
CcspTR069, in the function of CcspManagementServer_RegisterWanInterface(), to get the  com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.pam.Helper.FirstUpstreamIpInterface with the function CcspBaseIf_getParameterNames.

after some investigation, this finally will call the function Pam_GetFirstIpInterfaceObjectName of PandM,  in this function, all interface would be iterated. 

In my case, Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream should be the correct one, but according to the logs of PandM, Device.Ethernet.Interface.5. could not be found. 

but according to dmcli eRT getv Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream, the value could be gotten successfully.

root@RaspberryPi-Gateway:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT getv Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
getv from/to component(eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.ethagent): Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream
Execution succeed.
Parameter    1 name: Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream
               type:       bool,    value: true

From the output of dmcli, this Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Upstream parameter was controlled by ethAgent.

Is to to say that the data between ethAgent and PandM did not sync? Do you know why? or any hint that I can have a try?

Thank you very much!

  • No labels


  1. I saw there is a line printed in the 

    220723-05:16:21.221400 [mod=PAM, lvl=WARN] [tid=1360] <analyze_reply>: DbusSend error='org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown', msg='eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.ethagent'


    1. user-3ffc2

      Hi Unknown User (heming.a.tang) ,

      Could you please provide below details 

      • Which CMF release you are seeing this issue ?
      • cat /version.txt
      • Log files - Ethagent, PAM, CR under /rdklogs/logs
      • dmcli eRT getv Device.Ethernet.

      Priyankaa KVB

  2. Hello Unknown User (priyankaa.kvb) 

    Thank you very much for your reply!

    I use the release rdkb-2022q1-dunfell-32bit, and build the image for RPI.

    other information I will provide you tomorrow if it's still needed because the device is in the office.

    After my investigation, I found the PandM (log file: PAMlog.txt.1) try to get the Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Name when PandM start, but at that time EthAgent is not up, and complain that  org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown.

    the below extracted from PAMlog.txt.1

    220723-05:16:20.427401 [mod=PAM, lvl=NOTICE] [tid=1376] Device.Ethernet.Interface.5, size 27, buf len 256
    220723-05:16:20.427467 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming ---CcspBaseIf_getParameterValues----
    220723-05:16:20.427530 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming ---CcspBaseIf_getParameterValues----step#1
    220723-05:16:20.427595 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming ---CcspBaseIf_getParameterValues---dbus_path: /com/cisco/spvtg/ccsp/ethagent
    220723-05:16:20.427706 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming ---CcspBaseIf_getParameterValues----parameterNames[0]: Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Name
    220723-05:16:20.427858 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming -- CCSP_Message_Bus_Send_Msg -- 
    220723-05:16:20.427998 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming -- CCSP_Message_Bus_Send_Msg -- step#1 
    220723-05:16:20.428847 [mod=PAM, lvl=ERROR] [tid=1376] Heming -- CCSP_Message_Bus_Send_Msg -- step#3 
    220723-05:16:20.428940 [mod=PAM, lvl=WARN] [tid=1376] <analyze_reply>: DbusSend error='org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown', msg='eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.ethagent'
    220723-05:16:20.429024 [mod=PAM, lvl=WARN] [tid=1376] CosaUtilGetLowerLayerName -- failure 4294967295, to retrieve Device.Ethernet.Interface.5.Name
    220723-05:16:20.429092 [mod=PAM, lvl=WARN] [tid=1376] CosaDmlEthLinkLoadPsm -- failed to retrieve LowerLayer name parameter, error code 4294967295

    below is extracted from ETHAGENTLog.txt.0

    220723-05:16:22.874591 [mod=ETHAGENT, lvl=INFO] [tid=1800] 
    After daemonize before signal
    220723-05:16:22.878139 [mod=ETHAGENT, lvl=INFO] [tid=1800] 
    before cmd_dispatch command
    220723-05:16:22.878217 [mod=ETHAGENT, lvl=INFO] [tid=1800] Connect to bus daemon...
    220723-05:16:22.878799 [mod=ETHAGENT, lvl=WARN] [tid=1800] DBus is enabled


    1. user-3ffc2

      Hi Unknown User (heming.a.tang) ,

      Created RDKBSUP-760 - Getting issue details... STATUS to track this issue. Please let me know if you are facing any issues with accessing the ticket . 

      Please provide the requested details (added as comment in the ticket) in https://jira.rdkcentral.com/jira/browse/RDKBSUP-760

      Priyankaa KVB

      1. Thank you Unknown User (priyankaa.kvb) 

        I can access the Jira ticket. I will provide the detail information which you asked tomorrow. Thank you!