#define | RFC_PWRMGR2 "Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.Power.PwrMgr2.Enable" |
#define | IARM_BUS_DSMGR_NAME "DSMgr" |
#define | INT_DEBUG(FORMAT, ...) printf(FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__) |
#define | INT_ERROR(FORMAT, ...) printf(FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__) |
#define | INT_INFO(FORMAT, ...) printf(FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__) |
#define | INT_WARNING(FORMAT, ...) printf(FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__) |
#define | MAX_NUM_VIDEO_PORTS 5 |
#define | IARM_BUS_Lock(lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&dsLock) |
#define | IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&dsLock) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsSetResolution (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetResolution (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsInitResolution (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetAudioPort (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetStereoMode (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsSetStereoMode (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetEDID (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetEDIDBytes (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetVideoPort (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsIsDisplayConnected (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetStereoAuto (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsIsDisplaySurround (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetForceDisable4K (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsSetBackgroundColor (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetIgnoreEDIDStatus (void *arg) |
bool | isComponentPortPresent () |
bool | dsGetHDMIDDCLineStatus (void) |
static int | _SetVideoPortResolution () |
static int | _SetResolution (intptr_t *handle, dsVideoPortType_t PortType) |
| This Function does following : Read Persisted resolution Verify Persisted resolution with Platform and EDID resolution If fails set best EDID resolution supported by platform If fails Default to 720P If 720p is not supported by TV , Default to 480p. More...
static void | _EventHandler (const char *owner, IARM_EventId_t eventId, void *data, size_t len) |
static IARM_Result_t | _SysModeChange (void *arg) |
| This function is a event handler which returns current system mode using IARM. It returns mode as "NORMAL", "WAREHOUSE","EAS" or "UNKNOWN". More...
static void | dumpHdmiEdidInfo (dsDisplayEDID_t *pedidData) |
static void * | _DSMgrResnThreadFunc (void *arg) |
| Thread entry fuction to post Resolution on Hot Plug and Tune ready Events. More...
static void | _setAudioMode () |
| Local function to get and set audio mode. More...
void | _setEASAudioMode () |
static gboolean | heartbeatMsg (gpointer data) |
static gboolean | _SetResolutionHandler (gpointer data) |
static gboolean | dumpEdidOnChecksumDiff (gpointer data) |
static intptr_t | getVideoPortHandle (_dsVideoPortType_t port) |
static bool | isHDMIConnected () |
IARM_Result_t | DSMgr_Start () |
IARM_Result_t | DSMgr_Loop () |
IARM_Result_t | DSMgr_Stop () |
static void | setBGColor (dsVideoBackgroundColor_t color) |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsEnableAudioPort (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsSetFPState (void *arg) |
IARM_Result_t | _dsGetEnablePersist (void *arg) |
static bool | get_video_port_standby_setting (const char *port) |
static void | _PwrEventHandler (const char *owner, IARM_EventId_t eventId, void *data, size_t len) |
static int | _SetLEDStatus (IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_PowerState_t powerState) |
int | _SetAVPortsPowerState (IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_PowerState_t powerState) |
static IARM_Result_t | _SetStandbyVideoState (void *arg) |
static IARM_Result_t | _GetStandbyVideoState (void *arg) |
static IARM_Result_t | _SetAvPortState (void *arg) |
static IARM_Result_t | _SetLEDState (void *arg) |
static IARM_Result_t | _SetRebootConfig (void *arg) |
void | initPwrEventListner () |
static int | iTuneReady = 0 |
static dsDisplayEvent_t | edisplayEventStatus = dsDISPLAY_EVENT_MAX |
static pthread_t | edsHDMIHPDThreadID |
static pthread_mutex_t | tdsMutexLock |
static pthread_cond_t | tdsMutexCond |
static int | iResnCount = 5 |
static int | iInitResnFlag = 0 |
static bool | bHDCPAuthenticated = false |
static bool | bPwrMgeRFCEnabled = false |
IARM_Bus_Daemon_SysMode_t | isEAS = IARM_BUS_SYS_MODE_NORMAL |
GMainLoop * | dsMgr_Gloop = NULL |
static guint | hotplug_event_src = 0 |
static bool | IsIgnoreEdid_gs = false |
IARM_Bus_Daemon_SysMode_t | isEAS |
char | DSMgr_Standby_Video_State_t::port [DSMGR_MAX_VIDEO_PORT_NAME_LENGTH] |
bool | DSMgr_Standby_Video_State_t::isEnabled |
static DSMgr_Standby_Video_State_t | g_standby_video_port_setting [5] |
static dsMgrProductTraits::ux_controller * | ux = nullptr |
static pthread_mutex_t | dsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER |
static IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_PowerState_t | curState |
static IARM_Bus_PWRMgr_PowerState_t | prevState |