RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)



 API TR-069 Device.WiFi.Radio object API.
 API TR-069 Device.WiFi.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_ClientRoaming object API.
 TR-069 Device.Ethernet Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Ethernet object API.
 TR-069 Device.Ethernet.Interface object API.
 TR-069 Device.Ethernet.Interface.Stats Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Ethernet.Interface.Stats object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.ActivePort Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.ActivePort object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics Setter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.DownloadDiagnostics object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute Setter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute.RouteHops Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.TraceRoute.RouteHops object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig Setter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.UDPEchoConfig object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics Setter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Diagnostics.UploadDiagnostics object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Interface Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Interface object API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Interface.IPv4Address Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.IP.Interface.IPv4Address object API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.AssociatedDevice Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.AssociatedDevice object API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.QoS Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.QoS object API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.QoS.FlowStats Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.QoS.FlowStats object API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.Stats Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.Stats object API.
 TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MeshTable Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Time Getter API.
 TR-069 Device.Time object API.
 TR-069 Object (Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.Process.Interface.{i}) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about structure used in TR-069 DeviceInfo processor status process.
 TR-069 Object (Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about structure used in TR069 Device ethernet interface.
 TR-069 Object (Device.Ethernet.Interface.{i}.Stats) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about structure used in TR069 Device ethernet interface.
 TR-069 Object (Device.IP.Interface.Stats) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about data structure used in TR069 Device IP Interface stats.
 TR-069 Object (Device.IP.Interface.{i}) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about data structure used in TR069 Device IP Interface.
 TR-069 Object (Device.IP.Object.{i}) Public DataStructure
 Describe the details about data structure used in TR69 Device IP interface.
 TR-069 Object (Device.WiFi.EndPoint.{i}) Public APIs
 This object models an 802.11 connection from the perspective of a wireless end point. Each EndPoint entry is associated with a particular SSID interface instance via the SSIDReference parameter, and an associated active Profile instance via the ProfileReference parameter. The active profile is responsible for specifying the actual SSID and security settings used by the end point.


file  Components_XrdkSDCard.cpp
 This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components external SD Card.

Data Structures

class  DeviceClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting device client request handler information. More...
class  DSClientReqHandler
 This class provides device setting Client ReqHandler Interface operations for STBService defined under Host If. More...
class  EthernetClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting Ethernet client request handler information. More...
class  IPClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting IP client request handler information. More...
class  MoCAClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting MoCA client request handler information. More...
class  msgHandler
class  NotificationHandler
class  SNMPClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting SNMP client request handler information. More...
class  TimeClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting TimeClient request handler information. More...
class  updateHandler
class  XRdkCentralT2
 This class provides the interface for getting Telemetry DML request handler information. More...
class  XREClientReqHandler
 This class provides the interface for getting XRE request handler information. More...
struct  parser_state_t
struct  _notify_params
struct  argsList
struct  _HostIf_MsgData_t
struct  _tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t
struct  EnumStringMapper
class  EntryExitLogger
class  X_rdk_profile
 This class provides the TR-069 components Bluetooth devices information. More...
class  hostIf_DeviceInfo
 This class provides the interface for getting device information. More...
class  hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface
 This class provides the interface for getting device processor information. More...
class  hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface
 This class provides the interface for getting device processor status information. More...
class  hostIf_DeviceProcess
 This class provides the interface for getting device processor information. More...
class  hostIf_IPActivePort
 This class provides the hostIf IP active port for getting IP active port information. More...
class  hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing
class  hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest
class  MoCADevice
class  MoCAInterface
class  hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface
 This class provides the TR069 components audio output information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice
 This class provides the TR-069 components display device information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceHDMI
 This class provides the TR-069 components HDMI information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF
 This class provides the TR-069 components SPDIF information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder
 This class provides the TR069 components video decoder information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput
 This class provides the TR-069 components video output information. More...
class  hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC
class  hostIf_STBServiceXSDCard
 This class provides the TR-069 components XSD Card information. More...
class  hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint
class  hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice
class  hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security
class  hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS
class  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint
class  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile
class  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security
class  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security
class  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS
struct  hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint.stats
class  hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats


#define TEST_STR   "Device.Service.STBService.HDMI.status"
#define CAPABILTIES_OBJ   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Capabilities."
#define NTPSTATUS_NAME_FILE   "/tmp/ntp_status"
#define NTPENABLED_FILE   "/opt/.ntpEnabled"
#define MAX_PARAMETER_LEN   512
#define G_LOG_DOMAIN   ((gchar*) 0)
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_NAME   "tr69HostIfMgr"
#define IARM_TR69_CLIENT   "tr69Client"
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_SetParams   "tr69HostIfSetParams"
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_GetParams   "tr69HostIfGetParams"
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_SetAttributes   "tr69HostIfGetAttributes"
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_GetAttributes   "tr69HostIfSetAttributes"
#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_RegisterForEvents   "tr69HostIfRegisterForEvents"
#define TR69HOSTIFMGR_MAX_PARAM_LEN   (4*1024)
#define TR69HOSTIFMGR_MAX_LONG_PARAM_LEN   (200*1024)
#define _BUF_LEN_16   16
#define _BUF_LEN_32   32
#define _BUF_LEN_64   64
#define _BUF_LEN_128   128
#define _BUF_LEN_256   256
#define _BUF_LEN_512   512
#define _BUF_LEN_1024   1024
#define REBOOT_SCR   "sh /rebootNow.sh -s hostIf_utils"
#define SCR_PATH   "/lib/rdk"
#define NTP_FILE_NAME   "/opt/persistent/firstNtpTime"
#define FW_DWN_FILE_PATH   "/opt/fwdnldstatus.txt"
#define TEMP_FW_DWN_FILE_PATH   "/opt/fwdnldstatus_tmp.txt"
#define JSONRPC_URL   ""
#define BUFF_MAC   18
#define BUFF_MIN_16   16
#define BUFF_LENGTH_16   16
#define BUFF_LENGTH_32   32
#define BUFF_LENGTH_64   64
#define BUFF_LENGTH_128   128
#define BUFF_LENGTH_256   256
#define BUFF_LENGTH_1024   1024
#define LOG_ENTRY_EXIT   EntryExitLogger logger (__FUNCTION__, __FILE__)
#define X_RDK_PREFIX_STR   "Device.X_RDK_"
#define X_RDK_WebPA_SERVER_URL_STPRING   "Device.X_RDK_WebPA_Server.URL"
#define X_RDK_WebPA_TokenServer_URL_STRING   "Device.X_RDK_WebPA_TokenServer.URL"
#define X_RDK_WebPA_DNSText_URL_STRING   "Device.X_RDK_WebPA_DNSText.URL"
#define VERSION_FILE   "/version.txt"
#define SOC_ID_FILE   "/var/log/socprov.log"
#define PREFERRED_GATEWAY_FILE   "/opt/prefered-gateway"
#define FORWARD_SSH_FILE   "/opt/secure/.RFC_ForwardSSH"
#define IPREMOTE_SUPPORT_STATUS_FILE   "/opt/.ipremote_status"
#define XRE_CONTAINER_SUPPORT_STATUS_FILE   "/opt/XRE_container_enable"
#define IPREMOTE_INTERFACE_INFO   "/tmp/ipremote_interface_info"
#define MODEL_NAME_FILE   "/tmp/.model"
#define PREVIOUS_REBOT_REASON_FILE   "/opt/secure/reboot/previousreboot.info"
#define NTPENABLED_FILE   "/opt/.ntpEnabled"
#define TR069DOSLIMIT_THRESHOLD   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Tr069DoSLimit.Threshold"
#define MIN_TR69_DOS_THRESHOLD   0
#define MAX_TR69_DOS_THRESHOLD   30
#define HTTP_OK   200
#define MIN_PORT_RANGE   3000
#define MAX_PORT_RANGE   3020
#define DEVICEID_SCRIPT_PATH   "/lib/rdk/getDeviceId.sh"
#define CDL_FLASH_FILE   "/opt/cdl_flashed_file_name"
#define CURENT_FW_FILE   "/tmp/currently_running_image_name"
#define LOG_UPLOAD_SCR   "/lib/rdk/UploadLogsNow.sh"
#define CURRENT_LOG_UPLOAD_STATUS   "/opt/loguploadstatus.txt"
#define XRDK_BOOT_TIME   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_BootTime"
#define xFirmwareDownloadNow_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareDownloadNow" /* boolean [w] Trigger download on set true. */
#define X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_LastRebootReason   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason"
#define X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Experience   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Experience"
#define X_RDK_FirmwareName   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDK_FirmwareName"
#define X_RDKDownloadManager_InstallPackage   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RDKDownloadManager.InstallPackage"
#define xOpsDMUploadLogsNow_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMUploadLogsNow"
#define xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus"
#define xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled"
#define xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod"
#define xOpsReverseSshTrigger_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshTrigger"
#define xOpsReverseSshArgs_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshArgs"
#define xOpsReverseSshStatus_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshStatus"
#define xOpsForwardSshEnable_STR   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ForwardSSH.Enable"
#define X_OPS_RPC_PROFILE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC."
#define X_OPS_RPC_REBOOTNOW   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.RebootNow"
#define X_OPS_RPC_DEV_MANAGEABLE_NOTIFICATION   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.DeviceManageableNotification"
#define X_OPS_RPC_FW_DNLD_STARTED_NOTIFICATION   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.FirmwareDownloadStartedNotification"
#define X_OPS_RPC_FW_DNLD_COMPLETED_NOTIFICATION   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.FirmwareDownloadCompletedNotification"
#define X_OPS_RPC_REBOOT_PENDING_NOTIFICATION   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.RebootPendingNotification"
#define X_RDK_RFC_MANGEBLENOTIFICATION_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.ManageableNotification.Enable"
#define TR181_RFC_PREFIX   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC"
#define TR181_RFC_RESET_DATA_START   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Control.ClearDB"
#define TR181_RFC_RESET_DATA_END   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Control.ClearDBEnd"
#define HDR_DV_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.DolbyVision.Enable"
#define RFC_WL_ROAM_TRIGGER_RF   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.RoamTrigger"
#define MS12_DAPV2_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.MS12.DAPv2_Enable"
#define MS12_DE_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.MS12.DE_Enable"
#define LE_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.LoudnessEquivalence.Enable"
#define HDR_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.HdrEnable.Enable"
#define UHD_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.UhdEnable.Enable"
#define XRE_CONTAINER_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.LXC.XRE.Enable"
#define TR181_AUTOREBOOT_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.AutoReboot.Enable"
#define SHORTS_RFC_ENABLE   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.SHORTS.Enable"
#define RFC_CTL_RETRIEVE_NOW   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Control.RetrieveNow"
#define IPREMOTE_SUPPORT   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_IPRemoteSupport.Enable"
#define IPREMOTE_IPADDRESS   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_IPRemoteSupport.IPAddr"
#define IPREMOTE_MACADDRESS   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_IPRemoteSupport.MACAddr"
#define XRPOLLING_ACTION   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_XRPolling.Action"
#define PARTNER_ID   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.PartnerId"
#define FWDNLD_DEFER_REBOOT   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FirmwareDownloadDeferReboot"
#define APPARMOR_BLOCKLIST_PROCESS   "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.NonRootSupport.ApparmorBlocklist"
#define SYS_STRING_LEN   256
#define BUF_LEN   1024
#define PARAM_LEN   256
#define _COMMAND_LENGTH   256
#define _STATE_LENGTH   16
#define PROCESS_STATE_RUNNING   "Running"
#define PROCESS_STATE_SLEEPING   "Sleeping"
#define PROCESS_STATE_STOPPED   "Stopped"
#define PROCESS_STATE_ZOMBIE   "Zombie"
#define S_LENGTH   24
#define A_LENGTH   64
#define LL_LENGTH   1024
#define LENGTH   16
#define _LENGTH_PARAMETER   64
#define _LENGTH_IPADDR   16
#define _LENGTH_STATUS   12
#define _HEX_STATE_LEN   3
#define _BUF_LEN   1024
#define _LENGTH_PARAMETER   64
#define _LENGTH_IPADDR   16
#define _LENGTH_STATUS   12
#define _HEX_STATE_LEN   3
#define _BUF_LEN   1024
#define TR69DIR   "/opt/tr-181/"
#define STORE_EXTENSION   "sdb"
#define DIAGNOSTICS_DIR   "/opt/diagnostics/"
#define PROD_DIR   "/usr/bin/"
#define SPEEDTEST_BIN   "speedtest.sh"
#define NON_BLOCKING   " &"
#define IP_STATUS_LENGTH   24
#define ALIAS_LENGTH   70
#define NAME_LENGTH   70
#define LL_LENGTH   1024
#define ROUTER_LENGTH   256
#define TYPE_LENGTH   24
#define _LENGTH_PARAMETER   64
#define _PATH_SYS_CLASS_NET   "/sys/class/net/"
#define S_LENGTH   24
#define N_LENGTH   64
#define MAC_LENGTH   24
#define LL_LENGTH   1024
#define FREQ_LENGTH   9
#define VERSION_LENGTH   64
#define DEV_NAME   "AudioOutput"
#define BASE_NAME   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.AudioOutput"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define ENABLED_STRING   "Enabled"
#define ENABLE_STRING   "Enable"
#define CANCELMUTE_STRING   "CancelMute"
#define AUDIOFORMAT_STRING   "AudioFormat"
#define NAME_STRING   "Name"
#define AUDIOLEVEL_STRING   "AudioLevel"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define SUPPORTED_RES_STRING   "SupportedResolutions"
#define PREF_RES_STRING   "PreferredResolution"
#define VIDEO_LATENCY_STRING   "VideoLatency"
#define CECSUPPORT_STRING   "CECSupport"
#define AUTO_LIP_SYNC_STRING   "AutoLipSyncSupport"
#define HDMI3D_STRING   "HDMI3DPresent"
#define PRESENT_STRING   "Present"
#define ABSENT_STRING   "Absent"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s%s"
#define DISPLAYDEVICE_OBJECT_NAME   "DisplayDevice."
#define DEV_NAME   "HDMI"
#define BASE_NAME   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.HDMI"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define ENABLE_STRING   "Enable"
#define RES_MODE_STRING   "ResolutionMode"
#define RES_VAL_STRING   "ResolutionValue"
#define NAME_STRING   "Name"
#define ENABLED_STRING   "Enabled"
#define DISABLED_STRING   "Disabled"
#define HDMI_RESOLUTION_VALUE_DEFAULT   "1280x720/59.94Hz"
#define DEV_NAME   "SPDIF"
#define BASE_NAME   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.SPDIF"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s"
#define ENABLE_STRING   "Enable"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define ALIAS_STRING   "Alias"
#define NAME_STRING   "Name"
#define FORCEPCM_STRING   "ForcePCM"
#define PASSTHROUGH_STRING   "Passthrough"
#define AUDIODELAY_STRING   "AudioDelay"
#define ENABLED_STRING   "Enabled"
#define DISABLED_STRING   "Disabled"
#define BASE_NAME   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.VideoDecoder"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define CONTENT_AR_STRING   "ContentAspectRatio"
#define HEVC_PROFILE_PATH   ".Capabilities.VideoDecoder.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MPEGHPart2.ProfileLevel.1"
#define NAME_STRING   "Name"
#define ENABLE_STRING   "Enable"
#define ENABLED_STRING   "Enabled"
#define DISABLED_STRING   "Disabled"
#define ERROR_STRING   "Error"
#define DEV_NAME   "VideoOutput"
#define BASE_NAME   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.VideoOutput"
#define UPDATE_FORMAT_STRING   "%s.%d.%s"
#define STATUS_STRING   "Status"
#define ENABLE_STRING   "Enable"
#define DISPLAY_FORMAT_STRING   "DisplayFormat"
#define VIDEO_FORMAT_STRING   "VideoFormat"
#define AR_BEHAVIOR_STRING   "AspectRatioBehaviour"
#define HDCP_STRING   "HDCP"
#define DISPLAY_NAME_STRING   "Name"
#define ENABLED_STRING   "Enabled"
#define DISABLED_STRING   "Disabled"
#define X_EMMC_OBJ   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_eMMCFlash."
#define SD_PARAM_LEN   64
#define X_SDCARD_OBJ   "Device.Services.STBService.1.Components.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_SDCard."
#define CAPACITY_STRING   "capacity"
#define CARDFAILED_STRING   "cardFailed"
#define LIFEELAPSED_STRING   "lifeElapsed"
#define LOTID_STRING   "lotID"
#define MANUFACTURED_STRING   "manufacturer"
#define MODEL_STRING   "model"
#define READONLY_STRING   "readOnly"
#define SERIALNUMBER_STRING   "serialNumber"
#define TSBQUALIFIED_STRING   "tsbQualified"
#define SDCARD_STATUS   "Status"
#define TIME_ZONE_LENGTH   8
#define TR181_SNMPOID_FILE   "/etc/tr181_snmpOID.conf"
#define interface_STB   "STB"
#define interface_CM   "CM"
#define LOG_FILE   "./tr69hostIflog.txt"
#define LEGACY_RFC_ENABLED_PATH   "/opt/RFC/.RFC_LegacyRFCEnabled.ini"
#define UNUSED(x)   ((void)(x))
#define INTERFACE_ETH   "eth1"
#define MAX_NUM_LEN   10


