dsError_t | dsVideoDeviceInit () |
| This function initialize all the video devices in the system. More...
dsError_t | dsGetVideoDevice (int index, intptr_t *handle) |
| This function gets the handle for the video device requested. More...
dsError_t | dsSetDFC (intptr_t handle, dsVideoZoom_t dfc) |
| This function is used to set the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function sets the screen zoom mode (Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device. More...
dsError_t | dsGetDFC (intptr_t handle, dsVideoZoom_t *dfc) |
| This function is used to get the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function Gets the screen zoom mode (None,Full ,Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device. More...
dsError_t | dsVideoDeviceTerm () |
| This function deinitialize all the video devices in the system. It reset any data structures used within this module and release any handles specific to the video devices. More...
dsError_t | dsGetHDRCapabilities (intptr_t handle, int *capabilities) |
| To find the HDR capabilities of SoC. More...
dsError_t | dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats (intptr_t handle, unsigned int *supported_formats) |
| To find the Video formats supported by the SoC. More...
dsError_t | dsGetVideoCodecInfo (intptr_t handle, dsVideoCodingFormat_t codec, dsVideoCodecInfo_t *info) |
| This API is used to get the video codec information. More...
dsError_t | dsForceDisableHDRSupport (intptr_t handle, bool disable) |
dsError_t | dsSetFRFMode (intptr_t handle, int frfmode) |
dsError_t | dsGetFRFMode (intptr_t handle, int *frfmode) |
dsError_t | dsGetCurrentDisplayframerate (intptr_t handle, char *framerate) |
dsError_t | dsSetDisplayframerate (intptr_t handle, char *framerate) |
dsError_t | dsRegisterFrameratePreChangeCB (dsRegisterFrameratePreChangeCB_t CBFunc) |
dsError_t | dsRegisterFrameratePostChangeCB (dsRegisterFrameratePostChangeCB_t CBFunc) |