RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)



typedef enBTRCoreRet(* fPtr_BTRCore_LeStatusUpdateCb) (stBTRCoreLeGattInfo *apstBtrLeInfo, const char *apBtDevAddr, void *apUserData)


void * BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection (void)
 This API Initializes the Bluetooth core and fetches DBus connection and returns a handle to the instance. More...
int BtrCore_BTDeInitReleaseConnection (void *apBtConn)
 This API DeInitializes the Bluetooth core and releases the DBus connection. More...
char * BtrCore_BTGetAgentPath (void *apBtConn)
 Using this API, a default Path is assigned to the Bluetooth Agent. More...
int BtrCore_BTReleaseAgentPath (void *apBtConn)
 Using this API the path assigned to the Bluetooth Agent is released. More...
int BtrCore_BTRegisterAgent (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath, const char *capabilities)
 using this API, DBus object path is registered with bluetooth agent path and current adapter's path. More...
int BtrCore_BTUnregisterAgent (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 Using this API, DBus object path is unregistered with bluetooth agent path and current adapter's path. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetAdapterList (void *apBtConn, unsigned int *apBtNumAdapters, char *apcArrBtAdapterPath[4])
 This API obtains adapter list from Dbus object path. More...
char * BtrCore_BTGetAdapterPath (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 Using this API adapter path is fetched from Dbus object path. More...
int BtrCore_BTReleaseAdapterPath (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 Using this API the path assigned to the current Bluetooth Adapter is released. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetIfceNameVersion (void *apBtConn, char *apBtOutIfceName, char *apBtOutVersion)
 using this API, Bluetooth interface version is obtained from bluetooth daemon of the kernel and default name "Bluez" is assigned as interface name. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetProp (void *apBtConn, const char *apcOpIfcePath, enBTOpIfceType aenBtOpIfceType, unBTOpIfceProp aunBtOpIfceProp, void *apvVal)
 This API gets different properties of different BT devices and services. More...
int BtrCore_BTSetProp (void *apBtConn, const char *apcOpIfcePath, enBTOpIfceType aenBtOpIfceType, unBTOpIfceProp aunBtOpIfceProp, void *apvVal)
 This API sets different properties of different BT devices and services. More...
int BtrCore_BTStartDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to discover the Bluetooth adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTStopDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to stop discovering Bluetooth adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTStartLEDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to discover the low energy Bluetooth adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTStopLEDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to stop discovering low energy Bluetooth adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTStartClassicDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to discover the Classic Bluetooth Devices. More...
int BtrCore_BTStopClassicDiscovery (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath)
 This API is used to stop discovering Classic Bluetooth Devices. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetPairedDevices (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, unsigned int *apui32PairedDevCnt, char **apcArrPairedDevPath)
 This API fetches all the paired devices' paths and number of paired devices. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetPairedDeviceInfo (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, stBTPairedDeviceInfo *pPairedDeviceInfo)
 This API fetches all BT paired devices' device information. More...
int BtrCore_BTDiscoverDeviceServices (void *apBtConn, const char *apcDevPath, stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList *pProfileList)
 This API is used to discover the supported services and fetch the profiles of all those devices. More...
int BtrCore_BTFindServiceSupported (void *apBtConn, const char *apcDevPath, const char *apcSearchString, char *apcDataString)
 This API is used to find all supported services and fetch the profiles of all those devices. More...
int BtrCore_BTPerformAdapterOp (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, const char *apBtAgentPath, const char *apcDevPath, enBTAdapterOp aenBTAdpOp)
 This API is used to perform BT adapter operations. More...
int BtrCore_BTIsDeviceConnectable (void *apBtConn, const char *apcDevPath)
 This API is used to run device connectable command. More...
int BtrCore_BTConnectDevice (void *apBtConn, const char *apDevPath, enBTDeviceType aenBTDevType)
 This API is used to establish the connection with a BT device. More...
int BtrCore_BTDisconnectDevice (void *apBtConn, const char *apDevPath, enBTDeviceType aenBTDevType)
 This API is used to diconnect a BT device. More...
int BtrCore_BTEnableEnhancedRetransmissionMode (void *apstBtIfceHdl)
 This API is used to Enable Enhanced Retransmission on all BT adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTDisableEnhancedRetransmissionMode (void *apstBtIfceHdl)
 This API is used to Disable Enhanced Retransmission on all BT adapter. More...
int BtrCore_BTRegisterMedia (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, enBTDeviceType aenBTDevType, enBTMediaType aenBTMediaType, const char *apBtUUID, void *apBtMediaCapabilities, int apBtMediaCapabilitiesSize, int abBtMediaDelayReportEnable)
 This API is used to register a media device. More...
int BtrCore_BTUnRegisterMedia (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, enBTDeviceType aenBTDevType, enBTMediaType aenBTMediaType)
 This API is used to unregister the media device. More...
int BtrCore_BTAcquireDevDataPath (void *apBtConn, char *apcDevTransportPath, int *dataPathFd, int *dataReadMTU, int *dataWriteMTU)
 This API is used to acquire device data path. More...
int BtrCore_BTReleaseDevDataPath (void *apBtConn, char *apcDevTransportPath)
 This API is used to release the acquired device data path. More...
int BtrCore_BTSetDevDataAckTimeout (void *apBtConn, unsigned int aui32AckTOutms)
 This API is used to release the acquired device data path. More...
char * BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerPath (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtDevPath)
 A Path is assigned to Media player using Bluetooth device path. More...
int BtrCore_BTDevMediaControl (void *apBtConn, const char *apmediaPlayerPath, enBTMediaControlCmd aenBTMediaOper)
 This API is used to control the media device. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetTransportState (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtDataPath, void *state)
 This API is used to get the state of the BT device . More...
int BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerProperty (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtObjectPath, const char *mediaProperty, void *mediaPropertyValue)
 This API is used to get media player property value using the object path of BT device and media property. More...
int BtrCore_BTGetMediaFolderNumberOfItems (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtMediaPlayerPath, unsigned int *aui32NumberOfItems)
 This API is used to get the number of items in the current media folder. More...
int BtrCore_BTSetMediaProperty (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapterPath, char *mediaProperty, char *pValue)
 This API is used to set the media property of the BT device . More...
int BtrCore_BTGetTrackInformation (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtmediaPlayerObjectPath, stBTMediaTrackInfo *lpstBTMediaTrackInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on BT media device. More...
int BtrCore_BTChangeMediaFolder (void *apstBtIfceHdl, const char *apBtmediaPlayerObjectPath, const char *apBtdestMediaFolderPath)
 This API is used to change from the current media folder path to another path. More...
int BtrCore_BTSelectMediaFolderItems (void *apstBtIfceHdl, const char *apBtMediaPlayerObjectPath, unsigned int apBtMediaFolderStartIndex, unsigned int apBtMediaFolderEndIndex, const char *apBtMediaFilter, int apBtMediaFilterSize)
 This API is used to list the media items in the current folder. More...
int BtrCore_BTPlayMediaTrackItem (void *apstBtIfceHdl, const char *apBtMediaItemObjectPath)
 This API is used to Play the mentioned media track. More...
tBTMediaItemId BtrCore_BTGetCommonParentMediaItemId (tBTMediaItemId aBTcurrMediaItemId, tBTMediaItemId aBTdestMediaItemId)
 This API is used to get the mediaItemID of the node which is the immediate common parent of the src and dest nodes. More...
int BtrCore_BTRegisterLeAdvertisement (void *apstBtIfceHdl, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API is used to invoke the bluez API advertisement method call RegisterAdvertisment. More...
int BtrCore_BTRegisterLeGatt (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API is used to invoke the bluez API gatt service method call RegisterApplication. More...
int BtrCore_BTUnRegisterLeGatt (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API is used to invoke the bluez API gatt service method call UnRegisterApplication. More...
int BtrCore_BTPerformLeGattOp (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtLePath, enBTOpIfceType aenBTOpIfceType, enBTLeGattOp aenBTLeGattOp, char *apLeGatOparg1, char *apLeGatOparg2, char *rpLeOpRes)
 This API is used to perform gatt services of the BT device . More...
int BtrCore_BTSendReceiveMessages (void *apBtConn)
 This API is used to read, write and dispatch BT device information. More...
int BtrCore_BTRegisterAdapterStatusUpdateCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTAdapterStatusUpdateCb afpcBAdapterStatusUpdate, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterDevStatusUpdateCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTDevStatusUpdateCb afpcBDevStatusUpdate, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterMediaStatusUpdateCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTMediaStatusUpdateCb afpcBMediaStatusUpdate, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterConnIntimationCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTConnIntimCb afpcBConnIntim, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterConnAuthCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTConnAuthCb afpcBConnAuth, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterNegotiateMediaCb (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, fPtr_BtrCore_BTNegotiateMediaCb afpcBNegotiateMedia, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterTransportPathMediaCb (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, fPtr_BtrCore_BTTransportPathMediaCb afpcBTransportPathMedia, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterMediaPlayerPathCb (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, fPtr_BtrCore_BTMediaPlayerPathCb afpcBTMediaPlayerPath, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterMediaBrowserUpdateCb (void *apBtConn, fPtr_BtrCore_BTMediaBrowserPathCb afpcBTMediaBrowserPath, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterLEGattInfoCb (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, fPtr_BtrCore_BTLeGattPathCb afpcBLeGattPath, void *apUserData)
int BtrCore_BTRegisterLEAdvInfoCb (void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter, fPtr_BtrCore_BTLeAdvertisementCb afpcBLeAdvPath, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_Init (tBTRCoreHandle *phBTRCore)
 This API connects to a bus daemon and registers the client with it. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DeInit (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore)
 This APi deinitialzes and free BTRCore. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterAgent (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, int iBTRCapMode)
 This API registers an agent handler. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_UnregisterAgent (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore)
 This unregisters the agent that has been previously registered. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfAdapters (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreListAdapters *pstListAdapters)
 Returns list of adapter object paths under /org/bluez. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterPower (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, unsigned char powerStatus)
 This API sets the bluetooth adapter power as ON/OFF. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterPower (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, unsigned char *pAdapterPower)
 This API returns the value of org.bluez.Adapter.powered . More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapters (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreGetAdapters *pstGetAdapters)
 This API returns the value of org.bluez.Manager.Getadapters . More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapter (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreAdapter *apstBTRCoreAdapter)
 This API returns the bluetooth adapter path. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapter (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, int adapter_number)
 This API sets Current Bluetooth Adapter to use. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_EnableAdapter (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreAdapter *apstBTRCoreAdapter)
 This API enables specific adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DisableAdapter (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreAdapter *apstBTRCoreAdapter)
 This API disables specific adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterAddr (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, unsigned char aui8adapterIdx, char *apui8adapterAddr)
 This API gets Address of BT Adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverable (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, unsigned char discoverable)
 This API sets adapter as discoverable. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverableTimeout (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, unsigned short timeout)
 This API sets how long the adapter is discoverable. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterDiscoverableStatus (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, unsigned char *pDiscoverable)
 This API checks whether the discovery is in progress or not. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDeviceName (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreAdapter *apstBTRCoreAdapter, char *apcAdapterDeviceName)
 This API sets a friendly name to BT adapter device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterName (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, const char *pAdapterName)
 This API sets a friendly name to BT adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterName (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, char *pAdapterName)
 This API gets the name of BT adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ResetAdapter (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreAdapter *apstBTRCoreAdapter)
 This API resets specific adapter. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetVersionInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *apcBtVersion)
 This API gets BT Version. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StartDiscovery (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, unsigned int aui32DiscDuration)
 This method starts the device discovery session. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StopDiscovery (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, const char *pAdapterPath, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType)
 This method will cancel any previous StartDiscovery transaction. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfScannedDevices (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount *pListOfScannedDevices)
 This API returns the number of devices scanned. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_PairDevice (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId)
 This API initiates the pairing of the device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_UnPairDevice (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId)
 This API removes the remote device object at the given path. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfPairedDevices (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount *pListOfDevices)
 Gets the paired devices list. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_FindDevice (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId)
 This API checks the device entry in the scanned device list. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_FindService (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, const char *UUID, char *XMLdata, int *found)
 This API is used to confirm if a given service exists on a device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetSupportedServices (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList *pProfileList)
 This API retuns the list of services supported by the device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_IsDeviceConnectable (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId)
 This API checks the device is connectable. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ConnectDevice (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType)
 This method connect any profiles the remote device supports. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DisconnectDevice (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType)
 This method gracefully disconnects all connected profiles and then terminates connection. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceConnected (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType)
 This method checks the current device that is connected. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceDisconnected (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType)
 This method checks the current device that is disconnected. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceTypeClass (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType *apenBTRCoreDevTy, enBTRCoreDeviceClass *apenBTRCoreDevCl)
 This API returns current media info that includes the codec info, channel modes, subbands etc. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceMediaInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo *apstBTRCoreDevMediaInfo)
 This API returns current media info that includes the codec info, channel modes, subbands etc. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AcquireDeviceDataPath (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, int *aiDataPath, int *aidataReadMTU, int *aidataWriteMTU, unsigned int *apui32Delay)
 This API returns the bluetooth device address. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ReleaseDeviceDataPath (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType enDeviceType)
 This API release the bluetooth device address. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetDeviceDataAckTimeout (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, unsigned int aui32AckTOutms)
 This API release the bluetooth device address. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_MediaControl (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, enBTRCoreMediaCtrl aenBTRCoreMediaCtrl, stBTRCoreMediaCtData *apstBTRCoreMediaCData)
 This API is used to perform media control operations like play, pause, NExt, Previous, Rewind etc. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaTrackInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo *apstBTMediaTrackInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the media track information. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaElementTrackInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, tBTRCoreMediaElementId aBtrMediaElementId, stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo *apstBTMediaTrackInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the media track information. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaPositionInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo *apstBTMediaPositionInfo)
 This API returns the duration and the current position of the media. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaProperty (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, const char *mediaPropertyKey, void *mediaPropertyValue)
 This API returns the media file properties of the Bluetooth device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetMediaElementActive (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, tBTRCoreMediaElementId aBtrMediaElementId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, eBTRCoreMedElementType aeBTRCoreMedElementType)
 This API sets the mentioned media list active/in_scope at the lower to allow further operations on the elements in the list. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaElementList (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, tBTRCoreMediaElementId aBtrMediaElementId, unsigned short aui16BtrMedElementStartIdx, unsigned short aui16BtrMedElementEndIdx, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, eBTRCoreMedElementType aenBTRCoreMedElementType, stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList *apstMediaElementListInfo)
 This API returns the mentioned media list. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SelectMediaElement (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, tBTRCoreMediaElementId aBtrMediaElementId, enBTRCoreDeviceType aenBTRCoreDevType, eBTRCoreMedElementType aenBTRCoreMedElementType)
 This API performs operation according to the element type selected. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetLEProperty (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, const char *apcBTRCoreLEUuid, enBTRCoreLeProp aenBTRCoreLeProp, void *apvBTRCorePropVal)
 This API returns the Low energy profile device name and address. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_PerformLEOp (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, tBTRCoreDevId aBTRCoreDevId, const char *apcBTRCoreLEUuid, enBTRCoreLeOp aenBTRCoreLeOp, char *apLeOpArg, char *rpLeOpRes)
 This API is used to perform read, write, notify operations on LE devices. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StartAdvertisement (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore)
 This API is used to start advertisement registration. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StopAdvertisement (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore)
 This API is used to stop advertisement registration. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdvertisementType (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aAdvtType)
 This API is used to set advertisement type. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetServiceUUIDs (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aUUID)
 This API is used to set service UUIDs. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetManufacturerData (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, unsigned short aManfId, unsigned char *aDeviceDetails, int aLenManfData)
 This API is used to set manufacturer data. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetEnableTxPower (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, BOOLEAN lTxPower)
 This API is used to Enable Tx Power transmission. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetPropertyValue (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aUUID, char *aValue, enBTRCoreLeProp aElement)
 This API is used to Get Property value. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetServiceInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aUUID, BOOLEAN aServiceType)
 This API is used to Set Service Info value. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetGattInfo (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aParentUUID, char *aCharUUID, unsigned short aFlags, char *aValue, enBTRCoreLeProp aElement)
 This API is used to Set Gatt Info value. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetPropertyValue (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, char *aUUID, char *aValue, enBTRCoreLeProp aElement)
 This API is used to Set Property value. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterDiscoveryCb (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, fPtr_BTRCore_DeviceDiscCb afpcBBTRCoreDeviceDiscovery, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterStatusCb (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, fPtr_BTRCore_StatusCb afpcBBTRCoreStatus, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterMediaStatusCb (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, fPtr_BTRCore_MediaStatusCb afpcBBTRCoreMediaStatus, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterConnectionIntimationCb (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, fPtr_BTRCore_ConnIntimCb afpcBBTRCoreConnAuth, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterConnectionAuthenticationCb (tBTRCoreHandle hBTRCore, fPtr_BTRCore_ConnAuthCb afpcBBTRCoreConnAuth, void *apUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_Init (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl *phBTRCoreAVM, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API Initializes the media device by registering both source and sink. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_DeInit (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API DeInitializes the media device by unregistering both source and sink. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetCurMediaInfo (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo *apstBtrCoreAVMediaInfo)
 This API gets current media information of the media device by unregistering both source and sink. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_AcquireDataPath (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, int *apDataPath, int *apDataReadMTU, int *apDataWriteMTU, unsigned int *apui32Delay)
 This API acquires the data path and MTU of a media device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_ReleaseDataPath (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr)
 This API releases the acquired data path of the media device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_MediaControl (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, enBTRCoreAVMediaCtrl aenBTRCoreAVMediaCtrl, eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow aenBTRCoreAVMediaFlow, stBTRCoreAVMediaCtData *apstBTRCoreAVMediaCtrlData)
 This API is used to control the media device. BTRCore_MediaControl() invokes this API. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetTrackInfo (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo *apstBTAVMediaTrackInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on the media device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetElementTrackInfo (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId, stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo *apstBTAVMediaTrackInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on the media device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetPositionInfo (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo *apstBTAVMediaPositionInfo)
 This API is used to retrieve the position information about the media device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaProperty (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, const char *mediaPropertyKey, void *mediaPropertyValue)
 This API is used to get media property value using the device address and media property key. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_ChangeBrowserLocation (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId, eBTRCoreAVMElementType aeBtrAVMElementType)
 This API is used to change the media browsing location in the connected AudioIn device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectMediaBrowserElements (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, unsigned short aui16StartIdx, unsigned short aui16EndIdx)
 This API is used to List(implicitly) the media elements in the current browsing location of the connected AudioIn device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaElementList (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId, unsigned short aui16StartIdx, unsigned short aui16EndIdx, eBTRCoreAVMElementType aeBtrAVMElementType, stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList *aAVMediaElementInfoList)
 This API is used to fetch the media item list. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_PlayTrack (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId)
 This API starts playing the mentioned media item. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectTrack (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId)
 This API select track the mentioned media item. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_IsMediaElementPlayable (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, const char *apBtDevAddr, tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId aBtrAVMediaElementId, char *isPlayable)
 This API is used to find if a MediaElement is Playable or Non-Playable. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_RegisterMediaStatusUpdateCb (tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl hBTRCoreAVM, fPtr_BTRCore_AVMediaStatusUpdateCb afpcBBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate, void *apcBMediaStatusUserData)
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_Init (tBTRCoreLeHdl *phBTRCoreLe, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API registers the callback function that has to be called when the LE device are added or removed. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_DeInit (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API deinitializes the LE device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_GetGattProperty (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, tBTRCoreDevId atBTRCoreDevId, const char *apBtUuid, enBTRCoreLEGattProp aenBTRCoreLEGattProp, void *apBtPropValue)
 This API fetches the GATT property value that is supported. More...
enBTRCoreRet BtrCore_LE_PerformGattOp (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, tBTRCoreDevId atBTRCoreDevId, const char *apBtUuid, enBTRCoreLEGattOp aenBTRCoreLEGattOp, char *apLeOpArg, char *rpLeOpRes)
 This API is used to perform read, write, notify operations on LE devices. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_StartAdvertisement (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API is used to invoke method calls to RegisterAdvertisement and RegisterApplication to begin LE advertising. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetAdvertisementType (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, char *aAdvtType)
 This API is used to store the advertisement type supported by device. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetServiceUUIDs (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, char *aUUID)
 This API is used to store the UUIDs that would be advertised by the device during the advertisement. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetManufacturerData (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, unsigned short aManfId, unsigned char *aDeviceDetails, int aLenManfData)
 This API is used to store the manufacturer data to be sent with the advertisement. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetEnableTxPower (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, BOOLEAN aTxPower)
 This API is used to enable/disable sending tranmission power with the advertisement data. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_StopAdvertisement (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, void *apBtConn, const char *apBtAdapter)
 This API is used to invoke method calls to UnRegisterAdvertisement and UnRegisterApplication to stop LE advertising. More...
int * BTRCore_LE_AddGattServiceInfo (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, const char *apBtAdapter, char *aBtdevAddr, char *aUUID, BOOLEAN aServiceType, int *aNumGattServices)
 This API is used to add service info for the advertisement. More...
int * BTRCore_LE_AddGattCharInfo (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, const char *apBtAdapter, char *aBtdevAddr, char *aParentUUID, char *aUUID, unsigned short aCharFlags, char *aValue)
 This API is used to add gatt characteristic info for the advertisement. More...
int * BTRCore_LE_AddGattDescInfo (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, const char *apBtAdapter, char *aBtdevAddr, char *aParentUUID, char *aUUID, unsigned short aDescFlags, char *aValue)
 This API is used to add gatt descriptor info for the advertisement. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetPropertyValue (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, char *aUUID, char *aValue, enBTRCoreLEGattProp aElement)
 This API Returns the specified property value associated with the UUID. More...
enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_RegisterStatusUpdateCb (tBTRCoreLeHdl hBTRCoreLe, fPtr_BTRCore_LeStatusUpdateCb afPtr_BTRCore_LeStatusUpdateCb, void *apUserData)


enBTAdapterProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtAdapterProp
enBTDeviceProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtDeviceProp
enBTMediaTransportProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaTransportProp
enBTMediaControlProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaControlProp
enBTMediaPlayerProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaPlayerProp
enBTMediaFolderProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaFolderProp
enBTGattServiceProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattServiceProp
enBTGattCharProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattCharProp
enBTGattDescProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattDescProp
char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcAddress [256]
char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcName [256]
char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcAlias [256]
unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32Class
int _stBTAdapterInfo::bPowered
int _stBTAdapterInfo::bDiscoverable
int _stBTAdapterInfo::bPairable
unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32PairableTimeout
unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32DiscoverableTimeout
int _stBTAdapterInfo::bDiscovering
char _stBTAdapterInfo::ppcUUIDs [32][64]
char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcModalias [256]
char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcPath [64]
char _stBTAdServiceData::pcUUIDs [64]
uint8_t _stBTAdServiceData::pcData [32]
size_t _stBTAdServiceData::len
int _stBTDeviceInfo::bPaired
int _stBTDeviceInfo::bConnected
int _stBTDeviceInfo::bTrusted
int _stBTDeviceInfo::bBlocked
int _stBTDeviceInfo::bServiceResolved
unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Vendor
unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16VendorSource
unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Product
unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Version
unsigned int _stBTDeviceInfo::ui32Class
int _stBTDeviceInfo::i32RSSI
unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Appearance
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcName [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcAddress [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcAlias [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcIcon [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::aUUIDs [32][64]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDevicePrevState [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDeviceCurrState [256]
char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDevicePath [64]
stBTAdServiceData _stBTDeviceInfo::saServices [32]
unsigned short _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::numberOfDevices
char _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::devicePath [32][64]
stBTDeviceInfo _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::deviceInfo [32]
unsigned int _stBTDeviceSupportedService::uuid_value
char _stBTDeviceSupportedService::profile_name [256]
int _stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList::numberOfService
stBTDeviceSupportedService _stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList::profile [32]
char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum [256]
char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre [256]
char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle [256]
char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist [256]
unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber
unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration
unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks
enBTOpIfceType _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::aenBtOpIfceType
unBTOpIfceProp _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::aunBtOpIfceProp
enBTMediaTransportState _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaTransportState
unsigned char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaTransportVolume
enBTMediaPlayerType _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerType
enBTMediaPlayerSubtype _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerSubtype
enBTMediaPlayerEqualizer _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerEqualizer
enBTMediaPlayerShuffle _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerShuffle
enBTMediaPlayerScan _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerScan
enBTMediaPlayerRepeat _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerRepeat
enBTMediaPlayerStatus _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::enMediaPlayerStatus
unsigned char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerBrowsable
unsigned char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerSearchable
unsigned char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerConnected
unsigned int _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerPosition
stBTMediaTrackInfo _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaTrackInfo
char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerPath [256]
char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerName [256]
char _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaFolderName [256]
unsigned int _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaFolderNumberOfItems
union {
enBTMediaTransportState m_mediaTransportState
unsigned char m_mediaTransportVolume
enBTMediaPlayerType enMediaPlayerType
enBTMediaPlayerSubtype enMediaPlayerSubtype
enBTMediaPlayerEqualizer enMediaPlayerEqualizer
enBTMediaPlayerShuffle enMediaPlayerShuffle
enBTMediaPlayerScan enMediaPlayerScan
enBTMediaPlayerRepeat enMediaPlayerRepeat
enBTMediaPlayerStatus enMediaPlayerStatus
unsigned char m_mediaPlayerBrowsable
unsigned char m_mediaPlayerSearchable
unsigned char m_mediaPlayerConnected
unsigned int m_mediaPlayerPosition
stBTMediaTrackInfo m_mediaTrackInfo
char m_mediaPlayerPath [256]
char m_mediaPlayerName [256]
char m_mediaFolderName [256]
unsigned int m_mediaFolderNumberOfItems
char _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::pcMediaItemName [256]
char _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::pcMediaItemPath [256]
enBTMediaItemType _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::eMediaItemType
enBTMediaFolderType _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::eMediaFolderType
tBTMediaItemId _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::ui32BTMediaItemId
unsigned int _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::ui32NumberOfItems
stBTMediaTrackInfo _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::mediaTrackInfo
char _stBTLeGattDesc::descPath [256]
char _stBTLeGattDesc::descUuid [64]
unsigned short _stBTLeGattDesc::descFlags
char _stBTLeGattDesc::propertyValue [256 *3]
char _stBTLeGattChar::charPath [256]
char _stBTLeGattChar::charUuid [64]
stBTLeGattDesc _stBTLeGattChar::atBTRGattDesc [4]
unsigned short _stBTLeGattChar::ui16NumberOfGattDesc
unsigned short _stBTLeGattChar::charFlags
char _stBTLeGattChar::value [256 *3]
char _stBTLeGattService::servicePath [256]
char _stBTLeGattService::serviceUuid [64]
unsigned char _stBTLeGattService::serviceType
stBTLeGattChar _stBTLeGattService::astBTRGattChar [10]
unsigned short _stBTLeGattService::ui16NumberOfGattChar
stBTLeGattService _stBTLeGattInfo::astBTRGattService [4]
int _stBTLeGattInfo::nNumGattServices
unsigned short _stBTLeManfData::ManfID
unsigned int _stBTLeManfData::lenManfData
unsigned char _stBTLeManfData::data [256 *3]
char _stBTLeServData::UUID [256]
uint8_t _stBTLeServData::data [256 *3]
char _stBTLeCustomAdv::pui8AdvertPath [256]
char _stBTLeCustomAdv::AdvertisementType [256]
char _stBTLeCustomAdv::ServiceUUID [4][256]
int _stBTLeCustomAdv::numServiceUUID
char _stBTLeCustomAdv::SolicitUUID [4][256]
int _stBTLeCustomAdv::numSolicitUUID
stBTLeManfData _stBTLeCustomAdv::ManfData
stBTLeServData _stBTLeCustomAdv::ServiceData
unsigned char _stBTLeCustomAdv::bTxPower
int(* p_ConnAuth_callback )()
unsigned char _stBTRCoreGetAdapters::number_of_adapters
unsigned char _stBTRCoreListAdapters::number_of_adapters
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreListAdapters::adapter_path [4]
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreListAdapters::adapterAddr [4]
BD_ADDR _stBTRCoreFilterMode::bd_address
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreFilterMode::service_name
UUID _stBTRCoreFilterMode::uuid
tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceId
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceName
char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceAddress [256]
enBTRCoreDeviceType _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceType
enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceClass
enBTRCoreDeviceState _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDevicePrevState
enBTRCoreDeviceState _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceCurrState
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::isPaired
unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::ui32DevClassBtSpec
char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::uuid [64]
char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::devOpResponse [256 *3]
enBTRCoreLeProp _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eCoreLeProp
enBTRCoreLeOp _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eCoreLeOper
unsigned int _stBTRCoreSupportedService::uuid_value
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreSupportedService::profile_name
int _stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList::numberOfService
stBTRCoreSupportedService _stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList::profile [32]
char _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::pcUUIDs [64]
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::pcData [32]
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::len
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAdapter::adapter_number
char * _stBTRCoreAdapter::pcAdapterPath
char * _stBTRCoreAdapter::pcAdapterDevName
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::enable
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::discoverable
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::bFirstAvailable
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAdapter::DiscoverableTimeout
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::bDiscovering
tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreBTDevice::tDeviceId
enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreBTDevice::enDeviceType
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreBTDevice::bFound
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreBTDevice::bDeviceConnected
int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::i32RSSI
unsigned int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::ui32VendorId
unsigned int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::ui32DevClassBtSpec
char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDeviceName [64 - 1+1]
char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDeviceAddress [64 - 1+1]
char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDevicePath [64 - 1+1]
stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList _stBTRCoreBTDevice::stDeviceProfile
stBTRCoreAdServiceData _stBTRCoreBTDevice::stAdServiceData [32]
int _stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount::numberOfDevices
stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount::devices [64]
int _stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount::numberOfDevices
stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount::devices [64]
unsigned int _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::ui32devPassKey
unsigned char _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::ucIsReqConfirmation
char _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::cConnAuthDeviceName [64]
stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::stFoundDevice
stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::stKnownDevice
union {
stBTRCoreBTDevice stFoundDevice
stBTRCoreBTDevice stKnownDevice
eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::eDevMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::ui32DevMSFreq
unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::ui32DevMSFmt
eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::eDevMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui32DevMSFreq
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcAllocMethod
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcSubbands
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcBlockLength
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcMinBitpool
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcMaxBitpool
unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui16DevMSbcFrameLen
unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui16DevMSbcBitrate
eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::eDevMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui32DevMSFreq
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegCrc
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegLayer
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegMpf
unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegRfa
unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui16DevMMpegFrameLen
unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui16DevMMpegBitrate
eBTRCoreDevMediaType _stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo::eBtrCoreDevMType
void * _stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo::pstBtrCoreDevMCodecInfo
char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum [256]
char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre [256]
char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle [256]
char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist [256]
unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber
unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration
unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks
unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo::ui32Duration
unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo::ui32Position
eBTRCoreMedElementType _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::eAVMedElementType
tBTRCoreMediaElementId _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::ui32MediaElementId
unsigned char _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::bIsPlayable
char _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::m_mediaElementName [256]
stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::m_mediaTrackInfo
unsigned short _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList::m_numOfElements
stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList::m_mediaElementInfo [64]
eBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::eBTMediaStUpdate
BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::bIsMediaCtrlAvailable
stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaTrackInfo
stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPositionInfo
stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaElementInfo
char _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerName [256]
unsigned char _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerVolume
union {
stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo m_mediaTrackInfo
stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo m_mediaPositionInfo
stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo m_mediaElementInfo
char m_mediaPlayerName [256]
unsigned char m_mediaPlayerVolume
tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::deviceId
BD_NAME _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::deviceName
enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::eDeviceClass
stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::m_mediaStatusUpdate
unsigned char _stBTRCoreMediaCtData::m_mediaAbsoluteVolume
unsigned short _stBTRCoreUUID::flags
char _stBTRCoreUUID::uuid [64]
unsigned char _stBTRCoreUUIDList::numberOfUUID
stBTRCoreUUID _stBTRCoreUUIDList::uuidList [32]
enBTRCoreOpType _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::type
stBTRCoreAdapter _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::adapter
stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::device
eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::eAVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMSFreq
unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMSFmt
eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::eAVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui32AVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui32AVMSFreq
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcAllocMethod
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcSubbands
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcBlockLength
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcMinBitpool
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcMaxBitpool
unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui16AVMSbcFrameLen
unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui16AVMSbcBitrate
eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::eAVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui32AVMAChan
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui32AVMSFreq
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegCrc
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegVersion
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegLayer
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegType
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegMpf
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegRfa
unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui16AVMMpegFrameLen
unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui16AVMMpegBitrate
eBTRCoreAVMType _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::eBtrCoreAVMType
eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::eBtrCoreAVMFlow
void * _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::pstBtrCoreAVMCodecInfo
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum [256]
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre [256]
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle [256]
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist [256]
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo::ui32Duration
unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo::ui32Position
eBTRCoreAVMElementType _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::eAVMElementType
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::ui32AVMediaElementId
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::bIsPlayable
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::m_mediaElementName [256]
stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::m_mediaTrackInfo
unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList::m_numOfElements
stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList::m_mediaElementInfo [64]
eBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::eAVMediaState
eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::eAVMediaDataFlow
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::bIsAVMediaCtrlAvail
stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaTrackInfo
stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPositionInfo
stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaElementInfo
char _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerName [256]
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::m_mediaPlayerTransportVolume
union {
stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo m_mediaTrackInfo
stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo m_mediaPositionInfo
stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo m_mediaElementInfo
char m_mediaPlayerName [256]
unsigned char m_mediaPlayerTransportVolume
unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaCtData::m_mediaAbsTransportVolume
enBTRCoreLEGattOp _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::enLeOper
enBTRCoreLEGattProp _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::enLeProp
char * _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::pui8Uuid
char * _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::pui8Value