typedef enum _HostIf_ParamMgr HostIf_ParamMgr_t
typedef void(* parodusNotificationCallback) ()
typedef void(* updateCallback) (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t, const char *paramName, const char *paramValue, HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype)
typedef struct _notify_params notify_params_t
typedef struct argsList T_ARGLIST
typedef enum _HostIf_ParamType HostIf_ParamType_t
typedef enum _HostIf_ReqType HostIf_ReqType_t
typedef enum _faultCodes faultCode_t
typedef enum _HostIf_Source_Type_t HostIf_Source_Type_t
typedef struct _HostIf_MsgData_t HOSTIF_MsgData_t
typedef enum _tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t
typedef struct _tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t
typedef enum __eSTBResetState eSTBResetState


enum  _HostIf_ParamMgr
enum  state_t
enum  _HostIf_ParamType
enum  _HostIf_ReqType
enum  _faultCodes
enum  _HostIf_Source_Type_t
enum  _tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t
enum  __eSTBResetState


bool hostIf_HTTPJsonMsgHandler ()
 Handle the Post message from HTTP Json client. More...
int hostIf_GetMsgHandler (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_SetAttributesMsgHandler (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_GetAttributesMsgHandler (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_SetMsgHandler (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
void hostIf_Init_Dummy_stMsgData (HOSTIF_MsgData_t **stMsgData)
void hostIf_Print_msgData (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
void hostIf_Free_stMsgData (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
bool hostIf_initalize_ConfigManger ()
bool hostIf_ConfigProperties_Init ()
msgHandlerHostIf_GetMgr (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgHandlerData)
void init_rbus_dml_provider ()
int setRbusStringParam (char *paramName, char *paramValue)
int getRbusStringParam (char *paramName, char **paramValue)
void sendAddRemoveEvents (updateCallback callbackFn, int newValue, int &savedValue, char *objectPath)
static bool TR69_HostIf_Mgr_Init ()
static bool TR69_HostIf_Mgr_Connect ()
static bool TR69_HostIf_Mgr_Get_RegisterCall ()
static IARM_Result_t tr69hostIfMgr_Stop (void)
static IARM_Result_t _Gettr69HostIfMgr (void *arg)
static IARM_Result_t _Settr69HostIfMgr (void *arg)
static IARM_Result_t _SetAttributestr69HostIfMgr (void *arg)
static IARM_Result_t _GetAttributestr69HostIfMgr (void *arg)
static IARM_Result_t _RegisterForEventstr69HostIfMgr (void *arg)
static void _hostIf_EventHandler (const char *, IARM_EventId_t, void *, size_t)
bool hostIf_IARM_IF_Start ()
void hostIf_GetAttributesReqHandler (void *arg)
void hostIf_SetAttributesReqHandler (void *arg)
void hostIf_IARM_IF_Stop ()
void hostIf_SetReqHandler (void *arg)
void hostIf_GetReqHandler (void *arg)
static int process_null (void *ctx)
static int process_boolean (void *ctx, int boolVal)
static int process_integer (void *ctx, long long integerVal)
static int process_double (void *ctx, double doubleVal)
static int process_number (void *ctx, const char *numberVal, size_t numberLen)
static int process_string (void *ctx, const unsigned char *stringVal, size_t stringLen)
static int process_start_map (void *ctx)
static int process_map_key (void *ctx, const unsigned char *key, size_t stringLen)
static int process_end_map (void *ctx)
static int process_start_array (void *ctx)
static int process_end_array (void *ctx)
void * jsonIfHandlerThread (void *msg)
GList * hostIf_HTTPJsonParse (const unsigned char *message, int length)
void hostIf_HTTPJsonMsgHandler (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage *msg, const gchar *path, GHashTable *query, SoupClientContext *client, gpointer user_data)
static void addToJsonObject (cJSON *json, const char *key, const char *value, const WAL_DATA_TYPE type)
static void converttoWalType (HostIf_ParamType_t paramType, WAL_DATA_TYPE *pwalType)
res_struct * handleRequest (const char *pcCallerID, req_struct *reqSt)
void tr69hostIf_logger (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data)
void quit_handler (int sig_received)
void exit_gracefully (int sig_received)
void * tr69IfHandlerThread (void *)
pid_t getTid ()
void setResetState (eSTBResetState)
eSTBResetState getResetState (void)
void triggerResetScript (void)
const char * getStringFromEnum (EnumStringMapper *, int, int)
int getEnumFromString (EnumStringMapper *, int, const char *)
bool matchComponent (const char *pParam, const char *pKey, const char **pSetting, int &instanceNo)
int get_int (const char *ptr)
void put_int (char *ptr, int val)
 This function converts the input data to integer type. More...
uint get_uint (char *ptr)
void put_uint (char *ptr, uint val)
bool get_boolean (const char *ptr)
void put_boolean (char *ptr, bool val)
 This function converts the input data to Boolean type. More...
int get_ulong (const char *ptr)
void put_ulong (char *ptr, unsigned long val)
std::string int_to_string (int d)
std::string uint_to_string (uint d)
std::string ulong_to_string (unsigned long d)
int string_to_int (const char *value)
uint string_to_uint (const char *value)
unsigned long string_to_ulong (const char *value)
bool string_to_bool (const char *value)
std::string getStringValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
void putValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, const std::string &value)
void set_ACSStatus (bool enabled)
bool get_ACSStatus ()
bool set_GatewayConnStatus ()
bool get_GatewayConnStatus ()
char * getenvOrDefault (const char *name, char *defaultValue)
int read_command_output (char *cmd, char *resultBuff, int length)
int GetStdoutFromCommand (char *cmd, string &consoleString)
 This function reads the complete output(upto 1k bytes) as string and return to caller. It returns output with new line character
if the console output has new line.
void getCurrentTime (struct timespec *timer)
 Get Current time. More...
long timeValDiff (struct timespec *starttime, struct timespec *finishtime)
void setLegacyRFCEnabled (bool value)
bool legacyRFCEnabled ()
HostIf_Source_Type_t getBSUpdateEnum (const char *bsUpdate)
bool isWebpaReady ()
bool isNtpTimeFilePresent ()
unsigned long get_system_manageble_ntp_time ()
unsigned long get_device_manageble_time ()
std::string get_security_token ()
void * ResetFunc (void *)
 This method resets according to the STB reset state such as NoReset, ColdReset FactoryReset, WarehouseReset and CustomerReset.
static int get_ParamValue_From_TR69Agent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
static int get_PartnerId_From_Script (string &)
static size_t writeCurlResponse (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, string stream)
static void Replace_AllOccurrence (char *str, int size, char ch, char Newch)
static bool ValidateInput_Arguments (char *input, FILE *tmp_fptr)
int getProcessFields (int iProcInstanceNum, EProcessMembers eProcessMem)
 This is a helper function to fill values for the Process Profile. More...
static int readProcessFields (const char *name, EProcessMembers eProcessMem)
static int getEthernetInterfaceName (unsigned int ethInterfaceNum, char *name)
static int get_Device_Ethernet_Interface_Fields (unsigned int ethInterfaceNum, EEthInterfaceMembers ethInterfaceMem)
int ethCount ()
static int read_Device_Ethernet_Interface_Stats_Fields (unsigned int ethInterfaceNum, EEthInterfaceStatsMembers ethInterfaceStatMem)
 hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::hostIf_IPInterfaceStats (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPInterfaceStats. More...
void hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::refreshInterfaceName ()
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::getSysClassNetStatistic (char *statistic, unsigned long *result)
static hostIf_IPInterfaceStatshostIf_IPInterfaceStats::getInstance (int dev_id)
static void hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::closeInstance (hostIf_IPInterfaceStats *)
static GList * hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::getLock ()
static void hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::releaseLock ()
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::handleGetMsg (const char *pSetting, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void usage ()
static void * shutdown_thread_entry (void *arg)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
const char * getStringFromEnum (EnumStringMapper stbMapperArray[], int stbMapperArraySize, int enumCode)
int getEnumFromString (EnumStringMapper stbMapperArray[], int stbMapperArraySize, const char *inputStr)
std::string bool_to_string (bool value)
void putValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, const string &value)
void set_GatewayConnStatus (bool enabled)
static msgHandlerDeviceClientReqHandler::getInstance ()
static void DeviceClientReqHandler::reset ()
virtual int DeviceClientReqHandler::handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int DeviceClientReqHandler::handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void DeviceClientReqHandler::registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void DeviceClientReqHandler::checkForUpdates ()
static void DeviceClientReqHandler::notifyIARM (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t event_type, const char *paramName, const char *paramValue, HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype)
static msgHandlerDSClientReqHandler::getInstance ()
static void DSClientReqHandler::registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
virtual int DSClientReqHandler::handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int DSClientReqHandler::handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void DSClientReqHandler::checkForUpdates ()
static msgHandlerEthernetClientReqHandler::getInstance ()
static void EthernetClientReqHandler::reset ()
virtual int EthernetClientReqHandler::handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int EthernetClientReqHandler::handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void EthernetClientReqHandler::registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void EthernetClientReqHandler::checkForUpdates ()
static msgHandlerIPClientReqHandler::getInstance ()
static void IPClientReqHandler::reset ()
virtual int IPClientReqHandler::handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int IPClientReqHandler::handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void IPClientReqHandler::registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void IPClientReqHandler::checkForUpdates ()
static NotificationHandlerNotificationHandler::getInstance ()
static GAsyncQueue * NotificationHandler::GetNotificationQueue ()
static void NotificationHandler::registerUpdateCallback (parodusNotificationCallback cb)
void NotificationHandler::pushNotification (const char *destination, const char *payload)
void NotificationHandler::pushValueChangeNotification (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t &event)
void NotificationHandler::pushKeyValueNotification (const char *destination, const char *key, const char *value)
void NotificationHandler::push_device_mgmt_notifications (char *delay, char *startTime, char *dwnldStatus, char *status, char *systemReadyTime)
static msgHandlerTimeClientReqHandler::getInstance ()
static void TimeClientReqHandler::registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
virtual int TimeClientReqHandler::handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int TimeClientReqHandler::handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static void TimeClientReqHandler::checkForUpdates ()
static void updateHandler::Init ()
static void updateHandler::stop ()
static void updateHandler::reset ()
static gpointer updateHandler::run (gpointer)
static void updateHandler::notifyCallback (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t, const char *paramName, const char *paramVal, HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype)
static X_rdk_profileX_rdk_profile::getInstance ()
static void X_rdk_profile::closeInstance ()
 X_rdk_profile::X_rdk_profile ()
 Class default Constructor.
int X_rdk_profile::handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function set the bluetooth profile attributes. More...
int X_rdk_profile::handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function get the bluetooth attributes such as name, profile, count and others for paired and connected devices.. More...
int X_rdk_profile::get_WebPA_Server_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int X_rdk_profile::get_WebPA_TokenServer_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int X_rdk_profile::get_WebPA_DNSText_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int X_rdk_profile::set_WebPA_DNSText_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 hostIf_DeviceInfo::hostIf_DeviceInfo (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceInfo. More...
static hostIf_DeviceInfohostIf_DeviceInfo::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_DeviceInfo::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceInfo *)
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::getLock ()
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::releaseLock ()
GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceInfo::getNotifyHash ()
string hostIf_DeviceInfo::getEstbIp ()
bool hostIf_DeviceInfo::isRsshactive ()
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadDeferReboot (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadPercent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareUpdateState (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
static int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_BootTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadDeferReboot (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_XRPollingAction (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_Device.DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication_PartnerId More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled. More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportIpaddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportMACaddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_XRPollingAction (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod. More...
bool hostIf_DeviceInfo::isShortsEnabled ()
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::findLocalPortAvailable ()
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsReverseSshArgs (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsReverseSshArgs More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsReverseSshArgs (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsReverseSshArgs More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsReverseSshStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsReverseSshStatus More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_ApparmorBlockListStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDeviceMgmtForwardSSHEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDeviceMgmtForwardSSHEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::validate_ParamValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComApparmorBlocklist (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComRFC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComNewNtpEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xRDKCentralComRFC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xRDKCentralComRFCAccountId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComRFCAutoRebootEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::ScheduleAutoReboot (bool)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComRFCRoamTrigger (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComRFCLoudnessEquivalenceEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComHdrRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComXREContainerRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComUhdRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKCentralComRFCRetrieveNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xFirmwareDownloadNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
size_t hostIf_DeviceInfo::findIgnoreCase (std::string haystack, std::string needle, size_t pos=0)
 Finds if one string occurs within another string. The search is case-insensitive. More...
string hostIf_DeviceInfo::getStbMacIf_fr_devProperties ()
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_LastRebootReason (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPC_Profile (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDeviceMgmtRPCRebootNow More...
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPCDevManageableNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPCFwDwldStartedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPCFwDwldCompletedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPCRebootPendingNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsRPC_Profile (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDeviceMgmtRPCRebootNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsRPCDevManageableNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsRPCFwDwldStartedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsRPCFwDwldCompletedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsRPCRebootPendingNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_LastRebootReason (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::send_DeviceManageableNotification ()
static void hostIf_DeviceInfo::systemMgmtTimePathMonitorThr ()
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_experience (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xRDKDownloadManager_InstallPackage (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
static hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterfacehostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface *)
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::getLock ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface. More...
static unsigned int hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::getNumOfProcessorEntries (void)
static hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterfacehostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface *)
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::getLock ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface (int dev_id)
int hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::getProcessStatusCPUUsage ()
 hostIf_DeviceProcess::hostIf_DeviceProcess (int _dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcess. More...
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceProcess::initProcpsLock ()
 hostIf_DeviceProcess::~hostIf_DeviceProcess ()
 Class destructor. More...
static hostIf_DeviceProcesshostIf_DeviceProcess::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_DeviceProcess::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcess::closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcess *)
static void hostIf_DeviceProcess::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcess::getLock ()
static void hostIf_DeviceProcess::releaseLock ()
static int hostIf_DeviceProcess::getNumOfProcessEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
static hostIf_EthernetInterfacehostIf_EthernetInterface::getInstance (int dev_id)
 hostIf_EthernetInterface::hostIf_EthernetInterface (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_EthernetInterface. More...
 hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats::hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats. More...
 hostIf_IP::hostIf_IP (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IP. More...
static char * hostIf_IP::getInterfaceName (int if_index, char *if_name)
static unsigned int hostIf_IP::getInterfaceNumberOfEntries (void)
static unsigned int hostIf_IP::getVirtualInterfaceNumberOfEntries (struct if_nameindex *phy_if_list)
static char * hostIf_IP::getVirtualInterfaceName (struct if_nameindex *phy_if_list, unsigned int virtual_if_index, char *virtual_if_name)
static unsigned int hostIf_IP::getNumOfActivePorts (void)
 hostIf_IPActivePort::hostIf_IPActivePort (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPActivePort. More...
 hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest ()
 The constructor checks for the database file at TR69DIR and loads the database It checks for the database file and if doesnt exist, it creates one. More...
static hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTesthostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::getInstance ()
 This function provides single instance of hostIF_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest. More...
int hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is called when profile parameter needs to be read It gets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername. More...
int hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function sets the profile parameter data It sets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername. More...
void hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::processMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function processes the set message for triggering speedtest-client It checks for Enable_Speedtest and Run profile parameters and sets to launch internet measurement platform application from the respective location. the failure of the function is handled in handleSetMsg function when it meets fcInternalError. More...
 hostIf_IPInterface::hostIf_IPInterface (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPInterface. More...
unsigned int hostIf_IPInterface::getIPv4AddressNumberOfEntries ()
unsigned int hostIf_IPInterface::getIPv6AddressNumberOfEntries ()
 hostIf_IPv4Address::hostIf_IPv4Address (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPv4Address. More...
static bool hostIf_IPv4Address::isLinkLocalAddress (const struct in_addr &in_address)
 tests if an IPv4 address is link-local. More...
static hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterfacehostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface *)
static void hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getLock ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface (int dev_id, device::AudioOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface. More...
static int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getNumberOfInstances (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setCancelMute (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getCancelMute (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioStereoMode (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioStereoMode (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setAudioEncoding (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioEncoding (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioCompression (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioCompression (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setAudioLevel (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getAudioLevel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioDB (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_MinAudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_MaxAudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioGain (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioLoopThru (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioLoopThru (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioOptimalLevel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::setX_COMCAST_COM_DialogEnhancement (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::getX_COMCAST_COM_DialogEnhancement (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice::getX_COMCAST_COM_EDID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice::getEDID_BYTES (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice::getSupportedResolutions (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice::getPreferredResolution (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
static hostIf_STBServiceHDMIhostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceHDMI *)
static void hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getLock ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::hostIf_STBServiceHDMI (int devid, device::VideoOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceHDMI. More...
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::setResolution (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getResolutionValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::setEnableVideoPort (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::setHDMIResolutionMode (const char *value)
static const char * hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getHDMIResolutionMode ()
static hostIf_STBServiceSPDIFhostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getInstance (int devid)
static GList * hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF *)
static void hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getLock ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF (int dev_id, device::AudioOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF. More...
static int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getNumberOfInstances (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::setEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::setAlias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::setForcePCM (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getAlias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getForcePCM (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getPassthrough (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::getAudioDelay (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
static hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoderhostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder *)
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getLock ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder (int devid)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder. More...
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getContentAspectRatio (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getX_COMCAST_COM_Standby (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::setX_COMCAST_COM_Standby (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
static hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutputhostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput *)
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getLock ()
static void hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::releaseLock ()
 hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput (int devid, device::VideoOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput. More...
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getAspectRatioBehaviour (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getVideoFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getDisplayFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::getHDCP (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 hostIf_Time::hostIf_Time (int dev_id)
static hostIf_TimehostIf_Time::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_Time::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_Time::closeInstance (hostIf_Time *)
static void hostIf_Time::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_Time::getLock ()
static void hostIf_Time::releaseLock ()
static GHashTable * hostIf_Time::getNotifyHash ()
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the local time zone definition. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the status of time support on the CPE. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer1 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the first NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer2 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the second NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer3 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the third NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer4 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the fourth NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer5 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the fifth NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_CurrentLocalTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the current dates & time. More...
int hostIf_Time::get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the bootstrap parameters. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the bootstrap parameters. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the status of the time client. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer1 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the first NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer2 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the second NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer3 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the third NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer4 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the fourth NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer5 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the fifth NTP timeserver. More...
int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the local time zone definition. More...
 hostIf_snmpAdapter::hostIf_snmpAdapter (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_snmpAdapter. More...
 hostIf_snmpAdapter::~hostIf_snmpAdapter ()
 Class Destructor of the class hostIf_snmpAdapter. More...
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::init (void)
 This function opens the RF_DocsIf_tr181_snmp map file, parse the TR181 parameter and its correspoinding OID, fill it in map container. More...
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::unInit (void)
 This function clear the TR181 OID map container. More...
static hostIf_snmpAdapterhostIf_snmpAdapter::getInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * hostIf_snmpAdapter::getAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::closeInstance (hostIf_snmpAdapter *)
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::closeAllInstances ()
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::getLock ()
static void hostIf_snmpAdapter::releaseLock ()
GHashTable * hostIf_snmpAdapter::getNotifyHash ()
int hostIf_snmpAdapter::get_ValueFromSNMPAdapter (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function fetch the SNMP OID for the corresponding TR181 param, and run the snmpget command with the OID. The result will be return back as string. More...
int hostIf_snmpAdapter::set_ValueToSNMPAdapter (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function fetch the SNMP OID for the corresponding TR181 param, and run the snmpset command with the OID. More...
 EntryExitLogger::EntryExitLogger (const char *func, const char *file)


