RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)


Data Structures

struct  _DSMgr_EventData_t
union  _DSMgr_EventData_t.data
struct  _HDMI_IN_ALLM_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_allm_mode
struct  _AUDIO_PORTSTATE_DATA.data.AudioPortStateInfo
struct  _VIDEO_FORMAT_DATA.data.VideoFormatInfo
struct  _ASSOCIATED_AUDIO_MIXING_DATA.data.AssociatedAudioMixingInfo
struct  _FADER_CONTROL_DATA.data.FaderControlInfo
struct  _LANGUAGE_DATA.data.AudioLanguageInfo
struct  _AUDIO_FORMAT_DATA.data.AudioFormatInfo
struct  _AUDIO_OUT_CONNECT_DATA.data.audio_out_connect
struct  _AUDIO_LEVEL_DATA.data.AudioLevelInfo
struct  _SLEEP_MODE_DATA.data.sleepModeInfo
struct  _HDCP_PROTOCOL_DATA.data.HDCPProtocolVersion
struct  _FPD_TIME_FORMAT.data.FPDTimeFormat
struct  _COMPOSITE_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_sig_status
struct  _COMPOSITE_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_status
struct  _COMPOSITE_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.composite_in_connect
struct  _HDMI_IN_VIDEO_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_video_mode
struct  _HDMI_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_sig_status
struct  _HDMI_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_status
struct  _HDMI_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.hdmi_in_connect
struct  _HDMI_RXSENSE_DATA.data.hdmi_rxsense
struct  _HDMI_HDCP_DATA.data.hdmi_hdcp
struct  _HDMI_HPD_DATA.data.hdmi_hpd
struct  _AUDIOMODE_DATA.data.Audioport
struct  _DFC_DATA.data.dfc
struct  _RESOLUTION_DATA.data.resn
struct  _dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t
struct  _dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t
struct  _dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t
struct  _dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t
struct  _dsAudioGetHandleParam_t
struct  _dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetSADParam_t
struct  _dsAudioEnableARCParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetMutedParam_t
struct  _dsEdidIgnoreParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetLevelParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t
struct  _dsAudioGainParam_t
struct  _dsAudioFormatParam_t
struct  _dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t
struct  _dsAudioGetMS11Param_t
struct  _dsAudioGetMS12Param_t
struct  _dsGetAudioDelayParam_t
struct  _dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t
struct  _dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t
struct  _dsSetAudioDelayParam_t
struct  _dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t
struct  _dsAudioCompressionParam_t
struct  _dsDialogEnhancementParam_t
struct  _dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t
struct  _dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t
struct  _dsVolumeLevellerParam_t
struct  _dsBassEnhancerParam_t
struct  _dsSurroundDecoderParam_t
struct  _dsDRCModeParam_t
struct  _dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t
struct  _dsMISteeringParam_t
struct  _dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t
struct  _dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t
struct  _dsFaderControlParam_t
struct  _dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t
struct  _dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t
struct  _dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t
struct  _dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t
struct  _dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t
struct  _dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t
struct  _dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t
struct  _dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t
struct  dsColorDepthCapabilitiesParam_t
struct  dsPreferredColorDepthParam_t
struct  _dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t
struct  _dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t
struct  _dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t
struct  _dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t
struct  _dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t
struct  _dsSupportedResolutionParam_t
struct  _dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t
struct  _dsFPDTimeParam
struct  _dsFPDTimeFormatParam
struct  _dsFPDScrollParam
struct  _dsFPDBrightParam
struct  _dsFPDTextBrightParam
struct  _dsFPDStateParam
struct  _dsFPDColorParam
struct  _dsFPDModeParam
struct  _dsEnableHDCPParam
struct  _dsPreferredSleepMode
struct  _dsCPUThermalParam
struct  _dsVesrionParam
struct  _dsVideoRect
struct  _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t
struct  _dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t
struct  _dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t
struct  _dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t
struct  _dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t
struct  _dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t
struct  _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t
struct  _dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t
struct  _dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t
struct  _dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t
struct  _dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t
struct  _dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t
struct  _dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t
struct  _dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t
struct  _dsMS12ConfigParam_t
struct  _dsLEConfigParam_t
struct  dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormatsParam_t
struct  dsGetVideoCodecInfoParam_t
struct  dsForceDisableHDRParam_t
struct  dsForceHDRModeParam_t
struct  dsForceDisable4KParam_t
struct  _dsIsOutputHDRParam_t
struct  _dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t
struct  _dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t
struct  _dsGetLEConfigParam_t
struct  _dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t
struct  _dsScartParamParam_t
struct  _dsEot_t
struct  _dsMatrixCoefficients_t
struct  _dsColorDepth_t
struct  _dsColorSpace_t
struct  _dsQuantizationRange_t
struct  _dsCurrentOutputSettings_t
struct  _dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t
struct  _dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t
struct  _dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t
struct  dsFRFParam_t
struct  dsFramerateParam_t
struct  _dsEdidVersionParam_t
struct  _dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t
struct  _dsAllmStatusParam_t
struct  _dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t
struct  _dsFPDSettings_t_


#define MAX_LOG_BUFF   500
#define INFO_LEVEL   0
#define WARN_LEVEL   1
#define ERROR_LEVEL   2
#define DEBUG_LEVEL   3
#define INT_INFO(FORMAT, ...)   ds_client_log(INFO_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_WARN(FORMAT, ...)   ds_client_log(WARN_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_ERROR(FORMAT, ...)   ds_client_log(ERROR_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_DEBUG(FORMAT, ...)   ds_client_log(DEBUG_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsAudioPortInit   "dsAudioPortInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioPort   "dsGetAudioPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetStereoMode   "dsSetStereoMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetStereoMode   "dsGetStereoMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetStereoAuto   "dsSetStereoAuto"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetStereoAuto   "dsGetStereoAuto"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEncoding   "dsGetEncoding"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioFormat   "dsGetAudioFormat"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioMute   "dsSetAudioMute"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsAudioMute   "dsIsAudioMute"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsAudioMSDecode   "dsIsAudioMSDecode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsAudioMS12Decode   "dsIsAudioMS12Decode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSupportedARCTypes   "dsGetSupportedARCTypes"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsAudioSetSAD   "dsAudioSetSAD"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsAudioEnableARC   "dsAudioEnableARC"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsAudioPortEnabled   "dsIsAudioPortEnabled"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableAudioPort   "dsEnableAudioPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEnablePersist   "getPortEnablePersistVal"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetEnablePersist   "setPortEnablePersistVal"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsAudioPortTerm   "dsAudioPortTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableMS12Config   "dsEnableMS12Config"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableLEConfig   "dsEnableLEConfig"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetLEConfig   "dsGetLEConfig"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioDelay   "dsSetAudioDelay"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioDelay   "dsGetAudioDelay"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioDelayOffset   "dsSetAudioDelayOffset"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioDelayOffset   "dsGetAudioDelayOffset"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability   "dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode   "dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioDucking   "dsSetAudioDucking"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioLevel   "dsSetAudioLevel"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioLevel   "dsGetAudioLevel"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioGain   "dsSetAudioGain"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioGain   "dsGetAudioGain"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAudioCompression   "dsSetAudioCompression"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioCompression   "dsGetAudioCompression"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetDialogEnhancement   "dsSetDialogEnhancement"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDialogEnhancement   "dsGetDialogEnhancement"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetDolbyVolumeMode   "dsSetDolbyVolumeMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDolbyVolumeMode   "dsGetDolbyVolumeMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode   "dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode   "dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVolumeLeveller   "dsGetVolumeLeveller"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetVolumeLeveller   "dsSetVolumeLeveller"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetBassEnhancer   "dsGetBassEnhancer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetBassEnhancer   "dsSetBassEnhancer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled   "dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableSurroundDecoder   "dsEnableSurroundDecoder"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDRCMode   "dsGetDRCMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetDRCMode   "dsSetDRCMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSurroundVirtualizer   "dsGetSurroundVirtualizer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetSurroundVirtualizer   "dsSetSurroundVirtualizer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetMISteering   "dsGetMISteering"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetMISteering   "dsSetMISteering"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode   "dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode   "dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetMS12AudioProfileList   "dsGetMS12AudioProfileList"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetMS12AudioProfile   "dsGetMS12AudioProfile"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetMS12AudioProfile   "dsSetMS12AudioProfile"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetMS12SetttingsOverride   "dsSetMS12SetttingsOverride"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing   "dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing   "dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFaderControl   "dsSetFaderControl"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFaderControl   "dsGetFaderControl"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetPrimaryLanguage   "dsSetPrimaryLanguage"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetPrimaryLanguage   "dsGetPrimaryLanguage"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetSecondaryLanguage   "dsSetSecondaryLanguage"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSecondaryLanguage   "dsGetSecondaryLanguage"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsAudioOutIsConnected   "dsAudioOutIsConnected"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAudioCapabilities   "dsGetAudioCapabilities"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetMS12Capabilities   "dsGetMS12Capabilities"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsDisplayInit   "dsDisplayInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDisplay   "dsGetDisplay"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDisplayAspectRatio   "dsGetDisplayAspectRatio"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEDID   "dsGetEDID"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEDIDBytes   "dsGetEDIDBytes"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsDisplayTerm   "dsDisplayTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsVideoDeviceInit   "dsVideoDeviceInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVideoDevice   "dsGetVideoDevice"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetDFC   "dsSetDFC"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetDFC   "dsGetDFC"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsVideoDeviceTerm   "dsVideoDeviceTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFRFMode   "dsSetFRFMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFRFMode   "dsGetFRFMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetCurrentDisframerate   "dsGetCurrentDisframerate"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetDisplayframerate   "dsSetDisplayframerate"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsVideoPortInit   "dsVideoPortInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVideoPort   "dsGetVideoPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsVideoPortEnabled   "dsIsVideoPortEnabled"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsDisplayConnected   "dsIsDisplayConnected"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsDisplaySurround   "dsIsDisplaySurround"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSurroundMode   "dsGetSurroundMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableVideoPort   "dsEnableVideoPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetResolution   "dsSetResolution"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetResolution   "dsGetResolution"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsColorDepthCapabilities   "dsColorDepthCapabilities"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetPreferredColorDepth   "dsGetPreferredColorDepth"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetPreferredColorDepth   "dsSetPreferredColorDepth"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsVideoPortTerm   "dsVideoPortTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsEnableHDCP   "dsEnableHDCP"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsHDCPEnabled   "dsIsHDCPEnabled"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHDCPStatus   "dsGetHDCPStatus"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHDCPProtocol   "dsGetHDCPProtocol"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol   "dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol   "dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsVideoPortActive   "dsIsVideoPortActive"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHDRCapabilities   "dsGetHDRCapabilities"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetTVHDRCapabilities   "dsGetTVHDRCapabilities"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSupportedTVResolution   "dsGetSupportedTVResolution"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats   "dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVideoCodecInfo   "dsGetVideoCodecInfo"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetForceDisableHDR   "dsForceDisableHDR"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetForceDisable4K   "dsSetForceDisable4K"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetForceDisable4K   "dsGetForceDisable4K"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsIsOutputHDR   "dsIsOutputHDR"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsResetOutputToSDR   "dsResetOutputToSDR"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetHdmiPreference   "dsSetHdmiPreference"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHdmiPreference   "dsGetHdmiPreference"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetScartParameter   "dsSetScartParameter"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVideoEOTF   "dsGetVideoEOTF"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetMatrixCoefficients   "dsGetMatrixCoefficients"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetColorDepth   "dsGetColorDepths"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetColorSpace   "dsGetColorSpace"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetQuantizationRange   "dsGetQuantizationRange"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetCurrentOutputSettings   "dsGetCurrentOutputSettings"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetBackgroundColor   "dsSetBackgroundColor"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetForceHDRMode   "dsSetForceHDRMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsFPInit   "dsFPInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsFPTerm   "dsFPTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPText   "dsSetFPText"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPTime   "dsSetFPTime"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPScroll   "dsSetFPScroll"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPBlink   "dsSetFPBlink"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFPBrightness   "dsGetFPBrightness"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPBrightness   "dsSetFPBrightness"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFPState   "dsGetFPState"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPState   "dsSetFPState"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPColor   "dsSetFPColor"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFPColor   "dsGetFPColor"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetFPTextBrightness   "dsGetFPTextBrightness"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPTextBrightness   "dsSetFPTextBrightness"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsFPEnableCLockDisplay   "dsFPEnableCLockDisplay"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetTimeFormat   "dsGetTimeFormat"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetTimeFormat   "dsSetTimeFormat"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetFPDMode   "dsSetFPDMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInInit   "dsHdmiInInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInTerm   "dsHdmiInTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs   "dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInGetStatus   "dsHdmiInGetStatus"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInSelectPort   "dsHdmiInSelectPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInScaleVideo   "dsHdmiInScaleVideo"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode   "dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInPauseAudio   "dsHdmiInPauseAudio"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInResumeAudio   "dsHdmiInResumeAudio"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode   "dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEDIDBytesInfo   "dsGetEDIDBytesInfo"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetEdidVersion   "dsSetEdidVersion"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetEdidVersion   "dsGetEdidVersion"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetAllmStatus   "dsGetAllmStatus"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSupportedGameFeaturesList   "dsGetSupportedGameFeaturesList"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInInit   "dsCompositeInInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInTerm   "dsCompositeInTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs   "dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInGetStatus   "dsCompositeInGetStatus"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInSelectPort   "dsCompositeInSelectPort"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsCompositeInScaleVideo   "dsCompositeInScaleVideo"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHostInit   "dsHostInit"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsHostTerm   "dsHostTerm"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetPreferredSleepMode   "dsSetPreferredSleepMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetPreferredSleepMode   "dsGetPreferredSleepMode"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetCPUTemperature   "dsGetCPUTemperature"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetVersion   "dsGetVersion"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsSetVersion   "dsSetVersion"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetSocIDFromSDK   "dsGetSocIDFromSDK"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsGetHostEDID   "dsGetHostEDID"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsResetDialogEnhancement   "dsResetDialogEnhancement"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsResetBassEnhancer   "dsResetBassEnhancer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsResetSurroundVirtualizer   "dsResetSurroundVirtualizer"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_dsResetVolumeLeveller   "dsResetVolumeLeveller"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_SetStandbyVideoState   "SetStandbyVideoState"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_GetStandbyVideoState   "GetStandbyVideoState"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_SetAvPortState   "SetAvPortState"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_SetLEDStatus   "SetLEDStatus"
#define IARM_BUS_DSMGR_API_SetRebootConfig   "SetRebootConfig"
#define DS_DEVICEID_LEN_MAX   1024
#define DSSCART_PARAM_LEN_MAX   1024
#define DSSCART_VALUE_LEN_MAX   1024
#define INFO_LEVEL   0
#define WARN_LEVEL   1
#define ERROR_LEVEL   2
#define DEBUG_LEVEL   3
#define INT_INFO(FORMAT, ...)   ds_server_log(INFO_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_WARN(FORMAT, ...)   ds_server_log(WARN_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_ERROR(FORMAT, ...)   ds_server_log(ERROR_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define INT_DEBUG(FORMAT, ...)   ds_server_log(DEBUG_LEVEL ,FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__ )
#define _DS_EXCEPTION_H_
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&dsLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&dsLock)
#define direct_list_top(list)   ((list))
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&fpLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&fpLock)
#define NULL_HANDLE   0
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&dsLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&dsLock)
#define direct_list_top(list)   ((list))
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&fpLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&fpLock)
#define direct_list_top(list)   ((list))
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&fpLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&fpLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&hostLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&hostLock)
#define MAX_LOG_BUFF   500
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&dsLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&dsLock)
#define RFC_BUFFER_SIZE   100
#define DEFAULT_RESOLUTION   "720p"
#define DEFAULT_SD_RESOLUTION   "480i"
#define NULL_HANDLE   0
#define IARM_BUS_Lock(lock)   pthread_mutex_lock(&dsLock)
#define IARM_BUS_Unlock(lock)   pthread_mutex_unlock(&dsLock)
#define IsHDCompatible(p)   (((p) >= dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_1280x720 ) && ((p) < dsVIDEO_PIXELRES_MAX))