Function Documentation

◆ BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection()

void* BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection ( void  )

This API Initializes the Bluetooth core and fetches DBus connection and returns a handle to the instance.

This handle will be used in all future communication with the Bluetooth core.

Return values
ReturnsNULL if DBus connection establishment fails.

Definition at line 1160 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTDeInitReleaseConnection()

int BtrCore_BTDeInitReleaseConnection ( void *  apBtConn)

This API DeInitializes the Bluetooth core and releases the DBus connection.

This handle will be used in all future communication with the Bluetooth core. This function will release the memory allocated toBT Adapters & BT agent.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1203 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetAgentPath()

char* BtrCore_BTGetAgentPath ( void *  apBtConn)

Using this API, a default Path is assigned to the Bluetooth Agent.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
assigned bluetooth agent path is returned.

Definition at line 1249 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTReleaseAgentPath()

int BtrCore_BTReleaseAgentPath ( void *  apBtConn)

Using this API the path assigned to the Bluetooth Agent is released.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1270 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTRegisterAgent()

int BtrCore_BTRegisterAgent ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath,
const char *  capabilities 

using this API, DBus object path is registered with bluetooth agent path and current adapter's path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[in]apBtAdapterThe current bluetooth Adapter path.
[in]apBtAgentPathThe bluetooth agent path.
[in]capabilitiesBluetooth core capabilities.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1286 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTUnregisterAgent()

int BtrCore_BTUnregisterAgent ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

Using this API, DBus object path is unregistered with bluetooth agent path and current adapter's path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[in]apBtAdapterThe current bluetooth Adapter path.
[in]apBtAgentPathThe bluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1336 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetAdapterList()

int BtrCore_BTGetAdapterList ( void *  apBtConn,
unsigned int *  apBtNumAdapters,
char *  apcArrBtAdapterPath[4] 

This API obtains adapter list from Dbus object path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[out]apBtNumAdaptersTotal number of bluetooth adapters available.
[out]apcArrBtAdapterPathArray of bluetooth adapter paths.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetAdapterPath()

char* BtrCore_BTGetAdapterPath ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

Using this API adapter path is fetched from Dbus object path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterCurrent bluetooth adapter whose path has to be fetched.
Retrieved bluetooth adapter path is returned.

Definition at line 1438 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTReleaseAdapterPath()

int BtrCore_BTReleaseAdapterPath ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

Using this API the path assigned to the current Bluetooth Adapter is released.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterCurrent bluetooth adapter whose path has to be released.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1499 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetIfceNameVersion()

int BtrCore_BTGetIfceNameVersion ( void *  apBtConn,
char *  apBtOutIfceName,
char *  apBtOutVersion 

using this API, Bluetooth interface version is obtained from bluetooth daemon of the kernel and default name "Bluez" is assigned as interface name.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[out]apBtOutIfceNameBluetooth interface name that has to be fetched.
[out]apBtOutVersionBluetooth interface version that has to be fetched.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1523 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetProp()

int BtrCore_BTGetProp ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apcOpIfcePath,
enBTOpIfceType  aenBtOpIfceType,
unBTOpIfceProp  aunBtOpIfceProp,
void *  apvVal 

This API gets different properties of different BT devices and services.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcOpIfcePathBluetooth interface path.
[in]aenBtOpIfceTypeBluetooth interface type.
[in]aunBtOpIfcePropBluetooth interface property whose property value has to be fetched.
[out]apvValProperty value which has to be fetched from Dbus iterator.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1560 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTSetProp()

int BtrCore_BTSetProp ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apcOpIfcePath,
enBTOpIfceType  aenBtOpIfceType,
unBTOpIfceProp  aunBtOpIfceProp,
void *  apvVal 

This API sets different properties of different BT devices and services.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcOpIfcePathBluetooth interface path.
[in]aenBtOpIfceTypeBluetooth interface type.
[in]aunBtOpIfcePropBluetooth interface property whose property value has to be fetched.
[in]apvValProperty value which has to be set to Dbus iterator.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1737 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStartDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStartDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to discover the Bluetooth adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1896 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStopDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStopDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to stop discovering Bluetooth adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1931 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStartLEDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStartLEDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to discover the low energy Bluetooth adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1966 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStopLEDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStopLEDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to stop discovering low energy Bluetooth adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1976 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStartClassicDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStartClassicDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to discover the Classic Bluetooth Devices.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4523 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTStopClassicDiscovery()

int BtrCore_BTStopClassicDiscovery ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath 

This API is used to stop discovering Classic Bluetooth Devices.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[in]apBtAgentPathBluetooth agent path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4587 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetPairedDevices()

int BtrCore_BTGetPairedDevices ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
unsigned int *  apui32PairedDevCnt,
char **  apcArrPairedDevPath 

This API fetches all the paired devices' paths and number of paired devices.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[out]apui32PairedDevCntNumber of paired devices that are found.
[out]apcArrPairedDevPathArray that stores the device paths of paired devices found.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2040 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetPairedDeviceInfo()

int BtrCore_BTGetPairedDeviceInfo ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
stBTPairedDeviceInfo pPairedDeviceInfo 

This API fetches all BT paired devices' device information.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter.
[out]pPairedDeviceInfoA structure that fetches device information of all the paired devices.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1986 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTDiscoverDeviceServices()

int BtrCore_BTDiscoverDeviceServices ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apcDevPath,
stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList pProfileList 

This API is used to discover the supported services and fetch the profiles of all those devices.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcDevPathBluetooth device path.
[out]pProfileListA structure that fetches Profile information of all the supported services.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2092 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTFindServiceSupported()

int BtrCore_BTFindServiceSupported ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apcDevPath,
const char *  apcSearchString,
char *  apcDataString 

This API is used to find all supported services and fetch the profiles of all those devices.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcDevPathBluetooth device path.
[in]apcSearchStringUsually, the UUID that has to be searched for.
[out]apcDataStringThe actual string that is fetched from Dbus iterator which matches the provided UUID.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2223 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTPerformAdapterOp()

int BtrCore_BTPerformAdapterOp ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
const char *  apBtAgentPath,
const char *  apcDevPath,
enBTAdapterOp  aenBTAdpOp 

This API is used to perform BT adapter operations.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth Adapter
[in]apBtAgentPathBT agent path.
[in]apcDevPathBluetooth device path.
[in]aenBTAdpOpAdapter operation that has to be performed.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2327 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTIsDeviceConnectable()

int BtrCore_BTIsDeviceConnectable ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apcDevPath 

This API is used to run device connectable command.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcDevPathBluetooth device path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2409 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTConnectDevice()

int BtrCore_BTConnectDevice ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apDevPath,
enBTDeviceType  aenBTDevType 

This API is used to establish the connection with a BT device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apDevPathBluetooth device path.
[in]aenBTDevTypeBluetooth device type.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2456 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTDisconnectDevice()

int BtrCore_BTDisconnectDevice ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apDevPath,
enBTDeviceType  aenBTDevType 

This API is used to diconnect a BT device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apDevPathBluetooth device path.
[in]aenBTDevTypeBluetooth device type.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2511 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTEnableEnhancedRetransmissionMode()

int BtrCore_BTEnableEnhancedRetransmissionMode ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl)

This API is used to Enable Enhanced Retransmission on all BT adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5494 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTDisableEnhancedRetransmissionMode()

int BtrCore_BTDisableEnhancedRetransmissionMode ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl)

This API is used to Disable Enhanced Retransmission on all BT adapter.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5544 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTRegisterMedia()

int BtrCore_BTRegisterMedia ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
enBTDeviceType  aenBTDevType,
enBTMediaType  aenBTMediaType,
const char *  apBtUUID,
void *  apBtMediaCapabilities,
int  apBtMediaCapabilitiesSize,
int  abBtMediaDelayReportEnable 

This API is used to register a media device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth device path.
[in]aenBTDevTypeDevice type.
[in]aenMediaTypeMedia codec type.
[in]apBtUUIDBluetooth UUID
[in]apBtMediaCapabilitiesMedia capabilities like frequency, block length, Min bitpool, Max bitpool etc.
[in]apBtMediaCapabilitiesSizesize of apBtMediaCapabilities.
[in]abBtMediaDelayReportEnableFlag that indicates if any delay.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5594 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTUnRegisterMedia()

int BtrCore_BTUnRegisterMedia ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
enBTDeviceType  aenBTDevType,
enBTMediaType  aenBTMediaType 

This API is used to unregister the media device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth device path.
[in]aenBTDevTypeBluetooth device type.
[in]aenMediaTypeMedia codec type.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5789 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTAcquireDevDataPath()

int BtrCore_BTAcquireDevDataPath ( void *  apBtConn,
char *  apcDevTransportPath,
int *  dataPathFd,
int *  dataReadMTU,
int *  dataWriteMTU 

This API is used to acquire device data path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcDevTransportPathBluetooth device transport path.
[out]dataPathFdData path file descriptor that has to be fetched.
[out]dataReadMTUFetches MTU of data reading.
[out]dataWriteMTUFetches MTU of data writing.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2793 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTReleaseDevDataPath()

int BtrCore_BTReleaseDevDataPath ( void *  apBtConn,
char *  apcDevTransportPath 

This API is used to release the acquired device data path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apcDevTransportPathBluetooth device transport path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2859 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTSetDevDataAckTimeout()

int BtrCore_BTSetDevDataAckTimeout ( void *  apBtConn,
unsigned int  aui32AckTOutms 

This API is used to release the acquired device data path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]aui32AckTOutmsData write acknowledgment timeout
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6010 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerPath()

char* BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerPath ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtDevPath 

A Path is assigned to Media player using Bluetooth device path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtDevPathBluetooth device path.
assigned Media player path is returned.

Definition at line 6053 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTDevMediaControl()

int BtrCore_BTDevMediaControl ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apmediaPlayerPath,
enBTMediaControlCmd  aenBTMediaOper 

This API is used to control the media device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apmediaPlayerPathMedia player path.
[in]aenBTMediaOperMedia operation that has to be performed.
assigned Media player path is returned.

Definition at line 6089 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetTransportState()

int BtrCore_BTGetTransportState ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtDataPath,
void *  state 

This API is used to get the state of the BT device .

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtDataPathBt Data path.
[out]stateTransport state of the BT device.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3142 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerProperty()

int BtrCore_BTGetMediaPlayerProperty ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtObjectPath,
const char *  mediaProperty,
void *  mediaPropertyValue 

This API is used to get media player property value using the object path of BT device and media property.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtObjectPathBluetooth device path.
[in]mediaPropertyProperty of the Mediaplayer.
[out]mediaPropertyValueProperty value of media player.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3112 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetMediaFolderNumberOfItems()

int BtrCore_BTGetMediaFolderNumberOfItems ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtMediaPlayerPath,
unsigned int *  aui32NumberOfItems 

This API is used to get the number of items in the current media folder.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtMediaPlayerPathMedia Player path.
[out]aui32NumberOfItemsnumber of items.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6267 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTSetMediaProperty()

int BtrCore_BTSetMediaProperty ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapterPath,
char *  mediaProperty,
char *  pValue 

This API is used to set the media property of the BT device .

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterPathBlue tooth adapter path.
[in]mediaPropertyMedia Property that has to be set to BT device.
[in]pValueValue of the media property that has been set.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3130 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetTrackInformation()

int BtrCore_BTGetTrackInformation ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtmediaPlayerObjectPath,
stBTMediaTrackInfo lpstBTMediaTrackInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on BT media device.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtmediaPlayerObjectPathObject path of the BT media player.
[out]lpstBTMediaTrackInfoTrack information that has to be retrieved.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6352 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTChangeMediaFolder()

int BtrCore_BTChangeMediaFolder ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl,
const char *  apBtmediaPlayerObjectPath,
const char *  apBtdestMediaFolderPath 

This API is used to change from the current media folder path to another path.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtmediaPlayerObjectPathObject path of the BT media player.
[in]apBtdestMediaFolderPathDestination Folder path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6441 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTSelectMediaFolderItems()

int BtrCore_BTSelectMediaFolderItems ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl,
const char *  apBtMediaPlayerObjectPath,
unsigned int  apBtMediaFolderStartIndex,
unsigned int  apBtMediaFolderEndIndex,
const char *  apBtMediaFilter,
int  apBtMediaFilterSize 

This API is used to list the media items in the current folder.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtmediaPlayerObjectPathObject path of the BT media player.
[in]apBtMediaFolderStartIndexStarting index of the list.
[in]apBtMediaFolderEndIndexEnding indx of the list.
[in]apBtMediaFilterFilter to be applied.
[in]apBtMediaFilterSizeFilter size.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6485 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTPlayMediaTrackItem()

int BtrCore_BTPlayMediaTrackItem ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl,
const char *  apBtMediaItemObjectPath 

This API is used to Play the mentioned media track.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtmediaItemObjectPathObject path of the media Track.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6632 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTGetCommonParentMediaItemId()

tBTMediaItemId BtrCore_BTGetCommonParentMediaItemId ( tBTMediaItemId  aBTcurrMediaItemId,
tBTMediaItemId  aBTdestMediaItemId 

This API is used to get the mediaItemID of the node which is the immediate common parent of the src and dest nodes.

[in]aBTcurrMediaItemIdmediaItemId of the current browsing folder.
[in]aBTdestMediaItemIdmediaItemId of the destination browsing folder, we need to switch.
Returns the result of the operation.
Returns the common parents' mediaItemId.

Definition at line 6419 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTRegisterLeAdvertisement()

int BtrCore_BTRegisterLeAdvertisement ( void *  apstBtIfceHdl,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API is used to invoke the bluez API advertisement method call RegisterAdvertisment.

[in]apstBtIfceHdlThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6710 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTRegisterLeGatt()

int BtrCore_BTRegisterLeGatt ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API is used to invoke the bluez API gatt service method call RegisterApplication.

[in]apstBtIfceHdlThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6771 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTUnRegisterLeGatt()

int BtrCore_BTUnRegisterLeGatt ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API is used to invoke the bluez API gatt service method call UnRegisterApplication.

[in]apstBtIfceHdlThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6880 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTPerformLeGattOp()

int BtrCore_BTPerformLeGattOp ( void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtLePath,
enBTOpIfceType  aenBTOpIfceType,
enBTLeGattOp  aenBTLeGattOp,
char *  apLeGatOparg1,
char *  apLeGatOparg2,
char *  rpLeOpRes 

This API is used to perform gatt services of the BT device .

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtLePathLE Blue tooth device path.
[in]aenBTOpIfceTypeBluetooth interface type.
[in]aenBTLeGattOpBluetooth interface property whose propert value has to be fetched.
[in]apUserdata1LE gatt operation userdata.
[in]apUserdata2LE gatt operation userdata.
[out]rpLeOpResLE operation result.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 6995 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c.

◆ BtrCore_BTSendReceiveMessages()

int BtrCore_BTSendReceiveMessages ( void *  apBtConn)

This API is used to read, write and dispatch BT device information.

[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTInitGetConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
Returns0 on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2909 of file btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c.

◆ BTRCore_Init()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_Init ( tBTRCoreHandle *  phBTRCore)

This API connects to a bus daemon and registers the client with it.

[in]phBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2494 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_DeInit()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DeInit ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore)

This APi deinitialzes and free BTRCore.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2657 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_RegisterAgent()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_RegisterAgent ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
int  iBTRCapMode 

This API registers an agent handler.

Every application can register its own agent and for all actions triggered by that application its agent is used. If an application chooses to not register an agent, the default agent is used.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]iBTRCapModeCapabilities can be "DisplayOnly", "DisplayYesNo", "KeyboardOnly", "NoInputNoOutput" and "KeyboardDisplay" which reflects the input and output capabilities of the agent.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.
An application can only register one agent. Multiple agents per application is not supported.

Definition at line 2803 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_UnregisterAgent()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_UnregisterAgent ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore)

This unregisters the agent that has been previously registered.

The object path parameter must match the same value that has been used on registration.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2836 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetListOfAdapters()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfAdapters ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreListAdapters pstListAdapters 

Returns list of adapter object paths under /org/bluez.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]pstListAdaptersList of adapters.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2859 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapterPower()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterPower ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
unsigned char  powerStatus 

This API sets the bluetooth adapter power as ON/OFF.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathBluetooth adapter address.
[in]powerStatusBluetooth adapter power status.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3294 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapterPower()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterPower ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
unsigned char *  pAdapterPower 

This API returns the value of org.bluez.Adapter.powered .