SoupServer * server = NULL
static yajl_callbacks callbacks
GHashTable * paramMgrhash
static std::mutex get_handler_mutex
static std::mutex set_handler_mutex
gchar * date_str
static volatile sig_atomic_t time_to_quit = 0
static const char * NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "Not Implemented"
static const char * STATE_UP = "Up"
static const char * STATE_DOWN = "Down"
static const char * TIME_UNKNOWN = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
static const char * TIME_INFINITY = "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z"
static volatile eSTBResetState gResetState = NoReset
static char stbMacCache [TR69HOSTIFMGR_MAX_PARAM_LEN] = {'\0'}
static string reverseSSHArgs
map< string, string > stunnelSSHArgs
const string sshCommand = "/lib/rdk/startTunnel.sh"
const string stunnelCommand = "/lib/rdk/startStunnel.sh"
static DeviceProcessStatusProcess processStatus = {0,{'\0'},0,0,0,{'\0'}}
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::bytesSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::bytesReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::packetsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::packetsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::errorsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::errorsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unicastPacketsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unicastPacketsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::discardPacketsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::discardPacketsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::multicastPacketsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::multicastPacketsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::broadcastPacketsSent
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::broadcastPacketsReceived
unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unknownProtoPacketsReceived
static GHashTable * hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::m_mutex = NULL
static IPInterfaceStats hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::curntIpStat = {0,}
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::dev_id
char hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::nameOfInterface [IF_NAMESIZE]
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupBytesSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupBytesReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupPacketsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupPacketsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupErrorsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupErrorsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupUnicastPacketsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupUnicastPacketsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupDiscardPacketsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupDiscardPacketsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupMulticastPacketsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupMulticastPacketsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupBroadcastPacketsSent
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupBroadcastPacketsReceived
int hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::backupUnknownProtoPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledBytesSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledBytesReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledPacketsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledErrorsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledErrorsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledUnicastPacketsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledUnicastPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledDiscardPacketsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledDiscardPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledMulticastPacketsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledMulticastPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledBroadcastPacketsSent
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledBroadcastPacketsReceived
bool hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::bCalledUnknownProtoPacketsReceived
static EnumStringMapper dsVideoPixelResolutionMapper []
static EnumStringMapper dsVideoFrameRateMapper []
GThread * hostIf_JsonIfThread = NULL
GThread * updateHandler_runThread = NULL
GThread * HTTPServerThread = NULL
static GMainLoop * main_loop = NULL
gchar * date_str = NULL
const gchar * logfilename = NULL
FILE * logfile = NULL
int rdk_logger_enabled = 0
GHashTable * paramMgrhash = NULL
T_ARGLIST argList = {{'\0'}, 0}
static int isShutdownTriggered = 0
std::mutex mtx_httpServerThreadDone
std::condition_variable cv_httpServerThreadDone
bool httpServerThreadDone = false
pthread_t parodus_init_tid
char * hostIf_JsonIfMsg = (char *)"hostIf_JsonIfThread"
char * HTTPServerName = (char *)"HTTPServerThread"
GError * httpError = NULL
GError * err1 = NULL
static pthread_t shutdown_thread = 0
static sem_t shutdown_thread_sem
static int shutdown_sig_received = 0
pthread_mutex_t graceful_exit_mutex
static bool gAcsConnStatus = false
static bool gGatewayConnStatus = false
static bool legacyRFC = false
const char * ntp_time_received_file ="/tmp/timeReceivedNTP"
const char * webpa_start_tm_file ="/tmp/webpa/start_time"
static class DeviceClientReqHandlerDeviceClientReqHandler::pInstance = NULL
static int DeviceClientReqHandler::curNumOfProcess [100] = {0,}
static int DeviceClientReqHandler::curNumOfProcessor [10] = {0,}
static updateCallback DeviceClientReqHandler::mUpdateCallback = NULL
static class DSClientReqHandlerDSClientReqHandler::pInstance = NULL
static updateCallback DSClientReqHandler::mUpdateCallback = NULL
static class EthernetClientReqHandlerEthernetClientReqHandler::pInstance = NULL
static updateCallback EthernetClientReqHandler::mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int EthernetClientReqHandler::curNumOfDevices [10] = {0,}
static std::mutex IPClientReqHandler::m_mutex
static class IPClientReqHandlerIPClientReqHandler::pInstance = NULL
static updateCallback IPClientReqHandler::mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int IPClientReqHandler::curNumOfIPInterface = 0
static int IPClientReqHandler::curNumOfInterfaceIPv4Addresses [100] = {0,}
static int IPClientReqHandler::curNumOfIPv4Interface [20] = {0,}
static int IPClientReqHandler::curNumOfActivePorts [20] = {0,}
static NotificationHandlerNotificationHandler::pInstance = NULL
static parodusNotificationCallback NotificationHandler::notifyUpdateCallback = NULL
static GAsyncQueue * NotificationHandler::notificationQueue = NULL
static class TimeClientReqHandlerTimeClientReqHandler::pInstance = NULL
static updateCallback TimeClientReqHandler::mUpdateCallback = NULL
static bool updateHandler::stopped = false
static GThread * updateHandler::thread = NULL
static std::mutex X_rdk_profile::m
static XBSStoreX_rdk_profile::m_bsStore
static X_rdk_profileX_rdk_profile::m_instance = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceInfo::ifHash = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_notifyHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_mutex = NULL
static string hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareDownloadProtocol
static string hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareDownloadURL
static string hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareToDownload
static bool hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareDownloadNow
static bool hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareDownloadUseCodebig
static bool hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xFirmwareDownloadDeferReboot
static XRFCStorehostIf_DeviceInfo::m_rfcStore
static XRFCStorage hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_rfcStorage
static XBSStorehostIf_DeviceInfo::m_bsStore
static string hostIf_DeviceInfo::m_xrPollingAction = "0"
static GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_DeviceProcess::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceProcess::m_mutex = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_DeviceProcess::m_libproc_lock = NULL
static const char * hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::SpeedTestProfile = "Device.IP.Diagnostics.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_SpeedTest."
static GHashTable * hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::m_mutex = NULL
static char hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::dsHDMIResolutionMode [10] = "Manual"
static GHashTable * hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_Time::ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_Time::m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_Time::m_notifyHash = NULL
static XBSStorehostIf_Time::m_bsStore
static GHashTable * hostIf_snmpAdapter::ifHash = NULL
static GHashTable * hostIf_snmpAdapter::m_notifyHash = NULL
static GMutex * hostIf_snmpAdapter::m_mutex = NULL
static map< string, vector< pair< string, string > > > hostIf_snmpAdapter::tr181Map

Data Structure Documentation

◆ DeviceClientReqHandler

class DeviceClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting device client request handler information.

Definition at line 86 of file hostIf_DeviceClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for DeviceClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DeviceClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is used to initialize all the current process and processor to '0' using memset. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of device info, device processor interface, device process status interface. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to set the Device reset, FirmwareDownload and FirmwareDownload Status. The possible reset states of the device are "Cold", "Factory", "Warehouse" and "Customer". More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to get the Process information such as "PID", "Command" "Size", "Priority", "CPUTime" and "State". It is also used to get the processor information, process status such as total number of active process entries and CPUUsage and device info such as "BootStatus", "Manufacturer", "ManufacturerOUI", "ModelName", "Description", "ProductClass" "SerialNumber", "HardwareVersion", "SoftwareVersion", "AdditionalHardwareVersion" etc.. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()
static void notifyIARM (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t event_type, const char *paramName, const char *paramValue, HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype)

Static Private Attributes

static class DeviceClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int curNumOfProcess [100] = {0,}
static int curNumOfProcessor [10] = {0,}

◆ DSClientReqHandler

class DSClientReqHandler

This class provides device setting Client ReqHandler Interface operations for STBService defined under Host If.

