RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)


TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

This is the getter group of API for the Device.Time object.

The interface for all functions is identical and is described here.

[in]*nameThis is the complete path name of the parameter extracted from soap message, e.g. ::get_Device_Time_Enable. In this case, the path is "Device.Time.Enable".
[in]*typeData type of parameter defined for TR-069. This is same as the data type used in the Xi3 data-model.xml file. (see parameter.h)
[out]*valueThis is the value of the parameter requested by the ACS. (see paramaccess.h)
The status of the operation.
Return values
OKIf parameter requested was successfully fetched. (Same as NO_ERROR).
NO_ERRORIf parameter requested was successfully fetched. (Same as OK).
DIAG_ERRORDiagnostic error.
ERR_???Appropriate error value otherwise (see dimark_globals.h).

Data Structures

class  hostIf_Time
 Get the status of the time client. More...

Data Structure Documentation

◆ hostIf_Time

class hostIf_Time

Get the status of the time client.

This function provides the status (enabled or disabled) of the NTP or SNTP time client.

See TR-069 Device.Time Getter API

Definition at line 134 of file Device_Time.h.

Collaboration diagram for hostIf_Time:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

int get_Device_Time_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
int get_Device_Time_Status (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the status of time support on the CPE. More...
int get_Device_Time_NTPServer1 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the first NTP timeserver. More...
int get_Device_Time_NTPServer2 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the second NTP timeserver. More...
int get_Device_Time_NTPServer3 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the third NTP timeserver. More...
int get_Device_Time_NTPServer4 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the fourth NTP timeserver. More...
int get_Device_Time_NTPServer5 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the fifth NTP timeserver. More...
int get_Device_Time_CurrentLocalTime (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the current dates & time. More...
int get_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *, bool *pChanged=NULL)
 Get the local time zone definition. More...
int set_Device_Time_Enable (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the status of the time client. More...
int set_Device_Time_NTPServer1 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the first NTP timeserver. More...
int set_Device_Time_NTPServer2 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the second NTP timeserver. More...
int set_Device_Time_NTPServer3 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the third NTP timeserver. More...
int set_Device_Time_NTPServer4 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the fourth NTP timeserver. More...
int set_Device_Time_NTPServer5 (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the fifth NTP timeserver. More...
int set_Device_Time_LocalTimeZone (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the local time zone definition. More...
int set_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Set the bootstrap parameters. More...
int get_xRDKCentralComBootstrap (HOSTIF_MsgData_t *)
 Get the bootstrap parameters. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static hostIf_TimegetInstance (int dev_id)
static void closeInstance (hostIf_Time *)
static GList * getAllInstances ()
static void closeAllInstances ()
static void getLock ()
static void releaseLock ()
static GHashTable * getNotifyHash ()

Private Member Functions

 hostIf_Time (int dev_id)

Private Attributes

int dev_id
bool bCalledLocalTimeZone
bool bCalledCurrentLocalTime
char backupLocalTimeZone [_BUF_LEN_64]
char backupCurrentLocalTime [_BUF_LEN_64]

Static Private Attributes

static GHashTable * ifHash = NULL
static GMutex * m_mutex = NULL
static GHashTable * m_notifyHash = NULL
static XBSStorem_bsStore