |
Resume downloads of all tracks. Used by aamp internally to manage states.
Definition at line 3163 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::StopTrackDownloads | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Stop downloads for a track. Called from StreamSink to control flow.
[in] | type | Media type |
Definition at line 3179 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResumeTrackDownloads | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Resume downloads for a track. Called from StreamSink to control flow.
[in] | type | Media type |
Definition at line 3202 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::BlockUntilGstreamerWantsData | ( | void(*)(void) | cb, |
int | periodMs, | ||
int | track | ||
) |
Block the injector thread until the gstreanmer needs buffer/more data.
[in] | cb | - Callback helping to perform additional tasks, if gst doesn't need extra data |
[in] | periodMs | - Delay between callbacks |
[in] | track | - Track id |
Definition at line 3224 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogTuneComplete | ( | void | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::AdditionalTuneFailLogEntries | ( | ) |
Additional log entries to assist with tune failure diagnostics.
Additional Tune Fail Diagnostics.
Definition at line 2941 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::TuneFail | ( | bool | fail | ) |
Profiler for failure tune.
[in] | Fail | - Tune fail status |
Definition at line 3018 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogFirstFrame | ( | void | ) |
Notifies profiler that first frame is presented.
Definition at line 3107 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogPlayerPreBuffered | ( | void | ) |
Profile Player changed from background to foreground i.e prebuffred.
Definition at line 3115 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogDrmInitComplete | ( | void | ) |
Notifies profiler that drm initialization is complete.
Definition at line 3123 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogDrmDecryptBegin | ( | ProfilerBucketType | bucketType | ) |
Notifies profiler that decryption has started.
[in] | bucketType | - Bucket Id |
Definition at line 3131 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LogDrmDecryptEnd | ( | ProfilerBucketType | bucketType | ) |
Notifies profiler that decryption has ended.
[in] | bucketType | profiler bucket type |
Definition at line 3139 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
inline |
Get DRM init data obtained from manifest URL (if present)
Definition at line 1900 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Set manifest URL.
[in] | url | - Manifest URL |
Definition at line 1911 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFirstFrameReceived | ( | void | ) |
Notify first frame is displayed. Sends CC handle event to listeners.
Definition at line 7499 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::InitializeCC | ( | void | ) |
Initialize CC after first frame received Sends CC handle event to listeners when first frame receives or video_dec handle rests.
Definition at line 7460 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SyncBegin | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SyncEnd | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetSeekBase | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResetCurrentlyAvailableBandwidth | ( | long | bitsPerSecond, |
bool | trickPlay, | ||
int | profile = 0 |
) |
Reset bandwidth value Artificially resetting the bandwidth. Low for quicker tune times.
[in] | bitsPerSecond | - bps |
[in] | trickPlay | - Is trickplay mode |
[in] | profile | - Profile id. |
Definition at line 3401 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCurrentlyAvailableBandwidth | ( | void | ) |
Get the current network bandwidth using most recently recorded 3 samples.
Definition at line 3416 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::DisableDownloads | ( | void | ) |
abort ongoing downloads and returns error on future downloads called while stopping fragment collector thread
Definition at line 6741 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::EnableDownloads | ( | void | ) |
Enable downloads after aamp_DisableDownloads. Called after stopping fragment collector thread.
Definition at line 6761 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Register event listener.
[in] | eventListener | - Handle to event listener |
Definition at line 1985 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
UnRegister event listener.
[in] | eventListener | - Handle to event listener |
Definition at line 1996 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ScheduleRetune | ( | PlaybackErrorType | errorType, |
MediaType | trackType | ||
) |
Schedules retune or discontinuity processing based on state.
[in] | errorType | - Current error type |
[in] | trackType | - Video/Audio |
Definition at line 7559 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
delete |
assignment operator disabled
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateVideoRectangle | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h | ||
) |
Set video rectangle.
[in] | x | - Left |
[in] | y | - Top |
[in] | w | - Width |
[in] | h | - Height |
Definition at line 6654 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVideoRectangle | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
int | w, | ||
int | h | ||
) |
Set video rectangle.
[in] | x | - Left |
[in] | y | - Top |
[in] | w | - Width |
[in] | h | - Height |
Definition at line 6667 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::Discontinuity | ( | MediaType | track, |
bool | setDiscontinuityFlag = false |
) |
Signal discontinuity of track. Called from StreamAbstractionAAMP to signal discontinuity.
[in] | track | - Media type |
[in] | setDiscontinuityFlag | if true then no need to call mStreamSink->Discontinuity(), set only the discontinuity processing flag. |
Definition at line 7534 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetTrackDiscontinuityIgnoredStatus | ( | MediaType | track | ) |
Set discontinuity ignored flag for given track.
Definition at line 10480 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsDiscontinuityIgnoredForOtherTrack | ( | MediaType | track | ) |
Check whether the given track discontinuity ignored earlier.
Definition at line 10488 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResetTrackDiscontinuityIgnoredStatus | ( | void | ) |
Reset discontinuity ignored flag for audio and video tracks.
Definition at line 10496 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVideoZoom | ( | VideoZoomMode | zoom | ) |
Set video zoom.
[in] | zoom | - Video zoom mode |
Definition at line 6704 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVideoMute | ( | bool | muted | ) |
Enable/ Disable Video.
[in] | muted | - muted or unmuted |
Definition at line 6712 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetSubtitleMute | ( | bool | muted | ) |
Set subtitle mute state.
Enable/ Disable Subtitles.
[in] | muted | - muted or unmuted |
muted | - true to disable subtitles, false to enable subtitles. |
Definition at line 6722 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAudioVolume | ( | int | volume | ) |
Set audio volume.
Set Audio Volume.
[in] | volume | - Volume level Minimum 0, maximum 100 |
volume | - Minimum 0, maximum 100. |
Definition at line 6732 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetState | ( | PrivAAMPState | state | ) |
Set player state.
[in] | state | - New state |
Definition at line 7731 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetState | ( | PrivAAMPState & | state | ) |
Get player state.
[out] | state | - Get current state of aamp |
Definition at line 7769 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
static |
Add high priority idle task to the gstreamer.
[in] | task | - Task function pointer |
[in] | arg | - passed as parameter during idle task execution |
Definition at line 7780 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsSinkCacheEmpty | ( | MediaType | mediaType | ) |
Check sink cache empty.
