Versions Compared


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Cognizant ItemsCognizant
  • Login attempts - 9797 Done - 5 Login attempts will lock out a user for 30 minutes. - Okay to have static message for confluence. For Gerrit email of user looks like the best option.
  • GitHub migration will need an estimate of work from Cognizant to get GitHub user a/c / email information from users and store in LDAP database. This will be required to map Gerrit user accounts to GitHub ones and for inviting folks to the organisation. This will not be required before May as the proposal is going to Comcast on week of 23 April.


RDKM New InitiativesCMF
  1. BRCM Collaboration Zone  CODEMGMT-429CODEMGMT-599
  2. GitHub hosting CODEMGMT-500
  3. Host binaries on CMF  CODEMGMT-522
  4. Support LGI Upstream CODEMGMT-529
  5. Migration to Morty in CMF  CODEMGMT-543
  6. Intel Security Reqs. CODEMGMT-558
  7. Host and support RNE CODEMGMT-570
  8. Host mirrors of OSS tarballs CODEMGMT-523
  9. Host Yocto SDKs for R-Pi CODEMGMT-524
  10. Cougar Board support CODEMGMT-571
  11. Host Arris XG1 platform in CMF  CODEMGMT-547
  12. Coding Standards Validation CODEMGMT-591
  13. Secrets files CODEMGMT-602


  1. BRCM Collaboration Zone Status: Progressing Action:   Jason to further update policy on collaboration zones. Request for CMF to also host BRCM SDK as per Comcast Gerrit- requested urls in order to analyse impact. Need to host 3 versions , Comcast, LGI and Comcast-LGI. Glee working with Rajender to get clarity on the urls for full SDK tree for each version. Request from LGI for branch to allow them push of their gstreamer modifications - in progress.
  2. GitHub Hosting Status: Progressing Action: Steve provided slides on alternative of CMF team detecting pull requests and pushing them to Gerrit. Additional updates on considerations of this approach added to the slides and follow up meetings held on Thursday 5th April and Monday April 9th (with Khem). Next meeting scheduled with JR for 24th April.
  3. Hosting Binaries  Status: Progressing  Action: Binary hosting requirements same as Comcast provide - no need to update policy. CMF team to consider allocating some time each week to at least look at for shortcomings to flag to Comcast for process improvement. PHP license issue already raised. AUTOREV implication to be raised. Kieran emailed Khem on AUTOREV issue (investigating locked-signatures). Wait for Robs return before decision on making binaries available
  4. LGI Upstream Status: Progressing Action: Progress this week. All of Jim's updates for LGI No Pod that were merged have now been reverted in Comcast due to build-framework issue on RNG build! Simon to email squashed NO_POD commits to email list so Sujeesh can determine what to do for RNG. (Sujeesh on vacation for 3 weeks - Anil looking or someone to stand in).
  5. Migration to Morty Status: Progressing  Action: CMF Morty builds for R-Pi all working now. Tata port of TDK to Morty using CMF builds released M57. Work under way in CMF to create engineering builds for RPi video for test - M57 Emulator & R-Pi B were not Morty tested yet.
  6. Intel Security Requirement Status: Progressing Action: Kieran provided slides to Rob on static code analysis after call on 26th March. Rob discussed with Jim Crammond who raised concerns on security of JIRA access. Slides shared with Jason. Kieran to provide CR. Proposed POC to determine real issues / false positives / rate / usefulness to be basis for CR. With Ian.
  7. Host RNE on CMF Status: Progressing Action: Comcast to provide binaries and licensing documentation to RDKM for hosting on Wiki. Ajith to discuss using CMF as master for OE mirrors - however Kanan is struggling with deadlines ( 16th April release).( Currently merging oe changes and Comcast changes in Comcast). Steve provided Forge rights to Pavan. Ajith to check if RNE SDK build generates license manifest.
  8. Hosting tarballs Status: On Hold Action: CR Will be addressed after GitHub migration CR.
  9. Hosting SDK Status: On Hold    Action: CR Will be addressed after GitHub migration CR.
  10. Cougar Board support. Status: On Hold CR Will be addressed after GitHub migration CR.
  11. Arris XG1 platform Status: On Hold   Action: CR Will be addressed after GitHub migration CR.
  12. Coding standards validation - current code base of 2M LOC would produce hundreds of thousands of issues & warnings (one small RDKB component produced thousands of warnings). Would need a POC to determine the size of the effort required. Would need coding standards document to determine configuration settings.
  13. Secrets Files scanning - Khem clarified what is wanted is similar to what we currently do with Blackduck - e.g. to add it to the process flow as a Jenkins job.

