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This page represents the status of all open pull requests on CMFgithub/rdkcentral



RDK Central PR Status Dashboard (3)

RDKCentral ProjectRepo TypePull RequestPR SummaryAuthorBranchPR StateCreatedUpdatedOverall StatusTotal Num Status ChecksCLA SignedBDCS
RdkGponManager 🔓 7RDKBDEV-2732 : Align with Community Proposed DMs in GponManager.sanjaynayakkmainrialto-gstreamer127Process audio gap params changed and I am testingskywojciechowskimmasteropen2024-08-13T12:08:14Z122024-08-15T1312 19:41:00Zrialto-ocdm56Decrypt buffer flag removedskywojciechowskim37:483
RdkGponManager 🔓 8RDKBDEV-2856 : Removed hardcoding of GponManager DM index to 1.sanjaynayakkmainmasteropen2024-07-16T12:07:51Z08-272024-08-07T1628 12:54:15Z24:243
RdkGponManager 🔓 9RDKBDEV-2857 : Fix the error observed in rdklogs of GponManager.sanjaynayakkmainopen2024-08-272024-08-28 12:20:323rtRemote6DELIA-53579 : tr69hostif crash with "nn_err_abort"drajas861releaseopen2022-05-25T09:53:19Z2022-05-25T09:53:28Z