[in] | mediaType | - Audio/Video |
Definition at line 7789 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFragmentCachingComplete | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendTunedEvent | ( | bool | isSynchronous = true | ) |
Send tuned event to listeners if required.
[in] | isSynchronous | - send event synchronously or not |
true | if event is scheduled, false if discarded |
Definition at line 7826 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendVideoEndEvent | ( | ) |
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsFragmentCachingRequired | ( | ) |
Check if fragment caching is required.
Definition at line 8189 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPlayerVideoSize | ( | int & | w, |
int & | h | ||
) |
Get player video size.
[out] | w | - Width |
[out] | h | - Height |
Definition at line 8198 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetCallbackAsPending | ( | guint | id | ) |
Set an idle callback as event pending state.
[in] | id | - Callback id. |
Definition at line 8226 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetCallbackAsDispatched | ( | guint | id | ) |
Set an idle callback as event dispatched state.
[in] | id | - Callback id. |
Definition at line 8206 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::CollectCMCDCustomHeaders | ( | MediaType | fileType, |
class CMCDHeaders * | pCMCDMetrics | ||
) |
Collect and send all key-value pairs for CMCD headers.
Collect and store CMCD Headers related data.
[in] | fileType | - Type of content. |
[in] | pCMCDMetrics | - pointer to CMCDHeaders. |
Definition at line 8246 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::AddCustomHTTPHeader | ( | std::string | headerName, |
std::vector< std::string > | headerValue, | ||
bool | isLicenseHeader | ||
) |
Add/Remove a custom HTTP header and value.
[in] | headerName | - Header name |
[in] | headerValue | - Header value |
[in] | isLicenseHeader | - true if header is for a license request |
Definition at line 8384 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLicenseServerURL | ( | const char * | url, |
DRMSystems | drmType = eDRM_MAX_DRMSystems |
) |
Set license server URL.
[in] | url | - server URL |
[in] | drmType | - DRM type (PR/WV) for which the URL has to be used, global by default |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPreferredDRM | ( | DRMSystems | drmType | ) |
DRMSystems PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPreferredDRM | ( | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStereoOnlyPlayback | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetBulkTimedMetaReport | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set Bulk TimedMetadata Reporting flag.
[in] | bValue | - if true Bulk event reporting enabled |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set unpaired discontinuity retune flag.
[in] | bValue | - true if unpaired discontinuity retune set |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetRetuneForGSTInternalError | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error.
[in] | bValue | - true if gst internal error retune set |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::FoundEventBreak | ( | const std::string & | adBreakId, |
uint64_t | startMS, | ||
EventBreakInfo | brInfo | ||
) |
Notification from the stream abstraction that a new SCTE35 event is found.
[in] | adBreakId | Adbreak's unique identifier. |
[in] | startMS | Break start time in milli seconds. |
[in] | brInfo | EventBreakInfo object. |
Definition at line 8853 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAlternateContents | ( | const std::string & | adBreakId, |
const std::string & | adId, | ||
const std::string & | url | ||
) |
Setting the alternate contents' (Ads/blackouts) URL.
[in] | adBreakId | Adbreak's unique identifier. |
[in] | adId | Individual Ad's id |
[in] | url | Ad URL |
Definition at line 8868 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendAdResolvedEvent | ( | const std::string & | adId, |
bool | status, | ||
uint64_t | startMS = 0 , |
uint64_t | durationMs = 0 |
) |
Send status of Ad manifest downloading & parsing.
[in] | adId | Ad's unique identifier. |
[in] | status | Manifest status (success/Failure) |
[in] | startMS | Ad playback start time in milliseconds |
[in] | durationMs | Ad's duration in milliseconds |
Definition at line 8884 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendAdReservationEvent | ( | AAMPEventType | type, |
const std::string & | adBreakId, | ||
uint64_t | position, | ||
bool | immediate = false |
) |
Send Ad reservation event.
[in] | type | - Event type |
[in] | adBreakId | - Reservation Id |
[in] | position | - Event position in terms of channel's timeline |
[in] | immediate | - Send it immediate or not |
Definition at line 8932 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendAdPlacementEvent | ( | AAMPEventType | type, |
const std::string & | adId, | ||
uint32_t | position, | ||
uint32_t | adOffset, | ||
uint32_t | adDuration, | ||
bool | immediate = false , |
long | error_code = 0 |
) |
Send Ad placement event.
[in] | type | - Event type |
[in] | adId | - Placement Id |
[in] | position | - Event position wrt to the corresponding adbreak start |
[in] | adOffset | - Offset point of the current ad |
[in] | adDuration | - Duration of the current ad |
[in] | immediate | - Send it immediate or not |
[in] | error_code | - Error code (in case of placment error) |
Definition at line 8957 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAnonymousRequest | ( | bool | isAnonymous | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAvgBWForABR | ( | bool | useAvgBW | ) |
Indicates average BW to be used for ABR Profiling.
useAvgBW | - Flag for true / false |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPreCacheTimeWindow | ( | int | nTimeWindow | ) |
SetPreCacheTimeWindow Function to Set PreCache Time.
nTimeWindow | - Time in minutes, Max PreCache Time |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVODTrickplayFPS | ( | int | vodTrickplayFPS | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLinearTrickplayFPS | ( | int | linearTrickplayFPS | ) |
Set frames per second for linear trickplay.
[in] | linearTrickplayFPS | - FPS count |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStallErrorCode | ( | int | errorCode | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStallTimeout | ( | int | timeoutMS | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetInitFragTimeoutRetryCount | ( | int | count | ) |
To set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures.
count | - max attempt for timeout retry count |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendStalledErrorEvent | ( | ) |
Send stalled events to listeners.
Send stalled event to listeners.
Definition at line 8435 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsDiscontinuityProcessPending | ( | ) |
Check if discontinuity processing is pending.
Definition at line 2665 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ProcessPendingDiscontinuity | ( | ) |
Process pending discontinuity and continue playback of stream after discontinuity.
Definition at line 2677 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFirstBufferProcessed | ( | ) |
Notify if first buffer processed by gstreamer.
