RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
btmgr.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  _BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t
 Represents the media track info. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_t
 Represents the media position info. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_LeUUID_t
struct  _BTRMGR_DeviceService_t
 Represents the supported service of the device. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t
 Represents device services list. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_DeviceAdServiceData_t
struct  _BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_t
 Represents the property of the device. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_ConnectedDevice_t
 Represents the details of device connected. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_PairedDevices_t
 Represents the paired devices information. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevices_t
 Represents the discovered device's details. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_t
 Represents the connected devices list. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_t
 Represents the list of paired devices. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_t
 Represents the list of scanned devices. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_ExternalDevice_t
 Represents the details of external devices connected. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_MediaElementInfo_t
 Represents Media Element details. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t
 Represents Media Element List. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_MediaDeviceStatus_t
 Represents Media Element List. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t
 Represents the media info. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t
 Represents the notification data. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_EventMessage_t
 Represents the event message info. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_EventResponse_t
 Represents the event response. More...
struct  _BTRMGR_UUID_t
struct  _BTRMGR_DiscoveryFilterHandle_t
struct  _BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_t
 Structure for the custom advertisement payload. More...
union  _BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t.__unnamed__
union  _BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t.__unnamed__
union  _BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t.__unnamed__
union  _BTRMGR_EventMessage_t.__unnamed__
union  _BTRMGR_EventResponse_t.__unnamed__


#define BTRMGR_MAX_STR_LEN   256
#define BTRMGR_NAME_LEN_MAX   64
#define BTRMGR_STR_LEN   32
#define BTRMGR_COLUMBO_UUID   "64d9f574-7756-4ebc-9ebe-ed5f7f2871ab"
#define BTRMGR_SYSTEM_ID_UUID   "0x2a23"
#define BTRMGR_MODEL_NUMBER_UUID   "0x2a24"
#define BTRMGR_SERIAL_NUMBER_UUID   "0x2a25"
#define BTRMGR_DEVICE_STATUS_UUID   "1f113f2c-cc01-4f03-9c5c-4b273ed631bb"
#define BTRMGR_FWDOWNLOAD_STATUS_UUID   "915f96a6-3788-4271-a7ea-6820e98896b8"
#define BTRMGR_WEBPA_STATUS_UUID   "9d5d3aae-51e3-4767-a055-59febd71de9d"
#define BTRMGR_WIFIRADIO1_STATUS_UUID   "59a99d5a-3d2f-4265-af13-316c7c76b1f0"
#define BTRMGR_WIFIRADIO2_STATUS_UUID   "9d6cf473-4fa6-4868-bf2b-c310f38df0c8"
#define BTRMGR_RF_STATUS_UUID   "91b9497e-634c-408a-9f77-8375b1461b8b"
#define BTRMGR_COLUMBO_START   "7c3fea2e-c082-4e17-b78b-1e69ca3889b9"
#define BTRMGR_COLUMBO_STOP   "5a7e479b-9fac-4d73-b5b0-906669946720"
#define BTRMGR_COLUMBO_STATUS   "26f05ee1-cefa-460d-8985-98c0dc078d6c"
#define BTRMGR_COLUMBO_REPORT   "c1e62616-b4de-4f72-86ca-9d9469041b6d"
#define BTRMGR_DEVICE_MAC   "device_mac"
#define BTRMGR_WIFI_CONNECT_DUMMY_UUID   "4ffab12b-e545-1baf-1dc6-bd3fd749716a"
#define BTRMGR_WIFI_SSID_DUMMY_UUID   "22d68435-f7af-1156-b2e2-c7d17211b026"
#define BTRMGR_WIFI_PWD_DUMMY_UUID   "6bfebfe7-294d-2f4e-a4b3-b04f2a66f2f0"
#define BTRMGR_WIFI_SEC_MODE_DUMMY_UUID   "112f9c72-82c1-93a3-d4fc-3dba3441b2c8"
#define BTRMGR_LEONBRDG_UUID_QR_CODE   "12984C43-3B43-4952-A387-715DCF9795C6"
#define BTRMGR_LEONBRDG_UUID_WIFI_CONFIG   "B87A896B-4052-4CAB-A7E7-A71594D9C353"
#define BTRMGR_LEONBRDG_UUID_SSID_LIST   "AAF92F88-7F35-48F1-9C3E-1FE5C3978B7A"


typedef unsigned long long int BTRMgrDeviceHandle
typedef unsigned long long int BTRMgrMediaElementHandle
typedef enum _BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_Result_t
 Represents the status of the operation.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_Events_t BTRMGR_Events_t
 Represents the event status.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_DeviceType_t BTRMGR_DeviceType_t