CMF As Master CMF
  • Contribution backlog, to be reviewed/merged by Comcast 50 42 3536 RDKB Upstream Backlog 16 16 21 14
  • RDKB components still to have auto sync disabled: rdkbemu/ccsp/rdkb,  /rdkbemu/rdkbemu_xb3 will be looked at at a later stage. 
  • RDKV migration discussed with Rama. On hold for now. Mediaframework auto-sync re-enabled - back in sync.

  • Ajith to manage downstreamed items. Khem agreed to look to merge those that pass builds.
  • LGI Fork more important than removing the auto sync for other components. Glee discussing moving rdk-oe to 'CMF as master' with Sandeep.
  • Khem indicated progress would only happen once component owners are identified in Comcast. Confluence page of component owners in place - downstream email updated.
  • Kieran setup weekly call with Ajith/Jim to discuss upstream/downstream issues.
  • 16 contributions continue to have build issues - Ajith plans to get through contributions with build issues over next 8 weeks.Support team will work on these. Multi-Lan changes under review - building on 5/8 platforms Multilan contributions being worked - one more issue on xb6 - discussing with Intel.
  • Applying patches approach will take some time to fix (Ajith estimate - at least one year down the road.)
  • Ajith to update ticket with details on LNT request for builds in CMF with parameter for boot set.
  • RDKM to discuss with Labeeb - first week of April.
  • Suggest regular call with Anoop to work through upstream backlog and identify exceptions.
  • Glee requested monthly call with Anoop re upstream exclusions.
  • Labeeb / Khem / Kiran are the people who can help get the downstream working smoothly.
  • Steve to consider how best to add aging data into downstream email (maybe age of oldest item per component owner to be highlighted)
  • MultiLan builds working - now testing.
  • RDKCMF-8135 - meta_rtlwifi - should this be hosted in CMF? Ajith to double check if the shallow clone can be turned off in Comcast for oe?
  • Labeeb meeting not scheduled yet.
  • MultiLan - caused regression on XB6, cannot be merged - Intel debugging.
  • Kehm approved hosting of meta_rtlwifi if it solves the problem for Comcast, however this would not solve the BLDK issue as the recipes are not licensed. - Ajith following up on rational for shallow clone in Comcast.
  • When contributors abandon commits in CMF - we would propose to also abandon the downstream commit as it is not longer tracked/reported in CMF. Will someone discuss the self imposed 2 week limit with Andre?
  • WebUI and Utopia well out of sync.
  • Kieran to setup kick-off call with Anoop for next Wednesday at 8:30 Est
  • Jason to schedule meeting with Labeeb.
  • Multilan - Intel not able to produce issue on latest image - Ajith targeting 11th April to investigate that now that issue with CA build is resolved.
  • Kieran to email Khem on why hosting in CMF will not resolve problem with meta_rrlwifi. Ajith to folow up on shallow cloning for this repo.
  • No need to abandon downstreams in Comcast if they are valid contributions (though noone is looking at them). Khem already discused contribution process with Andre / Kevin Ross, no further discussion necessary at this time.

Call setup with Anoop for Thursday 19th April 8:30 EST.

Emailied Khem on rtlwifi - licensing issues yet to be resolved.