Definition at line 8471 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::PauseSubtitleParser | ( | bool | pause | ) |
pause/un-pause subtitles
Definition at line 8460 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResetTrickStartUTCTime | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::getStreamType | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetMediaFormatTypeEnum | ( | ) | const |
Get Mediaformat type.
Definition at line 8557 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::getStreamTypeString | ( | ) |
Get stream type as printable format.
Definition at line 8982 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::shared_ptr< AampDrmHelper > PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCurrentDRM | ( | ) |
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPreferredAudioProperties | ( | ) |
get the current audio preference set by user
Definition at line 9431 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPreferredTextProperties | ( | ) |
get the current text preference set by user
Definition at line 9384 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Set DRM type.
[in] | drm | - New DRM type |
Definition at line 2484 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFirstFragmentDecrypted | ( | ) |
Notify the decryption completion of the fist fragment.
Definition at line 8620 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetFirstPTS | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsLiveAdjustRequired | ( | ) |
Check if Live Adjust is required for current content. ( For "vod/ivod/ip-dvr/cdvr/eas", Live Adjust is not required ).
Definition at line 8647 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendMediaMetadataEvent | ( | void | ) |
Generate media metadata event based on parsed attribute values.
Definition at line 8688 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendSupportedSpeedsChangedEvent | ( | bool | isIframeTrackPresent | ) |
Generate supported speeds changed event based on arg passed.
[in] | isIframeTrackPresent | - indicates if iframe tracks are available in asset |
Definition at line 8767 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendBlockedEvent | ( | const std::string & | reason | ) |
Generate Blocked event based on args passed.
[in] | reason | - Blocked Reason |
Definition at line 8808 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendWatermarkSessionUpdateEvent | ( | uint32_t | sessionHandle, |
uint32_t | status, | ||
const std::string & | system | ||
) |
Generate WatermarkSessionUpdate event based on args passed.
[in] | sessionHandle | - Handle used to track and manage session |
[in] | status | - Status of the watermark session |
[in] | system | - Watermarking protection provider |
Definition at line 8826 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetInitialBitrate | ( | long | bitrate | ) |
To set the initial bitrate value.
[in] | bitrate | initial bitrate to be selected |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetInitialBitrate4K | ( | long | bitrate4K | ) |
To set the initial bitrate value for 4K assets.
[in] | bitrate4K | initial bitrate to be selected for 4K assets |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetNetworkTimeout | ( | double | timeout | ) |
To set the network download timeout value.
[in] | timeout | preferred timeout value |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureNetworkTimeout | ( | ) |
To set the network timeout as per priority.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureManifestTimeout | ( | ) |
To set the manifest timeout as per priority.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigurePlaylistTimeout | ( | ) |
To set the manifest timeout as per priority.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureDashParallelFragmentDownload | ( | ) |
To set DASH Parallel Download configuration for fragments.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureParallelFetch | ( | ) |
To set the parallel playlist fetch configuration.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureBulkTimedMetadata | ( | ) |
To set bulk timedMetadata reporting.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity | ( | ) |
To set unpaired discontinuity retune configuration.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureRetuneForGSTInternalError | ( | ) |
To set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigurePreCachePlaylist | ( | ) |
Function to configure PreCachePlaylist.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureInitFragTimeoutRetryCount | ( | ) |
Function to set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureWesterosSink | ( | ) |
To set westeros sink configuration.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ConfigureLicenseCaching | ( | ) |
To set license caching config.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetManifestTimeout | ( | double | timeout | ) |
To set the manifest download timeout value.
[in] | timeout | preferred timeout value |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPlaylistTimeout | ( | double | timeout | ) |
To set the playlist download timeout value.
[in] | timeout | preferred timeout value |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetDownloadBufferSize | ( | int | bufferSize | ) |
To set the download buffer size value.
[in] | bufferSize | preferred download buffer size |
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsTuneCompleted | ( | ) |
Check if tune completed or not.
Definition at line 8835 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Check if ABR enabled for this playback session.
Definition at line 2675 of file priv_aamp.h.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVideoBitrate | ( | long | bitrate | ) |
Set a preferred bitrate for video.
[in] | preferred | bitrate. |
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetThumbnails | ( | double | start, |
double | end | ||
) |
Get the Thumbnail Tile data.
Definition at line 6505 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetThumbnailTracks | ( | ) |
Get available thumbnail tracks.
Definition at line 6461 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
long PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetVideoBitrate | ( | ) |
Get preferred bitrate for video.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetNetworkProxy | ( | const char * | proxy | ) |
To set the network proxy.
[in] | proxy | network proxy to use |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetNetworkProxy | ( | ) |
To get the network proxy.
Definition at line 9079 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLicenseReqProxy | ( | const char * | licenseProxy | ) |
To set the proxy for license request.
[in] | licenseProxy | proxy to use for license request |
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLicenseReqProxy | ( | ) |
To get the proxy for license request.
Definition at line 9089 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Set is Live flag.
[in] | isLive | - is Live flag |
Definition at line 2735 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Set is Audio play context is skipped, due to Audio HLS file is ES Format type.
[in] | isAudioContextSkipped | - is audio context creation skipped. |
Definition at line 2743 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Set isLiveStream flag.
[in] | isLiveStream | - is Live stream flag |
Definition at line 2751 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SignalTrickModeDiscontinuity | ( | ) |
Signal trick mode discontinuity to stream sink.
Definition at line 9100 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
pass service zone, extracted from locator &sz URI parameter
Definition at line 2764 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
inline |
getTuneType Function to check what is the tuneType
Definition at line 2781 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
IsNewTune Function to check if tune is New tune or retune.
Definition at line 2788 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
IsFirstRequestToFog Function to check first reqruest to fog.
Definition at line 2795 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsMuxedStream | ( | ) |
Check if current stream is muxed.
Definition at line 9111 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetDownloadStallTimeout | ( | long | stallTimeout | ) |
To set the curl stall timeout value.
[in] | stallTimeout | curl stall timeout |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetDownloadStartTimeout | ( | long | startTimeout | ) |
To set the curl download start timeout value.
[in] | startTimeout | curl download start timeout |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::StopTrackInjection | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Stop injection for a track. Called from StopInjection.
[in] | type | Media type |
Definition at line 9125 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ResumeTrackInjection | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Resume injection for a track. Called from StartInjection.