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathBluetooth adapter address.
[out]pAdapterPowerValue of bluetooth adapter.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3325 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapters()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapters ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreGetAdapters pstGetAdapters 

This API returns the value of org.bluez.Manager.Getadapters .

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]pstGetAdaptersAdapter value.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2899 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapter()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapter ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreAdapter apstBTRCoreAdapter 

This API returns the bluetooth adapter path.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]apstBTRCoreAdapterAdapter path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2926 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapter()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapter ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
int  adapter_number 

This API sets Current Bluetooth Adapter to use.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]adapter_numberBluetooth adapter number.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2958 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_EnableAdapter()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_EnableAdapter ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreAdapter apstBTRCoreAdapter 

This API enables specific adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]apstBTRCoreAdapterStructure which holds the adapter info.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3005 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_DisableAdapter()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DisableAdapter ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreAdapter apstBTRCoreAdapter 

This API disables specific adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]apstBTRCoreAdapterStructure which holds the adapter info.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3036 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapterAddr()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterAddr ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
unsigned char  aui8adapterIdx,
char *  apui8adapterAddr 

This API gets Address of BT Adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aui8adapterIdxAdapter index.
[out]apui8adapterAddrAdapter address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3065 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverable()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverable ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
unsigned char  discoverable 

This API sets adapter as discoverable.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path.
[in]discoverableValue that sets the device discoverable or not.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3098 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverableTimeout()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDiscoverableTimeout ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
unsigned short  timeout 

This API sets how long the adapter is discoverable.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path.
[in]timeoutTime out value.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3130 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapterDiscoverableStatus()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterDiscoverableStatus ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
unsigned char *  pDiscoverable 

This API checks whether the discovery is in progress or not.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path.
[in]pDiscoverableIndicates discoverable or not.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3163 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapterDeviceName()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterDeviceName ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreAdapter apstBTRCoreAdapter,
char *  apcAdapterDeviceName 

This API sets a friendly name to BT adapter device.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]apstBTRCoreAdapterAdapter path.
[in]apcAdapterDeviceNameAdapter device name.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3194 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdapterName()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdapterName ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
const char *  pAdapterName 

This API sets a friendly name to BT adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path.
[in]pAdapterNameAdapter name.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3231 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetAdapterName()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetAdapterName ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
char *  pAdapterName 

This API gets the name of BT adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path.
[out]pAdapterNameAdapter name.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3261 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_ResetAdapter()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ResetAdapter ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreAdapter apstBTRCoreAdapter 

This API resets specific adapter.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]apstBTRCoreAdapterAdapter to be reset.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropiate error code otherwise.

◆ BTRCore_GetVersionInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetVersionInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  apcBtVersion 

This API gets BT Version.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]apcBtVersionBluetooth version.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3356 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_StartDiscovery()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StartDiscovery ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
unsigned int  aui32DiscDuration 

This method starts the device discovery session.

This includes an inquiry procedure and remote device name resolving. This process will start emitting DeviceFound and PropertyChanged "Discovering" signals.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path the message should be sent to.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeBluetooth device types like headset, speakers, Low energy devices etc.
[in]aui32DiscDurationTimeout for the discovery.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3392 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_StopDiscovery()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StopDiscovery ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
const char *  pAdapterPath,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType 

This method will cancel any previous StartDiscovery transaction.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]pAdapterPathAdapter path where the message should be sent to.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeBluetooth device types like headset, speakers, Low energy devices etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.
Discovery procedure is shared between all discovery sessions thus calling StopDiscovery will only release a single session.

Definition at line 3459 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetListOfScannedDevices()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfScannedDevices ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount pListOfScannedDevices 

This API returns the number of devices scanned.

This includes the Device name, MAC address, Signal strength etc.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]pListOfScannedDevicesStructure which holds the count and the device info.

Definition at line 3500 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_PairDevice()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_PairDevice ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId 

This API initiates the pairing of the device.

This method will connect to the remote device and retrieve all SDP records and then initiate the pairing.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID for pairing.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3539 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_UnPairDevice()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_UnPairDevice ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId 

This API removes the remote device object at the given path.

It will remove also the pairing information. BTRCore_UnPairDevice is similar to BTRCore_ForgetDevice.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID for pairing.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3630 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetListOfPairedDevices()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetListOfPairedDevices ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount pListOfDevices 

Gets the paired devices list.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[out]pListOfDevicesList of paired devices that has to be fetched.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3695 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_FindDevice()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_FindDevice ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId 

This API checks the device entry in the scanned device list.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID to be checked.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3727 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_FindService()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_FindService ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
const char *  UUID,
char *  XMLdata,
int *  found 

This API is used to confirm if a given service exists on a device.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID to be checked.
[in]UUIDUUID of the bluetooth device.
[in]XMLdataService name.
[out]foundIndicates service found or not.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3762 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetSupportedServices()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetSupportedServices ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList pProfileList 

This API retuns the list of services supported by the device.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID to be checked.
[out]pProfileListList of supported services.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3804 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_IsDeviceConnectable()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_IsDeviceConnectable ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId 

This API checks the device is connectable.

It uses ping utility to check the connection with the remote device.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice ID to be checked.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3864 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_ConnectDevice()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ConnectDevice ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType 

This method connect any profiles the remote device supports.

It is been flagged as auto-connectable on adapter side. If only subset of profiles is already connected it will try to connect currently disconnected ones. If at least one profile was connected successfully this method will indicate success.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3921 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_DisconnectDevice()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_DisconnectDevice ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType 

This method gracefully disconnects all connected profiles and then terminates connection.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 3993 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetDeviceConnected()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceConnected ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType 

This method checks the current device that is connected.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4061 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetDeviceDisconnected()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceDisconnected ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType 

This method checks the current device that is disconnected.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4111 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetDeviceTypeClass()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceTypeClass ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType *  apenBTRCoreDevTy,
enBTRCoreDeviceClass *  apenBTRCoreDevCl 

This API returns current media info that includes the codec info, channel modes, subbands etc.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]apstBTRCoreDevMediaInfoStructure which stores the media info.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4161 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetDeviceMediaInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetDeviceMediaInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo apstBTRCoreDevMediaInfo 

This API returns current media info that includes the codec info, channel modes, subbands etc.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]apstBTRCoreDevMediaInfoStructure which stores the media info.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4232 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_AcquireDeviceDataPath()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AcquireDeviceDataPath ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
int *  aiDataPath,
int *  aidataReadMTU,
int *  aidataWriteMTU,
unsigned int *  apui32Delay 

This API returns the bluetooth device address.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]aiDataPathDevice address.
[in]aidataReadMTURead data length.
[in]aidataWriteMTUWrite data length.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4415 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_ReleaseDeviceDataPath()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_ReleaseDeviceDataPath ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  enDeviceType 

This API release the bluetooth device address.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]enDeviceTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4483 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetDeviceDataAckTimeout()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetDeviceDataAckTimeout ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
unsigned int  aui32AckTOutms 

This API release the bluetooth device address.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aui32AckTOutmsData write acknowledgment timeout
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4532 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_MediaControl()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_MediaControl ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
enBTRCoreMediaCtrl  aenBTRCoreMediaCtrl,
stBTRCoreMediaCtData apstBTRCoreMediaCData 

This API is used to perform media control operations like play, pause, NExt, Previous, Rewind etc.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[in]aenBTRCoreMediaCtrlIndicates which operation needs to be performed.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4555 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetMediaTrackInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaTrackInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo apstBTMediaTrackInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the media track information.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]apstBTMediaTrackInfoStructure which represents the media track information.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4710 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetMediaElementTrackInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaElementTrackInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
tBTRCoreMediaElementId  aBtrMediaElementId,
stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo apstBTMediaTrackInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the media track information.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[in]aBtrMediaElementIdMedia Element Id
[out]apstBTMediaTrackInfoStructure which represents the media track information.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4763 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetMediaPositionInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaPositionInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo apstBTMediaPositionInfo 

This API returns the duration and the current position of the media.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]apstBTMediaPositionInfoStructure which represents the position information.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4820 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetMediaProperty()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaProperty ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
const char *  mediaPropertyKey,
void *  mediaPropertyValue 

This API returns the media file properties of the Bluetooth device.

As of now, it is implemented to return dummy value.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[out]mediaPropertyKeyKey to the property.
[out]mediaPropertyValueValue to the property.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4875 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetMediaElementActive()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetMediaElementActive ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
tBTRCoreMediaElementId  aBtrMediaElementId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
eBTRCoreMedElementType  aeBTRCoreMedElementType 

This API sets the mentioned media list active/in_scope at the lower to allow further operations on the elements in the list.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aBtrMediaElementIdMedia Element Id
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[in]aeBTRCoreMedElementTypeMedia Element type (Albums, Artists, ...)
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5104 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetMediaElementList()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetMediaElementList ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
tBTRCoreMediaElementId  aBtrMediaElementId,
unsigned short  aui16BtrMedElementStartIdx,
unsigned short  aui16BtrMedElementEndIdx,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
eBTRCoreMedElementType  aenBTRCoreMedElementType,
stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList apstMediaElementListInfo 

This API returns the mentioned media list.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aBtrMediaElementIdMedia Element Id
[in]aui16BtrMedElementStartIdxStarting index of the list.
[in]aui16BtrMedElementEndIdxending index of the list
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[in]aenBTRCoreMedElementTypeMedia Element type (Albums, Artists, ...)
[out]apstMediaElementListInfoRetrived Media Element List.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5030 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SelectMediaElement()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SelectMediaElement ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
tBTRCoreMediaElementId  aBtrMediaElementId,
enBTRCoreDeviceType  aenBTRCoreDevType,
eBTRCoreMedElementType  aenBTRCoreMedElementType 

This API performs operation according to the element type selected.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]aBtrMediaElementIdMedia Element Id
[in]aenBTRCoreDevTypeType of bluetooth device HFP(Hands Free Profile) headset, audio source etc.
[in]aeBTRCoreMedElementTypeMedia Element type (Albums, Artists, ...)
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 4931 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetLEProperty()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetLEProperty ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
const char *  apcBTRCoreLEUuid,
enBTRCoreLeProp  aenBTRCoreLeProp,
void *  apvBTRCorePropVal 

This API returns the Low energy profile device name and address.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]apcBTRCoreLEUuidUUID to distinguish the devices.
[in]aenBTRCoreLePropIndicates the property name.
[out]apvBTRCorePropValLE device property value.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5173 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_PerformLEOp()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_PerformLEOp ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
tBTRCoreDevId  aBTRCoreDevId,
const char *  apcBTRCoreLEUuid,
enBTRCoreLeOp  aenBTRCoreLeOp,
char *  apLeOpArg,
char *  rpLeOpRes 

This API is used to perform read, write, notify operations on LE devices.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle.
[in]aBTRCoreDevIdDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]apcBTRCoreLEUuidUUID to distinguish the devices.
[in]aenBTRCoreLeOpIndicates the operation to be performed.
[in]apUserDataData to perform the operation.
[out]rpLeOpResLE operation result.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5262 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_StartAdvertisement()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StartAdvertisement ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore)

This API is used to start advertisement registration.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5345 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_StopAdvertisement()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_StopAdvertisement ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore)

This API is used to stop advertisement registration.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5364 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetAdvertisementType()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetAdvertisementType ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aAdvtType 

This API is used to set advertisement type.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5403 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetServiceUUIDs()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetServiceUUIDs ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aUUID 

This API is used to set service UUIDs.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5419 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetManufacturerData()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetManufacturerData ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
unsigned short  aManfId,
unsigned char *  aDeviceDetails,
int  aLenManfData 

This API is used to set manufacturer data.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5435 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetEnableTxPower()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetEnableTxPower ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
BOOLEAN  lTxPower 

This API is used to Enable Tx Power transmission.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5454 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_GetPropertyValue()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_GetPropertyValue ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aUUID,
char *  aValue,
enBTRCoreLeProp  aElement 

This API is used to Get Property value.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5383 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetServiceInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetServiceInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aUUID,
BOOLEAN  aServiceType 

This API is used to Set Service Info value.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5470 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetGattInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetGattInfo ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aParentUUID,
char *  aCharUUID,
unsigned short  aFlags,
char *  aValue,
enBTRCoreLeProp  aElement 

This API is used to Set Gatt Info value.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5490 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_SetPropertyValue()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_SetPropertyValue ( tBTRCoreHandle  hBTRCore,
char *  aUUID,
char *  aValue,
enBTRCoreLeProp  aElement 

This API is used to Set Property value.