Downstream build failures at 16. MultiLan all done and merged. All reverted subsequently! Khem to escalate within comcast.

Ajith to follow up on shallow cloning question. (after dealing with Playready code sharing with Liberty with compliance team)

Ajith to follow up with Rajkumar regarding using CMF as master for emulator - should have since Jan 1st.



Open CMF Items

  • BlackDuck: 24 22 22 21 RDK-V BlackDuck Tickets (BLDK) open.  Plus 40 40 39 36 assigned to RDKM only
  • Test: Overall pass rates for last iteration: 86% 94% 88% (Platform)  87% 82% 83% (Emulator XPUNP & Servicemanager issues)) 

  • CA APIs - Ajith contacting Espial to discuss the status of their APIs (Cisco no longer part of this - Espial / Comcast / Charter / Liberty still interested). RDKM to review working group to get Open CA APIs implemented.CA Items with Sujeesh and Anil to review and merge - taking a long time. Ajith to take up CA APIs on Monday call. Sujeesh needs more testing on CA changes

  • Glee would like to see Xi3 reference platform being phased out and replaced by R-Pi as part of 2018 goal
  • Had to revert one change - MOCA2.0 change as it causes many regresions on XG1v3. (RDK-19427 & BCOM-2331) . Need to get Roadmap of changes such as Moca 2.0 in advance. Rob to ask Steve Allison to see if confluence page on upcoming features can be shared.
  • No Pod fix merged - platform builds now work without Podmanger restricted code. Jim's changes to make ENABLE_POD_MANAGER updated - all builds passing now.
  • All TRM tests failing on XG1 (TDK-525)
  • Technicolor letter Lisabell reviewing after Intel hosting agreement - will go back to Technicolor with some mods. Then To Cisco. Lisabell completed rview of Technicolor letter and has followup questions. Lisabell discussions ongoing re Technicolor.
  • Sandeep suggested Khem input is needed for other meta_rdk layers - user story to be created. Housekeeping needs to be done in comcast first as meta_rdk_broadband is not on stable yet. Driver for this work to be clarified.
  • Rob provided clarification that 2 mibs with Seachange authors were Comcast owned prior to assignement to RDKM
  • Khem looking for data regarding numbers of recipes in different layers - all such information in BD tickets opened by Dave.
  • Rob to follow up with Lisabell
  • Releases on track for this week. TRM tests still failing.
  • Rob sent Lisabells updates to Technicolor but email bounced - followed up with alternative contact but no response. Rob to chase.
  • Ajith will be able to provide feature list by Friday 6th April. (currently separating out genric features for cpc features.)
  • Quarterly Release made.
  • Friday 13th April target for getting list of RDKV features.

Ajith provided feature lists for quarterly releases.

TRM issue fixed

Ajith provided list of files to Comcast that are to be moved to ext repo from meta_rdk, meta_rdk_broadband and meta_rdk_video layers. Ajith to follow up containerisation layer changes with Khem & Sandeep on Friday. meta_rdk_bsp_emulator is for Rajkumar to consider. (run time & build time (Netflix, RNE USB packages)


Licensing Dashboard

Release Test Metrics

Nightly Test Metrics



  • BlackDuck: 40 38 37 42 CMF RDKB BlackDuck tickets open. 
  • Test: Pass rate for RDKB Emulator for last iteration at 84% 86% 88% 96%.
  • Quarterly Release - Ajith to provide feature list.

  • Documentation from Arris on xb6 platforms - possible to run large number of TDK tests without CMTS. Liberty would like validation on Puma 7 - xb6 / docsis 3.1.

  • Intel ref board (Cougar). 2 boards in Cork. Next step is to attempt to bring them up and get working. TDK would need to be ported - should be straightforward. Intel have a contribution for TDK on cougar board - might be something CMF could test once we get Cougar boards up and running.