[in] | type | Media type |
Definition at line 9147 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFirstVideoPTS | ( | unsigned long long | pts, |
unsigned long | timeScale = 90000 |
) |
Receives first video PTS of the current playback.
[in] | pts | - pts value |
[in] | timeScale | - time scale (default 90000) |
Definition at line 9168 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendVTTCueDataAsEvent | ( | VTTCue * | cue | ) |
To send webvtt cue as an event.
[in] | cue | - vtt cue object |
Definition at line 9188 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsSubtitleEnabled | ( | void | ) |
To check if subtitles are enabled.
Definition at line 9201 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::WebVTTCueListenersRegistered | ( | void | ) |
To check if JavaScript cue listeners are registered.
Definition at line 9211 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateVideoEndProfileResolution | ( | MediaType | mediaType, |
long | bitrate, | ||
int | width, | ||
int | height | ||
) |
updates profile Resolution to VideoStat object
[in] | mediaType | - MediaType ( Manifest/Audio/Video etc ) |
[in] | bitrate | - bitrate ( bits per sec ) |
[in] | width | - Frame width |
[in] | height | - Frame Height |
Definition at line 7911 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateVideoEndTsbStatus | ( | bool | btsbAvailable | ) |
updates time shift buffer status
[in] | btsbAvailable | - true if TSB supported |
Definition at line 7938 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::UpdateProfileCappedStatus | ( | void | ) |
inline |
To check if current asset is DASH or not.
Definition at line 2939 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::CheckForDiscontinuityStall | ( | MediaType | mediaType | ) |
Check if AAMP is in stalled state after it pushed EOS to notify discontinuity.
[in] | mediaType | stream type |
Definition at line 5961 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyVideoBasePTS | ( | unsigned long long | basepts, |
unsigned long | timeScale = 90000 |
) |
Notifies base PTS of the HLS video playback.
[in] | pts | - base pts value |
Definition at line 9179 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCustomLicenseHeaders | ( | std::unordered_map< std::string, std::vector< std::string >> & | customHeaders | ) |
To get any custom license HTTP headers that was set by application.
[out] | headers | - map of headers |
Definition at line 9219 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetParallelPlaylistDL | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set parallel playlist download config value.
[in] | bValue | - true if a/v playlist to be downloaded in parallel |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetEventPriorityAsyncTune | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set async tune configuration for EventPriority.
[in] | bValue | - true if async tune enabled |
Definition at line 6631 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAsyncTuneConfig | ( | ) |
Get async tune configuration.
Definition at line 6646 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetParallelPlaylistRefresh | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set parallel playlist download config value for linear.
[in] | bValue | - true if a/v playlist to be downloaded in parallel |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetWesterosSinkConfig | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLicenseCaching | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set license caching.
[in] | bValue | - true/false to enable/disable license caching |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetMatchingBaseUrlConfig | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Set Matching BaseUrl Config Configuration.
[in] | bValue | - true if Matching BaseUrl enabled |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPropagateUriParameters | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Configure URI parameters.
[in] | bValue | - true to enable, false to disable. |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetSslVerifyPeerConfig | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
to configure disable ssl verify peer parameter
[in] | bValue | - default value: false |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetNewABRConfig | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Configure New ABR Enable/Disable.
[in] | bValue | - true if new ABR enabled |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetNewAdBreakerConfig | ( | bool | bValue | ) |
Configure New AdBreaker Enable/Disable.
[in] | bValue | - true if new AdBreaker enabled |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::FlushStreamSink | ( | double | position, |
double | rate | ||
) |
Sending a flushing seek to stream sink with given position.
[in] | position | - position to which we seek after flush |
[in] | rate | - playback rate |
Definition at line 9271 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAvailableVideoTracks | ( | ) |
Get available video tracks.
Definition at line 9482 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVideoTracks | ( | std::vector< long > | bitrateList | ) |
set birate for video tracks selection
[in] | bitrateList | bitrate list |
Definition at line 9546 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAvailableAudioTracks | ( | bool | allTrack = false | ) |
Get available audio tracks.
Definition at line 9572 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAvailableTextTracks | ( | bool | alltrack = false | ) |
Get available text tracks.
Definition at line 9676 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPreferredTextLanguages | ( | const char * | param | ) |
set preferred Audio Language properties like language, rendition, type, codec, and Label
- | language list |
Definition at line 11142 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPreCacheDownloadList | ( | PreCacheUrlList & | dnldListInput | ) |
SetPreCacheDownloadList - Function to assign the PreCaching file list.
[in] | dnldListInput | Playlist Download list |
Definition at line 9369 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::PreCachePlaylistDownloadTask | ( | ) |
PreCachePlaylistDownloadTask Thread function for PreCaching Playlist.
Definition at line 9293 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAppName | ( | std::string | name | ) |
Set the application name which has created PlayerInstanceAAMP, for logging purposes.
Definition at line 9791 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAppName | ( | ) |
Get the application name.
Definition at line 9799 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SendId3MetadataEvent | ( | Id3CallbackData * | id3Metadata | ) |
Sends an ID3 metadata event.
[in] | id3Metadata | ID3 metadata |
Definition at line 9227 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::TrackDownloadsAreEnabled | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Check to media track downloads are enabled.
[in] | type | Media type |
Definition at line 9921 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::StopBuffering | ( | bool | forceStop | ) |
Stop buffering in AAMP and un-pause pipeline.
[in] | forceStop | - stop buffering forcefully |
Definition at line 9942 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsPlayEnabled | ( | ) |
Check if autoplay enabled for current stream.
Definition at line 6239 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::detach | ( | ) |
Soft stop the player instance.
Definition at line 6248 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
AampCacheHandler * PrivateInstanceAAMP::getAampCacheHandler | ( | ) |
Get AampCacheHandler instance.
Definition at line 6277 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetInitRampdownLimit | ( | int | limit | ) |
Set Initila profile ramp down limit.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetMinimumBitrate | ( | long | bitrate | ) |
Set minimum bitrate value.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetMaximumBitrate | ( | long | bitrate | ) |
Set maximum bitrate value.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetMaximumBitrate | ( | ) |
Get maximum bitrate value.
Definition at line 6285 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetMinimumBitrate | ( | ) |
Get minimum bitrate value.
Definition at line 6295 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetDefaultBitrate | ( | ) |
Get default bitrate value.
