RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
xdevice.h File Reference

The header file provides xcal devices APIs. More...

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ConfSettings
struct  _IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t
struct  _routeEventData_t
struct  _IARM_Bus_RouteSrvMgr_RouteData_Param_t


#define MAX_DEBUG_MESSAGE   50
#define BOOL   unsigned char
#define IARM_BUS_FOG_getCurrentState   "getCurrentState"
#define IARM_BUS_NETSRVMGR_Route_Event   "sendCurrentRouteData"
#define IARM_BUS_ROUTE_MGR_API_getCurrentRouteData   "getCurrentRouteData"


typedef void(* xupnpEventCallback) (const char *, const char *)
typedef struct _IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t IARM_Bus_Fog_Param_t
typedef struct _routeEventData_t routeEventData_t
typedef struct _IARM_Bus_RouteSrvMgr_RouteData_Param_t IARM_Bus_RouteSrvMgr_RouteData_Param_t
typedef enum _NetworkManager_Route_EventId_t IARM_Bus_NetworkManager_Route_EventId_t


enum  FOG_EventId_t
enum  _NetworkManager_Route_EventId_t


xmlDoc * open_document (const char *file_name)
 Supporting function for reading the XML file. More...
int set_content (xmlDoc *doc, const char *node_name, const char *new_value)
 This function is used to set new value to the given node from the xml file. More...
char * get_content (xmlDoc *doc, const char *node_name)
 This function is used to get the value of the node from the xml file. More...
gboolean getdnsconfig (void)
 This function is used to get the DNS value from DNS mask configuration file. More...
unsigned long getidfromdiagfile (const gchar *diagparam, const gchar *diagfilecontents)
 This function is used to get the system Id information from the diagnostic file. More...
gboolean updatesystemids (void)
 This function is used to update the system Ids such as channelMapId, controllerId, plantId and vodServerId. More...
gboolean gettimezone (void)
 This function is used to get the time zone. It gets the time zone information from the device configuration. More...
gboolean getserialnum (GString *serial_num)
 This function is used to get the serial number of the device from the vendor specific file. More...
gboolean getetchosts (void)
 This function is used to get the hosts IP information from hosts configuration file "/etc/hosts". More...
gboolean readconfile (const char *)
gboolean updateuuid (const char *, const char *, const char *)
gboolean getruiurl (void)
 This function is used to get the RUI(Remote user interface) Url. It uses xdevice.conf file to get the RUI Url. If the xdevice.conf file is not present then create the the RUI url string. More...
void notify_value_change (const char *, const char *)
 A generic function to notify all the clients whenever there is a change found in the service variable values. More...
void notify_value_change_int (const char *, int)
 Generic function to notify the change in the node value which are of integers type from the XML service file. More...
gboolean is_alphanum (const gchar *str)
 Supporting function for checking the given string is alphanumeric. More...
gchar * getmacaddress (const gchar *if_name)
 This function is used to get the mac address of the target device. More...
gboolean readDevFile (const char *)
 This function is used to get partner ID. More...
GString * getID (const gchar *)
 This function is used to get the Receiver Id & Partner Id. More...
int getipaddress (const char *ifname, char *ipAddressBuffer, gboolean ipv6Enabled)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
gboolean getipv6prefix (void)
 This function is used to retrieve the IPv6 prefix information from dibblers file. More...
gboolean getdevicename (void)
 This function is used to get the device name from /devicename/devicename file. More...
GString * get_eSTBMAC (void)
 This function is used to get the MAC address of the eSTB. It uses global hostmacaddress GString to get the address value. More...
void notify_timezone (void)
 Generic function to notify the change in the time zone.
gboolean getFogStatus (void)
void getRouteData (void)
unsigned char getBaseUrl (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getTrmUrl (char *outValue)
unsigned char getTuneReady ()
unsigned char getPlaybackUrl (char *outValue)
unsigned char getGatewayIp (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getGatewayIpv6 (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getGatewayStbIp (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getIpv6Prefix (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getHostMacAddress (char *outValue)
unsigned char getRecvDevType (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getDeviceType (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getBuildVersion (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDnsConfig (char *outValue)
unsigned char getSystemsIds (char *outValue)
unsigned char getRouteDataGateway (char *outValue)
unsigned char getIpSubnet (char *outValue)
unsigned char getIsuseGliDiagEnabled ()
unsigned char getTimeZone (char *outValue)
unsigned char getRawOffSet (int *outValue)
unsigned char getDstSavings (int *outValue)
unsigned char getUsesDayLightTime (unsigned char *outValue)
unsigned char getDeviceName (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getDstOffset (int *outValue)
unsigned char getHosts (char *outValue)
unsigned char getIsGateway (unsigned char *outValue)
unsigned char getRequiresTRM (unsigned char *outValue)
unsigned char getRUIUrl (char *outValue)
unsigned char getModelNumber (char *outValue)
unsigned char getMake (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevXmlPath (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevXmlFile (char *outValue, int refactor)
unsigned char getUUID (char *outValue)
unsigned char getBcastPort (int *outValue)
unsigned char getSerialNum (char *outValue)
unsigned char getBcastIf (char *outValue)
unsigned char getBcastMacAddress (char *outValue)
 This function is used to get the IP address based on IPv6 or IPv4 is enabled. More...
unsigned char getAccountId (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevCertFile (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevCertPath (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevKeyFile (char *outValue)
unsigned char getDevKeyPath (char *outValue)
unsigned char getReceiverId (char *outValue)
void xupnpEventCallback_register (xupnpEventCallback callback_proc)
unsigned char xdeviceInit (char *devConfFile, char *devLogFile)
int check_rfc ()
unsigned char getDisableTuneReadyStatus ()
unsigned char checkCVP2Enabled ()
unsigned char getCVPIf (char *outValue)
unsigned char getCVPXmlFile (char *outValue)
unsigned char getCVPPort (int *outValue)