  • Kevin Ross sent email outlining problems with fixes being applied at OEM layer as opposed to on the ref board. - So lots of challenges.
  • XB6 - CMF image did not successfully flash onto XB6. Arris provided recovery procedure which was successful.
  • Ajith will wait until next quarterly before adding feature list to quarterly release.
  • Releases on track for this week
  • Quarterly Release Made
  • Feature list provied by Ajith.


Licensing Dashboard

Test Metrics

Raspberry PiCMF
  • Test Pass rate RDKB for last iteration - 87% 87% 87% 96.5% Test Pass Rate RDKV 78.3% 82% (E2E & mediaframework)
  • Tata working on increasing test coverage for RDKV R-Pi.  

  • Westeros & Weston are the defaults for R-Pi. (QT for XG1/Xi3)
  • LNT use Westeros (Comcast) and we used WPE (Weston - LGI)) for TDK testing. We are now using Westeros.
  • R-Pi V still only minimal number of components supported by TDK. (Iarmbus, RDKlogger, Mediaframework, E2E).
  • R-PI video roadmap is available on wiki but does not show component support / coverage roadmap - Ajith to request this.
  • LNT monthly releases feed into TDK Releases which in turn feed into CMF Releases.
  • LNT run 43 sanity tests manually as part of their release process.
  • Weekl meeting in place to share and oprioritise issues.
  • Component support comes form platform team (LNT)
  • Releases on track for this week - but links broken to release notes etc. - LNT fixing.
  • R-pi V E2E tests still quiet poor (~60 failing tests <80% pass rate) - have been since December
  • Sreelal working with Rajkumar to get E2E test issue resolved - will include James n the discussion.
  • Latest 3+ R-Pi support (5G) - has different Wifi chip so needs configuration changes for the build. For now until tech summit focus on 3B. After that look at 3B+


  • TDK Issues:  21 18 19 16
  • Comcast interested in Emulator testing (focus for Khem's team) so Tata test on Comcast emulator and also on a regular basis (once every 2 weeks) test with CMF image. Report sent to James.
  • Bi-weekly Tata's test run report on CMF RDKB emulator image sent to James. James working with Sreelal on sprint planning for TDK issues.

  • Discussing sharing build artifacts via AWS with Sreelal - RDKM happy to do this from legal pespective given all parties working for RDKM
  • Weekly test meeting in place LNT / Tata / Accenture.
  • Nightly test metrics available - may be of interest to Nidhi / Srelaal
  • Contribution sanity testing working in CMF
  • Adding R-Pis to Lab for RDKB E2E testing - plan to run a set of these this month and will follow next month with Emulator E2E. (2 days to run full set)
  • Comcast sanity tests for contributions - 17 scenarios with 30-35 test cases being run on xb6 device - will share with James


TDK Issues

Nightly Metrics

Comcast TestingRDKM
  • Progress in Comcast on making builds using CMF and integrating with portal - integrated with Comcast test automation / racks.Will need to be on Arris XG1 - CMF may need to migrate to this platform also.
  • Comcast able to execute tests and publish results with CMF builds. 2 Tests. Next step is to expand the coverage. Use portal to trigger a new build for testing.Only setup to run weekly.
  • Ajith to talk with Barry/Pramod about plan for handling contributions.
  • 4 Platforms to be procured. Hooks to be added for contribution testing. Pramod tracking.
  • Comcast builds working, enabled 1 test - 1hr and 4hr to be enabled next. 4 XG1v3 boxes procured.
  • RDKV current build is ext_src. RDKB ext_src build fails because of the number of patches.
  • Will continue for 3-4 months with v3 platforms in Comcast. Will need to review test cases that Comcast is executing. James will need access to tableau.
  • RDKB testing will require further discussions - Ajith, Kanan plus Steve and Simon email , discussed with Khem on Friday
  • Titus working on 2 issues but blocked by builds failing - currently under investigation.
  • Ajith to setup a call to detemine how Comcast can make the generic code a base module and avoid having to use meta_cmf layers. The cpc should plugin to the generic rdk - requires refactoring. will arrange a call for April 9th or 10th.