Definition at line 6305 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetDefaultBitrate4K | ( | ) |
Get Default bitrate for 4K.
Definition at line 6315 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetIframeBitrate | ( | ) |
Get Default Iframe bitrate value.
Definition at line 6325 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetIframeBitrate4K | ( | ) |
Get Default Iframe bitrate 4K value.
Definition at line 6335 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetInitialBufferDuration | ( | int | durationSec | ) |
Set initial buffer duration in seconds.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetInitialBufferDuration | ( | ) |
Get current initial buffer duration in seconds.
Definition at line 9816 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
virtual |
DRM individualization callback.
[in] | payload | - individualization payload |
Implements AampDrmCallbacks.
Definition at line 9807 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetContentType | ( | const char * | contentType | ) |
Set Content Type.
[in] | contentType | - Content type |
Definition at line 6121 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
ContentType PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetContentType | ( | ) | const |
MediaFormat PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetMediaFormatType | ( | const char * | url | ) |
Assign the correct mediaFormat by parsing the url.
Get Mediaformat types by parsing the url.
[in] | url | - manifest url |
Definition at line 5806 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLicenseServerUrlForDrm | ( | DRMSystems | type | ) |
Get license server url for a drm type.
[in] | type | DRM type |
Definition at line 9950 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStateBufferingIfRequired | ( | ) |
Set eSTATE_BUFFERING if required.
Definition at line 9889 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsFirstVideoFrameDisplayedRequired | ( | ) |
Check if First Video Frame Displayed Notification is required.
Definition at line 9826 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyFirstVideoFrameDisplayed | ( | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAudioTrack | ( | int | trackId | ) |
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAudioTrack | ( | ) |
Get current audio track index.
Definition at line 9976 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAudioTrackInfo | ( | ) |
Get current audio track index.
Definition at line 9991 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetTextTrack | ( | int | trackId, |
char * | data = NULL |
) |
Set text track.
[in] | trackId | - index of text track in available track list |
[in] | data | - subtitle data from application |
Definition at line 10240 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetTextTrack | ( | ) |
Get current text track index.
Definition at line 10362 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetTextTrackInfo | ( | ) |
Get current audio track index.
Definition at line 10095 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetCCStatus | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Set CC visibility on/off.
[in] | enabled | - true for CC on, false otherwise |
Definition at line 10394 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCCStatus | ( | void | ) |
Get CC visibility on/off.
Definition at line 10416 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::RefreshSubtitles | ( | ) |
Switch the subtitle track following a change to the preferredTextTrack.
Definition at line 10351 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyAudioTracksChanged | ( | ) |
Function to notify available audio tracks changed.
Definition at line 10424 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::NotifyTextTracksChanged | ( | ) |
Function to notify available text tracks changed.
Definition at line 10432 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Set preferred text track Required to persist across trickplay or other operations.
[in] | track | - text track info object |
Definition at line 3409 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Get preferred audio track.
Get preferred text track
Definition at line 3423 of file priv_aamp.h.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetTextStyle | ( | const std::string & | options | ) |
Set style options for text track rendering.
[in] | options | - JSON formatted style options |
Definition at line 10441 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetTextStyle | ( | ) |
Get style options for text track rendering.
Definition at line 10464 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
static |
Check if any active PrivateInstanceAAMP available.
Definition at line 10472 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Return BasePTS - for non-HLS/TS streams this will be zero.
Definition at line 3452 of file priv_aamp.h.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetSessionToken | ( | std::string & | sessionToken | ) |
Set the session Token for player.
[in] | sessionToken | - sessionToken in string format |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetStreamFormat | ( | StreamOutputFormat | videoFormat, |
StreamOutputFormat | audioFormat, | ||
StreamOutputFormat | auxFormat | ||
) |
Set stream format for audio/video tracks.
[in] | videoFormat | - video stream format |
[in] | audioFormat | - audio stream format |
[in] | auxFormat | - aux stream format |
Definition at line 10505 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsAudioOrVideoOnly | ( | StreamOutputFormat | videoFormat, |
StreamOutputFormat | audioFormat, | ||
StreamOutputFormat | auxFormat | ||
) |
To check for audio/video only Playback.
[in] | videoFormat | - video stream format |
[in] | audioFormat | - audio stream format |
[in] | auxFormat | - aux stream format |
Definition at line 10567 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetMaxPlaylistCacheSize | ( | int | cacheSize | ) |
Set Maximum Cache Size for storing playlist.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::EnableVideoRectangle | ( | bool | rectProperty | ) |
Set video rectangle property.
[in] | rectProperty | video rectangle property |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::EnableSeekableRange | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Enable seekable range values in progress event.
[in] | enabled | - true if enabled |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetReportVideoPTS | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
Enable video PTS reporting in progress event.
[in] | enabled | - true if enabled |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::DisableContentRestrictions | ( | long | grace = 0 , |
long | time = -1 , |
bool | eventChange = false |
) |
Disable Content Restrictions - unlock.
[in] | grace | - seconds from current time, grace period, grace = -1 will allow an unlimited grace period |
[in] | time | - seconds from current time,time till which the channel need to be kept unlocked |
[in] | eventChange | - disable restriction handling till next program event boundary |
Definition at line 10599 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::EnableContentRestrictions | ( | ) |
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::PersistBitRateOverSeek | ( | bool | value | ) |
Enable/disable configuration to persist ABR profile over Seek/SAP.
[in] | value | - To enable/disable configuration |
inline |
Get config for ABR profile persitenace over Seek/Audio Chg.
Definition at line 3539 of file priv_aamp.h.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetPreferredLanguages | ( | const char * | languageList, |
const char * | preferredRendition, | ||
const char * | preferredType, | ||
const char * | codecList, | ||
const char * | labelList | ||
) |
set preferred Audio Language properties like language, rendition, type and codec
[in] | languageList | - string with comma-delimited language list in ISO-639 from most to least preferred. Set NULL to clear current list. |
[in] | preferredRendition | - preferred rendition from role |
[in] | preferredType | - preferred accessibility type |
[in] | codecList | - preferred codec list |
[in] | labelList | - preferred label list |
Definition at line 10744 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Set the scheduler instance to schedule tasks.