[in]hBTRCoreBluetooth core handle
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 5520 of file btrCore.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_Init()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_Init ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl *  phBTRCoreAVM,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API Initializes the media device by registering both source and sink.

[in]phBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTDeInitReleaseConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 912 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_DeInit()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_DeInit ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API DeInitializes the media device by unregistering both source and sink.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtConnThe Dbus connection handle as returned by BtrCore_BTDeInitReleaseConnection. NULL is valid for this API.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter path.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1097 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetCurMediaInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetCurMediaInfo ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo apstBtrCoreAVMediaInfo 

This API gets current media information of the media device by unregistering both source and sink.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address..
[out]apstBtrCoreAVMediaInfoA structure pointer that fetches media information.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1214 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_AcquireDataPath()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_AcquireDataPath ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
int *  apDataPath,
int *  apDataReadMTU,
int *  apDataWriteMTU,
unsigned int *  apui32Delay 

This API acquires the data path and MTU of a media device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[out]apDataPathData path that has to be fetched.
[out]apDataReadMTUFetches MTU of data reading.
[out]apDataWriteMTUFetches MTU of data writing.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1538 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_ReleaseDataPath()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_ReleaseDataPath ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr 

This API releases the acquired data path of the media device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1592 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_MediaControl()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_MediaControl ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
enBTRCoreAVMediaCtrl  aenBTRCoreAVMediaCtrl,
eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow  aenBTRCoreAVMediaFlow,
stBTRCoreAVMediaCtData apstBTRCoreAVMediaCtrlData 

This API is used to control the media device. BTRCore_MediaControl() invokes this API.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aenBTRCoreAVMediaCtrlIndicates which operation needs to be performed.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1629 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetTrackInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetTrackInfo ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo apstBTAVMediaTrackInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on the media device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[out]apstBTAVMediaTrackInfoTrack information that has to be retrieved.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1763 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetElementTrackInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetElementTrackInfo ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId,
stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo apstBTAVMediaTrackInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the information about the track that is being played on the media device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id.
[out]apstBTAVMediaTrackInfoTrack information that has to be retrieved.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1797 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetPositionInfo()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetPositionInfo ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo apstBTAVMediaPositionInfo 

This API is used to retrieve the position information about the media device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[out]apstBTAVMediaPositionInfoPosition information that has to be retrieved.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1846 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaProperty()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaProperty ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
const char *  mediaPropertyKey,
void *  mediaPropertyValue 

This API is used to get media property value using the device address and media property key.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle.
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]mediaPropertyKeyProperty key of the Mediaplayer.
[out]mediaPropertyValueProperty keyvalue of media player.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1895 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_ChangeBrowserLocation()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_ChangeBrowserLocation ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId,
eBTRCoreAVMElementType  aeBtrAVMElementType 

This API is used to change the media browsing location in the connected AudioIn device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id
[in]aeBtrAVMElementTypemedia element type (Albums, Artist, ...)
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1931 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectMediaBrowserElements()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectMediaBrowserElements ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
unsigned short  aui16StartIdx,
unsigned short  aui16EndIdx 

This API is used to List(implicitly) the media elements in the current browsing location of the connected AudioIn device.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aui16StartIdxStarting index of the list to retrive.
[in]aui16EndIdxEnding index of the list to retrive.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2052 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaElementList()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_GetMediaElementList ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId,
unsigned short  aui16StartIdx,
unsigned short  aui16EndIdx,
eBTRCoreAVMElementType  aeBtrAVMElementType,
stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList aAVMediaElementInfoList 

This API is used to fetch the media item list.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id
[in]aui16StartIdxStarting index of the list to retrive.
[in]aui16EndIdxEnding index of the list to retrive.
[in]aeBtrAVMElementTypemedia element type (Albums, Artist, ...)
[out]aAVMediaElementInfoListFetched media element list
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2121 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_PlayTrack()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_PlayTrack ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId 

This API starts playing the mentioned media item.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2212 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectTrack()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_SelectTrack ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId 

This API select track the mentioned media item.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2267 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_IsMediaElementPlayable()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_IsMediaElementPlayable ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
const char *  apBtDevAddr,
tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId  aBtrAVMediaElementId,
char *  isPlayable 

This API is used to find if a MediaElement is Playable or Non-Playable.

[in]hBTRCoreAVMBluetooth core AV media handle
[in]apBtDevAddrBluetooth device address.
[in]aBtrAVMediaElementIdtarget browsing locations' media element id @Param[out] isPlayable Playable/Non-Playable state
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
enBTRCoreSuccesson success, appropriate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 2330 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_AVMedia_RegisterMediaStatusUpdateCb()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_AVMedia_RegisterMediaStatusUpdateCb ( tBTRCoreAVMediaHdl  hBTRCoreAVM,
fPtr_BTRCore_AVMediaStatusUpdateCb  afpcBBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate,
void *  apcBMediaStatusUserData 

Callback to notify the BT Core about Mediaplayer path and its Userdata

Definition at line 2388 of file btrCore_avMedia.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_Init()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_Init ( tBTRCoreLeHdl *  phBTRCoreLe,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API registers the callback function that has to be called when the LE device are added or removed.

[in]phBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtConnDbus connection.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 881 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_DeInit()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_DeInit ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API deinitializes the LE device.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtConnDbus connection.
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 931 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_GetGattProperty()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_GetGattProperty ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
tBTRCoreDevId  atBTRCoreDevId,
const char *  apBtUuid,
enBTRCoreLEGattProp  aenBTRCoreLEGattProp,
void *  apBtPropValue 

This API fetches the GATT property value that is supported.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtDevPathDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]apBtUuidUUID to distinguish the devices.
[in]aenBTRCoreLEGattPropIndicates the operation to be performed.
[out]apBtPropValueProperty values.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1304 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BtrCore_LE_PerformGattOp()

enBTRCoreRet BtrCore_LE_PerformGattOp ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
tBTRCoreDevId  atBTRCoreDevId,
const char *  apBtUuid,
enBTRCoreLEGattOp  aenBTRCoreLEGattOp,
char *  apLeOpArg,
char *  rpLeOpRes 

This API is used to perform read, write, notify operations on LE devices.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtDevPathDevice Id of the remote device.
[in]apBtUuidUUID to distinguish the devices.
[in]aenBTRCoreLEGattOpIndicates the operation to be performed.
[out]rpLeOpResIndicates the result of the operation.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1468 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_StartAdvertisement()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_StartAdvertisement ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API is used to invoke method calls to RegisterAdvertisement and RegisterApplication to begin LE advertising.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtConnDbus connection..
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 954 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_SetAdvertisementType()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetAdvertisementType ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
char *  aAdvtType 

This API is used to store the advertisement type supported by device.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aAdvtTypeAdvertisement type
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1006 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_SetServiceUUIDs()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetServiceUUIDs ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
char *  aUUID 

This API is used to store the UUIDs that would be advertised by the device during the advertisement.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aUUIDService UUID
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1032 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_SetManufacturerData()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetManufacturerData ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
unsigned short  aManfId,
unsigned char *  aDeviceDetails,
int  aLenManfData 

This API is used to store the manufacturer data to be sent with the advertisement.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aManfIdManufacturer ID
[in]aDeviceDetailsManufacturer device details
[in]aLenManfDataLength of manufacturer data
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1058 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_SetEnableTxPower()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetEnableTxPower ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
BOOLEAN  aTxPower 

This API is used to enable/disable sending tranmission power with the advertisement data.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aTxPowerEnable or disable sending Tx power
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1088 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_StopAdvertisement()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_StopAdvertisement ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
void *  apBtConn,
const char *  apBtAdapter 

This API is used to invoke method calls to UnRegisterAdvertisement and UnRegisterApplication to stop LE advertising.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]apBtConnDbus connection..
[in]apBtAdapterBluetooth adapter address.
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 981 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_AddGattServiceInfo()

int* BTRCore_LE_AddGattServiceInfo ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
char *  aBtdevAddr,
char *  aUUID,
BOOLEAN  aServiceType,
int *  aNumGattServices 

This API is used to add service info for the advertisement.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aBtdevAddrBT Address of advertising device
[in]aUUIDUUID of the service
[in]aServiceTypeIndicates Primary or secondary service
[out]aNumGattServicesReturns number of gatt services added
Returns the pointer to the service added
Return values
ReturnsNULL on failure, appropiate address otherwise.

Definition at line 1108 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_AddGattCharInfo()

int* BTRCore_LE_AddGattCharInfo ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
char *  aBtdevAddr,
char *  aParentUUID,
char *  aUUID,
unsigned short  aCharFlags,
char *  aValue 

This API is used to add gatt characteristic info for the advertisement.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aBtdevAddrBT Address of advertising device
[in]aParentUUIDService the characteristic belongs to
[in]aUUIDUUID of the service
[in]aCharFlagsBit field to indicate usage of characteristic
[in]aValueValue of the characteristic if applicable
Returns the pointer to the characteristic added
Return values
ReturnsNULL on failure, appropiate address otherwise.

Definition at line 1163 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_AddGattDescInfo()

int* BTRCore_LE_AddGattDescInfo ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
const char *  apBtAdapter,
char *  aBtdevAddr,
char *  aParentUUID,
char *  aUUID,
unsigned short  aDescFlags,
char *  aValue 

This API is used to add gatt descriptor info for the advertisement.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aBtdevAddrBT Address of advertising device
[in]aParentUUIDCharacteristic the descriptor belongs to
[in]aUUIDUUID of the service
[in]aDescFlagsBit field to indicate usage of characteristic
[out]aValueValue of the descriptor if applicable
Returns the pointer to the characteristic added
Return values
ReturnsNULL on failure, appropiate address otherwise.

Definition at line 1215 of file btrCore_le.c.

◆ BTRCore_LE_SetPropertyValue()

enBTRCoreRet BTRCore_LE_SetPropertyValue ( tBTRCoreLeHdl  hBTRCoreLe,
char *  aUUID,
char *  aValue,
enBTRCoreLEGattProp  aElement 

This API Returns the specified property value associated with the UUID.

[in]hBTRCoreLeHandle to bluetooth low energy device interface.
[in]aUUIDUUID of the Gatt element
[in]aGattPropGatt property to be fetched
[out]aValueValue of the property
Returns the status of the operation.
Return values
ReturnsenBTRCoreSuccess on success, appropiate error code otherwise.

Definition at line 1267 of file btrCore_le.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ enBtAdapterProp

enBTAdapterProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtAdapterProp

Definition at line 610 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtDeviceProp

enBTDeviceProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtDeviceProp

Definition at line 611 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtMediaTransportProp

enBTMediaTransportProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaTransportProp

Definition at line 612 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtMediaControlProp

enBTMediaControlProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaControlProp

Definition at line 613 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtMediaPlayerProp

enBTMediaPlayerProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaPlayerProp

Definition at line 614 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtMediaFolderProp

enBTMediaFolderProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtMediaFolderProp

Definition at line 616 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtGattServiceProp

enBTGattServiceProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattServiceProp

Definition at line 617 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtGattCharProp

enBTGattCharProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattCharProp

Definition at line 618 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enBtGattDescProp

enBTGattDescProp _unBTOpIfceProp::enBtGattDescProp

Definition at line 619 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcAddress [1/2]

char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcAddress[256]

Definition at line 626 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcName [1/2]

char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcName[256]

Definition at line 627 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcAlias [1/2]

char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcAlias[256]

Definition at line 628 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32Class [1/2]

unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32Class

Definition at line 629 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bPowered

int _stBTAdapterInfo::bPowered

Definition at line 630 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bDiscoverable

int _stBTAdapterInfo::bDiscoverable

Definition at line 631 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bPairable

int _stBTAdapterInfo::bPairable

Definition at line 632 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32PairableTimeout

unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32PairableTimeout

Definition at line 633 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32DiscoverableTimeout

unsigned int _stBTAdapterInfo::ui32DiscoverableTimeout

Definition at line 634 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bDiscovering [1/2]

int _stBTAdapterInfo::bDiscovering

Definition at line 635 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ppcUUIDs

char _stBTAdapterInfo::ppcUUIDs[32][64]

Definition at line 636 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcModalias

char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcModalias[256]

Definition at line 637 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcPath

char _stBTAdapterInfo::pcPath[64]

Definition at line 638 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcUUIDs [1/2]

char _stBTAdServiceData::pcUUIDs[64]

Definition at line 642 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcData [1/2]

uint8_t _stBTAdServiceData::pcData[32]

