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This page represents the status of all open pull requests on CMFgithub/rdkcentral



RDK Central PR Status Dashboard (3)

CMF RDKCentral ProjectRepo TypePull RequestPR SummaryAuthorBranchPR State
API-Test-Builder3TDK-6928: Test Generator Developmentmainopen
BATManager1Add files via uploadmainopen
BundleGen23Use by default libraries from imagemasteropen
CreatedUpdatedOverall StatusTotal Num Status ChecksCLA SignedBDCS
RdkGponManager 🔓 7RDKBDEV-2732 : Align with Community Proposed DMs in GponManager.sanjaynayakkmainopen2024-08-122024-08-12 19:37:483
RdkGponManager 🔓 8RDKBDEV-2856 : Removed hardcoding of GponManager DM index to 1.sanjaynayakkmainopen2024-08-272024-08-28 12:24:243
RdkGponManager 🔓 9RDKBDEV-2857 : Fix the error observed in rdklogs of GponManager.sanjaynayakkmainopen2024-08-272024-08-28 12:20:323BundleGen55Use by Jesusmasteropen