GString * url
GString * trmurl
GString * playbackurl
GString * gwyip
GString * gwyipv6
GString * dnsconfig
GString * systemids
GString * serial_num
GString * lan_ip
GString * recv_id
GString * partner_id
GString * hostmacaddress
GString * devicetype
GString * recvdevtype
GString * buildversion
GString * ipv6prefix
GString * gwystbip
GString * bcastmacaddress
GString * devicename
GString * mocaIface
GString * wifiIface
GString * dataGatewayIPaddress
GString * trmurlCVP2
GString * playbackurlCVP2
GString * gwyipCVP2
unsigned long channelmap_id
unsigned long dac_id
unsigned long plant_id
unsigned long vodserver_id
GString * dsgtimezone
GString * etchosts
GUPnPRootDevice * dev
GUPnPRootDevice * cvpdev
GUPnPRootDevice * baseDev
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpService
GUPnPServiceInfo * cvpservice
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpIdService
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpMediaConfService
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpTimeConf
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpGatewayConf
GUPnPServiceInfo * upnpQamConf
GUPnPContext * upnpContext
GUPnPContext * cvpcontext
GUPnPContext * upnpContextDeviceProtect
gboolean isgateway
gboolean tune_ready
gboolean service_ready
gboolean requirestrm
gboolean usesDaylightTime
gint dstOffset
gint rawOffset
gint dstSavings
GString * ruiurl
GString * inDevProfile
GString * uiFilter
FILE * logoutfile


The header file provides xcal devices APIs.

Definition in file xdevice.h.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ _IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t

struct _IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t

Definition at line 97 of file xdevice-library.h.

Collaboration diagram for _IARM_Bus_FOG_Param_t:
Collaboration graph
Data Fields
bool status
int fogVersion
char tsbEndpoint[33]
bool bIPDVRSupported

Macro Definition Documentation



Method to Get the Xdevice Info

Definition at line 41 of file xdevice.h.