typedef void(* DSClient_LogCb) (int priority, const char *)
typedef enum _DSMgr_EventId_t IARM_Bus_DSMgr_EventId_t
typedef struct _DSMgr_EventData_t IARM_Bus_DSMgr_EventData_t
typedef struct _dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t
typedef struct _dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t
typedef struct _dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t
typedef struct _dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioGetHandleParam_t dsAudioGetHandleParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetSADParam_t dsAudioSetSADParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioEnableARCParam_t dsAudioEnableARCParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetMutedParam_t dsAudioSetMutedParam_t
typedef struct _dsEdidIgnoreParam_t dsEdidIgnoreParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetLevelParam_t dsAudioSetLevelParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioGainParam_t dsAudioGainParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioFormatParam_t dsAudioFormatParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioGetMS11Param_t dsAudioGetMS11Param_t
typedef struct _dsAudioGetMS12Param_t dsAudioGetMS12Param_t
typedef struct _dsGetAudioDelayParam_t dsGetAudioDelayParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t
typedef struct _dsSetAudioDelayParam_t dsSetAudioDelayParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t
typedef struct _dsAudioCompressionParam_t dsAudioCompressionParam_t
typedef struct _dsDialogEnhancementParam_t dsDialogEnhancementParam_t
typedef struct _dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t
typedef struct _dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsVolumeLevellerParam_t dsVolumeLevellerParam_t
typedef struct _dsBassEnhancerParam_t dsBassEnhancerParam_t
typedef struct _dsSurroundDecoderParam_t dsSurroundDecoderParam_t
typedef struct _dsDRCModeParam_t dsDRCModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t
typedef struct _dsMISteeringParam_t dsMISteeringParam_t
typedef struct _dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t dsGraphicEqualizerModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t
typedef struct _dsFaderControlParam_t dsFaderControlParam_t
typedef struct _dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t
typedef struct _dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t
typedef struct _dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t
typedef struct _dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t
typedef struct _dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t dsVideoPortIsEnabledParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t dsVideoPortSetEnabledParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t dsVideoPortIsHDCPEnabledParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t dsAudioPortEnabledParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t
typedef struct _dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t
typedef struct _dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t
typedef struct _dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t
typedef struct _dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t
typedef struct _dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t
typedef struct _dsSupportedResolutionParam_t dsSupportedResolutionParam_t
typedef struct _dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDTimeParam dsFPDTimeParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDTimeFormatParam dsFPDTimeFormatParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDScrollParam dsFPDScrollParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDBlinkParam dsFPDBlinkParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDBrightParam dsFPDBrightParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDTextBrightParam dsFPDTextBrightParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDStateParam dsFPDStateParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDColorParam dsFPDColorParam_t
typedef struct _dsFPDModeParam dsFPDModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsEnableHDCPParam dsEnableHDCPParam_t
typedef struct _dsPreferredSleepMode dsPreferredSleepMode
typedef struct _dsCPUThermalParam dsCPUThermalParam
typedef struct _dsVesrionParam dsVesrionParam
typedef struct _dsVideoRect dsVideoRect_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t
typedef struct _dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t
typedef struct _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t
typedef struct _dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t
typedef struct _dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t
typedef struct _dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t
typedef struct _dsMS12ConfigParam_t dsMS12ConfigParam_t
typedef struct _dsLEConfigParam_t dsLEConfigParam_t
typedef struct _dsIsOutputHDRParam_t dsIsOutputHDRParam_t
typedef struct _dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetLEConfigParam_t dsGetLEConfigParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t
typedef struct _dsScartParamParam_t dsScartParamParam_t
typedef struct _dsEot_t dsEot_t
typedef struct _dsMatrixCoefficients_t dsMatrixCoefficients_t
typedef struct _dsColorDepth_t dsColorDepth_t
typedef struct _dsColorSpace_t dsColorSpace_t
typedef struct _dsQuantizationRange_t dsQuantizationRange_t
typedef struct _dsCurrentOutputSettings_t dsCurrentOutputSettings_t
typedef struct _dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t
typedef struct _dsEdidVersionParam_t dsEdidVersionParam_t
typedef struct _dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t
typedef struct _dsAllmStatusParam_t dsAllmStatusParam_t
typedef struct _dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t
typedef void(* DSServer_LogCb) (int priority, const char *)
typedef struct _dsFPDSettings_t_ _FPDSettings_t