[in] | instance | - schedule instance |
Definition at line 3558 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::ScheduleAsyncTask | ( | IdleTask | task, |
void * | arg, | ||
std::string | taskName = "" |
) |
Add async task to scheduler.
[in] | task | - Task |
[in] | arg | - Arguments |
Definition at line 10632 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::RemoveAsyncTask | ( | int | taskId | ) |
Remove async task scheduled earlier.
[in] | taskId | - task id |
Definition at line 10653 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::AcquireStreamLock | ( | ) |
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::TryStreamLock | ( | ) |
try to acquire streamsink lock
Definition at line 10680 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::ReleaseStreamLock | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsAuxiliaryAudioEnabled | ( | void | ) |
To check if auxiliary audio is enabled.
Definition at line 10697 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Set auxiliary language.
[in] | language | - auxiliary language |
Definition at line 3617 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Get auxiliary language.
Definition at line 3624 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPauseOnFirstVideoFrameDisp | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLLDashServiceData | ( | AampLLDashServiceData & | stAampLLDashServiceData | ) |
Sets Low Latency Service Data.
[in] | stAampLLDashServiceData | - Low Latency Service Data from MPD |
Definition at line 11579 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLLDashServiceData | ( | void | ) |
Gets Low Latency Service Data.
Definition at line 11587 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetVidTimeScale | ( | uint32_t | vidTimeScale | ) |
Sets Low Video TimeScale.
[in] | vidTimeScale | - vidTimeScale value |
Definition at line 11596 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetVidTimeScale | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetAudTimeScale | ( | uint32_t | audTimeScale | ) |
Sets Low Audio TimeScale.
[in] | audTimeScale | - audTimeScale Value |
Definition at line 11612 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetAudTimeScale | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLLDashSpeedCache | ( | struct SpeedCache & | speedCache | ) |
Sets Speed Cache.
[in] | speedCache | - Speed Cache |
Definition at line 11627 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLLDashSpeedCache | ( | ) |
Gets Speed Cache.
Definition at line 11635 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
inline |
Sets Low latency play rate.
[in] | rate | - playback rate to set |
Definition at line 3697 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
inline |
Turn off/on the player speed correction for Low latency Dash.
[in] | state | - true or false |
Definition at line 3718 of file priv_aamp.h.
inline |
Gets the state of the player speed correction for Low latency Dash.
Definition at line 3728 of file priv_aamp.h.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLiveOffsetAppRequest | ( | ) |
Definition at line 11640 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
void PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLiveOffsetAppRequest | ( | bool | LiveOffsetAppRequest | ) |
set LiveOffset Request flag Status
[in] | LiveOffsetAppRequest | - flag |
Definition at line 11648 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLowLatencyServiceConfigured | ( | ) |
Get Low Latency Service Configuration Status.
Definition at line 11655 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetLowLatencyServiceConfigured | ( | bool | bConfig | ) |
Set Low Latency Service Configuration Status.
[in] | bConfig | - bool flag |
Definition at line 11663 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetUtcTime | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetUtcTime | ( | time_t | time | ) |
Set Utc Time.
[in] | time | - Utc Time |
Definition at line 11679 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCurrentLatency | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::SetCurrentLatency | ( | long | currentLatency | ) |
Set Current Latency.
[in] | currentLatency | - Current latency to set |
Definition at line 11695 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
MediaStreamContext * PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetMediaStreamContext | ( | MediaType | type | ) |
Get Media Stream Context.
[in] | type | MediaType |
Definition at line 11703 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetLicenseCustomData | ( | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPeriodDurationTimeValue | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPeriodStartTimeValue | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPeriodScaledPtoStartTime | ( | void | ) |
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LoadFogConfig | ( | void | ) |
LoadFogConfig - Load needed player Config to Fog.
return long error code
Definition at line 11791 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::LoadAampAbrConfig | ( | void | ) |
-To Load needed config from player to aampabr
To pass player config to aampabr.
return none
Definition at line 11969 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetPlaybackStats | ( | ) |
Get playback stats for the session so far.
Definition at line 11744 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
PrivateInstanceAAMP::GetCurrentAudioTrackId | ( | void | ) |
Get the Current Audio Track Id Currently it is implimented for AC4 track selection only.
Definition at line 2810 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
size_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::HandleSSLWriteCallback | ( | char * | ptr, |
size_t | size, | ||
size_t | nmemb, | ||
void * | userdata | ||
) |
HandleSSLWriteCallback - Handle write callback from CURL.
ptr | pointer to buffer containing the data |
size | size of the buffer |
nmemb | number of bytes |
userdata | CurlCallbackContext pointer |
size | consumed or 0 if interrupted |
Definition at line 770 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::HandleSSLProgressCallback | ( | void * | clientp, |
double | dltotal, | ||
double | dlnow, | ||
double | ultotal, | ||
double | ulnow | ||
) |
HandleSSLProgressCallback - Process progress callback from CURL.
clientp | opaque context passed by caller |
dltotal | total number of bytes libcurl expects to download |
dlnow | number of bytes downloaded so far |
ultotal | total number of bytes libcurl expects to upload |
ulnow | number of bytes uploaded so far |
-1 | to cancel in progress download |
clientp | app-specific as optionally set with CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA |
dltotal | total bytes expected to download |
dlnow | downloaded bytes so far |
ultotal | total bytes expected to upload |
ulnow | uploaded bytes so far |
negative | value to abort, zero otherwise |
Definition at line 1116 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
size_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::HandleSSLHeaderCallback | ( | const char * | ptr, |
size_t | size, | ||
size_t | nmemb, | ||
void * | userdata | ||
) |
HandleSSLHeaderCallback - Hanlde header callback from SSL.
ptr | pointer to buffer containing the data |
size | size of the buffer |
nmemb | number of bytes |
user_data | CurlCallbackContext pointer |
returns | size * nmemb |
Definition at line 863 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
get the SkyDE Store workaround
[in] | url | - url info |
Definition at line 11403 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
Load the configuration lazily.
private |
updates mServiceZone (service zone) member with string extracted from locator &sz URI parameter
url | - stream url with vss service zone info as query string |
Definition at line 5992 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
Extract DRM init data from the provided URL If present, the init data will be removed from the returned URL and provided as a separate string.
Definition at line 6204 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
Set local configurations to variables.
private |
Check if discontinuity processed in all tracks.