Definition at line 55 of file hostIf_dsClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for DSClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for DSClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is used to initialize the device manager. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of STB services such as HDMI, VideoOutput, VideoDecoder, AudioInterface and SPDIF. It also deinitialize the device manager. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the set message request of DsClient i.c STBService such as "HDMI", "VideoDecoder", "AudioOutput" and "SPDIF". More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the get message request of DsClient i.e STBServices components and the total number of active entries of "VideoDecode", "AudioOutput", "VideoOutput", "HDMI", "SPDIF". More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()

Static Private Attributes

static class DSClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int curNumOfDevices [10]

◆ EthernetClientReqHandler

class EthernetClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting Ethernet client request handler information.

Definition at line 56 of file hostIf_EthernetClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for EthernetClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for EthernetClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is used to initialize. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of ethernet interface and ethernet interface stats. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the set message request of ethernet interface attribute such as "Enable", "Alias", "LowerLayers", "MaxBitRate" and "DuplexMode". More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the get message request of ethernet interface attributes such as "Enable", "Status", "Name", "LastChange", "Upstream", "MACAddress" etc.. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()

Static Private Attributes

static class EthernetClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int curNumOfDevices [10] = {0,}

◆ IPClientReqHandler

class IPClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting IP client request handler information.

Definition at line 57 of file hostIf_IPClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for IPClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for IPClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is used to initialize. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of IP interface, IP interface stats IPv4 Address, IPActivePort and IP. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the set message request of IP interface IPv4Address and IP. Gets the attribute of IP interface such as "Enable", "IPv4Enable", "Reset", "MaxMTUSize" . The attributes of IPv4Address such as "Enable", "SubnetMask" and "IPAddress". More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to handle the get message request of IP interface, IPv4Address, IPActivePort and IP. Gets the attribute of IP interface such as "BytesSent", "BytesReceived", "PacketsSent", "PacketsReceived" ect.. The attributes of IPv4Address such as "Enable", "IPv4Enable", "ULAEnable" etc.. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()

Static Private Attributes

static std::mutex m_mutex
static class IPClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL
static int curNumOfIPInterface = 0
static int curNumOfInterfaceIPv4Addresses [100] = {0,}
static int curNumOfIPv4Interface [20] = {0,}
static int curNumOfActivePorts [20] = {0,}

◆ MoCAClientReqHandler

class MoCAClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting MoCA client request handler information.

Definition at line 55 of file hostIf_MoCAClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for MoCAClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MoCAClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This is a pure virtual function used for initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This is a pure virtual function used for un initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the set message request. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the get message request. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()

Static Private Attributes

static class MoCAClientReqHandlerpInstance
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback
static int curNumOfDevices [10]
static int numOfMocaMeshEntries

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

virtual bool MoCAClientReqHandler::init ( )

This is a pure virtual function used for initialization. Currently not implemented.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successful .
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ unInit()

virtual bool MoCAClientReqHandler::unInit ( )

This is a pure virtual function used for un initialization. Currently not implemented.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successful.
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ handleSetMsg()

virtual int MoCAClientReqHandler::handleSetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This is a pure virtual function used to handle the set message request. Currently not implemented.

[out]stMsgDataTR-069 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to set the data to the device.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ handleGetMsg()

virtual int MoCAClientReqHandler::handleGetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This is a pure virtual function used to handle the get message request. Currently not implemented.

[out]stMsgDataTR-069 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to get the data from the device.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ msgHandler

class msgHandler

Definition at line 103 of file hostIf_msgHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for msgHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for msgHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()=0
 This is a pure virtual function used for initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()=0
 This is a pure virtual function used for un initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)=0
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)=0
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)=0
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the set message request. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)=0
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the get message request. Currently not implemented. More...

◆ NotificationHandler

class NotificationHandler

Definition at line 37 of file hostIf_NotificationHandler.h.

Collaboration diagram for NotificationHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void pushValueChangeNotification (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t &event)
void pushKeyValueNotification (const char *destination, const char *key, const char *value)
void push_device_mgmt_notifications (char *delay, char *startTime, char *dwnldStatus, char *status, char *systemReadyTime)

Static Public Member Functions

static NotificationHandlergetInstance ()
static GAsyncQueue * GetNotificationQueue ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (parodusNotificationCallback cb)

Private Member Functions

void pushNotification (const char *destination, const char *payload)

Static Private Attributes

static NotificationHandlerpInstance = NULL
static parodusNotificationCallback notifyUpdateCallback = NULL
static GAsyncQueue * notificationQueue = NULL

◆ SNMPClientReqHandler

class SNMPClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting SNMP client request handler information.

Definition at line 84 of file hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for SNMPClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for SNMPClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is used to initialize all the current process and processor to '0' using memset. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of SNMP. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to set the SNMP set. More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to set the SNMP get. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()

Static Private Attributes

static class SNMPClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

bool SNMPClientReqHandler::init ( )

This function is used to initialize all the current process and processor to '0' using memset.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successful.
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 51 of file hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ unInit()

bool SNMPClientReqHandler::unInit ( )

This function is used to close all the instances of SNMP.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif it successfully close all the instances.
falseif not able to close all the instances.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 66 of file hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ handleSetMsg()

int SNMPClientReqHandler::handleSetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function is used to set the SNMP set.

[out]stMsgDataTR-181 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to set the SNMP command.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 83 of file hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ handleGetMsg()

int SNMPClientReqHandler::handleGetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function is used to set the SNMP get.

[out]stMsgDataTR-181 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif it is gets the data successfully.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to get the data from the device.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 128 of file hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ TimeClientReqHandler

class TimeClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting TimeClient request handler information.

Definition at line 55 of file hostIf_TimeClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for TimeClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TimeClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is use to initialize. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of time client. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is use to handle the set message request of time client interface and set the attributes of the time client component. More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function use to handle the get message request of time client interface and get the attributes of the time client component "LocalTimeZone" and "CurrentLocalTime". More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static void checkForUpdates ()

Static Private Attributes

static class TimeClientReqHandlerpInstance = NULL
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback = NULL

◆ updateHandler

class updateHandler

Definition at line 42 of file hostIf_updateHandler.h.

Collaboration diagram for updateHandler:
Collaboration graph

Static Public Member Functions

static void Init ()
static void stop ()
static void reset ()
static gpointer run (gpointer)
static void notifyCallback (IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t, const char *paramName, const char *paramVal, HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype)

Static Private Attributes

static bool stopped = false
static GThread * thread = NULL

◆ XRdkCentralT2

class XRdkCentralT2

This class provides the interface for getting Telemetry DML request handler information.

Definition at line 49 of file hostIf_XrdkCentralT2_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for XRdkCentralT2:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XRdkCentralT2:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This function is use to initialize. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This function is used to close all the instances of telemetry service. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function use to handle the set message request of telemetry multiprofile . This will be a pass through request to actual module having implementation registered with rbus . More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function use to handle the get message request of telemetry multiprofile . This will be a pass through request to actual module having implementation registered with rbus . More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static msgHandlergetInstance ()

Static Private Attributes

static class XRdkCentralT2pInstance = NULL

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

bool XRdkCentralT2::init ( )

This function is use to initialize. Currently not implemented.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successfully .
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 53 of file hostIf_XrdkCentralT2_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ unInit()

bool XRdkCentralT2::unInit ( )

This function is used to close all the instances of telemetry service.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif it is successfully close all the instances.
falseif not able to close all the instances.

Implements msgHandler.

Definition at line 68 of file hostIf_XrdkCentralT2_ReqHandler.cpp.

◆ XREClientReqHandler

class XREClientReqHandler

This class provides the interface for getting XRE request handler information.

Definition at line 58 of file hostIf_XREClient_ReqHandler.h.

Inheritance diagram for XREClientReqHandler:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for XREClientReqHandler:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual bool init ()
 This is a pure virtual function used for initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual bool unInit ()
 This is a pure virtual function used for un initialization. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the set message request. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This is a pure virtual function used to handle the get message request. Currently not implemented. More...
virtual int handleGetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
virtual int handleSetAttributesMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static void releaseLock ()
static void checkForUpdates ()
static void reset ()
static void registerUpdateCallback (updateCallback cb)
static msgHandlergetInstance ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void getLock ()

Static Private Attributes

static class XREClientReqHandlerpInstance
static updateCallback mUpdateCallback
static GMutex * m_mutex
static int numOfEntries

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

virtual bool XREClientReqHandler::init ( )

This is a pure virtual function used for initialization. Currently not implemented.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successful .
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ unInit()

virtual bool XREClientReqHandler::unInit ( )

This is a pure virtual function used for un initialization. Currently not implemented.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
trueif initialization is successful.
falseif initialization is not successful.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ handleSetMsg()

virtual int XREClientReqHandler::handleSetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This is a pure virtual function used to handle the set message request. Currently not implemented.

[out]stMsgDataTR-069 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to set the data to the device.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ handleGetMsg()

virtual int XREClientReqHandler::handleGetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This is a pure virtual function used to handle the get message request. Currently not implemented.

[out]stMsgDataTR-069 Host interface message request.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to get the data from the device.

Implements msgHandler.

◆ parser_state_t

struct parser_state_t

Definition at line 44 of file hostIf_jsonReqHandlerThread.cpp.

Collaboration diagram for parser_state_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
GList * list
state_t state
gboolean grabString

◆ _notify_params

struct _notify_params

Definition at line 43 of file hostIf_NotificationHandler.cpp.

Collaboration diagram for _notify_params:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char * delay
char * time
char * status
char * download_status
char * system_ready_time
char * url
long status_code
char * application_status
int application_details
char * request_timestamp
char * version
char * transaction_uuid

◆ argsList

struct argsList

Definition at line 126 of file hostIf_main.h.

Collaboration diagram for argsList:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char logFileName[64]
char confFile[100]
int httpPort
int httpServerPort

◆ _HostIf_MsgData_t

struct _HostIf_MsgData_t

Host IF Message Request data

Definition at line 170 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HostIf_MsgData_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char paramName[(4 *1024)]

Parameter name with complete request path

char paramValue[(4 *1024)]

Parameter Value

char * paramValueLong
char transactionID[256]

transaction identifier Value

short paramLen

Size of Response parameter data

short instanceNum

Instances number of Response parameter data

HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype

Parameter type

HostIf_ReqType_t reqType

Host interface request type [HOSTIF_GET/HOSTIF_SET]

faultCode_t faultCode

Fault codes as per BroadBand cwmp amendment

HostIf_Source_Type_t requestor

Requestor that made the set/get request

HostIf_Source_Type_t bsUpdate

Bootstrap update level

bool isLengthyParam

◆ _tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t

struct _tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t

tr69HostIfMgr Event Data

Definition at line 195 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

Collaboration diagram for _tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char paramName[(4 *1024)]
char paramValue[(4 *1024)]
HostIf_ParamType_t paramtype

Parameter type

◆ EnumStringMapper

struct EnumStringMapper

Definition at line 73 of file hostIf_utils.h.

Collaboration diagram for EnumStringMapper:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int enumCode
const char * enumString

◆ EntryExitLogger

class EntryExitLogger

Definition at line 79 of file hostIf_utils.h.

Collaboration diagram for EntryExitLogger:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 EntryExitLogger (const char *func, const char *file)
 EntryExitLogger (const char *func, const int line)

Private Attributes

const char * func
const char * file
const int line

◆ X_rdk_profile

class X_rdk_profile

This class provides the TR-069 components Bluetooth devices information.

Definition at line 59 of file x_rdk_profile.h.

Collaboration diagram for X_rdk_profile:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function get the bluetooth attributes such as name, profile, count and others for paired and connected devices.. More...
int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function set the bluetooth profile attributes. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static X_rdk_profilegetInstance ()
static void closeInstance ()

Private Member Functions

 X_rdk_profile ()
 Class default Constructor.
int get_WebPA_Server_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_WebPA_TokenServer_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_WebPA_DNSText_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_WebConfig_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_WebConfig_SupplementaryServiceUrls_Telemetry (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getWebcfgData (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int setWebcfgForceSync (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_WebConfig_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_WebPA_DNSText_URL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_WebConfig_SupplementaryServiceUrls_Telemetry (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Private Attributes

static std::mutex m
static X_rdk_profilem_instance = NULL
static XBSStorem_bsStore

◆ hostIf_DeviceInfo

class hostIf_DeviceInfo

This class provides the interface for getting device information.

Definition at line 194 of file Device_DeviceInfo.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_DeviceInfo:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

GHashTable * getNotifyHash ()
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_Manufacturer (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_Manufacturer. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ManufacturerOUI (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_Manufacturer. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ModelName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_ModelName. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_Description (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_Description. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProductClass (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProductClass. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_SerialNumber (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_SerialNumber. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_HardwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_HardwareVersion. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_SoftwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_SoftwareVersion. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_AdditionalHardwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_AdditionalHardwareVersion. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_AdditionalSoftwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_AdditionalSoftwareVersion. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProvisioningCode (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProvisioningCode. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_UpTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_UpTime. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_FirstUseDate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_FirstUseDate. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_STB_MAC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_STB_MAC. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_STB_IP (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_STB_IP. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareFilename (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareFilename. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareToDownload (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareToDownload. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadDeferReboot (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadPercent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareUpdateState (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Reset (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Reset. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_MemoryStatus_Total (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the device total memory status. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_MemoryStatus_Free (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the device total free memory status. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_CPUTemp (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This method gets the CPU temperature for doing general health check up of the box. More...
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Reset (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Reset. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_VendorConfigFileNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_VendorConfigFileNumberOfEntries. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_SupportedDataModelNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_SupportedDataModelNumberOfEntries. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_VendorLogFileNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_VendorLogFileNumberOfEntries. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_PowerStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_PowerStatus. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_BootStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_BootStatus. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_BootTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int get_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus. More...
int get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus. More...
int get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled. More...
int get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod. More...
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareToDownload (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This method set the firmware download file path which is present in "/opt/fwdnldstatus.txt". More...
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This method set the status of the firmware download which is present in "/opt/fwdnldstatus.txt". More...
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadDeferReboot (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow. More...
int set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled. More...
int set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod. More...
int set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger More...
int set_xOpsReverseSshArgs (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsReverseSshArgs More...
int get_xOpsReverseSshArgs (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsReverseSshArgs More...
int get_xOpsReverseSshStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_xOpsReverseSshStatus More...
int get_ApparmorBlockListStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsRPC_Profile (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_xOpsDeviceMgmtRPCRebootNow More...
int set_xOpsRPC_Profile (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsDeviceMgmtForwardSSHEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsDeviceMgmtForwardSSHEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportIpaddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_IPRemoteSupportMACaddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_XRPollingAction (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_XRPollingAction (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 set_Device.DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication_PartnerId More...
int validate_ParamValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xRDKCentralComRFC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int readFirmwareInfo (char *, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This method read the firmware information which is present in "/opt/fwdnldstatus.txt". More...
int writeFirmwareInfo (char *, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This method writes the firmware information which is present in "/opt/fwdnldstatus.txt". More...
int set_xFirmwareDownloadNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_LastRebootReason (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_LastRebootReason (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_experience (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_X_RDK_FirmwareName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 This function identifying the imagename of the running image This Value comes from "imagename" property in /version.txt file. More...
int set_xRDKDownloadManager_InstallPackage (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_DeviceInfogetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceInfo *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static void send_DeviceManageableNotification ()
static int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries. More...

