RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
void StopInjection(void) override
Stops injecting fragments to StreamSink.
void GetStreamFormat(StreamOutputFormat &primaryOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &audioOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &auxOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &subtitleOutputFormat) override
Get output format of stream.
Media output format.
Structure holding the information of a stream.
bool IsInitialCachingSupported() override
check whether initial caching data supported
Streamer for progressive mp3/mp4 playback.
bool SetThumbnailTrack(int) override
Function to set thumbnail track for processing.
void DumpProfiles(void) override
Stub implementation.
StreamAbstractionAAMP_PROGRESSIVE Destructor.
int GetBWIndex(long bitrate) override
Get index of profile corresponds to bandwidth.
std::vector< long > GetVideoBitrates(void) override
To get the available video bitrates.
StreamAbstraction class of AAMP.
StreamInfo * GetStreamInfo(int idx) override
Get stream information of a profile from subclass.
double GetStartTimeOfFirstPTS() override
Get Start time PTS of first sample.
AAMPStatusType Init(TuneType tuneType) override
Initialize a newly created object.
std::vector< ThumbnailData > GetThumbnailRangeData(double, double, std::string *, int *, int *, int *, int *) override
Media Track Types.
void Stop(bool clearChannelData) override
Stops streaming.
std::vector< StreamInfo * > GetAvailableThumbnailTracks(void) override
To get the available thumbnail tracks.
StreamAbstractionAAMP_PROGRESSIVE(AampLogManager *logObj, class PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, double seekpos, float rate)
StreamAbstractionAAMP_PROGRESSIVE Constructor.
long GetMaxBitrate(void) override
Gets Max Bitrate avialable for current playback.
void Start() override
Starts streaming.
std::vector< StreamInfo * > GetAvailableVideoTracks(void) override
To get the available video tracks.
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world.
AAMP Function return values.
double GetFirstPTS() override
Get PTS of first sample.
void StartInjection(void) override
Start injecting fragments to StreamSink.
std::vector< long > GetAudioBitrates(void) override
To get the available audio bitrates.
double GetBufferedDuration() override
Get the Buffered duration.
double GetStreamPosition() override
Get current stream position.
MediaTrack * GetMediaTrack(TrackType type) override
Return MediaTrack of requested type.