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According to RDK Logger page, it seems that RDK 2.0 Logger supports to separates logs into separate files based on "SEPARATE.LOGFILE.SUPPORT" configuration variable.
However, the current RDK Logger(RDK 2.0 Release and the latest version) does not support the feature yet.
Could you let us know whether the feature "SEPARATE.LOGFILE.SUPPORT" will be supported in the next Generic RDK Release or not?
If there is a plan to support it, does it support to limit the maximum size of separate log files like the log4c rollingfile appender?
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Unknown User (asingh)
Hi Junho,
To raise it to engineering we have created a support ticket
for the same, will update you once we will hear back from Comcast engineering regarding the plan.Ajay
Unknown User (jjeong)
Hi Ajay,
Thank you for creating the issue RDK-77.
Unknown User (asingh)
It seems its support also not there in the coming 2.0.1 release, will keep you posted as soon as we will hear from Comcast engineering regarding the plan.