  • Build problem fixed (moca mibs had been moved to a separate folder). Larger test runs will now be done.
  • Ajith to reschedule call on making generic code a Comcast base module to avoid using meta_cmf layers.

Titus on vacation last week. Comcast working on issues with continuous integration this week - related to migration of mibs to cpc repo.

Titus 2 tickets closed. Nex tup 1hr / 4 hr tests, then full regression. RDKB support may need to wait for Devtool. Sandeep/Tony to aim to reduce meta_cmf_layer


 New ComponentsRDKM
  • 18 17 10 14 remaining components identified for opensourcing (7 removed from list)
  • Ajith opened tickets RDK-17489 for Cognizant to update headers / license info for new components.

  • Technicolor - Dave provided details on 9 different copyright headers littered through out the code. Cisco told Technicolor that its okay to remove the copyrights - Technicolor need lette signed by Comcast/Cisco
  • There is to be no shared history for new rdkv components.
  1. XConf moving to generic version. XConf ticket being worked off shore RDKSVREQ-11876 - Waiting for merge, bouncing between Sanjay and Sandeep. Image created for regression testing - will take 1-2 weeks to complete so should be complete by 13th Dec. at latest
  2. Webui-bwg -  license issues 7 BD tickets - BD-442, BD-443, BD-446, BD-450, BD-453, BD-456, BD-458
  3. Iot license issues related to iControl - touchstone component to be replaced by Zilker. Check back in May 2018. IOT is not used in RDK-C. It will be summer (May) before RDK-C is available for RDKM assignment.

  4. fog - Blocked since November by 3 license issues - (CODEMGMT-445, BD-363 BD-366 BD367)
  5. ccspEthAgent causing issues for test and should be prioritised for assignment to RDKM. Blocked by Cisco headers.

  6. sec-apis-crypto Blocked by License issues. 

  7. sec_apis - Blocked - licensing issues - to be opensoured under Apache 2.0 (OpenSSL is not compatible with Apache 2.0). (CODEMGMT-450)
  8. mdc - Blocked, not building in Comcast, being refactored by Arris in January. (CODEMGMT-516). Arris were short a resource to do this work but may have found one now. Charles Cheevers on the case now. Rob Tracking
  9. sys_mon_tools/mem_analyser_tools - no headers/licenses in place. In progress.
  10. aamp - Not Apache compatible.
  11. rne
  12. notify_comp
  13. MeshAgent
  14. iperf-wrapper
  • mediaframework and servicemanager with Mindy to answer licensing question.
  • mdc not used on Comcast devices but LGI interested - will be contributed by Arris to CMF
  • Aamp to be refactored to split out LGPL plugin
  • mem_analyser_tools - Ajith to update ticket re boilerplate code. Dave provided simple changes to mem_analyser_tools script to remove obvious copy/pastes
  • sec-apis crypto - will be released to LGI as tarball on wiki. sprint to be targeted for refactoring in Comcast. Intertrust propriatary code may mean it is never opensourced. All in melting pot
  • sec-apis (openssl) wil lbe looked at after sec-apis crypto.
  • mdc being worked - no update.
  • New repos created for LGI containerisation RDKCMF-8153 - Done
  • Ajith followed up on mem_analyser_tools
  • 4 new components assigned - Ajith to provide urls.
  • Mibs in meta_Rdk/ext will nead license headers also - Ajith to work on this.
  • Is AAMP team going to keep CPC repo as the combined version (ie not modify it at all) and create a new generic version for Apache 2.0 and another new one for LGPL gst piece, later deprecate the CPC repo when both Comcast and CMF are in sync? Ajith to follow up with Steve Allison. Also will check if sprint has moved to July. It is needed for the Tech Summit
  • Will emulator components need to have headers updated back to rdk licensed? Ajith to get Comcasts opinion before changing all the licenses to RDK License.
  • Ajith to provide 4 urls new components.
  • Also need to resolve RNE issue w.r.t Big Bunny license issue
  • Kieran to send Ajith ticket on mibs in meta_rdk/ext (BD-514)

Urls of 2 of the components appear to be CPC urls &1 is github - Ajith to confirm if these are to be used.

