This is a limited release with only three features and no other features and fixes to RDK6.0 will be accepted. Same platforms as 6.0 


  1. Webkit 2.38.12 Epic RDKVREL-8. Support RDKDEV-432 (Documents some Sanity Tests to be used, some test reports and  some test issues)
  2. Thunder 4.2 Epic: RDKVREL-7  UserStory RDKDEV-643
  3. YT 2024.  Epics: RDKVREL-91 & RDKVREL-208
  4. WebKit 2.38 will follow the Comcast Test Plan for browser: WPE Upgrade Test Scope plus the TDK Test 'Sanity' / 'Regression Suites' : as attached to TDK-7152 (RDK_Sanity_Suite, UI_SanityTestSuite and RDKV_BCM-SGM-sanityTest-Cases)

Overall Status

Platforms teams working on integrating Webkit 2.38 and Thunder 4.2 on a feature branch. Required changes are being cherrypicked from rdk-next to this feature branch. Changes will be merged to the feature branch once builds are working. The changes will be cherrypicked to rdk6-main once ready for testing. There will be 3 release candidates:

RC.1 Jan 8th - Target for Feature delivery

RC.2 Feb 5th 21st- Bug fixing

RC.3 March 4th 18th - Bug fixing

RDK6.1 March 29th - Release

BRCM / Sagemcom Status

Stiletto / BRCM7126  are not part of this release. This is being worked by Rajapriya for RDK7 - (needs new BRCM SDK and move from ACK5.1.0 to 5.1.1). No specific RDK6.1 sprint plans in December -aim is to have build issues resolved.  Power Management fixes on rdk_next not being targeted for RDK6.1

Webkit 2.38

  • CPE test utility (Browser Test Tool : B2T Tool)and browser test suites in scope. (Browser Tests - Shilpa) Akhil requesting detailed test procedures form Comcast. Acceptance criteria clarified.
  • BRCM and Sagemcom have been validated on rdk_nex .  Test Report
  • Changes cherry picked to rdk6_main.

Thunder 4.2

  • A very large number of changes  brought to rdk6_main - will take time. RC.1 Jan 12th ready.


  • YT24 changes on rdk_next. Distro enabled. Verified encrypted and clear playback
  • DME Apps +SDK24 + ACK15.1.3 Jan 19th delivery. (Kirkstone by March (Q1) - so delayed start for RDK7.)
  • BRCM dev team task is to take delivery of the DME apps and do sanity test - no certification required as its already certified by Broadcom
  • Shibu's team doesn't have BRCM platform and unlikely to be testing on Sagemcom.

Rpi-4 Status

Webkit 2.38

Thunder 4.2

  • Feature build completed on feature branch by Akhil / Rosna  


  • Changes are merged to rdk_next
  • YT23 stopped working - libcobalt no longer supported by Google - migrated to evergreen.


  • RPI-4 IPSTB port completed - running fine. 
  • H264 trickmodes rmf deferred as rmf not to be supported in RDK7, AAMP will need to be addressed in RDK7 time frame. 

Amlogic / AmlogicTV / Skyworth Status

Webkit 2.38

Thunder 4.2

  • Ran on rdk_next and rerun on feature branch. 
  • Web audio issue is only key issue so far. Resolved


  • Certification completed - Google reviewed 

RealTek / Sercomm Status

Webkit 2.38

Thunder 4.2

  • Ran on rdk_next and on feature branch. 
  • Web audio issue is only key issue so far. Resolved


  • Certification completed - Google reviewed. 
  • No labels