Definition at line 642 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ len [1/2]

size_t _stBTAdServiceData::len

Definition at line 644 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bPaired

int _stBTDeviceInfo::bPaired

Definition at line 648 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bConnected

int _stBTDeviceInfo::bConnected

Definition at line 649 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bTrusted

int _stBTDeviceInfo::bTrusted

Definition at line 650 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bBlocked

int _stBTDeviceInfo::bBlocked

Definition at line 651 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bServiceResolved

int _stBTDeviceInfo::bServiceResolved

Definition at line 652 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16Vendor

unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Vendor

Definition at line 653 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16VendorSource

unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16VendorSource

Definition at line 654 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16Product

unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Product

Definition at line 655 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16Version

unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Version

Definition at line 656 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32Class [2/2]

unsigned int _stBTDeviceInfo::ui32Class

Definition at line 657 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ i32RSSI [1/2]

int _stBTDeviceInfo::i32RSSI

Definition at line 658 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16Appearance

unsigned short _stBTDeviceInfo::ui16Appearance

Definition at line 659 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcName [2/2]

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcName[256]

Definition at line 660 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcAddress [2/2]

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcAddress[256]

Definition at line 661 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcAlias [2/2]

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcAlias[256]

Definition at line 662 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcIcon

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcIcon[256]

Definition at line 663 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ aUUIDs

char _stBTDeviceInfo::aUUIDs[32][64]

Definition at line 664 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcDevicePrevState

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDevicePrevState[256]

Definition at line 665 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcDeviceCurrState

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDeviceCurrState[256]

Definition at line 666 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcDevicePath [1/2]

char _stBTDeviceInfo::pcDevicePath[64]

Definition at line 667 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ saServices

stBTAdServiceData _stBTDeviceInfo::saServices[32]

Definition at line 668 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ numberOfDevices [1/3]

unsigned short _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::numberOfDevices

Definition at line 674 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ devicePath

char _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::devicePath[32][64]

Definition at line 675 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ deviceInfo

stBTDeviceInfo _stBTPairedDeviceInfo::deviceInfo[32]

Definition at line 676 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ uuid_value [1/2]

unsigned int _stBTDeviceSupportedService::uuid_value

Definition at line 680 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ profile_name [1/2]

char _stBTDeviceSupportedService::profile_name[256]

Definition at line 681 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ numberOfService [1/2]

int _stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList::numberOfService

Definition at line 685 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ profile [1/2]

stBTDeviceSupportedService _stBTDeviceSupportedServiceList::profile[32]

Definition at line 686 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcAlbum [1/3]

char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum[256]

Definition at line 690 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcGenre [1/3]

char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre[256]

Definition at line 691 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcTitle [1/3]

char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle[256]

Definition at line 692 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcArtist [1/3]

char _stBTMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist[256]

Definition at line 693 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32TrackNumber [1/3]

unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber

Definition at line 694 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32Duration [1/5]

unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration

Definition at line 695 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32NumberOfTracks [1/3]

unsigned int _stBTMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks

Definition at line 696 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ aenBtOpIfceType

enBTOpIfceType _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::aenBtOpIfceType

Definition at line 701 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ aunBtOpIfceProp

unBTOpIfceProp _stBTMediaStatusUpdate::aunBtOpIfceProp

Definition at line 702 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaTransportState

enBTMediaTransportState { ... } ::m_mediaTransportState

Definition at line 705 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaTransportVolume

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaTransportVolume

Definition at line 706 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerType

enBTMediaPlayerType { ... } ::enMediaPlayerType

Definition at line 707 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerSubtype

enBTMediaPlayerSubtype { ... } ::enMediaPlayerSubtype

Definition at line 708 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerEqualizer

enBTMediaPlayerEqualizer { ... } ::enMediaPlayerEqualizer

Definition at line 709 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerShuffle

enBTMediaPlayerShuffle { ... } ::enMediaPlayerShuffle

Definition at line 710 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerScan

enBTMediaPlayerScan { ... } ::enMediaPlayerScan

Definition at line 711 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerRepeat

enBTMediaPlayerRepeat { ... } ::enMediaPlayerRepeat

Definition at line 712 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ enMediaPlayerStatus

enBTMediaPlayerStatus { ... } ::enMediaPlayerStatus

Definition at line 713 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerBrowsable

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerBrowsable

Definition at line 714 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerSearchable

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerSearchable

Definition at line 715 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerConnected

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerConnected

Definition at line 716 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerPosition

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerPosition

Definition at line 717 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaTrackInfo [1/5]

stBTMediaTrackInfo { ... } ::m_mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 718 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerPath

char { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerPath[256]

Definition at line 719 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerName [1/3]

char { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerName[256]

Definition at line 720 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaFolderName

char { ... } ::m_mediaFolderName[256]

Definition at line 721 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ m_mediaFolderNumberOfItems

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaFolderNumberOfItems

Definition at line 722 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ @85

union { ... }

◆ pcMediaItemName

char _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::pcMediaItemName[256]

Definition at line 727 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pcMediaItemPath

char _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::pcMediaItemPath[256]

Definition at line 728 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ eMediaItemType

enBTMediaItemType _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::eMediaItemType

Definition at line 729 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ eMediaFolderType

enBTMediaFolderType _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::eMediaFolderType

Definition at line 730 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32BTMediaItemId

tBTMediaItemId _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::ui32BTMediaItemId

Definition at line 731 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui32NumberOfItems

unsigned int _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::ui32NumberOfItems

Definition at line 732 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ mediaTrackInfo

stBTMediaTrackInfo _stBTMediaBrowserUpdate::mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 733 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ descPath

char _stBTLeGattDesc::descPath[256]

Definition at line 739 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ descUuid

char _stBTLeGattDesc::descUuid[64]

Definition at line 740 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ descFlags

unsigned short _stBTLeGattDesc::descFlags

Definition at line 741 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ propertyValue

char _stBTLeGattDesc::propertyValue[ 256 *3]

Definition at line 742 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ charPath

char _stBTLeGattChar::charPath[256]

Definition at line 747 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ charUuid

char _stBTLeGattChar::charUuid[64]

Definition at line 748 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ atBTRGattDesc

stBTLeGattDesc _stBTLeGattChar::atBTRGattDesc[4]

Definition at line 749 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16NumberOfGattDesc

unsigned short _stBTLeGattChar::ui16NumberOfGattDesc

Definition at line 750 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ charFlags

unsigned short _stBTLeGattChar::charFlags

Definition at line 751 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ value

char _stBTLeGattChar::value[ 256 *3]

Definition at line 752 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ servicePath

char _stBTLeGattService::servicePath[256]

Definition at line 757 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ serviceUuid

char _stBTLeGattService::serviceUuid[64]

Definition at line 758 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ serviceType

unsigned char _stBTLeGattService::serviceType

Definition at line 759 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ astBTRGattChar

stBTLeGattChar _stBTLeGattService::astBTRGattChar[10]

Definition at line 760 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ui16NumberOfGattChar

unsigned short _stBTLeGattService::ui16NumberOfGattChar

Definition at line 761 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ astBTRGattService

stBTLeGattService _stBTLeGattInfo::astBTRGattService[4]

Definition at line 765 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ nNumGattServices

int _stBTLeGattInfo::nNumGattServices

Definition at line 766 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ManfID

unsigned short _stBTLeManfData::ManfID

Definition at line 771 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ lenManfData

unsigned int _stBTLeManfData::lenManfData

Definition at line 772 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ data [1/2]

unsigned char _stBTLeManfData::data[ 256 *3]

Definition at line 773 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.


char _stBTLeServData::UUID[256]

Definition at line 777 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ data [2/2]

uint8_t _stBTLeServData::data[ 256 *3]

Definition at line 778 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ pui8AdvertPath

char _stBTLeCustomAdv::pui8AdvertPath[256]

Definition at line 782 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ AdvertisementType

char _stBTLeCustomAdv::AdvertisementType[256]

Definition at line 783 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ServiceUUID

char _stBTLeCustomAdv::ServiceUUID[4][256]

Definition at line 784 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ numServiceUUID

int _stBTLeCustomAdv::numServiceUUID

Definition at line 785 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ SolicitUUID

char _stBTLeCustomAdv::SolicitUUID[4][256]

Definition at line 786 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ numSolicitUUID

int _stBTLeCustomAdv::numSolicitUUID

Definition at line 787 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ManfData

stBTLeManfData _stBTLeCustomAdv::ManfData

Definition at line 788 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ ServiceData

stBTLeServData _stBTLeCustomAdv::ServiceData

Definition at line 789 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ bTxPower

unsigned char _stBTLeCustomAdv::bTxPower

Definition at line 790 of file btrCore_bt_ifce.h.

◆ number_of_adapters [1/2]

unsigned char _stBTRCoreGetAdapters::number_of_adapters

Definition at line 258 of file btrCore.h.

◆ number_of_adapters [2/2]

unsigned char _stBTRCoreListAdapters::number_of_adapters

Definition at line 262 of file btrCore.h.

◆ adapter_path

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreListAdapters::adapter_path[4]

Definition at line 263 of file btrCore.h.

◆ adapterAddr

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreListAdapters::adapterAddr[4]

Definition at line 264 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bd_address

BD_ADDR _stBTRCoreFilterMode::bd_address

Definition at line 268 of file btrCore.h.

◆ service_name

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreFilterMode::service_name

Definition at line 269 of file btrCore.h.

◆ uuid [1/3]

UUID _stBTRCoreFilterMode::uuid

Definition at line 270 of file btrCore.h.

◆ deviceId [1/2]

tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceId

Definition at line 274 of file btrCore.h.

◆ deviceName [1/2]

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceName

Definition at line 275 of file btrCore.h.

◆ deviceAddress

char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::deviceAddress[256]

Definition at line 276 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDeviceType

enBTRCoreDeviceType _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceType

Definition at line 277 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDeviceClass [1/2]

enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceClass

Definition at line 278 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDevicePrevState

enBTRCoreDeviceState _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDevicePrevState

Definition at line 279 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDeviceCurrState

enBTRCoreDeviceState _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eDeviceCurrState

Definition at line 280 of file btrCore.h.

◆ isPaired

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::isPaired

Definition at line 281 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevClassBtSpec [1/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::ui32DevClassBtSpec

Definition at line 282 of file btrCore.h.

◆ uuid [2/3]

char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::uuid[ 64]

Definition at line 283 of file btrCore.h.

◆ devOpResponse

char _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::devOpResponse[ 256 *3]

Definition at line 284 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eCoreLeProp

enBTRCoreLeProp _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eCoreLeProp

Definition at line 285 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eCoreLeOper

enBTRCoreLeOp _stBTRCoreDevStatusCBInfo::eCoreLeOper

Definition at line 286 of file btrCore.h.

◆ uuid_value [2/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreSupportedService::uuid_value

Definition at line 290 of file btrCore.h.

◆ profile_name [2/2]

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreSupportedService::profile_name

Definition at line 291 of file btrCore.h.

◆ numberOfService [2/2]

int _stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList::numberOfService

Definition at line 295 of file btrCore.h.

◆ profile [2/2]

stBTRCoreSupportedService _stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList::profile[32]

Definition at line 296 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcUUIDs [2/2]

char _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::pcUUIDs[ 64]

Definition at line 300 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcData [2/2]

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::pcData[32]

Definition at line 300 of file btrCore.h.

◆ len [2/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAdServiceData::len

Definition at line 302 of file btrCore.h.

◆ adapter_number

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAdapter::adapter_number

Definition at line 307 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcAdapterPath

char* _stBTRCoreAdapter::pcAdapterPath

Definition at line 308 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcAdapterDevName

char* _stBTRCoreAdapter::pcAdapterDevName

Definition at line 309 of file btrCore.h.

◆ enable

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::enable

Definition at line 310 of file btrCore.h.

◆ discoverable

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::discoverable

Definition at line 311 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bFirstAvailable

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::bFirstAvailable

Definition at line 312 of file btrCore.h.

◆ DiscoverableTimeout

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAdapter::DiscoverableTimeout

Definition at line 313 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bDiscovering [2/2]

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreAdapter::bDiscovering

Definition at line 314 of file btrCore.h.

◆ tDeviceId

tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreBTDevice::tDeviceId

Definition at line 319 of file btrCore.h.

◆ enDeviceType

enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreBTDevice::enDeviceType

Definition at line 320 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bFound

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreBTDevice::bFound

Definition at line 321 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bDeviceConnected

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreBTDevice::bDeviceConnected

Definition at line 322 of file btrCore.h.