enum  _DSMgr_EventId_t


dsError_t dsAudioPortInit ()
 Initialize the underlying Audio Port sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioPort (dsAudioPortType_t type, int index, intptr_t *handle)
 Get the audio port handle. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioEncoding (intptr_t handle, dsAudioEncoding_t *encoding)
 Get the encoding type of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioFormat (intptr_t handle, dsAudioFormat_t *audioFormat)
 Get the current audio format. More...
dsError_t dsGetStereoMode (intptr_t handle, dsAudioStereoMode_t *stereoMode, bool isPersist)
dsError_t dsGetStereoAuto (intptr_t handle, int *autoMode)
 This function is used to get the current auto mode setting of the specified audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioGain (intptr_t handle, float *gain)
 Get the audio gain of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioDB (intptr_t handle, float *db)
 Get the current audio dB level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioLevel (intptr_t handle, float *level)
 Get the current audio volume level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioMaxDB (intptr_t handle, float *maxDb)
 Get the maximum audio dB level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioMinDB (intptr_t handle, float *minDb)
 Get the minimum audio dB level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioOptimalLevel (intptr_t handle, float *optimalLevel)
 Get the optimal audio level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsIsAudioLoopThru (intptr_t handle, bool *loopThru)
 Get the loop-through mode of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsIsAudioMute (intptr_t handle, bool *muted)
 Get the audio mute status of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsIsAudioPortEnabled (intptr_t handle, bool *enabled)
 This function indicates whether the specified Audio port is enabled or not. More...
dsError_t dsEnableAudioPort (intptr_t handle, bool enabled, const char *portName)
dsError_t dsGetEnablePersist (intptr_t handle, const char *portName, bool *enabled)
dsError_t dsSetEnablePersist (intptr_t handle, const char *portName, bool enabled)
dsError_t dsSetAudioEncoding (intptr_t handle, dsAudioEncoding_t encoding)
 Set the encoding type of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetStereoMode (intptr_t handle, dsAudioStereoMode_t mode, bool isPersist)
dsError_t dsSetStereoAuto (intptr_t handle, int autoMode, bool isPersist)
dsError_t dsSetAudioGain (intptr_t handle, float gain)
 Set the audio gain of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioDB (intptr_t handle, float db)
 This function sets the dB level to be used on the specified audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioLevel (intptr_t handle, float level)
 This function sets the audio volume level to be used on the specified audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioDucking (intptr_t handle, dsAudioDuckingAction_t action, dsAudioDuckingType_t type, const unsigned char level)
 This function sets the audio ducking level to be used on the specified audio port based on the audio output mode. More...
dsError_t dsEnableLoopThru (intptr_t handle, bool loopThru)
 Set loop-through mode of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioMute (intptr_t handle, bool mute)
 Mute or un-mute an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsAudioPortTerm (void)
 Terminate the Audio Port sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsIsAudioMSDecode (intptr_t handle, bool *HasMS11Decode)
 This function is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS11 Multistream Decode. More...
dsError_t dsIsAudioMS12Decode (intptr_t handle, bool *HasMS12Decode)
 This function is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS12 Multistream Decode. More...
dsError_t dsEnableMS12Config (intptr_t handle, dsMS12FEATURE_t feature, const bool enable)
 This function is used to enable or disable MS12 DAPV2 and DE feature. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioDelay (intptr_t handle, const uint32_t audioDelayMs)
 Set the audio delay in milliseconds. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioDelayOffset (intptr_t handle, const uint32_t audioDelayOffsetMs)
 Set the audio delay offset in milliseconds. More...
dsError_t dsSetDialogEnhancement (intptr_t handle, int level)
 Get the Dialog Enhancement level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioCompression (intptr_t handle, int compression)
 Set the audio compression of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsSetDolbyVolumeMode (intptr_t handle, bool mode)
 Get the dolby audio mode status. More...
dsError_t dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode (intptr_t handle, int mode)
 Set the Intelligent Equalizer Mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioCompression (intptr_t handle, int *compression)
 Get the audio compressionof an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetDialogEnhancement (intptr_t handle, int *level)
 Get the Dialog Enhancement level of an audio port. More...
dsError_t dsGetDolbyVolumeMode (intptr_t handle, bool *mode)
 Get the dolby audio mode status. More...
dsError_t dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode (intptr_t handle, int *mode)
 Get the Intelligent Equalizer Mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetVolumeLeveller (intptr_t handle, dsVolumeLeveller_t *volLeveller)
 To get the Dolby volume leveller. More...
dsError_t dsSetVolumeLeveller (intptr_t handle, dsVolumeLeveller_t volLeveller)
 To set the Dolby volume leveller. More...
dsError_t dsGetBassEnhancer (intptr_t handle, int *boost)
 To get the audio Bass. More...
dsError_t dsSetBassEnhancer (intptr_t handle, int boost)
 To set the audio Bass. More...
dsError_t dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled (intptr_t handle, bool *enabled)
 To get the audio Surround Decoder. More...
dsError_t dsEnableSurroundDecoder (intptr_t handle, bool enabled)
 To set the audio Surround Decoder. More...
dsError_t dsGetDRCMode (intptr_t handle, int *mode)
 To get the DRC Mode. More...
dsError_t dsSetDRCMode (intptr_t handle, int mode)
 To set the DRC Mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetSurroundVirtualizer (intptr_t handle, dsSurroundVirtualizer_t *virtualizer)
 To get the audio Surround Virtualizer level. More...
dsError_t dsSetSurroundVirtualizer (intptr_t handle, dsSurroundVirtualizer_t virtualizer)
 To set the audio Surround Virtualizer level. More...
dsError_t dsGetMISteering (intptr_t handle, bool *enabled)
 To get the audio Media intelligent Steering. More...
dsError_t dsSetMISteering (intptr_t handle, bool enabled)
 To set the audio Media intelligent Steering. More...
dsError_t dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode (intptr_t handle, int *mode)
 Get the Graphic Equalizer Mode. More...
dsError_t dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode (intptr_t handle, int mode)
 Get the Graphic Equalizer Mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetMS12AudioProfileList (intptr_t handle, dsMS12AudioProfileList_t *profiles)
 To get the supported MS12 audio profiles. More...
dsError_t dsGetMS12AudioProfile (intptr_t handle, char *profile)
 To get current audio profile selection. More...
dsError_t dsSetMS12AudioProfile (intptr_t handle, const char *profile)
 To set the ms12 audio profile. More...
dsError_t dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing (intptr_t handle, bool mixing)
 Enable/Disable Associated Audio Mixing. More...
dsError_t dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing (intptr_t handle, bool *mixing)
 To get the Associated Audio Mixing status - enabled/disabled. More...
dsError_t dsSetFaderControl (intptr_t handle, int mixerbalance)
 To set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio. More...
dsError_t dsGetFaderControl (intptr_t handle, int *mixerbalance)
 To get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio. More...
dsError_t dsSetPrimaryLanguage (intptr_t handle, const char *pLang)
 To set AC4 Primary language. More...
dsError_t dsGetPrimaryLanguage (intptr_t handle, char *pLang)
 To get AC4 Primary language. More...
dsError_t dsSetSecondaryLanguage (intptr_t handle, const char *sLang)
 To set AC4 Secondary language. More...
dsError_t dsGetSecondaryLanguage (intptr_t handle, char *sLang)
 To get AC4 Secondary language. More...
dsError_t dsSetMS12AudioProfileSetttingsOverride (intptr_t handle, const char *profileState, const char *profileName, const char *profileSettingsName, const char *profileSettingValue)
 To Set/override a specific audio setting in a specific profile. More...
dsError_t dsGetSupportedARCTypes (intptr_t handle, int *types)
 Get the supported ARC types of the connected ARC/eARC device. More...
dsError_t dsAudioSetSAD (intptr_t handle, dsAudioSADList_t sad_list)
 Set Short Audio Descriptor retrieved from CEC for the connected ARC device. More...
dsError_t dsAudioEnableARC (intptr_t handle, dsAudioARCStatus_t arcStatus)
 enable/disable ARC/EARC and route audio to connected device More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioDelay (intptr_t handle, uint32_t *audioDelayMs)
 Get the audio delay in milliseconds. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioDelayOffset (intptr_t handle, uint32_t *audioDelayOffsetMs)
 Get the audio delay offset in milliseconds. More...
dsError_t dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode (intptr_t handle, bool enable)
 Set the audio ATMOS outout mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability (intptr_t handle, dsATMOSCapability_t *capability)
 Get the sink device ATMOS capability. More...
dsError_t dsEnableLEConfig (intptr_t handle, const bool enable)
 This function is used to enable or disable Loudness Equivalence feature. More...
dsError_t dsGetLEConfig (intptr_t handle, bool *enable)
 To Get LE configuration. More...
dsError_t dsGetAudioCapabilities (intptr_t handle, int *capabilities)
 To find the HDR capabilities of SoC. More...
dsError_t dsGetMS12Capabilities (intptr_t handle, int *capabilities)
 To find the HDR capabilities of SoC. More...
dsError_t dsAudioOutIsConnected (intptr_t handle, bool *pisCon)
dsError_t dsResetDialogEnhancement (intptr_t handle)
 to reset the Dialog Enhancement More...
dsError_t dsResetBassEnhancer (intptr_t handle)
 to reset the reset the audio Bass More...
dsError_t dsResetSurroundVirtualizer (intptr_t handle)
 to reset the audio Surround Virtualizer level More...
dsError_t dsResetVolumeLeveller (intptr_t handle)
 to reset the Dolby volume leveller More...
dsError_t dsGetHDMIARCPortId (int *portId)
 Get the audio HDMI ARC port ID for each platform. More...
void DSClient_RegisterForLog (DSClient_LogCb cb)
int ds_client_log (int priority, const char *format,...)
dsError_t dsCompositeInInit (void)
 Initialize the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsCompositeInTerm (void)
 Terminate the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs (uint8_t *pNumCompositeInputs)
 Get the number of COMPOSITE Input ports on the set-top. More...
dsError_t dsCompositeInGetStatus (dsCompositeInStatus_t *pStatus)
 Get the COMPOSITE Input Status. More...
dsError_t dsCompositeInSelectPort (dsCompositeInPort_t ePort)
 Select the COMPOSITE Input port to be presented. More...
dsError_t dsCompositeInScaleVideo (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
 Scale the COMPOSITE In video This function is used to scale the COMPOSITE In video. More...
dsError_t dsDisplayInit ()
 Initialize the Display sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsGetDisplay (dsVideoPortType_t vType, int index, intptr_t *handle)
 Get the handle of a display device. More...
dsError_t dsGetDisplayAspectRatio (intptr_t handle, dsVideoAspectRatio_t *aspect)
 This function gets the aspect ratio for the dsiaply device. This function returns the aspect ratio of the display corresponding to the specified display device handle. More...
dsError_t dsGetEDID (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayEDID_t *edid)
 Get the EDID information from the specified display device. More...
dsError_t dsGetEDIDBytes (intptr_t handle, unsigned char **edid, int *length)
 This function is used to get the EDID buffer and length of the connected display. More...
dsError_t dsDisplayTerm (void)
 This function deinitialize the display sub-system. This function deallocates the data structures used within the display module and releases any display specific handles. More...
dsError_t dsFPInit (void)
 This function is used to initialize the underlying front panel display sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsFPTerm (void)
 Terminate the the Front Panel Display sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPText (const char *pszChars)
 Set text on 7-Segment Display. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPTime (dsFPDTimeFormat_t eTime, const unsigned int uHour, const unsigned int uMinutes)
 Set time on 7-Segment Display. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPScroll (unsigned int nScrollHoldOnDur, unsigned int nHorzScrollIterations, unsigned int nVertScrollIterations)
 Scroll text on 7-Segment Display. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPBlink (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, unsigned int nBlinkDuration, unsigned int nBlinkIterations)
 Set LED blinking mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetFPBrightness (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDBrightness_t *pBrightness)
 Get the brightness level for Front Panel Display LEDs. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPBrightness (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness)
 Set LED brightness level. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPDBrightness (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness, bool toPersist)
 This function will set the brightness of the specified discrete LED on the front panel display to the specified brightness level in multi-app mode using iarmbus call. The brightness level shall be persisted if the input parameter toPersist passed is TRUE. More...
dsError_t dsGetFPTextBrightness (dsFPDTextDisplay_t eIndicator, dsFPDBrightness_t *pBrightness)
 Get the brightness of 7-Segment Display LEDs. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPTextBrightness (dsFPDTextDisplay_t eIndicator, dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness)
 Set brightness level of 7-Segment Display. More...
dsError_t dsGetFPColor (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDColor_t *pColor)
 Get LED color. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPColor (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDColor_t eColor)
 Set LED color. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPDColor (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDColor_t eColor, bool toPersist)
 This function sets the color of the specified LED on the front panel in multi-app mode using iarmbus call. The color of the LED shall be persisted if the input parameter toPersist is set to TRUE. More...
dsError_t dsFPEnableCLockDisplay (int enable)
 Use disable and enable display of clock. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPState (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDState_t state)
 This function will enable or disable the specified discrete LED on the front panel display. More...
dsError_t dsGetFPTimeFormat (dsFPDTimeFormat_t *pTimeFormat)
 This function get the Current time zone format set on 7-segment display LEDs panel. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPTimeFormat (dsFPDTimeFormat_t eTimeFormat)
 This function sets the 7-segment display LEDs to show the specified time in specified format. More...
dsError_t dsGetFPState (dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator, dsFPDState_t *state)
 This function will Get the ON or OFF state of Specified LEDs. More...
dsError_t dsSetFPDMode (dsFPDMode_t eMode)
 This function sets the display mode of the FPD text display. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInInit (void)
 Initialize the underlying HDMI Input sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInTerm (void)
 Terminate the underlying HDMI Input sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs (uint8_t *pNumHdmiInputs)
 Get the number of HDMI Input ports on the set-top. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInGetStatus (dsHdmiInStatus_t *pStatus)
 Get the HDMI Inpuut Status. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInSelectPort (dsHdmiInPort_t ePort)
 Select the HDMI Input port to be presented. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInScaleVideo (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
 Scale the HDMI In video This function is used to scale the HDMI In video. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode (dsVideoZoom_t requestedZoomMode)
 Select the HDMI Input zoom mode. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInPauseAudio ()
 Stop the output of HDMI Input audio. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInResumeAudio ()
 Start the output of HDMI Input audio. More...
dsError_t dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode (dsVideoPortResolution_t *resolution)
 Get the current HDMI Input video mode. More...
dsError_t dsGetEDIDBytesInfo (int iHdmiPort, unsigned char **edid, int *length)
dsError_t dsGetHDMISPDInfo (int iHdmiPort, unsigned char **spdInfo)
dsError_t dsSetEdidVersion (int iHdmiPort, int iEdidVersion)
dsError_t dsGetEdidVersion (int iHdmiPort, int *iEdidVersion)
dsError_t dsGetAllmStatus (int iHdmiPort, bool *allmStatus)
dsError_t dsGetSupportedGameFeaturesList (dsSupportedGameFeatureList_t *feature)
dsError_t dsSetPreferredSleepMode (dsSleepMode_t mode)
 This function sets the preferred sleep mode which needs to be persisted. More...
dsError_t dsGetPreferredSleepMode (dsSleepMode_t *mode)
 This function returns the preferred sleep mode which is persisted. More...
dsError_t dsGetCPUTemperature (float *cpuTemperature)
 This function gets the CPU temperature in centrigade. More...
dsError_t dsGetVersion (uint32_t *versionNumber)
 Get DS HAL API Version. More...
dsError_t dsSetVersion (uint32_t versionNumber)
 Allows the application to set the runtime version of the dsHAL. More...
dsError_t dsGetSocIDFromSDK (char *socID)
 This function returns SOC ID. More...
dsError_t dsGetHostEDID (unsigned char *edid, int *length)
 This function is used to get the host EDID and length. More...
dsError_t dsVideoDeviceInit ()
 This function initialize all the video devices in the system. More...
dsError_t dsGetVideoDevice (int index, intptr_t *handle)
 This function gets the handle for the video device requested. More...
dsError_t dsSetDFC (intptr_t handle, dsVideoZoom_t dfc)
 This function is used to set the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function sets the screen zoom mode (Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device. More...
dsError_t dsGetDFC (intptr_t handle, dsVideoZoom_t *dfc)
 This function is used to get the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function Gets the screen zoom mode (None,Full ,Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device. More...
dsError_t dsVideoDeviceTerm (void)
 This function deinitialize all the video devices in the system. It reset any data structures used within this module and release any handles specific to the video devices. More...
dsError_t dsGetHDRCapabilities (intptr_t handle, int *capabilities)
 To find the HDR capabilities of SoC. More...
dsError_t dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats (intptr_t handle, unsigned int *supported_formats)
 To find the Video formats supported by the SoC. More...
dsError_t dsGetVideoCodecInfo (intptr_t handle, dsVideoCodingFormat_t format, dsVideoCodecInfo_t *info)
 This API is used to get the video codec information. More...
dsError_t dsForceDisableHDRSupport (intptr_t handle, bool disable)
dsError_t dsGetFRFMode (intptr_t handle, int *frfmode)
dsError_t dsSetFRFMode (intptr_t handle, int frfmode)
dsError_t dsSetDisplayframerate (intptr_t handle, char *framerate)
dsError_t dsGetCurrentDisplayframerate (intptr_t handle, char *framerate)
dsError_t dsVideoPortInit ()
 Initialize underlying Video Port sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsGetVideoPort (dsVideoPortType_t type, int index, intptr_t *handle)
 Get the video port handle. More...
dsError_t dsIsHDCPEnabled (intptr_t handle, bool *enabled)
 Indicate whether a video port is HDCP protected. More...
dsError_t dsIsVideoPortEnabled (intptr_t handle, bool *enabled)
 Indicate whether a video port is enabled. More...
dsError_t dsGetHDCPStatus (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpStatus_t *status)
 Get current HDCP status. More...
dsError_t dsGetHDCPProtocol (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *version)
 Get STB HDCP protocol version. More...
dsError_t dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *version)
 Get Receiver/TV HDCP protocol version. More...
dsError_t dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *version)
 Get current used HDCP protocol version. More...
dsError_t dsIsDisplayConnected (intptr_t handle, bool *connected)
 Indicate whether a video port is connected to a display. More...
dsError_t dsIsDisplaySurround (intptr_t handle, bool *surround)
 This function is used to indicate if the display connected supports surround audio. More...
dsError_t dsGetSurroundMode (intptr_t handle, int *surround)
 This function is used to get supported surround mode. More...
dsError_t dsEnableVideoPort (intptr_t handle, bool enabled)
 Enable/disable a video port. More...
dsError_t dsGetResolution (intptr_t handle, dsVideoPortResolution_t *resolution)
 Get the video display resolution. More...
dsError_t dsSetScartParameter (intptr_t handle, const char *parameter_str, const char *value_str)
 Sets various SCART parameters. More...
dsError_t dsSetResolution (intptr_t handle, dsVideoPortResolution_t *resolution, bool persist)
 Set video port's display resolution. More...
dsError_t dsGetPreferredColorDepth (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorDepth_t *colorDepth, bool persist)
 To get the preffered color depth mode. More...
dsError_t dsSetPreferredColorDepth (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorDepth_t colorDepth, bool persist)
 To set the preffered color depth mode. More...
dsError_t dsColorDepthCapabilities (intptr_t handle, unsigned int *capabilities)
 To find the color depth capabilities. More...
dsError_t dsVideoPortTerm (void)
 Terminate the Video Port sub-system. More...
dsError_t dsEnableHDCP (intptr_t handle, bool contentProtect, char *hdcpKey, size_t keySize)
 Toggle HDCP protection of a video port. More...
dsError_t dsIsVideoPortActive (intptr_t handle, bool *active)
 This function is used to indicate whether a video port is connected to a display. More...
dsError_t dsGetTVHDRCapabilities (intptr_t handle, int *capabilities)
 To find the HDR capabilities of TV. More...
dsError_t dsSupportedTvResolutions (intptr_t handle, int *resolutions)
 To find the TV supported resolutions. More...
dsError_t dsSetForceDisable4KSupport (intptr_t handle, bool disable)
dsError_t dsGetForceDisable4KSupport (intptr_t handle, bool *disable)
dsError_t dsIsOutputHDR (intptr_t handle, bool *hdr)
 Check Video Output is HDR or not. More...
dsError_t dsResetOutputToSDR ()
 Reset Video Output to SDR. More...
dsError_t dsSetHdmiPreference (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *hdcpProtocol)
 This API is used to set the Preferred HDMI Protocol. More...
dsError_t dsGetHdmiPreference (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *hdcpProtocol)
 This API is used to get the Preferred HDMI Protocol. More...
dsError_t dsGetVideoEOTF (intptr_t handle, dsHDRStandard_t *video_eotf)
 Get current video Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOT) value;. More...
dsError_t dsGetMatrixCoefficients (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t *matrix_coefficients)
 Get current matrix coefficients value. More...
dsError_t dsGetColorDepth (intptr_t handle, unsigned int *color_depth)
 Get current color depth value. More...
dsError_t dsGetColorSpace (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorSpace_t *color_space)
 Get current color space setting. More...
dsError_t dsGetQuantizationRange (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t *quantization_range)
 Get quatization range. More...
dsError_t dsGetCurrentOutputSettings (intptr_t handle, dsHDRStandard_t *video_eotf, dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t *matrix_coefficients, dsDisplayColorSpace_t *color_space, unsigned int *color_depth, dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t *quantization_range)
 Get current color space setting, color depth, matrix coefficients, video Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOT) and quantization range in one call. More...
dsError_t dsSetForceHDRMode (intptr_t handle, dsHDRStandard_t mode)
 This API is used to set/reset force HDR mode. More...
IARM_Result_t dsMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsMgr_term ()
int ds_server_log (int priority, const char *format,...)
void DSServer_RegisterForLog (DSServer_LogCb cb)
IARM_Result_t _dsAudioPortInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSupportedARCTypes (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsAudioSetSAD (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsAudioEnableARC (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetStereoMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetStereoAuto (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetStereoAuto (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioMute (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsAudioMute (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsAudioPortTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetStereoMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioFormat (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEncoding (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsAudioMSDecode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsAudioMS12Decode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsAudioPortEnabled (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEnablePersist (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetEnablePersist (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsEnableAudioPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioDucking (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioLevel (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioLevel (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioGain (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioGain (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsEnableLEConfig (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetLEConfig (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioDelay (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioDelay (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioDelayOffset (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioDelayOffset (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAudioCompression (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioCompression (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetDialogEnhancement (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDialogEnhancement (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetDolbyVolumeMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDolbyVolumeMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVolumeLeveller (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetVolumeLeveller (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetBassEnhancer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetBassEnhancer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsEnableSurroundDecoder (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDRCMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetDRCMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSurroundVirtualizer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetSurroundVirtualizer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetMISteering (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetMISteering (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetMS12AudioProfileList (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetMS12AudioProfile (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetMS12AudioProfile (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFaderControl (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFaderControl (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetPrimaryLanguage (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetPrimaryLanguage (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSecondaryLanguage (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetSecondaryLanguage (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAudioCapabilities (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetMS12Capabilities (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsAudioOutIsConnected (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsResetBassEnhancer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsResetSurroundVirtualizer (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsResetVolumeLeveller (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsResetDialogEnhancement (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetMS12SetttingsOverride (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDMIARCPortId (void *arg)
static void _GetAudioModeFromPersistent (void *arg)
static dsAudioPortType_t _GetAudioPortType (intptr_t handle)
void _dsAudioOutPortConnectCB (dsAudioPortType_t portType, unsigned int uiPortNo, bool isPortConnected)
static dsError_t _dsAudioOutRegisterConnectCB (dsAudioOutPortConnectCB_t cbFun)
void _dsAudioFormatUpdateCB (dsAudioFormat_t audioFormat)
static dsError_t _dsAudioFormatUpdateRegisterCB (dsAudioFormatUpdateCB_t cbFun)
static std::string _dsGetCurrentProfileProperty (std::string property)
static void _dsMS12ProfileSettingOverride (intptr_t handle)
static std::string _dsGenerateProfileProperty (std::string profile, std::string property)
static bool _dsMs12ProfileSupported (intptr_t handle, std::string profile)
static IARM_Result_t _resetDialogEnhancerLevel (intptr_t handle)
static IARM_Result_t _resetBassEnhancer (intptr_t handle)
static IARM_Result_t _resetVolumeLeveller (intptr_t handle)
static IARM_Result_t _resetSurroundVirtualizer (intptr_t handle)
static IARM_Result_t _setDialogEnhancement (intptr_t handle, int enhancerLevel)
static IARM_Result_t _setBassEnhancer (intptr_t handle, int boost)
static IARM_Result_t _setVolumeLeveller (intptr_t handle, int volLevellerMode, int volLevellerLevel)
static IARM_Result_t _setSurroundVirtualizer (intptr_t handle, int virtualizerMode, int virtualizerBoost)
void AudioConfigInit ()
IARM_Result_t dsAudioMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsAudioMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t dsCompositeInMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsCompositeInMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInGetStatus (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInSelectPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsCompositeInScaleVideo (void *arg)
void _dsCompositeInConnectCB (dsCompositeInPort_t port, bool isPortConnected)
void _dsCompositeInSignalChangeCB (dsCompositeInPort_t port, dsCompInSignalStatus_t sigStatus)
void _dsCompositeInStatusChangeCB (dsCompositeInStatus_t inputStatus)
IARM_Result_t _dsDisplayInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDisplay (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDisplayAspectRatio (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEDID (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEDIDBytes (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsDisplayTerm (void *arg)
void _dsDisplayEventCallback (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayEvent_t event, void *eventData)
static void filterEDIDResolution (intptr_t Shandle, dsDisplayEDID_t *edid)
static dsVideoPortType_t _GetDisplayPortType (intptr_t handle)
void resetColorDepthOnHdmiReset (intptr_t handle)
IARM_Result_t dsDisplayMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsDisplayMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t dsFPDMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsFPDMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t _dsFPInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsFPTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPText (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPTime (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPScroll (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPBlink (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFPBrightness (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPBrightness (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPState (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFPState (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPColor (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFPColor (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPTextBrightness (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFPTextBrightness (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsFPEnableCLockDisplay (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetTimeFormat (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetTimeFormat (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFPDMode (void *arg)
std::string numberToString (int number)
int stringToNumber (std::string text)
std::string enumToColor (dsFPDColor_t enumColor)
IARM_Result_t dsHdmiInMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsHdmiInMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInLoadKsvs (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInGetStatus (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInSelectPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInToggleHotPlug (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInLoadEdidData (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInSetRepeater (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInScaleVideo (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInPauseAudio (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInResumeAudio (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEDIDBytesInfo (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDMISPDInfo (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetEdidVersion (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetEdidVersion (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetAllmStatus (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSupportedGameFeaturesList (void *arg)
void _dsHdmiInConnectCB (dsHdmiInPort_t port, bool isPortConnected)
void _dsHdmiInSignalChangeCB (dsHdmiInPort_t port, dsHdmiInSignalStatus_t sigStatus)
void _dsHdmiInStatusChangeCB (dsHdmiInStatus_t inputStatus)
void _dsHdmiInVideoModeUpdateCB (dsHdmiInPort_t port, dsVideoPortResolution_t videoResolution)
void _dsHdmiInAllmChangeCB (dsHdmiInPort_t port, bool allm_mode)
static dsError_t isHdmiARCPort (int iPort, bool *isArcEnabled)
static dsError_t getEDIDBytesInfo (int iHdmiPort, unsigned char **edid, int *length)
static dsError_t getHDMISPDInfo (int iHdmiPort, unsigned char **spd)
static dsError_t setEdidVersion (int iHdmiPort, int iEdidVersion)
static dsError_t getEdidVersion (int iHdmiPort, int *iEdidVersion)
static dsError_t getAllmStatus (int iHdmiPort, bool *allmStatus)
static dsError_t getSupportedGameFeaturesList (dsSupportedGameFeatureList_t *fList)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetPreferredSleepMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetPreferredSleepMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetCPUTemperature (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVersion (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetVersion (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSocIDFromSDK (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHostEDID (void *arg)
static string enumToString (dsSleepMode_t mode)
static dsSleepMode_t stringToEnum (string mode)
IARM_Result_t dsHostMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsHostMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t dsVideoPortMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsVideoDeviceMgr_init ()
IARM_Result_t dsVideoPortMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t dsVideoDeviceMgr_term ()
IARM_Result_t _dsVideoDeviceInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVideoDevice (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetDFC (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetDFC (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsVideoDeviceTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDRCapabilities (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVideoCodecInfo (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsForceDisableHDR (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetFRFMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetFRFMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetCurrentDisframerate (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetDisplayframerate (void *arg)
void _dsFramerateStatusPostChangeCB (unsigned int inputStatus)
void _dsFramerateStatusPreChangeCB (unsigned int inputStatus)
static bool get_HDR_DV_RFC_config ()
static std::string _dsHDMIResolution ("720p")
static std::string _dsCompResolution ("720p")
static std::string _dsBBResolution ("480i")
static std::string _dsRFResolution ("480i")
IARM_Result_t _dsVideoPortInit (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVideoPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsVideoPortEnabled (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsDisplayConnected (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsDisplaySurround (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetSurroundMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsEnableVideoPort (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetResolution (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetResolution (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsColorDepthCapabilities (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetPreferredColorDepth (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetPreferredColorDepth (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsVideoPortTerm (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsEnableHDCP (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsHDCPEnabled (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDCPStatus (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDCPProtocol (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsVideoPortActive (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetTVHDRCapabilities (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSupportedTvResolutions (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetForceDisable4K (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetForceDisable4K (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetScartParameter (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsIsOutputHDR (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsResetOutputToSDR (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetHdmiPreference (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetHdmiPreference (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetVideoEOTF (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetMatrixCoefficients (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetColorDepth (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetColorSpace (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetQuantizationRange (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetCurrentOutputSettings (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetBackgroundColor (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsSetForceHDRMode (void *arg)
IARM_Result_t _dsGetIgnoreEDIDStatus (void *arg)
void _dsVideoFormatUpdateCB (dsHDRStandard_t videoFormat)
static dsVideoPortType_t _GetVideoPortType (intptr_t handle)
static int _dsVideoPortPreResolutionCall (dsVideoPortResolution_t *resolution)
static int _dsSendVideoPortPostResolutionCall (dsVideoPortResolution_t *resolution)
static dsError_t _dsVideoFormatUpdateRegisterCB (dsVideoFormatUpdateCB_t cbFun)
void _dsHdcpCallback (intptr_t handle, dsHdcpStatus_t event)
static void persistResolution (dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t *param)
static dsDisplayColorDepth_t getPersistentColorDepth ()
static dsDisplayColorDepth_t getBestSupportedColorDepth (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorDepth_t inColorDepth)
static IARM_Result_t setPreferredColorDepth (void *arg)
static dsError_t handleDsColorDepthCapabilities (intptr_t handle, unsigned int *colorDepthCapability)
static dsError_t handleDsGetPreferredColorDepth (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorDepth_t *colorDepth, bool persist)
static dsError_t handleDsSetPreferredColorDepth (intptr_t handle, dsDisplayColorDepth_t colorDepth, bool persist)
static std::string getCompatibleResolution (dsVideoPortResolution_t *SrcResn)
static bool IsCompatibleResolution (dsVideoResolution_t pixelResolution1, dsVideoResolution_t pixelResolution2)
static dsVideoResolution_t getPixelResolution (std::string &resolution)
void VideoConfigInit ()
bool isComponentPortPresent ()