Definition at line 10706 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
Check if discontinuity processed in any track.
Definition at line 10720 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
Reset discontinuity flag for all tracks.
Definition at line 10734 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
private |
check if sidecar data available
Definition at line 12004 of file priv_aamp.cpp.
pthread_mutex_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mLock |
Definition at line 803 of file priv_aamp.h.
pthread_mutex_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mParallelPlaylistFetchLock |
mutex lock for parallel fetch
Definition at line 805 of file priv_aamp.h.
class StreamAbstractionAAMP* PrivateInstanceAAMP::mpStreamAbstractionAAMP |
HLS or MPD collector
Definition at line 807 of file priv_aamp.h.
class CDAIObject* PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCdaiObject |
Client Side DAI Object
Definition at line 808 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::queue<AAMPEventPtr> PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAdEventsQ |
A Queue of Ad events
Definition at line 809 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::mutex PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAdEventQMtx |
Add events' queue protector
Definition at line 810 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mInitSuccess |
TODO: Need to replace with player state
Definition at line 811 of file priv_aamp.h.
StreamOutputFormat PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPreviousAudioType |
Used to maintain previous audio type of HLS playback
Definition at line 814 of file priv_aamp.h.
HybridABRManager PrivateInstanceAAMP::mhAbrManager |
Pointer to Hybrid abr manager
Definition at line 820 of file priv_aamp.h.
AudioType PrivateInstanceAAMP::previousAudioType |
Used to maintain previous audio type
Definition at line 823 of file priv_aamp.h.
AampURLInfoStruct PrivateInstanceAAMP::mOrigManifestUrl |
Original Manifest URl
Definition at line 836 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsWVKIDWorkaround |
Widevine KID workaround flag
Definition at line 839 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPreCacheDnldTimeWindow |
Stores PreCaching timewindow
Definition at line 840 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCMCDNextObjectRequest |
store the next next fragment url
Definition at line 847 of file priv_aamp.h.
long PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCMCDBandwidth |
store the audio bandwidth
Definition at line 848 of file priv_aamp.h.
volatile std::atomic<long long> PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPausePositionMilliseconds |
Requested pause position, can be 0 or more, or AAMP_PAUSE_POSITION_INVALID_POSITION
Definition at line 952 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::seek_pos_seconds |
indicates the playback position at which most recent playback activity began
Definition at line 954 of file priv_aamp.h.
float PrivateInstanceAAMP::rate |
most recent (non-zero) play rate for non-paused content
Definition at line 955 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::pipeline_paused |
true if pipeline is paused
Definition at line 958 of file priv_aamp.h.
char PrivateInstanceAAMP::mLanguageList[16][42] |
list of languages in stream
Definition at line 961 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCurrentLanguageIndex |
Index of current selected lang in mLanguageList, this is used for VideoStat event data collection
Definition at line 962 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredLanguagesString |
unparsed string with preferred languages in format "lang1,lang2,.."
Definition at line 964 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredLanguagesList |
list of preferred languages from most-preferred to the least
Definition at line 965 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredRenditionString |
unparsed string with preferred renditions in format "rendition1,rendition2,.."
Definition at line 966 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredRenditionList |
list of preferred rendition from most-preferred to the least
Definition at line 967 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredLabelsString |
unparsed string with preferred labels in format "lang1,lang2,.."
Definition at line 968 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredLabelList |
list of preferred labels from most-preferred to the least
Definition at line 969 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTypeString |
unparsed string with preferred accessibility type
Definition at line 970 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredCodecString |
unparsed string with preferred codecs in format "codec1,codec2,.."
Definition at line 971 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredCodecList |
String array to store codec preference
Definition at line 972 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextLanguagesString |
unparsed string with preferred languages in format "lang1,lang2,.."
Definition at line 973 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextLanguagesList |
list of preferred text languages from most-preferred to the least
Definition at line 974 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextRenditionString |
String value for rendition
Definition at line 975 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextTypeString |
String value for text type
Definition at line 976 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextLabelString |
String value for text type
Definition at line 977 of file priv_aamp.h.
Accessibility PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredTextAccessibilityNode |
Preferred Accessibility Node for Text
Definition at line 979 of file priv_aamp.h.
Accessibility PrivateInstanceAAMP::preferredAudioAccessibilityNode |
Preferred Accessibility Node for Audio
Definition at line 980 of file priv_aamp.h.
AudioTrackTuple PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAudioTuple |
Definition at line 981 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsIframeTrackPresent |
flag to check iframe track availability
Definition at line 993 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::IsTuneTypeNew |
Definition at line 996 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mLogTimetoTopProfile |
Flag for logging time to top profile ,only one time after tune .
Definition at line 998 of file priv_aamp.h.
pthread_cond_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::waitforplaystart |
Signaled after playback starts
Definition at line 999 of file priv_aamp.h.
pthread_mutex_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mMutexPlaystart |
Mutex associated with playstart
Definition at line 1000 of file priv_aamp.h.
uint32_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAdCurOffset |
Start position in percentage
Definition at line 1014 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsVSS |
Indicates if stream is VSS, updated during Tune
Definition at line 1021 of file priv_aamp.h.
long PrivateInstanceAAMP::curlDLTimeout[eCURLINSTANCE_MAX] |
To store donwload timeout of each curl instance
Definition at line 1022 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPlayerPreBuffered |
Player changed from BG to FG
Definition at line 1024 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mDrmDecryptFailCount |
Sets retry count for DRM decryption failure
Definition at line 1026 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCurrentAudioTrackId |
Current audio track id read from trak box of init fragment
Definition at line 1028 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCurrentVideoTrackId |
Current video track id read from trak box of init fragment
Definition at line 1029 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsTrackIdMismatch |
Indicate track_id mismatch in the trak box between periods
Definition at line 1030 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsDefaultOffset |
Playback offset is not specified and we are using the default value/behaviour
Definition at line 1032 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mEncryptedPeriodFound |
Will be set if an encrypted pipeline is found while pipeline is clear
Definition at line 1033 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPipelineIsClear |
To keep the status of pipeline (whether configured for clear or not)
Definition at line 1034 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mbPlayEnabled |
Send buffer to pipeline or just cache them
Definition at line 1043 of file priv_aamp.h.
long PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPlaylistFetchFailError |
To store HTTP error code when playlist download fails
Definition at line 1049 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAudioDecoderStreamSync |
BCOM-4203: Flag to set or clear 'stream_sync_mode' property in gst brcmaudiodecoder, default: True
Definition at line 1050 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::mSessionToken |
Field to set session token for player
Definition at line 1052 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::midFragmentSeekCache |
RDK-26957: To find if cache is updated when seeked to mid fragment boundary
Definition at line 1053 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::mTsbRecordingId |
Recording ID of current TSB
Definition at line 1056 of file priv_aamp.h.
