RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
56 #ifndef __WIFI_CLINET_HAL_H__
57 #define __WIFI_CLINET_HAL_H__
70 #include <wifi_common_hal.h>
138 BOOL selfSteerOverride;
139 BOOL roam80211kvrEnable;
140 INT preassnBestThreshold;
141 INT preassnBestDelta;
142 INT postAssnLevelDeltaConnected;
143 INT postAssnLevelDeltaDisconnected;
144 INT postAssnSelfSteerThreshold;
145 INT postAssnSelfSteerTimeframe;
146 INT postAssnBackOffTime;
148 INT postAssnAPctrlThreshold;
149 INT postAssnAPctrlTimeframe;
320 INT
wifi_connectEndpoint(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *AP_SSID,
wifiSecurityMode_t AP_security_mode, CHAR *AP_security_WEPKey, CHAR *AP_security_PreSharedKey, CHAR *AP_security_KeyPassphrase,
int saveSSID,CHAR * eapIdentity,CHAR * carootcert,CHAR * clientcert,CHAR * privatekey);
334 INT wifi_clearSSIDInfo(INT ssidIndex);
380 void (*init)(
char* name);
381 void (*event_s)(
char* marker,
char* value);
382 void (*event_d)(
char* marker,
int value);
430 WiFiHalStatus_t getwifiStatusCode();
438 INT wifi_cancelWpsPairing();
442 #error "! __WIFI_CLINET_HAL_H__"
INT wifi_getCliWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
This function indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device.
INT wifi_getCliWpsConfigurationState(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
This API is used to get the WPS config status, whether "configured" or "not configured".
INT wifi_setCliWpsEnrolleePin(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *EnrolleePin)
This API sets the PIN to connect. User get the EnrolleePin (device pin from AP device) give to hostap...
INT wifi_lastConnected_Endpoint(wifi_pairedSSIDInfo_t *pairedSSIDInfo)
This call will give the last saved AP's ssid.
Wifi Security modes.
CHAR ap_wep_key[128]
wep_key of AP incase of WEP security
INT wifi_getCliWpsEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
This API checks WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup) functionality is enabled for this access point.
CHAR ap_bssid[64]
[MACAddress] The BSSID (Basic Service Set ID) used for the neighboring WiFi SSID.
CHAR ap_security[64]
Security of AP.
INT wifi_setCliWpsDevicePIN(INT ssidIndex, ULONG pin)
This API sets the WPS Device pin to the Wi-Fi hal.
Telemetry callback functions.
INT wifi_connectEndpoint(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *AP_SSID, wifiSecurityMode_t AP_security_mode, CHAR *AP_security_WEPKey, CHAR *AP_security_PreSharedKey, CHAR *AP_security_KeyPassphrase, int saveSSID, CHAR *eapIdentity, CHAR *carootcert, CHAR *clientcert, CHAR *privatekey)
This API starts the connection process from client with an AP.
CHAR ap_ssid[64]
The current service set identifier in use by the neighboring WiFi SSID. The value MAY be empty for hi...
INT wifi_getCliWpsConfigMethodsSupported(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *methods)
This API is used to get WPS configuration methods supported by the device.
void wifi_telemetry_callback_register(wifi_telemetry_ops_t *telemetry_ops)
CHAR ap_passphrase[128]
Passphrase of AP.
Roaming Control information (pre assoc data structure}.
#define ULONG
Defines for the basic data types.
INT wifi_getCliWpsDevicePIN(INT ssidIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
This API is used to read the device PIN required for making a WPS connection.
INT wifi_setCliWpsButtonPush(INT ssidIndex)
Start the Push button pairing.
INT(* wifi_connectEndpoint_callback)(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *AP_SSID, wifiStatusCode_t *error)
This call back will be invoked when client automatically connect to Access Point.
INT(* wifi_disconnectEndpoint_callback)(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *AP_SSID, wifiStatusCode_t *error)
This call back should be registered by Wi-Fi manager to receive status updates from HAL in case of a ...
INT wifi_disconnectEndpoint(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *AP_SSID)
This API disconnects the access point specified.
struct _wifi_telemetry_ops_t wifi_telemetry_ops_t
Telemetry callback functions.
INT wifi_setCliWpsEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL enableValue)
This API enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point.
void wifi_connectEndpoint_callback_register(wifi_connectEndpoint_callback callback_proc)
Callback registration function.
INT wifi_cancelCliWPS(INT ssidIndex)
Stop the WPS process.
INT wifi_setCliWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *methodString)
This API sets the active WPS method.
void wifi_disconnectEndpoint_callback_register(wifi_disconnectEndpoint_callback callback_proc)
Callback registration function.
Enumerators for Wi-Fi connection status.
struct _wifi_pairedSSIDInfo wifi_pairedSSIDInfo_t
SSID information.