DSClient_LogCb logCb = NULL
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized = 0
static bool m_MS12DAPV2Enabled = 0
static bool m_MS12DEEnabled = 0
static bool m_LEEnabled = 0
static int m_volumeDuckingLevel = 0
static float m_volumeLevel = 0
static int m_MuteStatus = false
static int m_isDuckingInProgress = false
static pthread_mutex_t dsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
int _srv_AudioAuto = 0
dsAudioStereoMode_t _srv_HDMI_Audiomode = dsAUDIO_STEREO_STEREO
dsAudioStereoMode_t _srv_SPDIF_Audiomode = dsAUDIO_STEREO_STEREO
dsAudioStereoMode_t _srv_HDMI_ARC_Audiomode = dsAUDIO_STEREO_STEREO
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized =0
static pthread_mutex_t fpLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized = 0
static pthread_mutex_t dsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static intptr_t _hdmiVideoPortHandle = 0
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized =0
static pthread_mutex_t fpLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static dsFPDBrightness_t _dsPowerBrightness = dsFPD_BRIGHTNESS_MAX
static dsFPDBrightness_t _dsTextBrightness = dsFPD_BRIGHTNESS_MAX
static dsFPDColor_t _dsPowerLedColor = dsFPD_COLOR_BLUE
static dsFPDTimeFormat_t _dsTextTimeFormat = dsFPD_TIME_12_HOUR
static dsFPDMode_t _dsFPDMode = dsFPD_MODE_ANY
static _FPDSettings_t srvFPDSettings [dsFPD_INDICATOR_MAX]
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized =0
static pthread_mutex_t fpLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static int m_edidversion [dsHDMI_IN_PORT_MAX]
static dsHdmiInCap_t hdmiInCap_gs
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static pthread_mutex_t hostLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static dsSleepMode_t _SleepMode = dsHOST_SLEEP_MODE_LIGHT
DSServer_LogCb logCb = NULL
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized = 0
static pthread_mutex_t dsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static dsVideoZoom_t srv_dfc = dsVIDEO_ZOOM_FULL
static bool force_disable_hdr = true
bool enableHDRDVStatus = false
static int m_isInitialized = 0
static int m_isPlatInitialized = 0
static pthread_mutex_t dsLock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
static dsHdcpStatus_t _hdcpStatus = dsHDCP_STATUS_UNAUTHENTICATED
static bool force_disable_4K = false
bool enableHDRDVStatus
static const dsDisplayColorDepth_t DEFAULT_COLOR_DEPTH = dsDISPLAY_COLORDEPTH_AUTO
static dsDisplayColorDepth_t hdmiColorDept = DEFAULT_COLOR_DEPTH

Data Structure Documentation

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t

DS Manager Event Data

Definition at line 81 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _DSMgr_EventData_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
union _DSMgr_EventData_t data

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t.data

union _DSMgr_EventData_t.data

Definition at line 82 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _DSMgr_EventData_t.data:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
data resn
data dfc
data Audioport
data hdmi_hpd
data hdmi_hdcp
data hdmi_rxsense
data hdmi_in_connect
data hdmi_in_status
data hdmi_in_sig_status
data hdmi_in_video_mode
data composite_in_connect
data composite_in_status
data composite_in_sig_status
data FPDTimeFormat
data HDCPProtocolVersion
data sleepModeInfo
data AudioLevelInfo
data audio_out_connect
data AudioFormatInfo
data AudioLanguageInfo
data FaderControlInfo
data AssociatedAudioMixingInfo
data VideoFormatInfo
data AudioPortStateInfo
data hdmi_in_allm_mode

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_ALLM_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_allm_mode

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_ALLM_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_allm_mode

Definition at line 212 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_IN_ALLM_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_allm_mode:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdmiInPort_t port
bool allm_mode

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_PORTSTATE_DATA.data.AudioPortStateInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_PORTSTATE_DATA.data.AudioPortStateInfo

Definition at line 207 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _AUDIO_PORTSTATE_DATA.data.AudioPortStateInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsAudioPortState_t audioPortState

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_VIDEO_FORMAT_DATA.data.VideoFormatInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_VIDEO_FORMAT_DATA.data.VideoFormatInfo

Definition at line 202 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _VIDEO_FORMAT_DATA.data.VideoFormatInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHDRStandard_t videoFormat

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_ASSOCIATED_AUDIO_MIXING_DATA.data.AssociatedAudioMixingInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_ASSOCIATED_AUDIO_MIXING_DATA.data.AssociatedAudioMixingInfo

Definition at line 197 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _ASSOCIATED_AUDIO_MIXING_DATA.data.AssociatedAudioMixingInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
bool mixing

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_FADER_CONTROL_DATA.data.FaderControlInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_FADER_CONTROL_DATA.data.FaderControlInfo

Definition at line 192 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _FADER_CONTROL_DATA.data.FaderControlInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int mixerbalance

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_LANGUAGE_DATA.data.AudioLanguageInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_LANGUAGE_DATA.data.AudioLanguageInfo

Definition at line 187 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _LANGUAGE_DATA.data.AudioLanguageInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char audioLanguage[MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN]

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_FORMAT_DATA.data.AudioFormatInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_FORMAT_DATA.data.AudioFormatInfo

Definition at line 182 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _AUDIO_FORMAT_DATA.data.AudioFormatInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsAudioFormat_t audioFormat

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_OUT_CONNECT_DATA.data.audio_out_connect

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_OUT_CONNECT_DATA.data.audio_out_connect

Definition at line 175 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _AUDIO_OUT_CONNECT_DATA.data.audio_out_connect:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsAudioPortType_t portType
unsigned int uiPortNo
bool isPortConnected

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_LEVEL_DATA.data.AudioLevelInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIO_LEVEL_DATA.data.AudioLevelInfo

Definition at line 170 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _AUDIO_LEVEL_DATA.data.AudioLevelInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int level

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_SLEEP_MODE_DATA.data.sleepModeInfo

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_SLEEP_MODE_DATA.data.sleepModeInfo

Definition at line 165 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _SLEEP_MODE_DATA.data.sleepModeInfo:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsSleepMode_t sleepMode

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDCP_PROTOCOL_DATA.data.HDCPProtocolVersion

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDCP_PROTOCOL_DATA.data.HDCPProtocolVersion

Definition at line 161 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDCP_PROTOCOL_DATA.data.HDCPProtocolVersion:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t protocolVersion

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_FPD_TIME_FORMAT.data.FPDTimeFormat

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_FPD_TIME_FORMAT.data.FPDTimeFormat

Definition at line 156 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _FPD_TIME_FORMAT.data.FPDTimeFormat:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDTimeFormat_t eTimeFormat

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_sig_status

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_sig_status

Definition at line 150 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _COMPOSITE_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_sig_status:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsCompositeInPort_t port
dsCompInSignalStatus_t status

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_status

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_status

Definition at line 144 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _COMPOSITE_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.composite_in_status:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsCompositeInPort_t port
bool isPresented

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.composite_in_connect

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_COMPOSITE_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.composite_in_connect

Definition at line 138 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _COMPOSITE_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.composite_in_connect:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsCompositeInPort_t port
bool isPortConnected

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_VIDEO_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_video_mode

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_VIDEO_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_video_mode

Definition at line 132 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_IN_VIDEO_MODE_DATA.data.hdmi_in_video_mode:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdmiInPort_t port
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_sig_status

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_sig_status

Definition at line 126 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_IN_SIG_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_sig_status:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdmiInPort_t port
dsHdmiInSignalStatus_t status

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_status

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_status

Definition at line 120 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_IN_STATUS_DATA.data.hdmi_in_status:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdmiInPort_t port
bool isPresented

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.hdmi_in_connect

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.hdmi_in_connect

Definition at line 114 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_IN_CONNECT_DATA.data.hdmi_in_connect:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsHdmiInPort_t port
bool isPortConnected

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_RXSENSE_DATA.data.hdmi_rxsense

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_RXSENSE_DATA.data.hdmi_rxsense

Definition at line 109 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_RXSENSE_DATA.data.hdmi_rxsense:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int status

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_HDCP_DATA.data.hdmi_hdcp

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_HDCP_DATA.data.hdmi_hdcp

Definition at line 104 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_HDCP_DATA.data.hdmi_hdcp:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int hdcpStatus

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_HPD_DATA.data.hdmi_hpd

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_HDMI_HPD_DATA.data.hdmi_hpd

Definition at line 99 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _HDMI_HPD_DATA.data.hdmi_hpd:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int event

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIOMODE_DATA.data.Audioport

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_AUDIOMODE_DATA.data.Audioport

Definition at line 93 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _AUDIOMODE_DATA.data.Audioport:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int type

device type

int mode

device mode

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_DFC_DATA.data.dfc

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_DFC_DATA.data.dfc

Definition at line 88 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _DFC_DATA.data.dfc:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int zoomsettings

◆ _DSMgr_EventData_t::_RESOLUTION_DATA.data.resn

struct _DSMgr_EventData_t::_RESOLUTION_DATA.data.resn

Definition at line 83 of file dsMgr.h.

Collaboration diagram for _RESOLUTION_DATA.data.resn:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int width

Resolution Width

int height

Key code

◆ _dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t

struct _dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t

Definition at line 280 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMgrStandbyVideoStateParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char port[16]
int isEnabled
int result

◆ _dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t

struct _dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t

Definition at line 286 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMgrRebootConfigParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
char reboot_reason_custom[100]
int powerState
int result

◆ _dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t

struct _dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t

Definition at line 292 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMgrAVPortStateParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int avPortPowerState
int result

◆ _dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t

struct _dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t

Definition at line 297 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMgrLEDStatusParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int ledState
int result

◆ _dsAudioGetHandleParam_t

struct _dsAudioGetHandleParam_t

Definition at line 302 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioGetHandleParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsAudioPortType_t type
int index
intptr_t handle

◆ _dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t

struct _dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t

Definition at line 308 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetSupportedARCTypesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int types

◆ _dsAudioSetSADParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetSADParam_t

Definition at line 313 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetSADParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioSADList_t list

◆ _dsAudioEnableARCParam_t

struct _dsAudioEnableARCParam_t

Definition at line 318 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioEnableARCParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioARCStatus_t arcStatus

◆ _dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t

Definition at line 323 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetStereoModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioStereoMode_t mode
dsError_t rpcResult
bool toPersist

◆ _dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t

Definition at line 330 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetStereoAutoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int autoMode
bool toPersist

◆ _dsAudioSetMutedParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetMutedParam_t

Definition at line 336 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetMutedParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool mute

◆ _dsEdidIgnoreParam_t

struct _dsEdidIgnoreParam_t

Definition at line 341 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsEdidIgnoreParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool ignoreEDID

◆ _dsAudioSetLevelParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetLevelParam_t

Definition at line 346 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetLevelParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
float level

◆ _dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t

Definition at line 351 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetDuckingParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioDuckingAction_t action
dsAudioDuckingType_t type
unsigned char level

◆ _dsAudioGainParam_t

struct _dsAudioGainParam_t

Definition at line 358 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioGainParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
float gain

◆ _dsAudioFormatParam_t

struct _dsAudioFormatParam_t

Definition at line 363 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioFormatParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioFormat_t audioFormat

◆ _dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t

struct _dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t

Definition at line 368 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioGetEncodingModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsAudioEncoding_t encoding

◆ _dsAudioGetMS11Param_t

struct _dsAudioGetMS11Param_t

Definition at line 373 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioGetMS11Param_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool ms11Enabled

◆ _dsAudioGetMS12Param_t

struct _dsAudioGetMS12Param_t

Definition at line 378 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioGetMS12Param_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool ms12Enabled

