RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
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82 #ifndef _DS_dsCompositeInH_
83 #define _DS_dsCompositeInH_
85 #include <sys/types.h>
dsError_t dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs(uint8_t *pNumberOfInputs)
Get the number of COMPOSITE Input ports on the set-top.
dsError_t dsCompositeInGetStatus(dsCompositeInStatus_t *pStatus)
Get the COMPOSITE Input Status.
dsError_t dsCompositeInRegisterStatusChangeCB(dsCompositeInStatusChangeCB_t CBFunc)
Register for the Composite Input Status Change event.
dsError_t dsCompositeInScaleVideo(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
Scale the COMPOSITE In video This function is used to scale the COMPOSITE In video.
Device Settings HAL types.
dsError_t dsCompositeInInit(void)
Initialize the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system.
dsError_t dsCompositeInTerm(void)
Terminate the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system.
void(* dsCompositeInConnectCB_t)(dsCompositeInPort_t Port, bool isPortConnected)
Callback function used to notify applications of COMPOSITE In hot plug status.
Device Settings HAL error codes.
void(* dsCompositeInStatusChangeCB_t)(dsCompositeInStatus_t inputStatus)
Callback function used to notify applications of Composite Input status.
dsError_t dsCompositeInSelectPort(dsCompositeInPort_t Port)
Select the COMPOSITE Input port to be presented.
void(* dsCompositeInSignalChangeCB_t)(dsCompositeInPort_t port, dsCompInSignalStatus_t sigStatus)
Callback function used to notify applications of Composite In signal change status.
dsError_t dsCompositeInRegisterConnectCB(dsCompositeInConnectCB_t CBFunc)
Register for the COMPOSITE Input hot plug event.
Device Settings API Error return codes.
dsError_t dsCompositeInRegisterSignalChangeCB(dsCompositeInSignalChangeCB_t CBFunc)
Register for the Composite Input Signal Change event.