To be discussed with Rob next week. In the meantime look to see if we can scan any of the code in Comcast for issues. Header updates in progress.

Ajith to follow up on AAMP plan in Comcast.


New Components

Community Contributions



  • RDKCOMMUNITY (RDKCOM) tracker   62 85 83 130 (120 with RDKM, 10 with Comcast, 0 Accenture)

  • RDKM Reviews: DVR changes to R-Pi by Cognizant

    • Need to review design documents before determining whether the approach is acceptable.Nidhi shared architecture power point. (Open since June 2017)

    • DVR: Nidhi provided presentation on DVR to Ajith - under review. Update may not be accpeted as is . Sujeesh needs to take up with Prasad. Need to get an email from Sujessh to put his concerns on a more formal footing.Ajith to draft an email on issues raised by Sujeesh
    • DVR - Ajith needs to follow up with Sujeesh and Prasad before next meeting on Wed 8th Nov
    • DVR - Comcast won't accept - need an alternative mechanism - will be abandoned - Ajith to add comments to review to explain why and then abandon.
    • Ajith to discuss the DVR contribution with Prasad and Sujeesh before abandoning this.
    • Ajith to discuss DVR, low priority
  • DVR being updated by Sujeesh. Ajith to followup with Sujeesh with email on DVR.
  • Sujeesh okay for DVR contribution to be abandoned - Ajith to abandon
  • Rpi DVR code in open repo - need to consider moving to restricted folder - needs architecture discussion.
  • Ajith to abandon DVR contribution form Cognizant 10003 & 10004
  • Rpi DVR architecture being worked in advance of ait appearing on CMF. (refactor the same way as tdk was)
  • RDKCOM tracker to be cleaned up - not an accurate reflection of open issues. (Khem does not look at tickets when merging)

DVR contributions abandoned by Dave.

50 open downstreamed items in Comcast Gerrit



CMF Contributions

Gerrit Review Dashboard

Open Sourcing ComponentsCMF
  • 89 96 97 71  Opensourced, 62 61 89 Licensed, 14 OE-mirors. (133 deprecated, 189 collaboration)
  • Not opensourced yet:
    • Closedcaption, Mediaframework, mfrlibs 3 Generic RDKV components Blocked -  Proprietary Copyrights
    • 4 DVB components blocked -  Proprietary Copyrights.. 
    • Restricted components (dvr / recorder / podmanager ) not to be open sourced yet. 

    • gst-plugins-rdk to be made available under LGPL and open sourced. gst-plugins-rdk-dvr needs further review as can't be made available under LGPL if it contains proprietary code that is not to be shared with the world. 

    • rdk-oe - patches / configuration files / layer configurations. meta_rdk_restricted - dvr, recorder, gst_plugins_dvr etc. Manifests. rdk_oe to be open sourced once migrations of recipes are complete (to ext).  

    • lxc emulator component not applicable for open sourcing
    • tools, tr069, QT patches
    • Equivalent components to those above in emulator and raspberrypi

  • Emulator components (devices/intel-86-pc)  7 components opensourced

  • TDK Plan is to opensource in Sep Dec Jan Feb (tdk, tdkb, tdk tools, R-Pi hal for TDK. Emulator TDK not yet, and tdk_advanced not at all). Reset the history for TDK that is opensourced, keep the history in the advaned repo for moved scripts (dvr & timeshift test cases etc).