 Represents the bluetooth device types.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_StreamOut_Type_t BTRMGR_StreamOut_Type_t
 Represents the stream output types.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t
 Represents the operation type for bluetooth device.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_DevicePower_t BTRMGR_DevicePower_t
 Represents the bluetooth power states.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_RSSIValue_type_t BTRMGR_RSSIValue_t
 Represents the bluetooth signal strength.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_DiscoveryStatus_t BTRMGR_DiscoveryStatus_t
 Represents the bluetooth Discovery Status.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_MediaControlCommand_t BTRMGR_MediaControlCommand_t
 Represents the commands to control the media files.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_LeProperty_t BTRMGR_LeProperty_t
 Represents LE properties.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_LeOp_t BTRMGR_LeOp_t
 Represents the Low energy operations.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_GattCharFlags_t BTRMGR_GattCharFlags_t
 Represents Gatt Characteristic Flags.
typedef enum _BTRMGR_ScanFilter_t BTRMGR_ScanFilter_t
typedef enum _BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t
 Represents Media Element Types.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t
 Represents the media track info.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_t BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_t
 Represents the media position info.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_LeUUID_t BTRMGR_LeUUID_t
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DeviceService_t BTRMGR_DeviceService_t
 Represents the supported service of the device.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t BTRMGR_DeviceServiceList_t
 Represents device services list.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DeviceAdServiceData_t BTRMGR_DeviceAdServiceData_t
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_t BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_t
 Represents the property of the device.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_ConnectedDevice_t BTRMGR_ConnectedDevice_t
 Represents the details of device connected.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_PairedDevices_t BTRMGR_PairedDevices_t
 Represents the paired devices information.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevices_t BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevices_t
 Represents the discovered device's details.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_t BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_t
 Represents the connected devices list.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_t BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_t
 Represents the list of paired devices.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_t BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_t
 Represents the list of scanned devices.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_ExternalDevice_t BTRMGR_ExternalDevice_t
 Represents the details of external devices connected.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaElementInfo_t BTRMGR_MediaElementInfo_t
 Represents Media Element details.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t
 Represents Media Element List.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaDeviceStatus_t BTRMGR_MediaDeviceStatus_t
 Represents Media Element List.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t BTRMGR_MediaInfo_t
 Represents the media info.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t BTRMGR_DeviceOpInfo_t
 Represents the notification data.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_EventMessage_t BTRMGR_EventMessage_t
 Represents the event message info.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_EventResponse_t BTRMGR_EventResponse_t
 Represents the event response.
typedef struct _BTRMGR_UUID_t BTRMGR_UUID_t
typedef struct _BTRMGR_DiscoveryFilterHandle_t BTRMGR_DiscoveryFilterHandle_t
typedef struct _BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_t BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_t
 Structure for the custom advertisement payload.
typedef BTRMGR_Result_t(* BTRMGR_EventCallback) (BTRMGR_EventMessage_t astEventMessage)


enum  _BTRMGR_Result_t
 Represents the status of the operation.
enum  _BTRMGR_Events_t
 Represents the event status.
enum  _BTRMGR_DeviceType_t
 Represents the bluetooth device types.
enum  _BTRMGR_StreamOut_Type_t
 Represents the stream output types.
enum  _BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t
 Represents the operation type for bluetooth device.