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_DeviceInfo (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceInfo. More...
string getEstbIp ()
bool isRsshactive ()
bool isShortsEnabled ()
int findLocalPortAvailable ()
size_t findIgnoreCase (std::string haystack, std::string needle, size_t pos=0)
 Finds if one string occurs within another string. The search is case-insensitive. More...
string getStbMacIf_fr_devProperties ()
int set_xRDKCentralComTelemetryRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComHdrRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComUhdRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComXREContainerRFCEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFCLoudnessEquivalenceEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFCRoamTrigger (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFCRetrieveNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComApparmorBlocklist (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFCAutoRebootUptime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xRDKCentralComRFCAutoRebootEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int ScheduleAutoReboot (bool)
int set_xRDKCentralComNewNtpEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xRDKCentralComRFCAccountId (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsDeviceMgmtRPCRebootNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsRPCDevManageableNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsRPCFwDwldStartedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsRPCFwDwldCompletedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int get_xOpsRPCRebootPendingNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsDeviceMgmtRPCRebootNow (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsRPCDevManageableNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsRPCFwDwldStartedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsRPCFwDwldCompletedNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int set_xOpsRPCRebootPendingNotification (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Private Member Functions

static void systemMgmtTimePathMonitorThr ()

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledSoftwareVersion
bool bCalledX_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareFilename
bool bCalledManufacturer
bool bCalledManufacturerOUI
bool bCalledModelName
bool bCalledHardwareVersion
bool bCalledDeviceMAC
bool bCalledSerialNumber
bool bCalledProductClass
bool bCalledAdditionalSoftwareVersion
char backupSoftwareVersion [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupX_COMCAST_COM_STB_IP [_BUF_LEN_64]
char backupX_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareFilename [_BUF_LEN_64]
char backupSerialNumber [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupProductClass [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupManufacturer [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupManufacturerOUI [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupModelName [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupHardwareVersion [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupDeviceMAC [_BUF_LEN_32]
char backupAdditionalSoftwareVersion [_BUF_LEN_16]
std::string m_strXOpsDevManageableNotification
std::string m_strXOpsRPCFwDwldStartedNotification
bool m_bXOpsRPCFwDwldCompletedNotification

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GHashTable * m_notifyHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static string m_xFirmwareDownloadProtocol
static string m_xFirmwareDownloadURL
static string m_xFirmwareToDownload
static bool m_xFirmwareDownloadNow
static bool m_xFirmwareDownloadUseCodebig
static bool m_xFirmwareDownloadDeferReboot
static XRFCStorem_rfcStore
static XRFCStorage m_rfcStorage
static XBSStorem_bsStore
static string m_xrPollingAction = "0"

◆ hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface

class hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface

This class provides the interface for getting device processor information.

Definition at line 71 of file Device_DeviceInfo_Processor.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_DeviceInfo_Processor_Architecture (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function use to get the architecture of the processor on the underlying hardware. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterfacegetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static unsigned int getNumOfProcessorEntries (void)

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface. More...

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledArchitecture
char backupArchitecture [256]

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface

class hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface

This class provides the interface for getting device processor status information.

Definition at line 67 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_CPUUsage (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides the total amount of cpu usage, in percentage. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterfacegetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_DeviceProcessStatusInterface (int dev_id)
unsigned int getNumOfProcessEntries ()
int getProcessStatusCPUUsage ()

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledCPUUsage
bool bCalledProcessNumberOfEntries
int backupCPUUsage
int backupProcessNumberOfEntries

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_DeviceProcess

class hostIf_DeviceProcess

This class provides the interface for getting device processor information.

Description. This returns the total number of processes running.

[in]voidTakes no parameter.
[out]valueTotal number of processes running.

Definition at line 108 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_DeviceProcess:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_PID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides the Process Identifier. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_Command (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides The name of the command that has caused the process to exist. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_Size (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides The Size in Kilo bytes of the memory occupied by process. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_Priority (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides The priority of the process. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_CPUTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides The amount of time spent by the process taking the cpu. More...
int get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process_State (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function provides The current state of the process. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_DeviceProcessgetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_DeviceProcess *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static GMutex * initProcpsLock ()
static int getNumOfProcessEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_DeviceProcess (int _dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcess. More...
 ~hostIf_DeviceProcess ()
 Class destructor. More...

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledProcessPid
bool bCalledProcessCommand
bool bCalledProcessSize
bool bCalledProcessPriority
bool bCalledProcessCpuTime
bool bCalledProcessState
unsigned int backupProcessPid
char backupProcessCommand [256]
unsigned int backupProcessSize
unsigned int backupProcessPriority
unsigned int backupProcessCpuTime
char backupProcessState [16]

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static GMutex * m_libproc_lock = NULL

◆ hostIf_IPActivePort

class hostIf_IPActivePort

This class provides the hostIf IP active port for getting IP active port information.

Definition at line 53 of file Device_IP_ActivePort.cpp.

Inheritance diagram for hostIf_IPActivePort:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for hostIf_IPActivePort:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int handleGetMsg (const char *pSetting, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int get_Device_IP_ActivePort_LocalIPAddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function gets the local IP Address of the connection. More...
int get_Device_IP_ActivePort_LocalPort (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function gets the local port number of the connection. More...
int get_Device_IP_ActivePort_RemoteIPAddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function gets the remote IP Address of the established connection. It provides the remote IP address of the source of inbound packets. More...
int get_Device_IP_ActivePort_RemotePort (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function gets the remote port number of the established connection. It provides the remote port number of the source of inbound packets. More...
int get_Device_IP_ActivePort_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 This function gets the current operational status of the connection. The possible values are 'LISTEN', 'ESTABLISHED'. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_IPActivePortgetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_IPActivePort *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_IPActivePort (int dev_id)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPActivePort. More...
int getActivePortsFields (unsigned int activePortNo)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledLocalIPAddress
bool bCalledLocalPort
bool bCalledRemoteIPAddress
bool bCalledRemotePort
bool bCalledStatus
char backupLocalIPAddress [16]
char backupRemoteIPAddress [16]
char backupStatus [16]
unsigned int backupLocalPort
unsigned int backupRemotePort

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static struct Device_IP_ActivePort activePort

◆ hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing

class hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing

Definition at line 33 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing (hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing const &)=delete
void operator= (hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing const &)=delete
int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_IPPinggetInstance ()

Static Public Attributes

static const char * PROFILE_NAME = "Device.IP.Diagnostics.IPPing."

Private Attributes

IniFile store

◆ hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest

class hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest

Definition at line 36 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest (hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest const &)=delete
void operator= (hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest const &)=delete
int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is called when profile parameter needs to be read It gets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername. More...
int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function sets the profile parameter data It sets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTestgetInstance ()
 This function provides single instance of hostIF_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char * SpeedTestProfile = "Device.IP.Diagnostics.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_SpeedTest."

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest ()
 The constructor checks for the database file at TR69DIR and loads the database It checks for the database file and if doesnt exist, it creates one. More...
void processMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function processes the set message for triggering speedtest-client It checks for Enable_Speedtest and Run profile parameters and sets to launch internet measurement platform application from the respective location. the failure of the function is handled in handleSetMsg function when it meets fcInternalError. More...

Private Attributes

IniFile dbStore
bool bCalledEnable
bool bCalledRun

◆ MoCADevice

class MoCADevice

Definition at line 100 of file Device_MoCA_Interface.h.

Collaboration diagram for MoCADevice:
Collaboration graph

Static Public Member Functions

static class MoCADevicegetInstance ()
static void closeInstance ()
static void * getRmhContext ()
static void * closeRmhContext ()

Static Private Attributes

static class MoCADeviceInstance = NULL
static std::mutex m_mutex

◆ MoCAInterface

class MoCAInterface

Definition at line 114 of file Device_MoCA_Interface.h.

Collaboration diagram for MoCAInterface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int set_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Enables or disables the interface. More...
int set_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the Alias-based addressing for MoCA interface. More...
int set_LowerLayers (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the MoCA Interface LowerLayers list. More...
int set_PreferredNC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the interface is a preferred Network Coordinator (NC). More...
int set_PrivacyEnabledSetting (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the configured privacy mode. This indicates whether link-layer security is enabled (true) or disabled (false) for network admission. More...
int set_FreqCurrentMaskSetting (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the configured hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of enabled frequencies for network admission. More...
int set_TxPowerLimit (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the transmit Power attenuation in dB relative to the maximum transmit power. More...
int set_PowerCntlPhyTarget (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the target PHY rate in Mbps for the power control algorithm. More...
int set_KeyPassphrase (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the MoCA Password. The value consists of numeric characters (0-9). Possible patterns: More...
int set_BeaconPowerLimit (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the Beacon Transmit Power attenuation in dB relative to the maximum transmit power. More...
int check_MoCABootStatus (char *)
 Get the MoCA status for BootStatus. More...
int get_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the status (enabled/disabled) of the MoCA Interface. More...
int get_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the current operational state of the interface (see [Section 4.2.2/TR-181i2]). Enumeration of: More...
int get_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the Alias-based addressing used for MoCA interface. More...
int get_Name (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the textual name of the interface as assigned by the CPE. More...
int get_LastChange (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the accumulated time in seconds since the interface entered its current operational state. More...
int get_LowerLayers (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the path name of the MoCA interface object. More...
int get_Upstream (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Check whether the interface points towards the Internet (true) or towards End Devices (false). More...
int get_MACAddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the MAC Address of the interface. More...
int get_FirmwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the MoCA interface's firmware version. More...
int get_MaxBitRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the maximum MoCA PHY bit rate (expressed in Mbps). More...
int get_MaxIngressBW (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the maximum bandwidth of this interface for flows onto the MoCA network in Mbps. More...
int get_MaxEgressBW (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the maximum bandwidth of this interface for flows from the MoCA network in Mbps. More...
int get_HighestVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the identifies the highest MoCA version that this interface supports. More...
int get_CurrentVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the MoCA version that the MoCA network is currently running. More...
int get_NetworkCoordinator (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the Node ID of the current Network Coordinator (NC) for the MoCA network. More...
int get_NodeID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the Node ID of the MoCA interface. More...
int get_MaxNodes (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the maximum network node capability supported by the interface. If MaxNodes is true then the interface supports 16 nodes (the maximum for a MoCA 1.1 network). If MaxNodes is false then the interface supports 8 nodes (the maximum for a MoCA 1.0 network). More...
int get_PreferredNC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Check Whether this interface is a preferred Network Coordinator (NC). More...
int get_BackupNC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the Node ID of the backup Network Coordinator node. More...
int get_PrivacyEnabledSetting (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the configured privacy mode. This indicates whether link-layer security is enabled (true) or disabled (false) for network admission. More...
int get_PrivacyEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Check whether link-layer security is enabled or disabled. More...
int get_FreqCapabilityMask (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of supported frequencies. This is the bit map of the spectrum that the interface supports, and each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum. The least significant bit of the rightmost character corresponds to 800MHz, which is the lowest frequency. More...
int get_FreqCurrentMaskSetting (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the configured hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of enabled frequencies for network admission. More...
int get_FreqCurrentMask (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of used frequencies. This is the bit map of the spectrum that can be used and is a subset of the FreqCapabilityMask. Each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum. The least significant bit of the rightmost character corresponds to 800MHz, which is the lowest frequency. More...
int get_CurrentOperFreq (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the current Operational Frequency. The RF frequency in Hz to which the MoCA interface is currently tuned. This parameter is only valid when Status is Up. More...
int get_LastOperFreq (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the last Operational Frequency. The RF frequency in Hz to which the MoCA interface was tuned when last in the Up state. More...
int get_KeyPassphrase (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the MoCA Password. The value consists of numeric characters (0-9). More...
int get_TxPowerLimit (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the transmit Power attenuation in dB relative to the maximum transmit power. More...
int get_PowerCntlPhyTarget (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the target PHY rate in Mbps for the power control algorithm. More...
int get_BeaconPowerLimit (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the Beacon Transmit Power attenuation in dB relative to the maximum transmit power. More...
int get_NetworkTabooMask (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of MoCA taboo channels identified for the home network. This is the bit map of the spectrum that the interface supports, and each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum. The least significant bit of the rightmost character corresponds to 800MHz, which is the lowest frequency. More...
int get_NodeTabooMask (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the hexadecimal encoded 64-bit mask of supported frequencies. This is the bit map of the spectrum that the interface supports, and each bit represents 25 MHz of spectrum. The least significant bit of the rightmost character corresponds to 800MHz, which is the lowest frequency. More...
int get_TxBcastRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the broadcast PHY transmit rate in Mbps for this interface. More...
int get_TxBcastPowerReduction (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the transmit Power attenuation in dB relative to the maximum transmit power for broadcast transmissions. More...
int get_QAM256Capable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Check whether this interface supports the 256 QAM feature. More...
int get_PacketAggregationCapability (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the packet aggregation capability supported by the interface. Standard values are 0 (no support), 6 (6 packets) or 10 (10 packets). More...
int get_AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 The number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTableNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the number of entries in the X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTable table of a MoCA Interface. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PrimaryChannelFreq (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PrimaryChannelFreq of a MoCA Interface. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_SecondaryChannelFreq (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the MoCA status for BootStatus. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_TurboMode (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the MoCA status for BootStatus. More...
int get_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_NodePowerState (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the MoCA status for BootStatus. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MoCAInterfacegetInstance (int _dev_id)
static void closeInstance ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static GHashTable * getNotifyHash ()
static int get_InterfaceNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the number of entries in the MoCA Interface table. More...

