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On the 2015 RDK Users Conference, I don’t remember in which presentation, it was said that the QT version 5.4 has a licensing problem and we would like to know if the QT will continue to be supported in the RDK and also if it is planned an upgrade to the 5.4 version?
Glee Abraham
As you rightly mentioned, currently RDK is using qt 5.1.1. Since qt 5.4 is being licensed under LGPLv3, there is no plan to upgrade to QT 5.4 as the license terms are unacceptable. Patches to qt 5.1.1 are being distributed by the CMF & RDK will continue to support qt 5.1.1.
Comcast is also exploring CEF/BLINK as an alternative to QT. But that is a longer term plan.
Unknown User (phiggs)
Hi Glee
Given that the LGPLv3 licensing terms for QT5.4 are unacceptable, why is it that the recent DVB-SI contribution from Arris can make use of the kompex database wrapper which is also licensed under LGPL3?
Unknown User (dcrandall)
There was a webEngine that was supposed to make its way into QT 5.4, is that essentially shelved with the decision to stay on QT 5.1.1?
Unknown User (rshastry)
Anyone tried updating qt 5.1.1 to qt 5.4.1 for RDK and was successful in playing a sample video?