RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
56 std::vector<StreamInfo*> StreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS::GetAvailableVideoTracks(
void) { std::vector<StreamInfo*> temp;
return temp; }
Media output format.
Structure holding the information of a stream.
void ChangeMuxedAudioTrackIndex(std::string &index) override
Change muxed audio track index.
This file handles HLS Streaming functionality for AAMP player
AAMPStatusType Init(TuneType tuneType) override
Function to initialize member variables,download main manifest and parse.
double GetBufferedDuration() override
Function to get the buffer duration of stream.
void SeekPosUpdate(double secondsRelativeToTuneTime) override
Function to update seek position.
void StartInjection(void) override
starts fragment injection
void Start() override
Function to start track initiaziation.
StreamInfo * GetStreamInfo(int idx) override
Get stream information of a profile from subclass.
void StartSubtitleParser() override
Signal start of subtitle renderering - should be sent at start of video presentation.
StreamAbstraction class of AAMP.
void GetStreamFormat(StreamOutputFormat &primaryOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &audioOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &auxOutputFormat, StreamOutputFormat &subOutputFormat) override
Get output format of stream.
void Stop(bool clearChannelData) override
Function to stop the HLS streaming Function to handle stop processing of all tracks within stream.
void DumpProfiles(void) override
Function to log all debug information on Stream/Media information.
Media Track Types.
void PauseSubtitleParser(bool pause) override
Set subtitle pause state.
bool SetThumbnailTrack(int) override
Function to set thumbnail track for processing.
int GetBWIndex(long bitrate) override
Function to get bandwidth index corresponding to bitrate.
StreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS(AampLogManager *logObj, class PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, double seekpos, float rate)
Constructor function.
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world.
std::vector< StreamInfo * > GetAvailableThumbnailTracks(void) override
Function to get available thumbnail tracks.
double GetFirstPTS() override
Function to return first PTS.
AAMP Function return values.
void StopInjection(void) override
Function to stop fragment injection.
std::vector< long > GetVideoBitrates(void) override
Get available video bitrates.
std::vector< long > GetAudioBitrates(void) override
Function to get available audio bitrates.
std::vector< ThumbnailData > GetThumbnailRangeData(double, double, std::string *, int *, int *, int *, int *) override
Function to fetch the thumbnail data.
virtual bool Is4KStream(int &height, long &bandwidth) override
Check whether stream is 4K stream or not.
void NotifyFirstVideoPTS(unsigned long long pts, unsigned long timeScale) override
Function to notify first video pts value from tsprocessor/demux Kept public as its called from outsid...
MediaTrack * GetMediaTrack(TrackType type) override
Function to get Media information for track type.
Destructor function for StreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS.