RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)

TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig object Setter API

This is the setter group of API for the Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig object.

The interface for all functions is identical and is described here.

[in]*nameThis is the complete path name of the parameter extracted from soap message, e.g. set_Device_IP_Diagnostics_UDPEchoConfig_Interface. In this case, the path is "Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig.Interface".
[in]*typeData type of parameter defined for TR-069. This is same as the data type used in the Xi3 data-model.xml file. (see parameter.h)
[in]*valueThis is the value to which the parameter requested by the ACS must be set. (see paramaccess.h)
The status of the operation.
Return values
OKIf parameter requested was successfully fetched. (Same as NO_ERROR).
NO_ERRORIf parameter requested was successfully fetched. (Same as OK).
DIAG_ERRORDiagnostic error.
ERR_???Appropriate error value otherwise (see dimark_globals.h).