Private Member Functions

 MoCAInterface (int dev_id)
int get_Associated_Device_NumberOfEntries (int &numDevices)
int get_MoCA_Mesh_NumberOfEntries (int &numOfEntries)

Private Attributes

int m_i32Dev_id
int m_i32CurNumOfDevices
bool m_bEnable
char m_i8Status [24]
char m_i8Alias [64]
char m_i8Name [64]
unsigned int m_ui32LastChange
char m_i8LowerLayers [1024]
bool m_bUpStream
char m_i8MacAddress [24]
char m_i8FirmwareVersion [64]
unsigned int m_ui32MaxBitRate
unsigned int m_ui32MaxIngressBW
unsigned int m_ui32MaxEgressBW
unsigned int m_HighestVersion
char m_i8HighestVersion [64]
char m_i8currentVersion [64]
unsigned int m_ui32NetworkCoordinator
unsigned int m_ui32NodeId
bool m_bMaxNodes
bool m_bPreferredNC
unsigned int m_ui32BackupNC
bool m_bPrivacyEnabledSetting
bool m_bPrivacyEnabled
char m_i8FreqCapabilityMask [9]
char m_i8FreqCurrentMaskSetting [9]
char m_i8FreqCurrentMask [9]
unsigned int m_ui32CurrentOperFreq
unsigned int m_ui32LastOperFreq
char m_i8KeyPassphrase [24]
unsigned int m_ui32TxPowerLimit
unsigned int m_ui32PowerCntlPhyTarget
unsigned int m_ui32BeaconPowerLimit
char m_i8NetworkTabooMask [9]
char m_i8NodeTabooMask [9]
unsigned int m_ui32TxBcastRate
unsigned int m_ui32TxBcastPowerReduction
bool m_bQAM256Capable
unsigned int m_ui32PacketAggregationCapability
unsigned int m_ui32AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries
unsigned int m_ui32X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTableNumberOfEntries

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * m_notifyHash = NULL
static MoCAInterfaceInstance = NULL

◆ hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface

class hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface

This class provides the TR069 components audio output information.

Definition at line 112 of file Components_AudioOutput.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void doUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the audio interface such as mute status, audio encoding, audio level, Minimum dB(decibel) and Maximum dB(decibel) that can be supported on audio port, Stereo mode used in a given audio port etc.. using callback mechanism. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function set the audio interface such as mute status, audio encoding, audio level, Minimum dB(decibel) and Maximum dB(decibel) that can be supported on audio port, Stereo mode used in a given audio port etc.. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the audio interface attribute values such as mute status, audio encoding, audio level, Minimum dB(decibel) and Maximum dB(decibel) that can be supported on audio port, Stereo mode used in a given audio port etc.. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterfacegetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static int getNumberOfInstances (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface (int dev_id, device::AudioOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface. More...
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setCancelMute (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getCancelMute (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioStereoMode (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioStereoMode (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setAudioLevel (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getAudioLevel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioDB (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioLoopThru (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioLoopThru (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_AudioCompression (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioCompression (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int setAudioEncoding (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioEncoding (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioGain (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_MinAudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_MaxAudioDB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_AudioOptimalLevel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_DialogEnhancement (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_DialogEnhancement (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
char backupStatus [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool backupCancelMute
char backupAudioStereoMode [_BUF_LEN_16]
unsigned int backupAudioLevel
char backupAudioDB [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupAudioLoopThru [_BUF_LEN_16]
unsigned int backupAudioCompression
char backupAudioEncoding [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupAudioGain [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupMinAudioDB [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupMaxAudioDB [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupAudioOptimalLevel [_BUF_LEN_16]
unsigned int backupDialogEnhancement
bool bCalledStatus
bool bCalledCancelMute
bool bCalledAudioStereoMode
bool bCalledAudioLevel
bool bCalledAudioDB
bool bCalledAudioLoopThru
bool bCalledAudioCompression
bool bCalledAudioEncoding
bool bCalledAudioGain
bool bCalledMinAudioDB
bool bCalledMaxAudioDB
bool bCalledAudioOptimalLevel
bool bCalledDialogEnhancement

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice

class hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice

This class provides the TR-069 components display device information.

Definition at line 89 of file Components_DisplayDevice.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice (int devId, device::VideoOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceDisplayDevice. More...
void doUpdates (const char *baseName, updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the hostIf display device interface attribute value such as Status, EDID, SupportedResolutions, PreferredResolution in the connected display device. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function set the display device interface attribute value such as Status, EDID, SupportedResolutions, PreferredResolution etc.. in the connected display device. Currently not implemented. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the display device interface attribute value such as Status, EDID, SupportedResolutions, PreferredResolution etc.. in the connected display device. Currently not handling VideoLatency, AutoLipSyncSupport, CECSupport and HDMI3DPresent. More...

Private Member Functions

int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getEDID_BYTES (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_EDID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getSupportedResolutions (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getPreferredResolution (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
char backupDisplayDeviceStatus [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupEDID [_BUF_LEN_256]
char backupEDIDBytes [_BUF_LEN_256]
char backupSupportedResolution [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupPreferredResolution [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool bCalledDisplayDeviceStatus
bool bCalledEDID
bool bCalledEDIDBytes
bool bCalledSupportedResolution
bool bCalledPreferredResolution

◆ hostIf_STBServiceHDMI

class hostIf_STBServiceHDMI

This class provides the TR-069 components HDMI information.

Definition at line 89 of file Components_HDMI.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceHDMI:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void checkForUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function checks for the host IF HDMI interface updates such as Status, Enable, ResolutionMode, ResolutionValue etc in a connected HDMI port. Currently not implemented. More...
void doUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the HDMI interface updates such as Status, Enable, ResolutionMode, ResolutionValue etc in a connected HDMI port. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function set the HDMI interface updates such as Status, Enable, ResolutionMode, ResolutionValue etc in a connected HDMI port. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the HDMI interface updates such as Status, Enable, ResolutionMode, ResolutionValue etc in a connected HDMI port. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceHDMIgetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceHDMI *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceHDMI (int devid, device::VideoOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceHDMI. More...
int setResolution (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int getResolutionValue (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setEnableVideoPort (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setHDMIResolutionMode (const char *value)

Static Private Member Functions

static const char * getHDMIResolutionMode ()

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool backupEnable
char backupStatus [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupResolutionValue [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupName [_BUF_LEN_256]
bool bCalledEnable
bool bCalledStatus
bool bCalledResolutionValue
bool bCalledName

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static char dsHDMIResolutionMode [10] = "Manual"

◆ hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF

class hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF

This class provides the TR-069 components SPDIF information.

Definition at line 79 of file Components_SPDIF.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void doUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the SPDIF interface updates such as Enable, Status, Alias, Name, ForcePCM, Pass through, AudioDelay in a connected SPDIF port. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function set the SPDIF interface updates such as Enable, Status, Alias, Name, ForcePCM, Pass through, AudioDelay in a connected SPDIF port. Currently ForcePCM is handled. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the SPDIF interface updates such as Enable, Status, Alias, Name, ForcePCM, Pass through, AudioDelay in a connected SPDIF port. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceSPDIFgetInstance (int devid)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static int getNumberOfInstances (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF (int dev_id, device::AudioOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF. More...
int setEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int setAlias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int setForcePCM (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
int getEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getAlias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getForcePCM (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getPassthrough (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getAudioDelay (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool backupEnable
char backupStatus [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool backupForcePCM
bool backupPassthrough
unsigned backupAudioDelay
bool bCalledEnable
bool bCalledStatus
bool bCalledAlias
bool bCalledName
bool bCalledForcePCM
bool bCalledPassthrough
bool bCalledAudioDelay

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder

class hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder

This class provides the TR069 components video decoder information.

Definition at line 79 of file Components_VideoDecoder.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void checkForUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function checks for the host IF video decoder interface updates such as Status, ContentAspectRatio, X_COMCAST-COM_Standby, Name in a connected video decoder. Currently not implemented. More...
void doUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the video decoder interface updates such as Status, ContentAspectRatio, X_COMCAST-COM_Standby, Name in a connected video decoder. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function sets the video decoder interface updates such as Status, ContentAspectRatio, X_COMCAST-COM_Standby, Name in a connected video decoder. Currently X_COMCAST-COM_Standby is handled. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the video decoder interface updates such as Status, ContentAspectRatio, X_COMCAST-COM_Standby, Name in a connected video decoder. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecodergetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder (int devid)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder. More...
int getContentAspectRatio (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getX_COMCAST_COM_Standby (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int setX_COMCAST_COM_Standby (const HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
char backupContentAspectRatio [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool backupStandby
char backupVideoDecoderStatus [_BUF_LEN_32]
bool bCalledContentAspectRatio
bool bCalledStandby
bool bCalledVideoDecoderStatus

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput

class hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput

This class provides the TR-069 components video output information.

Definition at line 92 of file Components_VideoOutput.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void checkForUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function checks for the host IF video interface updates such as status, display format, video format, aspect ratio and HDPC (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) in a connected video port. Currently not implemented. More...
void doUpdates (updateCallback mUpdateCallback)
 This function updates the video interface such as status, display format, video format, aspect ratio and HDPC (High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) in a connected video port using callback mechanism. More...
int handleSetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function set the video interface attribute value such as status, display format, video format, aspect ratio and HDPC(High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) in the connected video port etc.. Currently not implemented. More...
int handleGetMsg (const char *paramName, HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function get the video interface attribute value such as status, display format, video format, aspect ratio and HDPC(High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection) in the connected video port etc.. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutputgetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput (int devid, device::VideoOutputPort &port)
 Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput. More...
int getAspectRatioBehaviour (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getDisplayFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getName (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getVideoFormat (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getHDCP (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, bool *pChanged=NULL)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
char backupAspectRatioBehaviour [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupDisplayFormat [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupDisplayName [_BUF_LEN_16]
char backupVideoFormat [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool backupHDCP
char backupVideoOutputStatus [_BUF_LEN_16]
bool bCalledAspectRatioBehaviour
bool bCalledDisplayFormat
bool bCalledDisplayName
bool bCalledVideoFormat
bool bCalledHDCP
bool bCalledVideoOutputStatus

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL

◆ hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC

class hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC

Definition at line 44 of file Components_XrdkEMMC.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceXeMMCgetInstance ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC *)

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_STBServiceXeMMC (char *emmcDeviceID, char *emmcPartitionID)
int getCapacity (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getLifeElapsedA (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getLifeElapsedB (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getLifeElapsed (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, const char *life_elapsed_type)
int getLotID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getManufacturer (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getModel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getReadOnly (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getSerialNumber (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getTSBQualified (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getPreEOLStateSystem (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getPreEOLStateEUDA (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getPreEOLStateMLC (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getPreEOLState (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData, const char *pre_eol_state_type)
int getFirmwareVersion (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getDeviceReport (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Private Attributes

char emmcDeviceID [RDK_STMGR_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = ""
char emmcPartitionID [RDK_STMGR_MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = ""

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static hostIf_STBServiceXeMMCinstance

◆ hostIf_STBServiceXSDCard

class hostIf_STBServiceXSDCard

This class provides the TR-069 components XSD Card information.

Definition at line 81 of file Components_XrdkSDCard.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_STBServiceXSDCard:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int handleGetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int handleSetMsg (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_STBServiceXSDCardgetInstance ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_STBServiceXSDCard *)

Private Member Functions

int getCapacity (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getCardFailed (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getLifeElapsed (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getLotID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getManufacturer (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getModel (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getReadOnly (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getSerialNumber (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getTSBQualified (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
int getStatus (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static hostIf_STBServiceXSDCardinstance

◆ hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint

class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint

Definition at line 59 of file Device_WiFi_AccessPoint.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Enables or disables this access point. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the status of the access point which is currently being set. The status of the access point could be the following types,. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the access point alias based addressing. Alias provides a mechanism for an ACS to label the instance for future reference. The following mandatory constraints MUST be enforced: More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_SSIDReference (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get path name of a row in the SSID table. If the parameter value is set to Null indicate that the reference object is deleted. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_SSIDAdvertisementEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check whether or not beacons include the SSID name. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_RetryLimit (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get thee maximum number of retransmission for a packet. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WMMCapability (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC). More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_UAPSDCapability (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD). More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WMMEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check whether WMM support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_UAPSDEnable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Whether U-APSD support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the number of entries in the AssociatedDevice table. The AssociatedDevice table contains information about other Wifi devices currently associated with this Wifi interface. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPointgetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

bool Enable
char Status [64]
char Alias [64]
char SSIDReference [256]
bool SSIDAdvertisementEnabled
unsigned int RetryLimit
bool WMMCapability
bool UAPSDCapability
bool WMMEnable
bool UAPSDEnable
unsigned int AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries

Static Public Attributes

static unsigned int AccessPointNumberOfEntries

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice

class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice

Definition at line 46 of file Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_MACAddress (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the MAC Address of an Associated Device of a WiFi Interface. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_AuthenticationState (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check Whether an associated device has authenticated (true) or not (false). More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_LastDataDownlinkRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the access point to the associated device. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_LastDataUplinkRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the associated device to the access point. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_SignalStrength (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_Retransmissions (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the number of packets that had to be re-transmitted, from the last 100 packets sent to the associated device. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice_Active (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check whether or not this node is currently present in the WiFi AccessPoint network. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevicegetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

char MACAddress [17]
bool AuthenticationState
unsigned int LastDataDownlinkRate
unsigned int LastDataUplinkRate
int SignalStrength
unsigned int Retransmissions
bool Active

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

GMutex * m_mutex
int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security

class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security

Definition at line 44 of file Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_ModesSupported (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the comma-separated list of strings, indicate which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting. Each list item is an enumeration of. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_ModeEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the security mode enabled for wifi device. The value must be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter, indicates which security mode is enabled. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_WEPKey (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Provide A WEP key expressed as a hexadecimal string. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_PreSharedKey (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_KeyPassphrase (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Provide a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_RekeyingInterval (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the interval (expressed in seconds) in which the keys are re-generated. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_RadiusServerIPAddr (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the IP Address of the RADIUS server used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_RadiusServerPort (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the port number of the RADIUS server used for WLAN security. RadiusServerPort is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security_RadiusSecret (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 The secret used for handshaking with the RADIUS server [RFC2865]. When read, this parameter returns an empty string, regardless of the actual value. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_SecuritygetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

char ModesSupported [20]
char ModeEnabled [20]
char WEPKey [64]
char PreSharedKey [64]
char KeyPassphrase [64]
unsigned int RekeyingInterval
char RadiusServerIPAddr [45]
unsigned int RadiusServerPort
char RadiusSecret [64]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS

class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS

Definition at line 44 of file Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS_ConfigMethodsSupported (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function provides the comma-separated list of strings, which indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS_ConfigMethodsEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function provides the comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter. Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPSgetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

bool Enable
char ConfigMethodsSupported [100]
char ConfigMethodsEnabled [64]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static GMutex * m_mutex

