RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
26 std::shared_ptr<AampDrmHelper> helper;
27 bool isLicenseProcessed;
43 return accessibilityNode;
76 std::vector<StreamInfo*> StreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD::GetAvailableVideoTracks(
void) { std::vector<StreamInfo*> temp;
return temp; }
Media output format.
void MuteSubtitleOnPause() override
Mute subtitles on puase.
Structure holding the information of a stream.
Fragment collector MPEG DASH declarations.
uint32_t GetCurrPeriodTimeScale()
Get timescale from current period.
void InitSubtitleParser(char *data) override
Init webvtt subtitle parser for sidecar caption support.
void DumpProfiles(void) override
Stub implementation.
std::vector< long > GetAudioBitrates(void) override
To get the available audio bitrates. @ret available audio bitrates.
double GetStreamPosition() override
Get current stream position.
static Accessibility getAccessibilityNode(void *adaptationSet)
void ResumeSubtitleOnPlay(bool mute, char *data) override
Resume subtitle on play.
StreamAbstraction class of AAMP.
std::vector< StreamInfo * > GetAvailableThumbnailTracks(void) override
To get the available thumbnail tracks. @ret available thumbnail tracks.
MediaTrack * GetMediaTrack(TrackType type) override
Return MediaTrack of requested type.
AAMPStatusType Init(TuneType tuneType) override
Initialize a newly created object.
std::vector< long > GetVideoBitrates(void) override
To get the available video bitrates. @ret available video bitrates.
Media Track Types.
double GetFirstPeriodStartTime(void)
Get Period Start Time.
virtual void SetCDAIObject(CDAIObject *cdaiObj) override
Set Client Side DAI object instance.
void GetStreamFormat(StreamOutputFormat &primaryOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &audioOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &auxOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &subtitleOutputFormat) override
Get output format of stream.
std::vector< AudioTrackInfo > mAudioTracksAll
void Stop(bool clearChannelData) override
Stops streaming.
virtual std::vector< TextTrackInfo > & GetAvailableTextTracks(bool allTrack=false) override
Gets all/current available text tracks.
void Start() override
Starts streaming.
void StopInjection(void) override
Stops injecting fragments to StreamSink.
StreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD Destructor.
virtual std::vector< AudioTrackInfo > & GetAvailableAudioTracks(bool allTrack=false) override
To set the audio tracks of current period.
void StartInjection(void) override
Start injecting fragments to StreamSink.
void ResumeSubtitleAfterSeek(bool mute, char *data) override
Resume subtitle after seek.
double GetBufferedDuration()
Function to get the buffer duration of stream.
StreamInfo * GetStreamInfo(int idx) override
Get stream information of a profile from subclass.
void ResetSubtitle() override
Reset subtitle parser created for sidecar caption support.
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world.
bool SetThumbnailTrack(int) override
AAMP Function return values.
double GetStartTimeOfFirstPTS() override
Get Start time PTS of first sample.
StreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD(AampLogManager *logObj, class PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, double seekpos, float rate)
StreamAbstractionAAMP_MPD Constructor.
int GetProfileCount()
Gets number of profiles.
Base class for the client side DAI object.
double GetFirstPTS() override
Get PTS of first sample.
virtual bool Is4KStream(int &height, long &bandwidth) override
check if current stream have 4K content
int GetBWIndex(long bitrate) override
Get index of profile corresponds to bandwidth.
bool SetTextStyle(const std::string &options) override
Set the text style of the subtitle to the options passed.
long GetMaxBitrate(void) override
Gets Max bitrate supported.
Data type to store Accessibility Node data.
std::vector< TextTrackInfo > mTextTracksAll
void MuteSidecarSubtitles(bool mute) override
Mute/unmute subtitles.
int GetProfileIndexForBandwidth(long mTsbBandwidth)
Get profile index for TsbBandwidth.
void PauseSubtitleParser(bool pause) override
Pause/unpause subtitles.
std::vector< ThumbnailData > GetThumbnailRangeData(double, double, std::string *, int *, int *, int *, int *) override
Period Information available at early.
void StartSubtitleParser() override
Kicks off subtitle display - sent at start of video presentation.
Utility class to construct a JSON string.