PausedBehavior PrivateInstanceAAMP::mPausedBehavior |
Player paused state behavior for linear
Definition at line 1059 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mJumpToLiveFromPause |
Flag used to jump to live position from paused position
Definition at line 1060 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mSeekFromPausedState |
Flag used to seek to live/culled position from SetRate()
Definition at line 1061 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mDisplayWidth |
Display resolution width
Definition at line 1062 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mDisplayHeight |
Display resolution height
Definition at line 1063 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mProfileCappedStatus |
Profile capped status by resolution or bitrate
Definition at line 1064 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mProgressReportOffset |
Offset time for progress reporting
Definition at line 1065 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAbsoluteEndPosition |
Live Edge position for absolute reporting
Definition at line 1066 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mbUsingExternalPlayer |
Playback using external players eg:OTA, HDMIIN,Composite
Definition at line 1069 of file priv_aamp.h.
int32_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::lastId3DataLen[eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT] |
last sent ID3 data length
Definition at line 1070 of file priv_aamp.h.
uint8_t* PrivateInstanceAAMP::lastId3Data[eMEDIATYPE_DEFAULT] |
ptr with last sent ID3 data
Definition at line 1071 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mbDetached |
Flag to denote setRate call if that called after detach
Definition at line 1073 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mbSeeked |
Flag to inidicate play after seek
Definition at line 1074 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mNextPeriodDuration |
Keep Next Period duration
Definition at line 1076 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mNextPeriodStartTime |
Keep Next Period Start Time
Definition at line 1077 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mNextPeriodScaledPtoStartTime |
Keep Next Period Start Time as per PTO
Definition at line 1078 of file priv_aamp.h.
pthread_mutex_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mDiscoCompleteLock |
Lock the period jump if discontinuity already in progress
Definition at line 1080 of file priv_aamp.h.
pthread_cond_t PrivateInstanceAAMP::mWaitForDiscoToComplete |
Conditional wait for period jump
Definition at line 1081 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsPeriodChangeMarked |
Mark if a period change occurred
Definition at line 1082 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mOffsetFromTunetimeForSAPWorkaround |
current playback position in epoch
Definition at line 1086 of file priv_aamp.h.
long PrivateInstanceAAMP::mSupportedTLSVersion |
ssl/TLS default version
Definition at line 1088 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::mFailureReason |
String to hold the tune failure reason
Definition at line 1089 of file priv_aamp.h.
long long PrivateInstanceAAMP::mTimedMetadataStartTime |
Start time to report TimedMetadata
Definition at line 1090 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::playerStartedWithTrickPlay |
To indicate player switch happened in trickplay rate
Definition at line 1092 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::userProfileStatus |
Select profile based on user list
Definition at line 1093 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mApplyCachedVideoMute |
To apply vidoeMute() operations if it has been cached due to tune in progress
Definition at line 1094 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::vector<uint8_t> PrivateInstanceAAMP::mcurrent_keyIdArray |
Current KeyID for DRM license
Definition at line 1095 of file priv_aamp.h.
DynamicDrmInfo PrivateInstanceAAMP::mDynamicDrmDefaultconfig |
Init drmConfig stored as default config
Definition at line 1096 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mAudioOnlyPb |
To indicate Audio Only Playback
Definition at line 1102 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mVideoOnlyPb |
To indicate Video Only Playback
Definition at line 1103 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCurrentAudioTrackIndex |
Keep current selected audio track index
Definition at line 1104 of file priv_aamp.h.
int PrivateInstanceAAMP::mCurrentTextTrackIndex |
Keep current selected text track index
Definition at line 1105 of file priv_aamp.h.
double PrivateInstanceAAMP::mLLActualOffset |
Actual Offset After Seeking in LL Mode
Definition at line 1106 of file priv_aamp.h.
bool PrivateInstanceAAMP::mIsStream4K |
Identify whether live playing stream is 4K or not; reset on every retune
Definition at line 1107 of file priv_aamp.h.
std::string PrivateInstanceAAMP::seiTimecode |
SEI Timestamp information from Westeros
Definition at line 1127 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
part of url
Definition at line 4037 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
part of manifest file
Definition at line 4038 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
linear or VOD or any other type
Definition at line 4039 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Trace ID unique to tune
Definition at line 4042 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Stores Total of duration of VideoDownloaded, it is not accurate playback duration but best way to find playback duration
Definition at line 4046 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
flag dentoes if progress reporting is in execution from ProcessPendingDiscontinuity
Definition at line 4051 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Minimum cached duration before playing in seconds
Definition at line 4053 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
DRM init data from main manifest URL (if present)
Definition at line 4054 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
True if fragment caching is required or ongoing
Definition at line 4055 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
To sync fragment initial caching operations
Definition at line 4056 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
True if pause AAMP after displaying first video frame
Definition at line 4057 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Preferred text track from available tracks in asset
Definition at line 4059 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Set True to enable call to NotifyFirstVideoFrameDisplayed() from Sink
Definition at line 4060 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
counter which keeps the count of manifest/Playlist success refresh
Definition at line 4061 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
handler id for auto resume idle callback
Definition at line 4063 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
instance to schedule async tasks
Definition at line 4064 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
lock for operation on mPendingAsyncEvents
Definition at line 4065 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
priority for async events
Definition at line 4066 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Mutex for accessing mpStreamAbstractionAAMP
Definition at line 4067 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Harvest count
Definition at line 4068 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Harvest config
Definition at line 4069 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
auxiliary audio language
Definition at line 4070 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Low Latency Service Configuration Data
Definition at line 4072 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Low Latency Current play Rate
Definition at line 4075 of file priv_aamp.h.
private |
Status to apply stored video rectagle
Definition at line 4084 of file priv_aamp.h.