RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
tcpOpensslProxyServer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for tcpOpensslProxyServer:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for tcpOpensslProxyServer:
Collaboration graph


void newConnection (int clientId, tcpOpensslProxyServer *ss)
void connected (int clientId, QString msg)
void messageReceived (int clientId, char *message, size_t len)
void disconnected (int clientId)
void socketError (QString err)
void sslErrors (QString err)
void acceptError (QString err)
void peerVerifyError (QString err)

Public Member Functions

int setUpServer (const char *ipAddress, unsigned short port_num, const char *ca_pem, const char *cert_pem, const char *key_pem)
void closeClient (int clientId)
void closeAllClients ()
void stopServer ()
void onNewConnection (int clientId, tcpOpensslProxyServer *ss)
void onConnected (int clientId, QString msg)
void onMessageReceived (int clientId, char *message, size_t len)
void onDisconnected (int clientId)
void onSslErrors (QString err)
void onPeerVerifyError (QString err)
void onAcceptError (QString err)
void sendTextMessage (int clientId, const char *buffer, int len)
void ping (int clientId)
void onPong (int clientId, char *msg, int len)

Data Fields

bool m_isServerprocessingEnabled
std::unordered_map< int, SSL * > m_clientSSLCtxList
std::unordered_map< int, bool * > m_clientSSLIsReadEnabledList
std::unordered_map< int, std::string > m_clientPingMsgList
SSL_CTX * m_serverSSlCtx
int m_serverSocketListenfd
std::function< void(int, char *, unsigned int)> onMessageReceivedCallBack
std::function< void(int, long long unsigned int, QByteArray &)> onPongCallBack

Private Member Functions

void freeSSLContext (SSL_CTX *ctx)
SSL_CTX * get_server_context_pk12 (const char *ca_pem, const char *cert_pk12, const char *pass)
int get_socket (const char *ipAddress, unsigned short port_num)
bool SetSocketBlockingEnabled (int fd, bool blocking)
void onSocketError (QString err)
void setPingMsg (int clientId, const char *uniqueId, int len)

Private Attributes

std::unordered_map< int, std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point > m_clientPingTimeList


Definition at line 15 of file tcpOpensslProxyServer.h.

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