◆ i32RSSI [2/2]

int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::i32RSSI

Definition at line 323 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32VendorId

unsigned int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::ui32VendorId

Definition at line 324 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevClassBtSpec [2/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreBTDevice::ui32DevClassBtSpec

Definition at line 325 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcDeviceName

char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDeviceName[ 64 - 1+1]

Definition at line 326 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcDeviceAddress

char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDeviceAddress[ 64 - 1+1]

Definition at line 327 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcDevicePath [2/2]

char _stBTRCoreBTDevice::pcDevicePath[ 64 - 1+1]

Definition at line 328 of file btrCore.h.

◆ stDeviceProfile

stBTRCoreSupportedServiceList _stBTRCoreBTDevice::stDeviceProfile

Definition at line 329 of file btrCore.h.

◆ stAdServiceData

stBTRCoreAdServiceData _stBTRCoreBTDevice::stAdServiceData[32]

Definition at line 330 of file btrCore.h.

◆ numberOfDevices [2/3]

int _stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount::numberOfDevices

Definition at line 334 of file btrCore.h.

◆ devices [1/2]

stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreScannedDevicesCount::devices[64]

Definition at line 335 of file btrCore.h.

◆ numberOfDevices [3/3]

int _stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount::numberOfDevices

Definition at line 339 of file btrCore.h.

◆ devices [2/2]

stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCorePairedDevicesCount::devices[64]

Definition at line 340 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32devPassKey

unsigned int _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::ui32devPassKey

Definition at line 344 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ucIsReqConfirmation

unsigned char _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::ucIsReqConfirmation

Definition at line 345 of file btrCore.h.

◆ cConnAuthDeviceName

char _stBTRCoreConnCBInfo::cConnAuthDeviceName[64]

Definition at line 346 of file btrCore.h.

◆ stFoundDevice

stBTRCoreBTDevice { ... } ::stFoundDevice

Definition at line 348 of file btrCore.h.

◆ stKnownDevice

stBTRCoreBTDevice { ... } ::stKnownDevice

Definition at line 349 of file btrCore.h.

◆ @87

union { ... }

◆ eDevMAChan [1/3]

eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::eDevMAChan

Definition at line 354 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevMSFreq [1/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::ui32DevMSFreq

Definition at line 355 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevMSFmt

unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaPcmInfo::ui32DevMSFmt

Definition at line 356 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDevMAChan [2/3]

eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::eDevMAChan

Definition at line 360 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevMSFreq [2/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui32DevMSFreq

Definition at line 361 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMSbcAllocMethod

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcAllocMethod

Definition at line 362 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMSbcSubbands

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcSubbands

Definition at line 363 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMSbcBlockLength

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcBlockLength

Definition at line 364 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMSbcMinBitpool

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcMinBitpool

Definition at line 365 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMSbcMaxBitpool

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui8DevMSbcMaxBitpool

Definition at line 366 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui16DevMSbcFrameLen

unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui16DevMSbcFrameLen

Definition at line 367 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui16DevMSbcBitrate

unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaSbcInfo::ui16DevMSbcBitrate

Definition at line 368 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDevMAChan [3/3]

eBTRCoreDevMediaAChan _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::eDevMAChan

Definition at line 372 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32DevMSFreq [3/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui32DevMSFreq

Definition at line 373 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMMpegCrc

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegCrc

Definition at line 374 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMMpegLayer

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegLayer

Definition at line 375 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMMpegMpf

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegMpf

Definition at line 376 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui8DevMMpegRfa

unsigned char _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui8DevMMpegRfa

Definition at line 377 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui16DevMMpegFrameLen

unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui16DevMMpegFrameLen

Definition at line 378 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui16DevMMpegBitrate

unsigned short _stBTRCoreDevMediaMpegInfo::ui16DevMMpegBitrate

Definition at line 379 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eBtrCoreDevMType

eBTRCoreDevMediaType _stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo::eBtrCoreDevMType

Definition at line 383 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pstBtrCoreDevMCodecInfo

void* _stBTRCoreDevMediaInfo::pstBtrCoreDevMCodecInfo

Definition at line 384 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcAlbum [2/3]

char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum[256]

Definition at line 388 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcGenre [2/3]

char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre[256]

Definition at line 389 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcTitle [2/3]

char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle[256]

Definition at line 390 of file btrCore.h.

◆ pcArtist [2/3]

char _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist[256]

Definition at line 391 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32TrackNumber [2/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber

Definition at line 392 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32Duration [2/5]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration

Definition at line 393 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32NumberOfTracks [2/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks

Definition at line 394 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32Duration [3/5]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo::ui32Duration

Definition at line 398 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32Position [1/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo::ui32Position

Definition at line 399 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eAVMedElementType

eBTRCoreMedElementType _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::eAVMedElementType

Definition at line 403 of file btrCore.h.

◆ ui32MediaElementId

tBTRCoreMediaElementId _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::ui32MediaElementId

Definition at line 404 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bIsPlayable [1/2]

unsigned char _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::bIsPlayable

Definition at line 405 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaElementName [1/2]

char _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::m_mediaElementName[256]

Definition at line 406 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaTrackInfo [2/5]

stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo::m_mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 407 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_numOfElements [1/2]

unsigned short _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList::m_numOfElements

Definition at line 411 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaElementInfo [1/4]

stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreMediaElementInfoList::m_mediaElementInfo[64]

Definition at line 412 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eBTMediaStUpdate

eBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::eBTMediaStUpdate

Definition at line 416 of file btrCore.h.

◆ bIsMediaCtrlAvailable

BOOLEAN _stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate::bIsMediaCtrlAvailable

Definition at line 417 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaTrackInfo [3/5]

stBTRCoreMediaTrackInfo { ... } ::m_mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 420 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaPositionInfo [1/2]

stBTRCoreMediaPositionInfo { ... } ::m_mediaPositionInfo

Definition at line 421 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaElementInfo [2/4]

stBTRCoreMediaElementInfo { ... } ::m_mediaElementInfo

Definition at line 422 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerName [2/3]

char { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerName[256]

Definition at line 423 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerVolume

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerVolume

Definition at line 424 of file btrCore.h.

◆ @89

union { ... }

◆ deviceId [2/2]

tBTRCoreDevId _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::deviceId

Definition at line 429 of file btrCore.h.

◆ deviceName [2/2]

BD_NAME _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::deviceName

Definition at line 430 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eDeviceClass [2/2]

enBTRCoreDeviceClass _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::eDeviceClass

Definition at line 431 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaStatusUpdate

stBTRCoreMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreMediaStatusCBInfo::m_mediaStatusUpdate

Definition at line 433 of file btrCore.h.

◆ m_mediaAbsoluteVolume

unsigned char _stBTRCoreMediaCtData::m_mediaAbsoluteVolume

Definition at line 437 of file btrCore.h.

◆ flags

unsigned short _stBTRCoreUUID::flags

Definition at line 450 of file btrCore.h.

◆ uuid [3/3]

char _stBTRCoreUUID::uuid[ 64]

Definition at line 451 of file btrCore.h.

◆ numberOfUUID

unsigned char _stBTRCoreUUIDList::numberOfUUID

Definition at line 455 of file btrCore.h.

◆ uuidList

stBTRCoreUUID _stBTRCoreUUIDList::uuidList[32]

Definition at line 456 of file btrCore.h.

◆ type

enBTRCoreOpType _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::type

Definition at line 460 of file btrCore.h.

◆ adapter

stBTRCoreAdapter _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::adapter

Definition at line 461 of file btrCore.h.

◆ device

stBTRCoreBTDevice _stBTRCoreDiscoveryCBInfo::device

Definition at line 462 of file btrCore.h.

◆ eAVMAChan [1/3]

eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::eAVMAChan

Definition at line 133 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMAChan [1/3]

unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMAChan

Definition at line 134 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMSFreq [1/3]

unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMSFreq

Definition at line 135 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMSFmt

unsigned int _stBTRMgrAVMediaPcmInfo::ui32AVMSFmt

Definition at line 136 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eAVMAChan [2/3]

eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::eAVMAChan

Definition at line 140 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMAChan [2/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui32AVMAChan

Definition at line 141 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMSFreq [2/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui32AVMSFreq

Definition at line 142 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMSbcAllocMethod

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcAllocMethod

Definition at line 143 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMSbcSubbands

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcSubbands

Definition at line 144 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMSbcBlockLength

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcBlockLength

Definition at line 145 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMSbcMinBitpool

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcMinBitpool

Definition at line 146 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMSbcMaxBitpool

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui8AVMSbcMaxBitpool

Definition at line 147 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui16AVMSbcFrameLen

unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui16AVMSbcFrameLen

Definition at line 148 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui16AVMSbcBitrate

unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaSbcInfo::ui16AVMSbcBitrate

Definition at line 149 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eAVMAChan [3/3]

eBTRCoreAVMAChan _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::eAVMAChan

Definition at line 153 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMAChan [3/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui32AVMAChan

Definition at line 154 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMSFreq [3/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui32AVMSFreq

Definition at line 155 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegCrc

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegCrc

Definition at line 156 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegVersion

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegVersion

Definition at line 157 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegLayer

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegLayer

Definition at line 158 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegType

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegType

Definition at line 159 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegMpf

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegMpf

Definition at line 160 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui8AVMMpegRfa

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui8AVMMpegRfa

Definition at line 161 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui16AVMMpegFrameLen

unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui16AVMMpegFrameLen

Definition at line 162 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui16AVMMpegBitrate

unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaMpegInfo::ui16AVMMpegBitrate

Definition at line 163 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eBtrCoreAVMType

eBTRCoreAVMType _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::eBtrCoreAVMType

Definition at line 167 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eBtrCoreAVMFlow

eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::eBtrCoreAVMFlow

Definition at line 168 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ pstBtrCoreAVMCodecInfo

void* _stBTRCoreAVMediaInfo::pstBtrCoreAVMCodecInfo

Definition at line 169 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ pcAlbum [3/3]

char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcAlbum[256]

Definition at line 173 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ pcGenre [3/3]

char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcGenre[256]

Definition at line 174 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ pcTitle [3/3]

char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcTitle[256]

Definition at line 175 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ pcArtist [3/3]

char _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::pcArtist[256]

Definition at line 176 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32TrackNumber [3/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32TrackNumber

Definition at line 177 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32Duration [4/5]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32Duration

Definition at line 178 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32NumberOfTracks [3/3]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo::ui32NumberOfTracks

Definition at line 179 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32Duration [5/5]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo::ui32Duration

Definition at line 183 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32Position [2/2]

unsigned int _stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo::ui32Position

Definition at line 184 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eAVMElementType

eBTRCoreAVMElementType _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::eAVMElementType

Definition at line 188 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ ui32AVMediaElementId

tBTRCoreAVMediaElementId _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::ui32AVMediaElementId

Definition at line 189 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ bIsPlayable [2/2]

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::bIsPlayable

Definition at line 190 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaElementName [2/2]

char _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::m_mediaElementName[256]

Definition at line 191 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaTrackInfo [4/5]

stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo::m_mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 192 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_numOfElements [2/2]

unsigned short _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList::m_numOfElements

Definition at line 196 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaElementInfo [3/4]

stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo _stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfoList::m_mediaElementInfo[64]

Definition at line 197 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eAVMediaState

eBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::eAVMediaState

Definition at line 201 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ eAVMediaDataFlow

eBTRCoreAVMediaFlow _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::eAVMediaDataFlow

Definition at line 202 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ bIsAVMediaCtrlAvail

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaStatusUpdate::bIsAVMediaCtrlAvail

Definition at line 203 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaTrackInfo [5/5]

stBTRCoreAVMediaTrackInfo { ... } ::m_mediaTrackInfo

Definition at line 206 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaPositionInfo [2/2]

stBTRCoreAVMediaPositionInfo { ... } ::m_mediaPositionInfo

Definition at line 207 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaElementInfo [4/4]

stBTRCoreAVMediaElementInfo { ... } ::m_mediaElementInfo

Definition at line 208 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerName [3/3]

char { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerName[256]

Definition at line 209 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ m_mediaPlayerTransportVolume

unsigned { ... } ::m_mediaPlayerTransportVolume

Definition at line 210 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ @91

union { ... }

◆ m_mediaAbsTransportVolume

unsigned char _stBTRCoreAVMediaCtData::m_mediaAbsTransportVolume

Definition at line 216 of file btrCore_avMedia.h.

◆ enLeOper

enBTRCoreLEGattOp _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::enLeOper

Definition at line 75 of file btrCore_le.h.

◆ enLeProp

enBTRCoreLEGattProp _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::enLeProp

Definition at line 76 of file btrCore_le.h.

◆ pui8Uuid

char* _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::pui8Uuid

Definition at line 77 of file btrCore_le.h.

◆ pui8Value

char* _stBTRCoreLeGattInfo::pui8Value

Definition at line 78 of file btrCore_le.h.