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In SystemService.cpp [components/generic/servicemanager/src/services/systemservice.cpp] there is a #include that I can't find:
#if defined(HAS_API_SYSTEM) && defined(HAS_API_POWERSTATE)
#include "powerstate.h"
Later on when handling Power Commands we see this, which is not conditional:
else if( method == METHOD_SYSTEM_SET_POWER_STATE && getApiVersionNumber() >= 2 )
QString powerState;
QVariantList list = params["params"].toList();
powerState = list.first().toString();
bool ok = CPowerState::instance()->setPowerState(powerState);
returnResult["success"] = QVariant(ok);
Where can I find this class, which seems to bind the request to the IARM_BUS Power commands served by components/generic/iarmmgrs/power/pwrMgr.c
The code I'm looking at is current as of 7/1/14 and the SHA1 of servicemanager is 6c1255718e4a459070837938307930574e00e49c
Unknown User (hteece)
I had a dig in a platform repo and found that CPowerState is defined there.
The implementation posts the power events to either iARM or iARM_BUS depending on build flags.
Any reason why this isn't generic code?
Unknown User (asingh)
Power manager is a SoC dependent component hence its implementation is in the platform specific repo.
Unknown User (hteece)
I have no problem with the implementation being Platform Specific, but the header shouldn't be.
The header should be in a Generic include location otherwise how can a generic implementation reference it?
Also, if the RDK is to use iARM and iARM bus as the API to the platform, surely you should be sending messages with that...
Unknown User (asingh)
Yes I do agree.