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint

class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint

Definition at line 62 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check wethen wifi endpoint is enabled or not. More...
int set_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Enables or disables this end point. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the status of the wireless end point. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the alias name of the wireless endpoint. More...
int set_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Set the alias name for the wireless endpoint. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_ProfileReference (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Set the alias name for the wireless endpoint. More...
int set_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_ProfileReference (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Set the value MUST be the path name of a row in the Profile table. If the referenced object is deleted, the parameter value MUST be set to an empty string. This is the currently active profile, which specifies the SSID and security settings to be used by the end point. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_SSIDReference (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check wethen wifi endpoint is enabled or not. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_ProfileNumberOfEntries (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check wethen wifi endpoint is enabled or not. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats_LastDataDownlinkRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the access point to the end point device. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats_LastDataUplinkRate (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the end point to the access point device. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats_SignalStrength (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function provide an indicator of radio signal strength of the downlink from the access point to the end point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device.. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats_Retransmissions (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the number of packets that had to be re-transmitted, from the last 100 packets sent to the access point. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_EndPointgetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

bool Enable
char Status [64]
char Alias [64]
char ProfileReference [256]
char SSIDReference [256]
unsigned int ProfileNumberOfEntries
struct {
unsigned long LastDataDownlinkRate
unsigned long LastDataUplinkRate
int SignalStrength
unsigned long Retransmissions

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint (int dev_id)
int refreshCache ()

Private Attributes

int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile

class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile

Definition at line 48 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Enables or disables the wireless end point Profile table. When there are multiple WiFi EndPoint Profiles, e.g. each instance supports a different SSID and/or different security configuration, this parameter can be used to control which of the instances are currently enabled. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the status of the wireless endpoint Profile. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Alias (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the alias name of the wireless end point. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_SSID (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the profile identifier in use by the connection. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Location (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the location of the profile. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Priority (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the profile priority defines one of the criteria used by the End Point to automatically select the "best" access point when several APs with known profiles are simultaneously available for association. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_ProfilegetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

bool Enable
char Status [64]
char Alias [64]
char SSID [32]
char Location [256]
char Priority [256]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id = 0

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static GMutex * m_mutex

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security

class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security

Definition at line 44 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security_ModeEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function is used to get which security mode is enabled for wireless end point. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the Security.ModesSupported parameter. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security_WEPKey (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get a WEP key expressed as a hexadecimal string. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security_PreSharedKey (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get a literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security_KeyPassphrase (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_SecuritygetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

char ModeEnabled [64]
char WEPKey [64]
char PreSharedKey [64]
char KeyPassphrase [64]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash
static GMutex * m_mutex

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security

class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security

Definition at line 42 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Security.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_ModesSupported (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 This function provides the comma-separated list of strings contains which security modes the wireless EndPoint instance is capable of supporting. More...
int get_hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security_ModesEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the security mode enabled for wifi device. The value must be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter, indicates which security mode is enabled. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_SecuritygetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

char ModesSupported [64]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_Security (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id = 0

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS

class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS

Definition at line 44 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Enables or disables WPS functionality for this end point. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS_ConfigMethodsSupported (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the comma-separated list of strings, containing the WPS configuration methods supported by the device. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS_ConfigMethodsEnabled (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Check the WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPSgetInstance (int dev_id)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

bool Enable
char ConfigMethodsSupported [64]
char ConfigMethodsEnabled [64]

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id = 0

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

◆ hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint.stats

struct hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint.stats

Definition at line 83 of file Device_WiFi_EndPoint.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_EndPoint.stats:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
unsigned long LastDataDownlinkRate
unsigned long LastDataUplinkRate
int SignalStrength
unsigned long Retransmissions

◆ hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats

class hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats

Definition at line 52 of file Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

GList * getAllInstances ()
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_BytesSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_BytesReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_PacketsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_PacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets received on the interface. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_ErrorsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_ErrorsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_UnicastPacketsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets requested for transmission which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_UnicastPacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_DiscardPacketsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_DiscardPacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_MulticastPacketsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_MulticastPacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_BroadcastPacketsSent (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_BroadcastPacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer. More...
int get_Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats_UnknownProtoPacketsReceived (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *stMsgData)
 Get the total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static class hostIf_WiFi_SSID_StatsgetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats *)
static void closeAllInstances ()

Data Fields

unsigned long bytesSent
unsigned long bytesReceived
unsigned long packetsSent
unsigned long packetsReceived
unsigned int ErrorsSent
unsigned int ErrorsReceived
unsigned long UnicastPacketsSent
unsigned long UnicastPacketsReceived
unsigned int DiscardPacketsSent
unsigned int DiscardPacketsReceived
unsigned long MulticastPacketsSent
unsigned long MulticastPacketsReceived
unsigned long BroadcastPacketsSent
unsigned long BroadcastPacketsReceived
unsigned int UnknownProtoPacketsReceived

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_WiFi_SSID_Stats (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id = 0

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_NAME   "tr69HostIfMgr"

Host-If manager IARM bus name

Definition at line 85 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_SetParams   "tr69HostIfSetParams"

Sets the parameter values to the tr69hostIf

Definition at line 92 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_GetParams   "tr69HostIfGetParams"

Retrives parameter values fom the tr69hostIf

Definition at line 94 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_SetAttributes   "tr69HostIfGetAttributes"

Retrives attribute values fom the tr69hostIf

Definition at line 96 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_GetAttributes   "tr69HostIfSetAttributes"

Sets attribute values fom the tr69hostIf

Definition at line 97 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.


#define IARM_BUS_TR69HOSTIFMGR_API_RegisterForEvents   "tr69HostIfRegisterForEvents"

Registers for events from tr69hostIf, on this call, add/remove events will be re-broadcasted

Definition at line 100 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ HostIf_ParamMgr_t

Host IF request type

◆ HostIf_ParamType_t

Parameter for Getpowerstate call

Host IF Message Parameter data-type

◆ HostIf_ReqType_t

Host IF request type

◆ faultCode_t

typedef enum _faultCodes faultCode_t

Host IF Error Fault Code type

◆ HostIf_Source_Type_t

Host IF source type used for various purposes

◆ HOSTIF_MsgData_t

Host IF Message Request data

◆ IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t

Events published from TR69 host interface

◆ IARM_Bus_tr69HostIfMgr_EventData_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _HostIf_ParamMgr

Host IF request type

Definition at line 62 of file hostIf_msgHandler.h.

◆ _HostIf_ParamType

Parameter for Getpowerstate call

Host IF Message Parameter data-type

Definition at line 122 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

◆ _HostIf_ReqType

Host IF request type

Definition at line 134 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

◆ _faultCodes

Host IF Error Fault Code type

Definition at line 144 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

◆ _HostIf_Source_Type_t

Host IF source type used for various purposes

Definition at line 159 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

◆ _tr69HostIfMgr_EventId_t

Events published from TR69 host interface


Add Event


Remove Event


Value changed Event


Maximum event id

Definition at line 186 of file hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h.

Function Documentation

◆ hostIf_HTTPJsonMsgHandler()

bool hostIf_HTTPJsonMsgHandler ( )

Handle the Post message from HTTP Json client.

This API is used to listen the http messages and extract the Json payload. Next will pass the Json message to common API

bool true/false.
Return values
trueon success.

◆ put_int()

void put_int ( char *  ptr,
int  val 

This function converts the input data to integer type.

[in]ptrAddress to store the integer value.
[in]valInteger value.

Definition at line 152 of file hostIf_utils.cpp.

◆ put_boolean()

void put_boolean ( char *  ptr,
bool  val 

This function converts the input data to Boolean type.

[in]ptrAddress to store the boolean value.
[in]valBoolean value.

Definition at line 191 of file hostIf_utils.cpp.

◆ getenvOrDefault()

char * getenvOrDefault ( const char *  name,
char *  defaultValue 

Returns: the specified environment variable's value if it is not NULL. the specified default value otherwise.

Definition at line 404 of file hostIf_utils.cpp.

◆ getCurrentTime()

void getCurrentTime ( struct timespec *  timer)

Get Current time.

[in]Timespec timer

Definition at line 466 of file hostIf_utils.cpp.

◆ get_security_token()

std::string get_security_token ( )

This function retrieves the security token for Thunder.

A string containing the security token or an empty string.

Definition at line 572 of file hostIf_utils.cpp.

◆ getProcessFields()

int getProcessFields ( int  iProcInstanceNum,
EProcessMembers  eProcessMem 

This is a helper function to fill values for the Process Profile.

[in]iProcInstanceNumTakes the instance number in the process profile table.
[in]eProcessMemTakes the Enum value of the member in the process instance to be filled.
The Process Fields.
Return values
OKif is successfully fetch the data.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch.

Definition at line 232 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp.

◆ readProcessFields()

static int readProcessFields ( const char *  name,
EProcessMembers  eProcessMem 

Description: Takes in the request and extracts the instance number of the process requested.

[in]nameACS request path.
[in]enumvalue Takes the Enum value of the member in the process instance to be filled.
[out]valueretuns OK/NOK

Definition at line 342 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IPInterfaceStats()

hostIf_IPInterfaceStats::hostIf_IPInterfaceStats ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPInterfaceStats.

It will initialize the device id.

[in]dev_idIdentification number of the device to communicate.

Definition at line 146 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.cpp.

◆ handleSetMsg() [1/2]

int X_rdk_profile::handleSetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function set the bluetooth profile attributes.

[in]stMsgDataHostIf Message Request param contains the attribute value.
Returns an Integer value.

Definition at line 97 of file x_rdk_profile.cpp.

◆ handleGetMsg() [1/2]

int X_rdk_profile::handleGetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function get the bluetooth attributes such as name, profile, count and others for paired and connected devices..

[in]stMsgDataHostIf Message Request param contains the external SD Card attribute value.
Returns an Integer value.
Return values
0If successfully get the attribute values.
-1If failed and Not able to get.
-2If Not handle the requested attribute.

Definition at line 147 of file x_rdk_profile.cpp.

◆ hostIf_DeviceInfo()

hostIf_DeviceInfo::hostIf_DeviceInfo ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceInfo.

It memset the private members variables of the class such as backupSoftwareVersion, backupSerialNumber, backupManufacturer, backupModelName etc.

Definition at line 163 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadStatus ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 


Download status of the firmware file when the download is initiated via XCONF or TR-069 ACS.

The Download status of the firmware file.
  • Idle(default).
    • Initiated.
  • InProgress.
  • Completed.
  • Successful.
  • Error.
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch from device.
Side Effects:\n All necessary structures and buffers are deallocated.
Execution:\n Synchronous.

Definition at line 1545 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadProtocol ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 


Download protocal used for the firmware file when the download is initiated via XCONF or TR-069 ACS.

The Download protocol of the firmware file.
  • http
  • https
  • ftp
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch from device.
Side Effects:\n All necessary structures and buffers are deallocated.
Execution:\n Synchronous.

Definition at line 1553 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_COMCAST_COM_FirmwareDownloadURL ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 


Download url used for the download when initiated via XCONF or TR-069 ACS.

The Download url of the firmware file.
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch from device.
Side Effects:\n All necessary structures and buffers are deallocated.
Execution:\n Synchronous.

Definition at line 1561 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_FirmwareDownloadUseCodebig ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 


Get the Codebig flag which is already set via TR-069 ACS.

The Codebig flag value either '0' or '1' based on the value already set
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch from device.
Side Effects:\n All necessary structures and buffers are deallocated.
Execution:\n Synchronous.

Definition at line 1570 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessorNumberOfEntries ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


The number of entries in the Processor table.

The status of the operation.
Return values
OKif it is successful.
ERR_INTERNAL_ERRORif not able to fetch from device.
Side Effects:\n All necessary structures and buffers are deallocated.
Execution:\n Synchronous.

Definition at line 1660 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_PreferredGatewayType ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 


This method is uget the preferred gateway of the client

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 1945 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to Initiate Log upload to cloud server with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMUploadLogsNow Data type: boolean - Setting this parameter to true will initiate Log upload.

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 1973 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to Read back upload status: Parameter Name : Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMLogsUploadStatus

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device. Result is reported in form of string: <Result> <TimesStamp> Valid values for <Result> are: Not triggered Triggered In progress Failed Complete <TimeStamp> is expressed in format of Linux date output

Definition at line 1980 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMUploadLogsNow ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to Initiate Log upload to cloud server with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMUploadLogsNow Data type: boolean - Setting this parameter to true will initiate Log upload.

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 2232 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to enable or disable moca telemetry log with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled Data type: boolean - Setting this parameter to true will initiate moca telemetry logging

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 2258 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_Device_DeviceInfo_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_Syndication_PartnerId ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is used to process the PartnerId. with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name:Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Syndication.PartnerId Data type: integer - Unused.

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 2325 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to get the MoCA logging period with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod Data type: integer - Setting the value for moca telemetry logging period

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 2505 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to get moca telemetry log status with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogEnabled Data type: boolean - getting this parameter and if the value is true then moca telemetry logging is enabled

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 2525 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to get the MoCA logging period with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.Logging.xOpsDMMoCALogPeriod Data type: integer - getting the value for moca telemetry logging period

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif not able to fetch from device.

Definition at line 2689 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsReverseSshTrigger ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to enable or disable reverse ssh tunnel. This uses the arguments set using set_xOpsReverseSshArgs. with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshTrigger Data type: boolean - Enable or disable the tunnel.

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 2757 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsReverseSshArgs()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsReverseSshArgs ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to get arguments for reverse ssh tunnel. with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshArgs Data type: string - Arguments for ssh tunnel. example format: user=test;host=;port=33321;idletime=30;

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 2813 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ set_xOpsReverseSshArgs()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::set_xOpsReverseSshArgs ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to set arguments for reverse ssh tunnel. with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshArgs Data type: string - Arguments for ssh tunnel. example format: user=test;host=;port=33321;idletime=30;

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 2833 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsReverseSshStatus()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsReverseSshStatus ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to get status of ssh session Result is reported in string(ACTIVE,INACTIVE). with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.ReverseSSH.xOpsReverseSshStatus Data type: string - Arguments for ssh tunnel. example format: user=test;host=;port=33321;idletime=30;

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 2921 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ findIgnoreCase()

size_t hostIf_DeviceInfo::findIgnoreCase ( std::string  haystack,
std::string  needle,
size_t  pos = 0 

Finds if one string occurs within another string. The search is case-insensitive.

[in]haystackthe string within which the search is to be performed.
[in]needlethe string to be searched for.
[in]posthe index within 'haystack' from where the search for 'needle' is to be started.
the index of where the 'needle' is found in the 'haystack', or npos if 'needle' is not found.

Definition at line 4191 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ get_xOpsRPC_Profile()

int hostIf_DeviceInfo::get_xOpsRPC_Profile ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)


This method is to trigger an immediate reboot of the box. with following TR-069 definition: Parameter Name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xOpsDeviceMgmt.RPC.RebootNow Data type: boolean - Setting this parameter to true will immediately reboot the box.