◆ _dsGetAudioDelayParam_t

struct _dsGetAudioDelayParam_t

Definition at line 383 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetAudioDelayParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
uint32_t audioDelayMs

◆ _dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t

struct _dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t

Definition at line 388 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioSetAtmosOutputModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ _dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t

struct _dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t

Definition at line 393 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetAudioAtmosCapabilityParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsATMOSCapability_t capability

◆ _dsSetAudioDelayParam_t

struct _dsSetAudioDelayParam_t

Definition at line 398 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSetAudioDelayParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
uint32_t audioDelayMs

◆ _dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t

struct _dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t

Definition at line 403 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioDelayOffsetParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
uint32_t audioDelayOffsetMs

◆ _dsAudioCompressionParam_t

struct _dsAudioCompressionParam_t

Definition at line 408 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioCompressionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int compression

◆ _dsDialogEnhancementParam_t

struct _dsDialogEnhancementParam_t

Definition at line 413 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDialogEnhancementParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int enhancerLevel

◆ _dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t

struct _dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t

Definition at line 418 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSetDolbyVolumeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ _dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t

struct _dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t

Definition at line 423 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsIntelligentEqualizerModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int mode

◆ _dsVolumeLevellerParam_t

struct _dsVolumeLevellerParam_t

Definition at line 428 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVolumeLevellerParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsVolumeLeveller_t volLeveller

◆ _dsBassEnhancerParam_t

struct _dsBassEnhancerParam_t

Definition at line 433 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsBassEnhancerParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int boost

◆ _dsSurroundDecoderParam_t

struct _dsSurroundDecoderParam_t

Definition at line 438 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSurroundDecoderParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ _dsDRCModeParam_t

struct _dsDRCModeParam_t

Definition at line 443 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDRCModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int mode

◆ _dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t

struct _dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t

Definition at line 448 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSurroundVirtualizerParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsSurroundVirtualizer_t virtualizer

◆ _dsMISteeringParam_t

struct _dsMISteeringParam_t

Definition at line 453 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMISteeringParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ _dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t

struct _dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t

Definition at line 458 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGrpahicEqualizerModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int mode

◆ _dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t

struct _dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t

Definition at line 463 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAssociatedAudioMixingParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool mixing

◆ _dsFaderControlParam_t

struct _dsFaderControlParam_t

Definition at line 468 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFaderControlParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int mixerbalance

◆ _dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t

struct _dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t

Definition at line 473 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsPrimaryLanguageParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
char primaryLanguage[MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN]

◆ _dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t

struct _dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t

Definition at line 478 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSecondaryLanguageParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
char secondaryLanguage[MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN]

◆ _dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t

struct _dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t

Definition at line 485 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMS12AudioProfileParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
char profile[32]

◆ _dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t

struct _dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t

Definition at line 490 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMS12SetttingsOverrideParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
char profileState[32]
char profileName[32]
char profileSettingsName[32]
char profileSettingValue[32]

◆ _dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t

struct _dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t

Definition at line 498 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMS12AudioProfileListParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsMS12AudioProfileList_t profileList

◆ _dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t

Definition at line 503 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortGetHandleParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsVideoPortType_t type
int index
intptr_t handle

◆ _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t

Definition at line 509 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortEnabledParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enabled
char portName[32]

◆ _dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t

Definition at line 516 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortIsActiveParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool active
dsError_t result

◆ _dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t

struct _dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t

Definition at line 522 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortGetHDCPStatus_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsHdcpStatus_t hdcpStatus

◆ _dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t

struct _dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t

Definition at line 527 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortGetHDCPProtocolVersion_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t protocolVersion

◆ _dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t

struct _dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t

Definition at line 532 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSetBackgroundColorParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsVideoBackgroundColor_t color

◆ _dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t

Definition at line 537 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortIsDisplayConnectedParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool connected

◆ _dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t

Definition at line 542 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortIsDisplaySurroundParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool surround

◆ _dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t

Definition at line 547 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortGetSurroundModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int surround

◆ _dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t

Definition at line 553 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortGetResolutionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool toPersist
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution

◆ _dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t

struct _dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t

Definition at line 560 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoPortSetResolutionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool toPersist
bool forceCompatible
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution

◆ dsColorDepthCapabilitiesParam_t

struct dsColorDepthCapabilitiesParam_t

Definition at line 568 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsColorDepthCapabilitiesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
unsigned int colorDepthCapability

◆ dsPreferredColorDepthParam_t

struct dsPreferredColorDepthParam_t

Definition at line 574 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsPreferredColorDepthParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsDisplayColorDepth_t colorDepth
bool toPersist

◆ _dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t

struct _dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t

Definition at line 581 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoDeviceGetHandleParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int index
intptr_t handle

◆ _dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t

struct _dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t

Definition at line 586 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoDeviceSetDFCParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsVideoZoom_t dfc

◆ _dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t

struct _dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t

Definition at line 591 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDisplayGetHandleParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsVideoPortType_t type
int index
intptr_t handle

◆ _dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t

struct _dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t

Definition at line 597 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDisplayGetAspectRatioParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsVideoAspectRatio_t aspectRatio

◆ _dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t

struct _dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t

Definition at line 602 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDisplayGetEDIDParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsDisplayEDID_t edid

◆ _dsSupportedResolutionParam_t

struct _dsSupportedResolutionParam_t

Definition at line 607 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSupportedResolutionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
int resolutions

◆ _dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t

struct _dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t

Definition at line 613 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsDisplayGetEDIDBytesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int result
intptr_t handle
int length
unsigned char bytes[1024]

◆ _dsFPDTimeParam

struct _dsFPDTimeParam

Definition at line 620 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDTimeParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDTimeFormat_t eTime
unsigned int nHours
unsigned int nMinutes

◆ _dsFPDTimeFormatParam

struct _dsFPDTimeFormatParam

Definition at line 628 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDTimeFormatParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDTimeFormat_t eTime

◆ _dsFPDScrollParam

struct _dsFPDScrollParam

Definition at line 633 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDScrollParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
unsigned int nScrollHoldOnDur
unsigned int nHorzScrollIterations
unsigned int nVertScrollIterations

◆ _dsFPDBlinkParam

struct _dsFPDBlinkParam

Definition at line 640 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDBlinkParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator
unsigned int nBlinkDuration
unsigned int nBlinkIterations

◆ _dsFPDBrightParam

struct _dsFPDBrightParam

Definition at line 647 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDBrightParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator
dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness
bool toPersist

◆ _dsFPDTextBrightParam

struct _dsFPDTextBrightParam

Definition at line 655 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDTextBrightParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDTextDisplay_t eIndicator
dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness

◆ _dsFPDStateParam

struct _dsFPDStateParam

Definition at line 662 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDStateParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator
dsFPDState_t state

◆ _dsFPDColorParam

struct _dsFPDColorParam

Definition at line 668 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDColorParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDIndicator_t eIndicator
dsFPDColor_t eColor
bool toPersist

◆ _dsFPDModeParam

struct _dsFPDModeParam

Definition at line 675 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDModeParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDMode_t eMode

◆ _dsEnableHDCPParam

struct _dsEnableHDCPParam

Definition at line 680 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsEnableHDCPParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool contentProtect
char hdcpKey[HDCP_KEY_MAX_SIZE]
size_t keySize
dsError_t rpcResult

◆ _dsPreferredSleepMode

struct _dsPreferredSleepMode

Definition at line 689 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsPreferredSleepMode:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsSleepMode_t mode

◆ _dsCPUThermalParam

struct _dsCPUThermalParam

Definition at line 694 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCPUThermalParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
float temperature

◆ _dsVesrionParam

struct _dsVesrionParam

Definition at line 699 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVesrionParam:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
uint32_t versionNumber

◆ _dsVideoRect

struct _dsVideoRect

Definition at line 704 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsVideoRect:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int32_t x
int32_t y
int32_t width
int32_t height

◆ _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t

Definition at line 712 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
uint8_t numHdmiInputs

◆ _dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t

Definition at line 718 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInGetStatusParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsHdmiInStatus_t status

◆ _dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t

Definition at line 724 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInSelectPortParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsHdmiInPort_t port

◆ _dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t

Definition at line 730 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInScaleVideoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsVideoRect_t videoRect

◆ _dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t

Definition at line 736 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInSelectZoomModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsVideoZoom_t zoomMode

◆ _dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t

struct _dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t

Definition at line 742 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsHdmiInGetResolutionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution

◆ _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t

struct _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t

Definition at line 749 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputsParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
uint8_t numCompositeInputs

◆ _dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t

struct _dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t

Definition at line 755 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCompositeInGetStatusParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsCompositeInStatus_t status

◆ _dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t

struct _dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t

Definition at line 761 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCompositeInSelectPortParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsCompositeInPort_t port

◆ _dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t

struct _dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t

Definition at line 767 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCompositeInScaleVideoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsVideoRect_t videoRect

◆ _dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t

struct _dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t

Definition at line 774 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetHDRCapabilitiesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
int capabilities

◆ _dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t

struct _dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t

Definition at line 781 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetVideoFormatsParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
int videoFormats

◆ _dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t

struct _dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t

Definition at line 788 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetAudioCapabilitiesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
int capabilities

◆ _dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t

struct _dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t

Definition at line 795 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetMS12CapabilitiesParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
int capabilities

◆ _dsMS12ConfigParam_t

struct _dsMS12ConfigParam_t

Definition at line 802 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMS12ConfigParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
dsMS12FEATURE_t feature
bool enable

◆ _dsLEConfigParam_t

struct _dsLEConfigParam_t

Definition at line 809 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsLEConfigParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormatsParam_t

struct dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormatsParam_t

Definition at line 815 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormatsParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
unsigned int supported_formats

◆ dsGetVideoCodecInfoParam_t

struct dsGetVideoCodecInfoParam_t

Definition at line 822 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsGetVideoCodecInfoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsVideoCodingFormat_t format
dsVideoCodecInfo_t info

◆ dsForceDisableHDRParam_t

struct dsForceDisableHDRParam_t

Definition at line 830 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsForceDisableHDRParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool disable

◆ dsForceHDRModeParam_t

struct dsForceHDRModeParam_t

Definition at line 837 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsForceHDRModeParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsHDRStandard_t hdrMode

◆ dsForceDisable4KParam_t

struct dsForceDisable4KParam_t

Definition at line 844 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsForceDisable4KParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool disable

◆ _dsIsOutputHDRParam_t

struct _dsIsOutputHDRParam_t

Definition at line 851 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsIsOutputHDRParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool hdr

◆ _dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t

struct _dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t

Definition at line 857 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSetHdmiPreferenceParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t hdcpCurrentProtocol

◆ _dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t

struct _dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t

Definition at line 863 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetHdmiPreferenceParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t hdcpCurrentProtocol

◆ _dsGetLEConfigParam_t

struct _dsGetLEConfigParam_t

Definition at line 869 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetLEConfigParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool enable

◆ _dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t

struct _dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t

Definition at line 877 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetSocIDFromSDKParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
char socID[1024]

◆ _dsScartParamParam_t

struct _dsScartParamParam_t

Definition at line 885 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsScartParamParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
int result
intptr_t handle
char param_bytes[1024]
char value_bytes[1024]

◆ _dsEot_t

struct _dsEot_t

Definition at line 892 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsEot_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsHDRStandard_t video_eotf

◆ _dsMatrixCoefficients_t

struct _dsMatrixCoefficients_t

Definition at line 898 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsMatrixCoefficients_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t matrix_coefficients

◆ _dsColorDepth_t

struct _dsColorDepth_t

Definition at line 904 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsColorDepth_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
uint32_t color_depth

◆ _dsColorSpace_t

struct _dsColorSpace_t

Definition at line 910 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsColorSpace_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsDisplayColorSpace_t color_space

◆ _dsQuantizationRange_t

struct _dsQuantizationRange_t

Definition at line 916 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsQuantizationRange_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t quantization_range

◆ _dsCurrentOutputSettings_t

struct _dsCurrentOutputSettings_t

Definition at line 922 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsCurrentOutputSettings_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
dsHDRStandard_t video_eotf
dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t matrix_coefficients
uint32_t color_depth
dsDisplayColorSpace_t color_space
dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t quantization_range

◆ _dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t

struct _dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t

Definition at line 932 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAudioOutIsConnectedParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
intptr_t handle
bool isCon

◆ _dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t

struct _dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t

Definition at line 939 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetEDIDBytesInfoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
int iHdmiPort
unsigned char edid[MAX_EDID_BYTES_LEN]
int length

◆ _dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t

struct _dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t

Definition at line 947 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetHDMISPDInfoParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
int iHdmiPort
unsigned char spdInfo[1024]

◆ dsFRFParam_t

struct dsFRFParam_t

Definition at line 954 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsFRFParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
int frfmode

◆ dsFramerateParam_t

struct dsFramerateParam_t

Definition at line 960 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for dsFramerateParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
intptr_t handle
char framerate[20]

◆ _dsEdidVersionParam_t

struct _dsEdidVersionParam_t

Definition at line 966 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsEdidVersionParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
int iHdmiPort
int iEdidVersion

◆ _dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t

struct _dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t

Definition at line 973 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsGetHDMIARCPortIdParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
int portId

◆ _dsAllmStatusParam_t

struct _dsAllmStatusParam_t

Definition at line 978 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsAllmStatusParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
int iHdmiPort
bool allmStatus

◆ _dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t

struct _dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t

Definition at line 985 of file dsRpc.h.

Collaboration diagram for _dsSupportedGameFeatureListParam_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsError_t result
dsSupportedGameFeatureList_t featureList

◆ _dsFPDSettings_t_

struct _dsFPDSettings_t_

Structure that defines internal data base for the FP

Definition at line 100 of file dsFPD.c.

Collaboration diagram for _dsFPDSettings_t_:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
dsFPDBrightness_t brightness
dsFPDState_t state
dsFPDColor_t color

Typedef Documentation

◆ IARM_Bus_DSMgr_EventId_t

Events published from DS Mananger

◆ IARM_Bus_DSMgr_EventData_t

DS Manager Event Data

◆ _FPDSettings_t

Structure that defines internal data base for the FP

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _DSMgr_EventId_t

Events published from DS Mananger


Resolution Pre Change Event


Resolution Post Change Event


Zoom Settings Events






HDMI HDCP status


HDMI Rx Sense status


HDMI IN HPD change event


HDMI IN signal status change event


HDMI IN status change event


HDMI IN video mode update event


HDMI IN ALLM mode update event


COMPOSITE IN HPD change event


COMPOSITE IN signal status change event


COMPOSITE IN status change event


Clock Time Format Change Event


Audio Level Change Event


AUDIO OUT HPD change event


Audio Format change event


Audio Primary Language change event


Audio Secondary Language change event


Audio Fader Control change event


Audio Associated Audio Mixing change event


Video Format change event


Frame rate pre change


Frame rate post change


Audio Port Init State


Sleep Mode Change Event


Max Event

Definition at line 46 of file dsMgr.h.

Function Documentation

◆ dsAudioPortInit()

dsError_t dsAudioPortInit ( )

Initialize the underlying Audio Port sub-system.

This function must initialize all the audio specific output ports. It must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED when no audio port is present in the device (e.g. a headless gateway device).

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsAudioPortInit API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 47 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioPort()

dsError_t dsGetAudioPort ( dsAudioPortType_t  type,
int  index,
intptr_t *  handle 

Get the audio port handle.

This function returns the handle for the type of audio port requested. Must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED if an unavailable audio port is requested.

[in]typeIndicates the type of audio port (HDMI, SPDIF and so on).
[in]indexIndex of audio port (0, 1, ...).
[out]handleIndicates pointer to hold the handle of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetAudioPort API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 66 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioEncoding()

dsError_t dsGetAudioEncoding ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioEncoding_t encoding 

Get the encoding type of an audio port.

This function returns the current audio encoding setting for the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]encodingPointer to hold the encoding setting of the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 95 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioFormat()

dsError_t dsGetAudioFormat ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioFormat_t audioFormat 

Get the current audio format.