  • Ajith to investigate possibility of creating an IP only version of emulator - will need IP players - consider for 2018.
  • More work in progress to move file with references to DVR and TSB - being refactored
  • tdkb for emulator opensourced.
  • Spreadsheet of openssourced vs licensed components provided to RDKM
  • TDK to be ready for opensourcing as part of M57 release April 7th.
  • Ajith to provide list of URLs to be open sourced after confirming they are ready with Sreelal.

Dave to review licenses and update license and notice files before opensourcing of TDK can begin.




Migration to Open Source

Close Sourcing ComponentsCMF

The following components that were pen sourced have now been removed from gitHub abd only made available to Licensees:

  • 1. devices/intel-x86-pc/rdkri/westeroswesteros
  • 2. rdk/components/generic/rmf_mediastreamer 
  • 3. rdk/components/generic/servicemanager
  • 4. rdk/components/generic/sysint
  • 5. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/devicesettings
  • 6. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/iarmmgrs
  • 7. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/rdkbrowser
  • 8. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/rmf_mediastreamer
  • 9. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/servicemanager
  • 10. rdk/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/sysint
  • 11. rdkb/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/sysint
  • 12. rdkb/devices/intel-x86-pc/emulator/tdkb
  • 13. rdkb/devices/rdkbemu/ccsp/rdkb
  • 14. rdkb/devices/rdkbemu/rdkbemu_xb3
  • All still Apache licensed.

Discussions happening with legal - need to discuss with Intel also before deciding what to do with the components.


  • Coverity 2401 2727 2784  2896 Vey High security Issues reported
  • WhiteSource  449 457 467 485 High Vulnerability Libraries reported

  • Discussion of security issues with Greg to be postponed to 2018
  • Security & vulnerabilities continue to rise.
  • Intel provided security requirements document.
  • Whitesource latest plugin needs jenkins upgrade - reports will be delayed until that is done.
  • Coverity reports split between RDKV and RDKB to overcome issue with stream limit
  • Request for CMF to look at FOSSID
  • DVB-SI component - wanted in CMF as trusted to scan propoerly and resolve licensing issues before making available. Dave has responded with scan assessment on ticket
  • Kieran emailed Glee on FOSSID proposal to clarify costs / issues compared to cost of staying with Protex.


Security Reports
  • RDKM plan visit to Cork for Friday June 1st
  • Jeff & Martin not authorised to access Comcast JIRA - Ajith to provide copy of onboarding document.

XOPS ticket opened but closed as that group are no longer looking at tools - now with tools team. Need access to to raise tickets with them!

Date for Tech summit? 10-12 July. Repo to be created in CMF for summit source code. access to defined user list.

secrets files request - need clarification on the ask - could have big impact on imports etc.

Comcast LGI collab zone confluence page access for Intel SDK - Ajith to get access for Kieran, Dave Smith and Steve. Mirror as opposed to snapshot likely to be the ask.

R-Pi Utopia - REFPLTB-16 (patches) Hal REFPLTB-167 (recipes symlinks / copy files) - can't build and test changes that come in for these components as ext_src does not work with these. Ajth to work with Rajkumar on sprint planning of theses items.

rdkapps CODEMGMT-219 symlinks in repositories (open since 2015) - Ajith to address - rdkapps not used in Comcast - may be used by R-Pi.


  • New Metrics Requested
    1. Divergence of RDKB Backlog  between Comcast Gerrit & RDK Central CMF.  Done
    2. BlackDuck Issues. Done
    3. Contributions - waiting for requirements/rules from Ajith
  • Only RDKM have access rights to the metrics - the list of people with access to be extended to some Comcast and possibly some LGI folks. Security reports not to be shared with Charter and LGI
  • Ajith to provide rules for contribution metrics by Friday 6th Oct. Ajith to plan for providing the contribution rules for metrics.
  • Can now hide panels on metrics central - Is hiding the security panel from Charter and LGI folks sufficient ?
  • Glee to review metics page


Metrics Central

Nightly Metrics