Return values
OKif it is successful.
NOKif operation fails.

Definition at line 4299 of file Device_DeviceInfo.cpp.

◆ hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface()

hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface::hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface ( int  devid)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcessorInterface.

It will initialize the device id.

[in]devidDevice identification Number.

Definition at line 127 of file Device_DeviceInfo_Processor.cpp.

◆ hostIf_DeviceProcess()

hostIf_DeviceProcess::hostIf_DeviceProcess ( int  _dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_DeviceProcess.

It will initialize the device id, process attribute such as id, command, size, priority etc.

[in]_dev_idDevice identification Number.

Definition at line 62 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp.

◆ ~hostIf_DeviceProcess()

hostIf_DeviceProcess::~hostIf_DeviceProcess ( )

Class destructor.

It does the mutex free of 'm_libproc_lock' mutex variable of hostIf_DeviceProcess class.

Definition at line 100 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp.

◆ getNumOfProcessEntries()

int hostIf_DeviceProcess::getNumOfProcessEntries ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Description: Counts the number of Processes in the system.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 185 of file Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp.

◆ getInstance() [1/3]

hostIf_EthernetInterface * hostIf_EthernetInterface::getInstance ( int  dev_id)

Description: Counts the number of Ethernet interfaces present in the device.

Get all the current interfaces in the system and count "eth" interface from the list.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 66 of file Device_Ethernet_Interface.cpp.

◆ hostIf_EthernetInterface()

hostIf_EthernetInterface::hostIf_EthernetInterface ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_EthernetInterface.

It will initialize the device id.

[in]devidDevice identification Number.

Definition at line 158 of file Device_Ethernet_Interface.cpp.

◆ hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats()

hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats::hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_EthernetInterfaceStats.

It will initialize the device id.

[in]dev_idDevice identification Number.

Definition at line 335 of file Device_Ethernet_Interface_Stats.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IP()

hostIf_IP::hostIf_IP ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IP.

It will initialize the device id ,backup IP4 status to empty string.

[in]dev_idDevice identification number.

Definition at line 63 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ getInterfaceName()

char * hostIf_IP::getInterfaceName ( int  if_index,
char *  if_name 

This function's interface is just like that of the Linux API "if_indextoname" except that virtual interfaces are also reported.

Maps an interface index to its corresponding name. The returned name is placed in the buffer pointed to by if_name, which must be at least IFNAMSIZ bytes in length. If the index was invalid, the function's return value is a null pointer, otherwise it is if_name.

Example mapping below. All virtual interface indexes are greater than physical interface indexes. 1 - lo 2 - eth1 3 - sit0 4 - eth1:0

Definition at line 183 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ getInterfaceNumberOfEntries()

unsigned int hostIf_IP::getInterfaceNumberOfEntries ( void  )

Description: Counts the number of IP interfaces present in the device.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 216 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ getVirtualInterfaceNumberOfEntries()

unsigned int hostIf_IP::getVirtualInterfaceNumberOfEntries ( struct if_nameindex *  phy_if_list)

Returns the number of virtual interfaces on the system. Requires the list of physical interfaces as input.

Definition at line 254 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ getVirtualInterfaceName()

char * hostIf_IP::getVirtualInterfaceName ( struct if_nameindex *  phy_if_list,
unsigned int  virtual_if_index,
char *  virtual_if_name 

Returns the virtual interface name corresponding to a virtual interface index. Requires the list of physical interfaces and the virtualInterfaceIndex as input. where virtualInterfaceIndex 1 refers to the first virtual interface returned by the kernel in the output from 'getifaddrs'.

Definition at line 304 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ getNumOfActivePorts()

unsigned int hostIf_IP::getNumOfActivePorts ( void  )

Description: Counts the number of tcp sockets in the device in listening or established state.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 364 of file Device_IP.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IPActivePort()

hostIf_IPActivePort::hostIf_IPActivePort ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPActivePort.

It will initialize the device id. And it will initialize the local IP address , remote IP address to empty string.

[in]dev_idDevice identification number.

Definition at line 129 of file Device_IP_ActivePort.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest()

hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest ( )

The constructor checks for the database file at TR69DIR and loads the database It checks for the database file and if doesnt exist, it creates one.

Definition at line 56 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ getInstance() [2/3]

hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest & hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::getInstance ( )

This function provides single instance of hostIF_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.

Definition at line 80 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ handleGetMsg() [2/2]

int hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::handleGetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function is called when profile parameter needs to be read It gets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif it is successfully fetch the data from the device else NOK

Definition at line 98 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ handleSetMsg() [2/2]

int hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::handleSetMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function sets the profile parameter data It sets the values of Enable_Speedtest, Run, Argument, ClientType, Authentication ans Status If any other parameter is requested the fault code is set to invalid paramtername.

Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
OKif it is successfully fetch the data from the device, else it returns NOK

Definition at line 137 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ processMsg()

void hostIf_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest::processMsg ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function processes the set message for triggering speedtest-client It checks for Enable_Speedtest and Run profile parameters and sets to launch internet measurement platform application from the respective location. the failure of the function is handled in handleSetMsg function when it meets fcInternalError.

Definition at line 186 of file Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IPInterface()

hostIf_IPInterface::hostIf_IPInterface ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPInterface.

It will initialize the device id. Initialize the type and name to empty string.

[in]dev_idDevice identification number.

Definition at line 132 of file Device_IP_Interface.cpp.

◆ getIPv4AddressNumberOfEntries()

unsigned int hostIf_IPInterface::getIPv4AddressNumberOfEntries ( )

Description: Counts the number of IPv4 addresses per IP interface present in the device.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 998 of file Device_IP_Interface.cpp.

◆ getIPv6AddressNumberOfEntries()

unsigned int hostIf_IPInterface::getIPv6AddressNumberOfEntries ( )

Description: Counts the number of IPv6 addresses per IP interface present in the device.

\Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 1039 of file Device_IP_Interface.cpp.

◆ hostIf_IPv4Address()

hostIf_IPv4Address::hostIf_IPv4Address ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_IPv4Address.

It will initialize the device id. Initialize the status, IP Address, SubnetMask and AddressingType to empty string.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device to communicate.

Definition at line 124 of file Device_IP_Interface_IPv4Address.cpp.

◆ isLinkLocalAddress()

bool hostIf_IPv4Address::isLinkLocalAddress ( const struct in_addr &  in_address)

tests if an IPv4 address is link-local.

[in]in_addressthe IPv4 address to test.
Return values
trueif the IPv4 address is link-local.

Definition at line 521 of file Device_IP_Interface_IPv4Address.cpp.

◆ hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface()

hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface::hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface ( int  devid,
device::AudioOutputPort port 

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceAudioInterface.

It will initialize the device id and audio output port.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device.
[in]portAudio output port number.

Definition at line 163 of file Components_AudioOutput.cpp.

◆ getInstance() [3/3]

hostIf_STBServiceHDMI * hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::getInstance ( int  dev_id)

Description: Counts the number of HDMI interfaces present in the device.

Get all the current interfaces in the system and count "STBService" interface from the list.

Return: Count value or '0' if error

Definition at line 90 of file Components_HDMI.cpp.

◆ hostIf_STBServiceHDMI()

hostIf_STBServiceHDMI::hostIf_STBServiceHDMI ( int  devid,
device::VideoOutputPort port 

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceHDMI.

It will initialize the device id and video output port.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device.
[in]portVideo output port number.

Definition at line 185 of file Components_HDMI.cpp.

◆ hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF()

hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF::hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF ( int  devid,
device::AudioOutputPort port 

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceSPDIF.

It will initialize the device id and audio output port.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device.
[in]portAudio output port number.

Definition at line 150 of file Components_SPDIF.cpp.

◆ hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder()

hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder::hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder ( int  devid)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoDecoder.

It will initialize the device id.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device.

Definition at line 132 of file Components_VideoDecoder.cpp.

◆ hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput()

hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput::hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput ( int  devid,
device::VideoOutputPort port 

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_STBServiceVideoOutput.

It will initialize the device id and video output port.

[in]devidIdentification number of the device.
[in]portVideo output port number.

Definition at line 151 of file Components_VideoOutput.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the local time zone definition.

This function provides the local time zone definition, encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX). The following is an example value:

<tt>EST+5 EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2</tt>

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 163 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_Status()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_Status ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the status of time support on the CPE.

This function provides the status of time support on the CPE. This is an enumeration of:

  • Disabled
  • Unsynchronized
  • Synchronized
  • Error_FailedToSynchronize
  • Error (OPTIONAL)

  • The Unsynchronized value indicates that the CPE's absolute time has not yet been set.

  • The Synchronized value indicates that the CPE has acquired accurate absolute time; its current time is accurate.

  • The Error_FailedToSynchronize value indicates that the CPE failed to acquire accurate absolute time; its current time is not accurate.

  • The Error value MAY be used by the CPE to indicate a locally defined error condition.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 196 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_NTPServer1()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer1 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the first NTP timeserver.

This function provides the address of the first NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 200 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_NTPServer2()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer2 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the second NTP timeserver.

This function provides the address of the second NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 204 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_NTPServer3()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer3 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the third NTP timeserver.

This function provides the address of the third NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 208 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_NTPServer4()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer4 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the fourth NTP timeserver.

This function provides the address of the fourth NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 212 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_NTPServer5()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_NTPServer5 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t ,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the fifth NTP timeserver.

This function provides the address of the fifth NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 216 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_Device_Time_CurrentLocalTime()

int hostIf_Time::get_Device_Time_CurrentLocalTime ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData,
bool *  pChanged = NULL 

Get the current dates & time.

This function provides the current date and time in the CPE's local time zone.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 221 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap()

int hostIf_Time::get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Get the bootstrap parameters.

This function gets the bootstrap parameters

Definition at line 263 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap()

int hostIf_Time::set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the bootstrap parameters.

This function sets the bootstrap parameters

Definition at line 268 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_Enable()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_Enable ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the status of the time client.

This function sets enables or disables the NTP or SNTP time client.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 273 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_NTPServer1()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer1 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the first NTP timeserver.

This function sets the address of the first NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 277 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_NTPServer2()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer2 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the second NTP timeserver.

This function sets the address of the second NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 281 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_NTPServer3()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer3 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the third NTP timeserver.

This function sets the address of the third NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 285 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_NTPServer4()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer4 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the fourth NTP timeserver.

This function sets the address of the fourth NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 289 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_NTPServer5()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_NTPServer5 ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the fifth NTP timeserver.

This function sets the address of the fifth NTP timeserver. This can be either a host name or IP address.

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 293 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ set_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone()

int hostIf_Time::set_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

Set the local time zone definition.

This function sets the local time zone definition, encoded according to IEEE 1003.1 (POSIX). The following is an example value:

<tt>EST+5 EDT,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2</tt>

See TR-069 Device.Time Setter API

Definition at line 297 of file Device_Time.cpp.

◆ hostIf_snmpAdapter()

hostIf_snmpAdapter::hostIf_snmpAdapter ( int  dev_id)

Class Constructor of the class hostIf_snmpAdapter.

Definition at line 79 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

◆ ~hostIf_snmpAdapter()

hostIf_snmpAdapter::~hostIf_snmpAdapter ( )

Class Destructor of the class hostIf_snmpAdapter.

Definition at line 89 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

◆ init()

void hostIf_snmpAdapter::init ( void  )

This function opens the RF_DocsIf_tr181_snmp map file, parse the TR181 parameter and its correspoinding OID, fill it in map container.

Definition at line 102 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

◆ unInit()

void hostIf_snmpAdapter::unInit ( void  )

This function clear the TR181 OID map container.

Definition at line 150 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

◆ get_ValueFromSNMPAdapter()

int hostIf_snmpAdapter::get_ValueFromSNMPAdapter ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function fetch the SNMP OID for the corresponding TR181 param, and run the snmpget command with the OID. The result will be return back as string.

Description. This is the getter api for SNMP API for Device.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DocsIf Profile.

[in]nameComplete path name of the parameter.
[in]typeIt is a user data type of ParameterType.
[out]valueIt is the value of the parameter.
Return values
OKif successful.
XXX_ERR_BADPARAMif a bad parameter was supplied.
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just a device inventory message from the platform.
See also

Definition at line 235 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

◆ set_ValueToSNMPAdapter()

int hostIf_snmpAdapter::set_ValueToSNMPAdapter ( HOSTIF_MsgData_t stMsgData)

This function fetch the SNMP OID for the corresponding TR181 param, and run the snmpset command with the OID.

Definition at line 309 of file snmpAdapter.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ callbacks

yajl_callbacks callbacks
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 149 of file hostIf_jsonReqHandlerThread.cpp.

◆ bytesSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::bytesSent

Definition at line 79 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ bytesReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::bytesReceived

Definition at line 80 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ packetsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::packetsSent

Definition at line 81 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ packetsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::packetsReceived

Definition at line 82 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ errorsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::errorsSent

Definition at line 83 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ errorsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::errorsReceived

Definition at line 84 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ unicastPacketsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unicastPacketsSent

Definition at line 85 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ unicastPacketsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unicastPacketsReceived

Definition at line 86 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ discardPacketsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::discardPacketsSent

Definition at line 87 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ discardPacketsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::discardPacketsReceived

Definition at line 88 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ multicastPacketsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::multicastPacketsSent

Definition at line 89 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ multicastPacketsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::multicastPacketsReceived

Definition at line 90 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ broadcastPacketsSent

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::broadcastPacketsSent

Definition at line 91 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ broadcastPacketsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::broadcastPacketsReceived

Definition at line 92 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ unknownProtoPacketsReceived

unsigned long Device_IP_Interface_Stats::unknownProtoPacketsReceived

Definition at line 93 of file Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h.

◆ dsVideoPixelResolutionMapper

EnumStringMapper dsVideoPixelResolutionMapper[]
Initial value:
{ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_720x480, "720x480"},
{ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_720x576, "720x576"},
{ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_1280x720, "1280x720"},
{ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_1920x1080, "1920x1080"},

Definition at line 55 of file Components_HDMI.cpp.

◆ dsVideoFrameRateMapper

EnumStringMapper dsVideoFrameRateMapper[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 64 of file Components_HDMI.cpp.

Definition: dsTypes.h:505
Definition: dsTypes.h:507
Definition: dsTypes.h:508
Definition: dsTypes.h:506
@ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_720x576
Definition: dsTypes.h:460
Definition: dsTypes.h:511
@ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_1280x720
Definition: dsTypes.h:461
Definition: dsTypes.h:509
Definition: dsTypes.h:510
@ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_720x480
Definition: dsTypes.h:459
Definition: dsTypes.h:504
@ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_1920x1080
Definition: dsTypes.h:462
@ dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_3840x2160
Definition: dsTypes.h:464