This function returns the current audio format..

[in]handleHandle for the audio port
[out]audioFormat: Pointer to hold the audio format.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsGetAudioFormat call is not implemented.

Definition at line 121 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetStereoAuto()

dsError_t dsGetStereoAuto ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  autoMode 

This function is used to get the current auto mode setting of the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]autoModePointer to hold the auto mode setting of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetStereoAuto was successfully called using iarmbus.

Definition at line 173 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioGain()

dsError_t dsGetAudioGain ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  gain 

Get the audio gain of an audio port.

This function returns the current audio gain for the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]gainPointer to hold the gain value of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsGetAudioGain call is not implemented.

Definition at line 197 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioDB()

dsError_t dsGetAudioDB ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  db 

Get the current audio dB level of an audio port.

This function returns the current audio dB level for the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]dbPointer to hold the dB value of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsGetAudioGain call is not implemented.

Definition at line 222 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioLevel()

dsError_t dsGetAudioLevel ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  level 

Get the current audio volume level of an audio port.

This function returns the current audio volume level for the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]levelPointer to hold the audio level value of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsGetAudioLevel call is not implemented.

Definition at line 229 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioMaxDB()

dsError_t dsGetAudioMaxDB ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  maxDb 

Get the maximum audio dB level of an audio port.

This function returns the maximum audio dB level supported by the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]maxDbPointer to hold the maximum audio dB value supported by the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 255 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioMinDB()

dsError_t dsGetAudioMinDB ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  minDb 

Get the minimum audio dB level of an audio port.

This function returns the minimum audio dB level supported by the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]minDbPointer to hold the minimum audio dB value supported by the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 262 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioOptimalLevel()

dsError_t dsGetAudioOptimalLevel ( intptr_t  handle,
float *  optimalLevel 

Get the optimal audio level of an audio port.

This function returns the optimal audio level (dB) for the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]optimalLevelPointer to hold the optimal level value of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsGetAudioOptimalLevel call is not implemented.

Definition at line 269 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsAudioLoopThru()

dsError_t dsIsAudioLoopThru ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  loopThru 

Get the loop-through mode of an audio port.

This function is used to check if the audio port is configured for loop-through.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]loopThruPointer to hold the loop-through setting of the specified audio.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsIsAudioLoopThru call is not implemented.

Definition at line 276 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsAudioMute()

dsError_t dsIsAudioMute ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  muted 

Get the audio mute status of an audio port.

This function is used to check whether the audio on a specified port is muted or not.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]mutedPointer to hold the mute setting of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsIsAudioMute call is not implemented.

Definition at line 284 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsAudioPortEnabled()

dsError_t dsIsAudioPortEnabled ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  enabled 

This function indicates whether the specified Audio port is enabled or not.

[in]handleHandle of the Audio port.
[out]enabledThe address of a location to hold the Audio port enable state on return (true when port is enabled, false otherwise).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsIsAudioPortEnabled api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure .

Definition at line 303 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioEncoding()

dsError_t dsSetAudioEncoding ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioEncoding_t  encoding 

Set the encoding type of an audio port.

This function sets the audio encoding type to be used on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]encodingThe encoding type to be used on the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 413 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioGain()

dsError_t dsSetAudioGain ( intptr_t  handle,
float  gain 

Set the audio gain of an audio port.

This function sets the gain to be used on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]gainThe gain to be used on the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 474 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioDB()

dsError_t dsSetAudioDB ( intptr_t  handle,
float  db 

This function sets the dB level to be used on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]dbThe dB level to be used on the audio port.
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 499 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioLevel()

dsError_t dsSetAudioLevel ( intptr_t  handle,
float  level 

This function sets the audio volume level to be used on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]levelThe volume level to be used on the audio port.
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 507 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioDucking()

dsError_t dsSetAudioDucking ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioDuckingAction_t  action,
dsAudioDuckingType_t  ,
const unsigned char  level 

This function sets the audio ducking level to be used on the specified audio port based on the audio output mode.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]actionaction type to start or stop ducking.
[in]typeducing type is absolute or relative to current volume level.
[in]levelThe volume level to be used on the audio port if output mode is expoert mode this will mute the audio.
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 531 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsEnableLoopThru()

dsError_t dsEnableLoopThru ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  loopThru 

Set loop-through mode of an audio port.

This function enables/disables audio loop-through on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]loopThruBoolean flag to enable/disable loop-through.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 558 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioMute()

dsError_t dsSetAudioMute ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  mute 

Mute or un-mute an audio port.

This function mutes or unmutes the specified audio output port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio output port.
[in]muteBoolean flag to mute/un-mute the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsAudioPortInit API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 565 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsAudioPortTerm()

dsError_t dsAudioPortTerm ( )

Terminate the Audio Port sub-system.

This function will terminate the usage of audio output ports by resetting the data structures used within this module and release the audio port specific handles.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsAudioPortInit API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 591 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsAudioMSDecode()

dsError_t dsIsAudioMSDecode ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  HasMS11Decode 

This function is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS11 Multistream Decode.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]Addressto hold the MS11 Multistream Decode setting of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsIsAudioMSDecode call is not implemented.

Definition at line 608 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsAudioMS12Decode()

dsError_t dsIsAudioMS12Decode ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  HasMS12Decode 

This function is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS12 Multistream Decode.

[out]Addressto hold the MS12 Multistream Decode setting of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates dsIsAudioMS12Decode call is not implemented.

Definition at line 630 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsEnableMS12Config()

dsError_t dsEnableMS12Config ( intptr_t  handle,
dsMS12FEATURE_t  feature,
const bool  enable 

This function is used to enable or disable MS12 DAPV2 and DE feature.

[in]handleHandle of the Audio port.
[in]featureEnums for MS12 features
[in]enableFlag to control the MS12 features (true to enable, false to disable)
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf API executed successfully.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 653 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioDelay()

dsError_t dsSetAudioDelay ( intptr_t  handle,
const uint32_t  audioDelayMs 

Set the audio delay in milliseconds.

This function will set the audio delay in milliseconds

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]audioDelayMsAmount of milliseconds of delay
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 676 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioDelayOffset()

dsError_t dsSetAudioDelayOffset ( intptr_t  handle,
const uint32_t  audioDelayOffsetMs 

Set the audio delay offset in milliseconds.

This function will set the audio delay offset in milliseconds

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]audioDelayOffsetMsAmount of milliseconds of delay offset
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 697 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetDialogEnhancement()

dsError_t dsSetDialogEnhancement ( intptr_t  handle,
int  level 

Get the Dialog Enhancement level of an audio port.

This function returns the audio compression setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]DialogEnhancement level.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 719 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioCompression()

dsError_t dsSetAudioCompression ( intptr_t  handle,
int  compression 

Set the audio compression of an audio port.

This function sets the audio compression type to be used on the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[in]compressionIndicates the compression type to be used on the audio port.
dsERR_NONE Indicates the call was successful.

Definition at line 737 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetDolbyVolumeMode()

dsError_t dsSetDolbyVolumeMode ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  mode 

Get the dolby audio mode status.

This function returns the dolby audio mode status used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]Dolbyvolume mode.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 755 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode()

dsError_t dsSetIntelligentEqualizerMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int  mode 

Set the Intelligent Equalizer Mode.

This function returns the Intelligent Equalizer Mode setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[in]mode.Intelligent Equalizer mode: 0 = Off, 1 = Open, 2 = Rich, 3 = focused, 4 = balanced, 5 = warm, 6 = detailed
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 773 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioCompression()

dsError_t dsGetAudioCompression ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  compression 

Get the audio compressionof an audio port.

This function returns the audio compression setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]compressionPointer to hold the compression setting of the specified audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 792 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetDialogEnhancement()

dsError_t dsGetDialogEnhancement ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  level 

Get the Dialog Enhancement level of an audio port.

This function returns the audio compression setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]DialogEnhancement level.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 815 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetDolbyVolumeMode()

dsError_t dsGetDolbyVolumeMode ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  mode 

Get the dolby audio mode status.

This function returns the dolby audio mode status used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]Dolbyvolume mode.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 838 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode()

dsError_t dsGetIntelligentEqualizerMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  mode 

Get the Intelligent Equalizer Mode.

This function returns the Intelligent Equalizer Mode setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
[out]*mode.Intelligent Equalizer mode: 0 = Off, 1 = Open, 2 = Rich, 3 = focused, 4 = balanced, 5 = warm, 6 = detailed
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 861 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetVolumeLeveller()

dsError_t dsGetVolumeLeveller ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVolumeLeveller_t volLeveller 

To get the Dolby volume leveller.

This function will get the Volume leveller value used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*volLevellerVolume Leveller setting
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 884 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetVolumeLeveller()

dsError_t dsSetVolumeLeveller ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVolumeLeveller_t  volLeveller 

To set the Dolby volume leveller.

This function will set the Volume leveller value used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]volLevellerVolume Leveller setting
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 909 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetBassEnhancer()

dsError_t dsGetBassEnhancer ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  boost 

To get the audio Bass.

This function will get the Bass used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*boostBass Enhancer boost value
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 928 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetBassEnhancer()

dsError_t dsSetBassEnhancer ( intptr_t  handle,
int  boost 

To set the audio Bass.

This function will set the Bass used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]boostBass Enhancer boost value
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 951 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled()

dsError_t dsIsSurroundDecoderEnabled ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  enabled 

To get the audio Surround Decoder.

This function will get enable/disable status of surround decoder

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*enabledSurround Decoder enable/disable
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 969 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsEnableSurroundDecoder()

dsError_t dsEnableSurroundDecoder ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  enabled 

To set the audio Surround Decoder.

This function will enable/disable surround decoder

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]enabledSurround Decoder enable/disable
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 992 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetDRCMode()

dsError_t dsGetDRCMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  mode 

To get the DRC Mode.

This function will get the Dynamic Range Control used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*modeline/RF mode
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1010 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetDRCMode()

dsError_t dsSetDRCMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int  mode 

To set the DRC Mode.

This function will set the Dynamic Range Control used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]modeline/RF mode
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1033 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetSurroundVirtualizer()

dsError_t dsGetSurroundVirtualizer ( intptr_t  handle,
dsSurroundVirtualizer_t virtualizer 

To get the audio Surround Virtualizer level.

This function will get the Surround Virtualizer level used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*virtualizerSurround virtualizer setting
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1051 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetSurroundVirtualizer()

dsError_t dsSetSurroundVirtualizer ( intptr_t  handle,
dsSurroundVirtualizer_t  virtualizer 

To set the audio Surround Virtualizer level.

This function will set the Surround Virtualizer level used in a given audio port

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]virtualizerSurround virtualizer setting
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1076 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetMISteering()

dsError_t dsGetMISteering ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  enabled 

To get the audio Media intelligent Steering.

This function will get the Media Intelligent Steerinf

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*enabledenable/disable MI Steering
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1095 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetMISteering()

dsError_t dsSetMISteering ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  enabled 

To set the audio Media intelligent Steering.

This function will set the Media Intelligent Steerinf

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]enabledenable/disable MI Steering
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1118 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode()

dsError_t dsGetGraphicEqualizerMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  mode 

Get the Graphic Equalizer Mode.

This function returns the Graphic Equalizer Mode setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 1136 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode()

dsError_t dsSetGraphicEqualizerMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int  mode 

Get the Graphic Equalizer Mode.

This function returns the Graphic Equalizer Mode setting used in the specified audio port.

[in]handleHandle for the audio port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates this call is not supported.

Definition at line 1159 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetMS12AudioProfileList()

dsError_t dsGetMS12AudioProfileList ( intptr_t  handle,
dsMS12AudioProfileList_t profiles 

To get the supported MS12 audio profiles.

This function will get the list of supported ms12 audio profiles

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*profilesList of supported audio profiles
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1178 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetMS12AudioProfile()

dsError_t dsGetMS12AudioProfile ( intptr_t  handle,
char *  profile 

To get current audio profile selection.

This function will get the current audio profile configured

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*profileAudio profile configured currently
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1201 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetMS12AudioProfile()

dsError_t dsSetMS12AudioProfile ( intptr_t  handle,
const char *  profile 

To set the ms12 audio profile.

This function will configure the user selected ms12 audio profile

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]*profileAudio profile name
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1224 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing()

dsError_t dsSetAssociatedAudioMixing ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  mixing 

Enable/Disable Associated Audio Mixing.

This function will Enable/Disable Associated Audio Mixing

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[in]mixingmixing enable/disable
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1248 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing()

dsError_t dsGetAssociatedAudioMixing ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  mixing 

To get the Associated Audio Mixing status - enabled/disabled.

This function will get the Associated Audio Mixing status

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[out]*mixingAssociated Audio Mixing status
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1267 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetFaderControl()

dsError_t dsSetFaderControl ( intptr_t  handle,
int  mixerbalance 

To set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.

This function will set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[in]mixerbalanceint value -32(mute associated) to +32(mute main)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1294 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetFaderControl()

dsError_t dsGetFaderControl ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  mixerbalance 

To get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.

This function will get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[out]*mixerbalanceint value -32(mute associated) to +32(mute main)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1314 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetPrimaryLanguage()

dsError_t dsSetPrimaryLanguage ( intptr_t  handle,
const char *  pLang 

To set AC4 Primary language.

This function will set AC4 Primary language

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[in]pLangchar* 3 letter lang code should be used as per ISO 639
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1342 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetPrimaryLanguage()

dsError_t dsGetPrimaryLanguage ( intptr_t  handle,
char *  pLang 

To get AC4 Primary language.

This function will get AC4 Primary language

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[out]<em>pLangchar 3 letter lang code should be used as per ISO 639
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1371 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetSecondaryLanguage()

dsError_t dsSetSecondaryLanguage ( intptr_t  handle,
const char *  sLang 

To set AC4 Secondary language.

This function will set AC4 Secondary language

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[in]pLangchar* 3 letter lang code should be used as per ISO 639
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1399 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetSecondaryLanguage()

dsError_t dsGetSecondaryLanguage ( intptr_t  handle,
char *  sLang 

To get AC4 Secondary language.

This function will get AC4 Secondary language

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port (Not Used as setting is not port specific)
[out]<em>pLangchar 3 letter lang code should be used as per ISO 639
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1428 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetMS12AudioProfileSetttingsOverride()

dsError_t dsSetMS12AudioProfileSetttingsOverride ( intptr_t  handle,
const char *  profileState,
const char *  profileName,
const char *  profileSettingsName,
const char *  profileSettingValue 

To Set/override a specific audio setting in a specific profile.

This function will override a specific audio setting in a specific profile

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]*profileStatepossible values ADD and REMOVE setting from the persistence
[in]*profileSettingsNameMS12 property name
[in]*profileSettingValueMS12 property value
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1456 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetSupportedARCTypes()

dsError_t dsGetSupportedARCTypes ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  types 

Get the supported ARC types of the connected ARC/eARC device.

This function gets the supported ARC types of the connected device on ARC/eARC port.

[in]handleHandle for the HDMI ARC/eARC port.
[out]*typesOR-ed value of supported ARC types
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetSupportedARCTypes was successfully called using iarmbus.

Definition at line 1504 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsAudioSetSAD()

dsError_t dsAudioSetSAD ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioSADList_t  sad_list 

Set Short Audio Descriptor retrieved from CEC for the connected ARC device.

This function sets the Short Audio Descriptor based on best available options of Audio capabilities supported by connected ARC device. Required when ARC output mode is Auto

[in]handleHandle for the HDMI ARC/eARC port.
[in]AllSADs retrieved from connected ARC device
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetSupportedARCTypes was successfully called using iarmbus.

Definition at line 1527 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsAudioEnableARC()

dsError_t dsAudioEnableARC ( intptr_t  handle,
dsAudioARCStatus_t  arcStatus 

enable/disable ARC/EARC and route audio to connected device

This function enables/disables ARC/EARC and routes audio to connected device.