enum  _BTRMGR_DevicePower_t
 Represents the bluetooth power states.
enum  _BTRMGR_RSSIValue_type_t
 Represents the bluetooth signal strength. More...
enum  _BTRMGR_DiscoveryStatus_t
 Represents the bluetooth Discovery Status.
enum  _BTRMGR_MediaControlCommand_t
 Represents the commands to control the media files.
enum  _BTRMGR_LeProperty_t
 Represents LE properties.
enum  _BTRMGR_LeOp_t
 Represents the Low energy operations.
enum  _BTRMGR_GattCharFlags_t
 Represents Gatt Characteristic Flags.
enum  _BTRMGR_ScanFilter_t
enum  _BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t
 Represents Media Element Types.


BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_Init (void)
 This API initializes the bluetooth manager. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_DeInit (void)
 This API invokes the deinit function of bluetooth core and persistant interface module. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_RegisterForCallbacks (const char *apcProcessName)
 This API registers all the IARM call backs for BTRMGR and Third party Clients. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_UnRegisterFromCallbacks (const char *apcProcessName)
 This API Unregisters all the IARM call backs for BTRMGR and Third party Clients. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetNumberOfAdapters (unsigned char *pNumOfAdapters)
 This API returns the number of bluetooth adapters available. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_ResetAdapter (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx)
 This API is designed to reset the bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetAdapterName (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, const char *pNameOfAdapter)
 This API is used to set the new name to the bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetAdapterName (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *pNameOfAdapter)
 This API fetches the bluetooth adapter name. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetAdapterPowerStatus (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char power_status)
 This API sets the bluetooth adapter power to ON/OFF. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetAdapterPowerStatus (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char *pPowerStatus)
 This API fetches the power status, either 0 or 1. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetAdapterDiscoverable (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char discoverable, int timeout)
 This API is to make the adapter discoverable until the given timeout. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_IsAdapterDiscoverable (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char *pDiscoverable)
 This API checks the adapter is discoverable or not. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StartDeviceDiscovery (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t aenBTRMgrDevOpT)
 This API initiates the scanning process. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StopDeviceDiscovery (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t aenBTRMgrDevOpT)
 This API terminates the scanning process. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetDiscoveryStatus (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_DiscoveryStatus_t *aeDiscoveryStatus, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t *aenBTRMgrDevOpT)
 This API gives the discovery status. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetDiscoveredDevices (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_DiscoveredDevicesList_t *pDiscoveredDevices)
 This API fetches the list of devices scanned. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_PairDevice (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl)
 This API is used to pair the device that you wish to pair. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_UnpairDevice (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl)
 This API is used to remove the pairing information of the device selected. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetPairedDevices (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_PairedDevicesList_t *pPairedDevices)
 This API returns the list of devices paired. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_ConnectToDevice (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t connectAs)
 This API connects the device as audio sink/headset/audio src based on the device type specified. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_DisconnectFromDevice (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl)
 This API terminates the current connection. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetConnectedDevices (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_ConnectedDevicesList_t *pConnectedDevices)
 This API returns the list of devices connected. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetDeviceProperties (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DevicesProperty_t *pDeviceProperty)
 This API returns the device information that includes the device name, mac address, RSSI value etc. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StartAudioStreamingOut_StartUp (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t aenBTRMgrDevConT)
 This API initates the streaming from the device with default operation type. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StartAudioStreamingOut (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t connectAs)
 This API initates the streaming from the device with the selected operation type. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StopAudioStreamingOut (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl)
 This API terminates the streaming from the device. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_IsAudioStreamingOut (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char *pStreamingStatus)
 This API returns the stream out status. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetAudioStreamingOutType (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_StreamOut_Type_t type)
 This API is to set the audio type as primary or secondary. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StartAudioStreamingIn (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t connectAs)