[in]handleHandle for the HDMI ARC/eARC port.
[in]arcStatusto enable/disable ARC/eARC feature
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsAudioEnableARC was successfully called using iarmbus.

Definition at line 1552 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioDelay()

dsError_t dsGetAudioDelay ( intptr_t  handle,
uint32_t *  audioDelayMs 

Get the audio delay in milliseconds.

This function will get the audio delay in milliseconds.

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*audioDelayMsAudio delay in milliseconds
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1572 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioDelayOffset()

dsError_t dsGetAudioDelayOffset ( intptr_t  handle,
uint32_t *  audioDelayOffsetMs 

Get the audio delay offset in milliseconds.

This function will get the audio delay offset in milliseconds.

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*audioDelayOffsetMsAudio delay offset in milliseconds
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1595 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode()

dsError_t dsSetAudioAtmosOutputMode ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  enable 

Set the audio ATMOS outout mode.

This function will set the Audio Atmos output mode

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]enableset audio ATMOS output mode
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1619 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability()

dsError_t dsGetSinkDeviceAtmosCapability ( intptr_t  handle,
dsATMOSCapability_t *  capability 

Get the sink device ATMOS capability.

This function will get the sink device ATMOS capability

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[out]*capabilitysink device ATMOS capability
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1640 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsEnableLEConfig()

dsError_t dsEnableLEConfig ( intptr_t  handle,
const bool  enable 

This function is used to enable or disable Loudness Equivalence feature.

[in]handleHandle of the Audio port.
[in]enableFlag to control the LE features (true to enable, false to disable)
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf API executed successfully.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 1663 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetLEConfig()

dsError_t dsGetLEConfig ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  enable 

To Get LE configuration.

This function is used to Get LE features

[in]handleHandle for the Output Audio port
[in]*enabletrue if LE is enabled else False
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1685 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetAudioCapabilities()

dsError_t dsGetAudioCapabilities ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  capabilities 

To find the HDR capabilities of SoC.

This function is used to check which HDR capabilities the SoC supports

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
[out]*capabilitiesOR-ed value of supported HDR standards.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1708 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetMS12Capabilities()

dsError_t dsGetMS12Capabilities ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  capabilities 

To find the HDR capabilities of SoC.

This function is used to check which HDR capabilities the SoC supports

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
[out]*capabilitiesOR-ed value of supported HDR standards.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1729 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsResetDialogEnhancement()

dsError_t dsResetDialogEnhancement ( intptr_t  handle)

to reset the Dialog Enhancement

This function is used to reset the Dialog Enhancement

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1769 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsResetBassEnhancer()

dsError_t dsResetBassEnhancer ( intptr_t  handle)

to reset the reset the audio Bass

This function is used to reset reset the audio Bass

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1785 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsResetSurroundVirtualizer()

dsError_t dsResetSurroundVirtualizer ( intptr_t  handle)

to reset the audio Surround Virtualizer level

This function is used to reset the audio Surround Virtualizer level

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1800 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsResetVolumeLeveller()

dsError_t dsResetVolumeLeveller ( intptr_t  handle)

to reset the Dolby volume leveller

This function is used to reset the Dolby volume leveller

[in]handleHandle for the audio device (audio decoder)
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1815 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsGetHDMIARCPortId()

dsError_t dsGetHDMIARCPortId ( int *  portId)

Get the audio HDMI ARC port ID for each platform.

This function will get audio HDMI ARC port ID

[in]portIdget audio HDMI ARC port ID
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 1830 of file dsAudio.c.

◆ dsCompositeInInit()

dsError_t dsCompositeInInit ( void  )

Initialize the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system.

This function must initialize the COMPOSITE Input module and any associated data structures.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 58 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsCompositeInTerm()

dsError_t dsCompositeInTerm ( void  )

Terminate the underlying COMPOSITE Input sub-system.

This function must terminate the COMPOSITE Input module and any associated data structures.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 79 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs()

dsError_t dsCompositeInGetNumberOfInputs ( uint8_t *  pNumberOfInputs)

Get the number of COMPOSITE Input ports on the set-top.

This function is used to get the number of COMPOSITE Input ports on the set-top.


Definition at line 100 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsCompositeInGetStatus()

dsError_t dsCompositeInGetStatus ( dsCompositeInStatus_t pStatus)

Get the COMPOSITE Input Status.

This function is used to get the current COMPOSITE Input Status.


Definition at line 127 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsCompositeInSelectPort()

dsError_t dsCompositeInSelectPort ( dsCompositeInPort_t  Port)

Select the COMPOSITE Input port to be presented.

This function is used to select the COMPOSITE Input port for presentation.


Definition at line 154 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsCompositeInScaleVideo()

dsError_t dsCompositeInScaleVideo ( int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  width,
int32_t  height 

Scale the COMPOSITE In video This function is used to scale the COMPOSITE In video.

[in]x: x coordinate for the video
[in]y: y coordinate for the video
[in]width: width of the video
[in]height: height of the video
Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 178 of file dsCompositeIn.c.

◆ dsDisplayInit()

dsError_t dsDisplayInit ( )

Initialize the Display sub-system.

This function must initialize all underlying Display sub-system modules and associated data structures.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsDisplayInit api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 47 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsGetDisplay()

dsError_t dsGetDisplay ( dsVideoPortType_t  vType,
int  index,
intptr_t *  handle 

Get the handle of a display device.

This function will get the handle for the display device connected to the specified video port.

[in]vTypeType of video port (e.g. HDMI, COMPONENT, etc.).
[in]indexThe index of the video port (0, 1, ...).
[out]*handleThe address of a location to hold the handle for the specified display device on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetDisplay api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 65 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsGetDisplayAspectRatio()

dsError_t dsGetDisplayAspectRatio ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoAspectRatio_t aspectRatio 

This function gets the aspect ratio for the dsiaply device. This function returns the aspect ratio of the display corresponding to the specified display device handle.

[in]handleHandle of the display device.
[out]aspectRatioThe address of a location to hold the current aspect ratio for the specified display device on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetDisplayAspectRatio api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 93 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsGetEDID()

dsError_t dsGetEDID ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayEDID_t edid 

Get the EDID information from the specified display device.

This function gets the EDID information from the HDMI/DVI display corresponding to the specified display device handle.

[in]handleHandle of the display device.
[out]*edidThe address of a location to hold the EDID for the specified display device on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetEDID api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 119 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsGetEDIDBytes()

dsError_t dsGetEDIDBytes ( intptr_t  handle,
unsigned char **  edid,
int *  length 

This function is used to get the EDID buffer and length of the connected display.

[in]handleHandle for the video display. This must be HDMI output handle.
[out]edidThe EDID raw buffer of the display. The HAL implementation should malloc() the buffer and return it to the application. The application is required to free() the buffer after using it; If HDMI is not connected no data should be returned, and the API returns dsERR_INVALID_STATE.
[out]lengthThe length of EDID buffer data
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetEDIDBytes api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 149 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsDisplayTerm()

dsError_t dsDisplayTerm ( )

This function deinitialize the display sub-system. This function deallocates the data structures used within the display module and releases any display specific handles.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsDisplayTerm api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 194 of file dsDisplay.c.

◆ dsFPInit()

dsError_t dsFPInit ( void  )

This function is used to initialize the underlying front panel display sub-system.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsFPInit API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 42 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsFPTerm()

dsError_t dsFPTerm ( void  )

Terminate the the Front Panel Display sub-system.

This function resets any data structures used within the platform front-panel module, and releases the front-panel specific device handles.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsFPTerm API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 62 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPText()

dsError_t dsSetFPText ( const char *  pText)

Set text on 7-Segment Display.

This function is used to set the 7-segment display LEDs to show the given text. The supported format of text is specified. If there are no 7-Segment display LEDs present on the device then dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED must be returned.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPText API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 80 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPTime()

dsError_t dsSetFPTime ( dsFPDTimeFormat_t  eTimeFormat,
const unsigned int  uHour,
const unsigned int  uMinutes 

Set time on 7-Segment Display.

This function sets the 7-segment display LEDs to show the time. The format (12/24-hour) must be specified. If there are no 7-Segment display LEDs present on the device then dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED must be returned. The function shall return dsERR_INVALID_PARAM if the format and hours values do not agree, or if the hours/minutes are invalid.

[in]eTimeFormatTime format (12 or 24 hrs).
[in]uHourHour information.
[in]uMinutesMinutes information.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPTime API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 110 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPScroll()

dsError_t dsSetFPScroll ( unsigned int  uScrollHoldOnDur,
unsigned int  uHorzScrollIterations,
unsigned int  uVertScrollIterations 

Scroll text on 7-Segment Display.

This function scrolls the text in the 7-segment LEDs for the given number of iterations.

[in]uScrollHoldOnDurDuration for the scroll to hold each character before scrolling it to the next position during one scroll iteration.
[in]uHorzScrollIterationsNumber of iterations for which to scroll horizontally.
[in]uVertScrollIterationsNumber of iterations for which to scroll vertically.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPScroll API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 135 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPBlink()

dsError_t dsSetFPBlink ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
unsigned int  uBlinkDuration,
unsigned int  uBlinkIterations 

Set LED blinking mode.

This function is used to set the individual discrete LEDs to blink for a specified number of times at the specified blink interval.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, etc.).
[in]uBlinkDurationBlink interval. The percentage of time the text display will remain on during one blink iteration.
[in]uBlinkIterationsNumber of times for the given LED to blink. The number of times per minute data will blink across all of the LEDs.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPBlink API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 161 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsGetFPBrightness()

dsError_t dsGetFPBrightness ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDBrightness_t pBrightness 

Get the brightness level for Front Panel Display LEDs.

This function returns the brightness level of the specified discrete LEDs on the front panel.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, etc.).
[out]*pBrightnessThe address of a location to hold the brightness value for the specified indicator on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetFPBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 187 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPBrightness()

dsError_t dsSetFPBrightness ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDBrightness_t  eBrightness 

Set LED brightness level.

This function will set the brightness of the specified discrete LEDs on the Front Panel Display to the specified brightness level. The Power LED brightness setting will also be adjusted to this setting.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, and so on).
[in]eBrightnessThe brightness value for the specified indicator.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 213 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPDBrightness()

dsError_t dsSetFPDBrightness ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDBrightness_t  eBrightness,
bool  toPersist 

This function will set the brightness of the specified discrete LED on the front panel display to the specified brightness level in multi-app mode using iarmbus call. The brightness level shall be persisted if the input parameter toPersist passed is TRUE.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, and so on).
[in]eBrightnessThe brightness value for the specified indicator.
[in]toPersistIf set to TRUE, the brightness value shall be persisted.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 242 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsGetFPTextBrightness()

dsError_t dsGetFPTextBrightness ( dsFPDTextDisplay_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDBrightness_t eBrightness 

Get the brightness of 7-Segment Display LEDs.

This function will Get the brightness of the specified 7-Segment Display LEDs on the Front Panel Text Display .

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (CLock Led.).
[in]eBrightnessThe address of a location to hold the brightness value for the specified indicator on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetFPTextBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 270 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPTextBrightness()

dsError_t dsSetFPTextBrightness ( dsFPDTextDisplay_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDBrightness_t  eBrightness 

Set brightness level of 7-Segment Display.

This function will set the brightness of the specified 7-Segment Display LEDs on the Front Panel Display to the specified brightness level.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Clock LED).
[in]eBrightnessThe brightness value for the specified indicator.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPTextBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 295 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsGetFPColor()

dsError_t dsGetFPColor ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDColor_t *  pColor 

Get LED color.

This function Gets the color of the specified front panel indicator LED, if the indicator supports it (i.e. is multi-colored). It must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED if the indicator is single-colored.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, etc.).
[in]*pColorThe address of a location to hold the color value
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetFPColor API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 317 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPColor()

dsError_t dsSetFPColor ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDColor_t  eColor 

Set LED color.

This function sets the color of the specified front panel indicator LED, if the indicator supports it (i.e. is multi-colored). It must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED if the indicator is single-colored.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED, etc.).
[in]eColorThe color index for the specified indicator.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPColor API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 343 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPDColor()

dsError_t dsSetFPDColor ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDColor_t  eColor,
bool  toPersist 

This function sets the color of the specified LED on the front panel in multi-app mode using iarmbus call. The color of the LED shall be persisted if the input parameter toPersist is set to TRUE.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED and so on).
[in]eColorIndicates the RGB color to be set for the specified LED.
[in]toPersistIndicates whether to persist the specified LED color or not. (If TRUE persists the LED color else doesn't persist it)
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPColor API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 367 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsFPEnableCLockDisplay()

dsError_t dsFPEnableCLockDisplay ( int  enable)

Use disable and enable display of clock.

This function will enable or disable displaying of clock.

[in]enableIndicates the clock to be enabled or disabled. (TRUE = enable clock and FALSE = disable clock).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsFPEnableCLockDisplay API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 390 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPState()

dsError_t dsSetFPState ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDState_t  state 

This function will enable or disable the specified discrete LED on the front panel display.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED and so on).
[in]stateIndicates ON or OFF state for the indicator.(ON = 1 and OFF = 0).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPState API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 410 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsGetFPTimeFormat()

dsError_t dsGetFPTimeFormat ( dsFPDTimeFormat_t pTimeFormat)

This function get the Current time zone format set on 7-segment display LEDs panel.

[out]pTimeFormatPointer to hold the Current time format value .
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetFPBrightness API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 435 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPTimeFormat()

dsError_t dsSetFPTimeFormat ( dsFPDTimeFormat_t  eTimeFormat)

This function sets the 7-segment display LEDs to show the specified time in specified format.

[in]eTimeFormatIndicates the time format (12 hour or 24 hour).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPTime API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 458 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsGetFPState()

dsError_t dsGetFPState ( dsFPDIndicator_t  eIndicator,
dsFPDState_t state 

This function will Get the ON or OFF state of Specified LEDs.

[in]eIndicatorFPD Indicator index (Power LED, Record LED and so on).
[out]statePointer to hold the state of the specified indicator.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetFPState API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 480 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsSetFPDMode()

dsError_t dsSetFPDMode ( dsFPDMode_t  eMode)

This function sets the display mode of the FPD text display.

[in]eModeIndicates the mode (any, clock or text)
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsSetFPDMode API was successfully called using iarmbus call.
dsERR_GENERALIndicates error due to general failure.

Definition at line 504 of file dsFPD.c.

◆ dsHdmiInInit()

dsError_t dsHdmiInInit ( void  )

Initialize the underlying HDMI Input sub-system.

This function must initialize the HDMI Input module and any associated data structures.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 58 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInTerm()

dsError_t dsHdmiInTerm ( void  )

Terminate the underlying HDMI Input sub-system.

This function must terminate the HDMI Input module and any associated data structures.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 78 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs()

dsError_t dsHdmiInGetNumberOfInputs ( uint8_t *  pNumberOfInputs)

Get the number of HDMI Input ports on the set-top.

This function is used to get the number of HDMI Input ports on the set-top.


Definition at line 99 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInGetStatus()

dsError_t dsHdmiInGetStatus ( dsHdmiInStatus_t pStatus)

Get the HDMI Inpuut Status.

This function is used to get the current HDMI Input Status.


Definition at line 125 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInSelectPort()

dsError_t dsHdmiInSelectPort ( dsHdmiInPort_t  Port)

Select the HDMI Input port to be presented.

This function is used to select the HDMI Input port for presentation.


Definition at line 152 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInScaleVideo()

dsError_t dsHdmiInScaleVideo ( int32_t  x,
int32_t  y,
int32_t  width,
int32_t  height 

Scale the HDMI In video This function is used to scale the HDMI In video.

[in]x: x coordinate for the video
[in]y: y coordinate for the video
[in]width: width of the video
[in]height: height of the video
Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 176 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode()

dsError_t dsHdmiInSelectZoomMode ( dsVideoZoom_t  requestedZoomMode)

Select the HDMI Input zoom mode.

This function is used to select the HDMI Input zoom mode.


Definition at line 202 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInPauseAudio()

dsError_t dsHdmiInPauseAudio ( void  )

Stop the output of HDMI Input audio.

This function stops the HDMI Input audio from being output via HDMI Out.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 225 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInResumeAudio()

dsError_t dsHdmiInResumeAudio ( void  )

Start the output of HDMI Input audio.

This function presents the HDMI Input audio via HDMI Out.

Device Settings error code
Return values

Definition at line 247 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode()

dsError_t dsHdmiInGetCurrentVideoMode ( dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution)

Get the current HDMI Input video mode.

This function gets the current HDMI Input video mode.

Current HDMI Input video mode (resolution)
Return values

Definition at line 269 of file dsHdmiIn.c.

◆ dsSetPreferredSleepMode()

dsError_t dsSetPreferredSleepMode ( dsSleepMode_t  mode)

This function sets the preferred sleep mode which needs to be persisted.

[in]modeSleep mode that is expected to be persisted.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsSetPreferredSleepMode api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 43 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsGetPreferredSleepMode()

dsError_t dsGetPreferredSleepMode ( dsSleepMode_t pMode)

This function returns the preferred sleep mode which is persisted.

[out]pModeData will be copied to this. This shall be preallocated before the call.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetPreferredSleepMode api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 63 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsGetCPUTemperature()

dsError_t dsGetCPUTemperature ( float *  cpuTemperature)

This function gets the CPU temperature in centrigade.

[in]cpuTemperatureThe address of a location to hold the CPU Temperature
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetCPUTemperature api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 88 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsGetVersion()

dsError_t dsGetVersion ( uint32_t *  versionNumber)

Get DS HAL API Version.

In 4 byte VersionNumber, Two Most significant Bytes are Major number and Two Least Significant Bytes are minor number.

[out]versionNumber4 Bytes of version number of DS HAL
Returns 4 byte Version Number
Return values
dsERR_NONESuccessfully got the version number from dsHAL.
dsERR_GENERALFailed to get the version number.

Definition at line 114 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsSetVersion()

dsError_t dsSetVersion ( uint32_t  versionNumber)

Allows the application to set the runtime version of the dsHAL.

[in]versionNumber4 Bytes of version number of DS HAL
Return values
dsERR_NONESuccessfully set the version for dsHAL.
dsERR_GENERALFailed to set the version.

Definition at line 139 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsGetSocIDFromSDK()

dsError_t dsGetSocIDFromSDK ( char *  socID)

This function returns SOC ID.

[in]socIDThe address of a location to hold SOC ID
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsSetPreferredSleepMode api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_UNKNOWNGeneral failure.

Definition at line 162 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsGetHostEDID()

dsError_t dsGetHostEDID ( unsigned char *  edid,
int *  length 

This function is used to get the host EDID and length.

[out]edidhost EDID.
[out]lengthlength of host EDID
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetHostEDID api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 191 of file dsHost.cpp.

◆ dsVideoDeviceInit()

dsError_t dsVideoDeviceInit ( )

This function initialize all the video devices in the system.

Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsVideoDeviceInit api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 46 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsGetVideoDevice()

dsError_t dsGetVideoDevice ( int  index,
intptr_t *  handle 

This function gets the handle for the video device requested.

[in]indexIndex of video device (0, 1, ...).
[out]handleThe address of a location to hold the video device handle on return.
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetVideoDevice api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 64 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsSetDFC()

dsError_t dsSetDFC ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoZoom_t  dfc 

This function is used to set the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function sets the screen zoom mode (Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device.

[in]handleHandle of the video output port.
[in]dfcType of zoom mode to be used.
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsSetDFC api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 89 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsGetDFC()

dsError_t dsGetDFC ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoZoom_t dfc 

This function is used to get the screen zoom mode (decoder format conversion). This function Gets the screen zoom mode (None,Full ,Pan & Scan, LetterBox, PillarBox, etc.) for the specified video device.

[in]handleHandle of the video output port.
[in]dfcType of zoom mode to be used.
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetDFC api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 117 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsVideoDeviceTerm()

dsError_t dsVideoDeviceTerm ( )

This function deinitialize all the video devices in the system. It reset any data structures used within this module and release any handles specific to the video devices.

Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsVideoDeviceTerm has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 144 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsGetHDRCapabilities()

dsError_t dsGetHDRCapabilities ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  capabilities 

To find the HDR capabilities of SoC.

This function is used to check which HDR capabilities the SoC supports

[in]handleHandle for the video device (video decoder)
[out]*capabilitiesOR-ed value of supported HDR standards.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 162 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats()

dsError_t dsGetSupportedVideoCodingFormats ( intptr_t  handle,
unsigned int *  supported_formats 

To find the Video formats supported by the SoC.

This function is used to check which video formats the SoC supports

[in]handleHandle for the video device (video decoder)
[out]supported_formatsOR-ed value of supported video codec formats.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 183 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsGetVideoCodecInfo()

dsError_t dsGetVideoCodecInfo ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoCodingFormat_t  codec,
dsVideoCodecInfo_t info 

This API is used to get the video codec information.

[in]handleHandle for the video device (video decoder)
[in]codecOR-ed value of supported video codec formats.
[out]infoVideo codec information like profile, level etc.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 203 of file dsVideoDevice.c.

◆ dsVideoPortInit()

dsError_t dsVideoPortInit ( )

Initialize underlying Video Port sub-system.

This function must initialize all the video specific output ports.

Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsVideoportinit api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 45 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetVideoPort()

dsError_t dsGetVideoPort ( dsVideoPortType_t  type,
int  index,
intptr_t *  handle 

Get the video port handle.

This function gets the handle for the type of video port requested. It must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED if the requested video port is unavailable.

[in]typeType of video port (e.g. HDMI).
[in]indexThe index of the video device (0, 1, ...).
[out]handleThe address of a location to hold the video device handle on return.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsgetvideoport api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 64 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsHDCPEnabled()

dsError_t dsIsHDCPEnabled ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  pContentProtected 

Indicate whether a video port is HDCP protected.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[out]enabledThe address of a location to hold the HDCP content protection state on return (true when enabled, false otherwise).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsIsHDCPEnabled api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 96 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsVideoPortEnabled()

dsError_t dsIsVideoPortEnabled ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  enabled 

Indicate whether a video port is enabled.

This function indicates whether the specified video port is enabled or not.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[out]enabledThe address of a location to hold the video port enable state on return (true when port is enabled, false otherwise).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsIsVideoPortEnabled api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure .

Definition at line 125 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetHDCPStatus()

dsError_t dsGetHDCPStatus ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpStatus_t *  status 

Get current HDCP status.

[in]statusHandle HDCP status
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetHDCPStatus api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 154 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetHDCPProtocol()

dsError_t dsGetHDCPProtocol ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *  protocolVersion 

Get STB HDCP protocol version.

handleHandle of the display device.
[in/out]HDCP protocol version
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetHDCPProtocol api has been called.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 177 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol()

dsError_t dsGetHDCPReceiverProtocol ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *  protocolVersion 

Get Receiver/TV HDCP protocol version.

handleHandle of the display device.
[in/out]HDCP protocol version
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetHDCPProtocol api has been called.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 200 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol()

dsError_t dsGetHDCPCurrentProtocol ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *  protocolVersion 

Get current used HDCP protocol version.

handleHandle of the display device.
[in/out]HDCP protocol version
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetHDCPProtocol api has been called.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 223 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsDisplayConnected()

dsError_t dsIsDisplayConnected ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  connected 

Indicate whether a video port is connected to a display.

This function is used to find out whether the video port is connected to a display or not.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[out]connectedThe address of a location to hold the connection state on return (true when connected, false otherwise).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsIsDisplayConnected api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 245 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsDisplaySurround()

dsError_t dsIsDisplaySurround ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  surround 

This function is used to indicate if the display connected supports surround audio.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[out]surroundIt is set to True if the display supports surround audio.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsIsDisplaySurround api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 273 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetSurroundMode()

dsError_t dsGetSurroundMode ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  surround 

This function is used to get supported surround mode.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIndicates dsGetSurroundMode api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 301 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsEnableVideoPort()

dsError_t dsEnableVideoPort ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  enabled 

Enable/disable a video port.

This function enables or disables the specified video port.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]enabledFlag to control the video port state (true to enable, false to disable)
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsEnableVideoPort api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 328 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetResolution()

dsError_t dsGetResolution ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution 

Get the video display resolution.

This function Gets the resolution for the video corresponding to the specified port and index.

[in]handleHandle of the video output port.
[in]*resolutionThe address of a structure containing the video output port resolution settings.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsGetResolution api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 353 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSetScartParameter()

dsError_t dsSetScartParameter ( intptr_t  handle,
const char *  parameter_str,
const char *  value_str 

Sets various SCART parameters.

Supported values: parameter_str value_str "aspect_ratio" "4x3", 16x9" "tv_startup" "on", "off" "tv_startup" "on", "off" "rgb" "on" (disables cvbs) "cvbs" "on" (disables rgb) "macrovision", "*" (not implemented) "cgms", "disabled" "cgms", "copyNever" "cgms", "copyOnce" "cgms", "copyFreely" "cgms", "copyNoMore" "port" "on", "off"

[in]parameter_str- a name of parameter
[in]value_str- a value of parameter
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 380 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSetResolution()

dsError_t dsSetResolution ( intptr_t  handle,
dsVideoPortResolution_t resolution,
bool  persist 

Set video port's display resolution.

This function sets the resolution for the video corresponding to the specified port handle.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]*resolutionThe address of a structure containing the video port resolution settings.
[in]persistIn false state allows disabling persist of resolution value.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsSetResolution api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 409 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetPreferredColorDepth()

dsError_t dsGetPreferredColorDepth ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayColorDepth_t *  colorDepth,
bool  persist 

To get the preffered color depth mode.

This function is used to get the preffered color depth mode.

[in]handleHandle for the video port.
[out]colorDepthcolor depth value.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 436 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSetPreferredColorDepth()

dsError_t dsSetPreferredColorDepth ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayColorDepth_t  colorDepth,
bool  persist 

To set the preffered color depth mode.

This function is used to set the preffered color depth mode.

[in]handleHandle for the video port.
[in]colorDepthcolor depth value.
[in]persistto persist value
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 463 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsColorDepthCapabilities()

dsError_t dsColorDepthCapabilities ( intptr_t  handle,
unsigned int *  colorDepthCapability 

To find the color depth capabilities.

This function is used to get the supported color depth capabilities.

[in]handleHandle for the video port.
[out]*capabilitiesOR-ed value of supported color depth standards.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 488 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsVideoPortTerm()

dsError_t dsVideoPortTerm ( )

Terminate the Video Port sub-system.

This function must terminate all the video output ports. It must reset any data structures used within video port module and release any video port specific handles.

Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsVideoPortTerm api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 511 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsEnableHDCP()

dsError_t dsEnableHDCP ( intptr_t  handle,
bool  contentProtect,
char *  hdcpKey,
size_t  keySize 

Toggle HDCP protection of a video port.

This function is used to turn on/off the HDCP content protection for the specified video port. Must return dsERR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED if HDCP content protection is not available.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]contentProtectFlag to control HDCP content protection (true for enabled, false for disabled).
[in]hdcpKeyHDCP key.
[in]keySizeHDCP key size.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsEnableHDCP api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.
dsERR_INVALID_PARAMIf invalid HCDP key is used.

Definition at line 530 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsVideoPortActive()

dsError_t dsIsVideoPortActive ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  active 

This function is used to indicate whether a video port is connected to a display.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[out]connectedThe address of a location to hold the connection state on return (true when connected, false otherwise).
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEIf sucessfully dsIsDisplayConnected api has been called using IARM support.
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 577 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetTVHDRCapabilities()

dsError_t dsGetTVHDRCapabilities ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  capabilities 

To find the HDR capabilities of TV.

This function is used to get the HDR capabilities supported by the TV.

[in]handleHandle for the video device (video decoder)
[out]*capabilitiesOR-ed value of supported HDR standards.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 605 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSupportedTvResolutions()

dsError_t dsSupportedTvResolutions ( intptr_t  handle,
int *  resolutions 

To find the TV supported resolutions.

This function is used to get the TV supported resolutions.

[in]handleHandle for the video device (video decoder)
[out]*resolutionOR-ed value supported by TV.
dsError_t Error code.

Definition at line 627 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsIsOutputHDR()

dsError_t dsIsOutputHDR ( intptr_t  handle,
bool *  hdr 

Check Video Output is HDR or not.

This function checks if the video output is HDR or not.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]*hdrThe bool pointer
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 693 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsResetOutputToSDR()

dsError_t dsResetOutputToSDR ( )

Reset Video Output to SDR.

This function resets the video output to SDR

Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 721 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSetHdmiPreference()

dsError_t dsSetHdmiPreference ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *  hdcpCurrentProtocol 

This API is used to set the Preferred HDMI Protocol.

This function sets the Preferred HDMI Protocol

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]*hdcpCurrentProtocolAddress of the structure containing HDCP Protocol version enums dsHDCP_VERSION_1X = 0, < HDCP Protocol version 1.x dsHDCP_VERSION_2X, < HDCP Protocol version 2.x dsHDCP_VERSION_MAX < Maximum index for HDCP protocol.
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 741 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetHdmiPreference()

dsError_t dsGetHdmiPreference ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHdcpProtocolVersion_t *  hdcpCurrentProtocol 

This API is used to get the Preferred HDMI Protocol.

This function gets the Preferred HDMI Protocol and updates the *hdcpCurrentProtocol accordingly

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]*hdcpCurrentProtocolAddress of the structure containing HDCP Protocol version enums dsHDCP_VERSION_1X = 0, < HDCP Protocol version 1.x dsHDCP_VERSION_2X, < HDCP Protocol version 2.x dsHDCP_VERSION_MAX < Maximum index for HDCP protocol.
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 768 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetVideoEOTF()

dsError_t dsGetVideoEOTF ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHDRStandard_t video_eotf 

Get current video Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOT) value;.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]video_eotf- pointer to EOFF value
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 796 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetMatrixCoefficients()

dsError_t dsGetMatrixCoefficients ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t *  matrix_coefficients 

Get current matrix coefficients value.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]matrix_coefficients- pointer to matrix coefficients value
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 825 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetColorDepth()

dsError_t dsGetColorDepth ( intptr_t  handle,
unsigned int *  color_depth 

Get current color depth value.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]color_depth- pointer to color depths value.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 854 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetColorSpace()

dsError_t dsGetColorSpace ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayColorSpace_t *  color_space 

Get current color space setting.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]color_space- pointer to color space value.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 883 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetQuantizationRange()

dsError_t dsGetQuantizationRange ( intptr_t  handle,
dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t *  quantization_range 

Get quatization range.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]quantization_range- pointer to quantization range value.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 912 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsGetCurrentOutputSettings()

dsError_t dsGetCurrentOutputSettings ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHDRStandard_t video_eotf,
dsDisplayMatrixCoefficients_t *  matrix_coefficients,
dsDisplayColorSpace_t *  color_space,
unsigned int *  color_depth,
dsDisplayQuantizationRange_t *  quantization_range 

Get current color space setting, color depth, matrix coefficients, video Electro-Optical Transfer Function (EOT) and quantization range in one call.

[in]handle- Handle of the display device.
[out]video_eotf- pointer to EOFF value
[out]matrix_coefficients- pointer to matrix coefficients value
[out]color_space- pointer to color space value.
[out]color_depth- pointer to color depths value.
[out]quantization_range- pointer to quantization range value.
Device Settings error code
Return values
dsERR_NONEon success
dsERR_GENERALGeneral failure.

Definition at line 941 of file dsVideoPort.c.

◆ dsSetForceHDRMode()

dsError_t dsSetForceHDRMode ( intptr_t  handle,
dsHDRStandard_t  mode 

This API is used to set/reset force HDR mode.

This function set/reset force HDR mode for video port.

[in]handleHandle of the video port.
[in]modedsHDRStandard_t type
Error Code.
Return values

Definition at line 974 of file dsVideoPort.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ srvFPDSettings

_FPDSettings_t srvFPDSettings[dsFPD_INDICATOR_MAX]

Variable that stores the brightness and State for FP

Definition at line 108 of file dsFPD.c.