 This API starts the audio streaming. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_StopAudioStreamingIn (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl)
 This API termines the audio streaming. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_IsAudioStreamingIn (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char *pStreamingStatus)
 This API returns the audio streaming status. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetEventResponse (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_EventResponse_t *apstBTRMgrEvtRsp)
 This API handles the events received. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_MediaControl (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_MediaControlCommand_t mediaCtrlCmd)
 This API is used to perform the media control operations. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetDeviceVolumeMute (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t deviceOpType, unsigned char *pui8Volume, unsigned char *pui8Mute)
 This API is used to fetch the media volume and mute data. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetDeviceVolumeMute (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_DeviceOperationType_t deviceOpType, unsigned char ui8Volume, unsigned char ui8Mute)
 This API is used to set the media volume and mute data. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetMediaTrackInfo (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t *mediaTrackInfo)
 This API fetches the media track info like title, genre, duration, number of tracks, current track number. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetMediaElementTrackInfo (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMgrMediaElementHandle ahBTRMgrMedElementHdl, BTRMGR_MediaTrackInfo_t *mediaTrackInfo)
 This API fetches the media track info like title, genre, duration, number of tracks, current track number. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetMediaCurrentPosition (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMGR_MediaPositionInfo_t *mediaPositionInfo)
 This API fetches the current position and total duration of the media. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetMediaElementActive (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMgrMediaElementHandle ahBTRMgrMedElementHdl, BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t aMediaElementType)
 This API sets the mentioned media element list active/in_scope for further operations on it. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetMediaElementList (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMgrMediaElementHandle ahBTRMgrMedElementHdl, unsigned short aui16MediaElementStartIdx, unsigned short aui16MediaElementEndIdx, unsigned char abMediaElementListDepth, BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t aMediaElementType, BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t *aMediaElementListInfo)
 This API gets the media element list. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SelectMediaElement (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, BTRMgrMediaElementHandle ahBTRMgrMedElementHdl, BTRMGR_MediaElementType_t aMediaElementType)
 This API performs operation based on the element type selected. More...
const char * BTRMGR_GetDeviceTypeAsString (BTRMGR_DeviceType_t type)
 This API fetches the Device name of the media. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetAudioInServiceState (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char aui8State)
 This API Enable/Disables Audio-In on the specified bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetHidGamePadServiceState (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char aui8State)
 This API Enable/Disables Hid GamePad on the specified bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetLimitBeaconDetection (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char *isLimited)
 This API Gets Beacon Detection status on the specified bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SetLimitBeaconDetection (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, unsigned char isLimited)
 This API Sets Beacon Detection status on the specified bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetLeProperty (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, const char *apBtrPropUuid, BTRMGR_LeProperty_t aenLeProperty, void *vpPropValue)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_GetLeCharacteristicUUID (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, const char *apBtrServiceUuid, char *apBtrCharUuidList)
 This API fetches the characteristic uuid of Le device. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_PerformLeOp (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMgrDeviceHandle ahBTRMgrDevHdl, const char *aBtrLeUuid, BTRMGR_LeOp_t aLeOpType, char *aLeOpArg, char *rOpResult)
 This API performs LE operations on the specified bluetooth adapter. More...
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_StartAdvertisement (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, BTRMGR_LeCustomAdvertisement_t *pstBTMGR_LeCustomAdvt)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_StopAdvertisement (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_GetPropertyValue (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *lUUID, char *aValue, BTRMGR_LeProperty_t aElement)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_SetServiceUUIDs (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *aUUID)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_SetServiceInfo (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *aUUID, unsigned char aServiceType)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_SetGattInfo (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *aParentUUID, char *aCharUUID, unsigned short aFlags, char *aValue, BTRMGR_LeProperty_t aElement)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_LE_SetGattPropertyValue (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *aUUID, char *aValue, BTRMGR_LeProperty_t aElement)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_SysDiagInfo (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *apDiagElement, char *apValue, BTRMGR_LeOp_t aOpType)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_ConnectToWifi (unsigned char aui8AdapterIdx, char *apSSID, char *apPassword, int aSecMode)
BTRMGR_Result_t BTRMGR_RegisterEventCallback (BTRMGR_EventCallback afpcBBTRMgrEventOut)